Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"We would have a lot of reservations about causing there to be more mages and are aiming to decrease the workload of mages in general, but if there's depression that's not responsive to other forms of help and there are redmages willing to help even once they have more of a choice about it then we'd happily pay the bills."
"The trouble, of course, is that if you decrease the demand for mages in general there will not be more redmage capacity to distribute, after a while."
"Yeah. If sharing the springs is possible we could have Elves who would consent to being a redmage make child forks of themselves. The existing system for redmages in particular raises - consent concerns - by the standards of my society, it'd be much better if it were voluntary."
"It's a religious matter, the restricted access - as well as an economic one, but the religion might bow to the economy if you are sufficiently otherworldly at it. The consent concerns are unavoidable, the springs just won't mage anyone past a certain age. For whatever it's worth the children tend to want to go."
"Yes, that might be the sort of thing that would cause relevant theologians to have philosophical insights," says Liatsi.
"All right. Thank you very much for your time. We're ready to go on setup as soon as the logistical details are all worked out. Do you personally care to become a summoner before we have everything arranged?"
Nod. "I thought we would leave it entirely up to you how much about how summoning works you want to reveal to your populace. If they try it on their own they are likelier to mess up, so we want to encourage people to summon only at the supervised locations; one way to do that is not widely sharing enough information that anyone could guess how to do it. We could instead publish textbooks describing exactly how to do it right, but you really do have to get it right. On my home world it is actually disabled except in certain locations but the Valar are very conservative and the benefits to daeva much smaller at home than they will be here."
"It will be easier to make changes in the one direction than the other. Perhaps when you've trained local personnel their error rate and how much training it takes them to achieve it will be instructive."
Nod. "In that case I recommend that you do a public summoning at one of the established locations - we can have one here, if you like - and that we at least allow it to be implied that it only works in those. We can make the circles not visible to the human eye. You can and probably should select a daeva in advance."
"Not here, I think - well, not in the palace, perhaps you meant in the city. How should I select a daeva?"
"For something this important I would probably ask someone I know very well who wouldn't be tempted to misbehave. In general I really like talking to people and have long lists of daeva who I think would be suited to particular tasks, but they're not as a class very - serious - there's not much at stake for them -"
"The name wouldn't mean anything to you, but sure, he's a demon named Cam who introduced summoning to his world as a human and would probably be happy to play a ceremonial role in its unveiling in this one."