An individual in an eclectic mix of clothing including one glove and one sock appears, quite out of nowhere, and does not immediately react to this event.
A little over a minute later a muffled but clearly audible voice is audble through the foam:
"Hello, this is Dragon - do you have a reason for appearing in my workshop?"
"Most people can't take actions on purpose without knowing they are doing so - do you know how to explain what makes you different?"
"It's because I can't talk to me. The rest of me might know things this me does not know."
"Okay. I'm going to unfoam you in a minute - sorry for doing that in the first place but you appeared in a room with a lot of sensitive equipment and I was startled."
She's finished moving all the fabrication equipment out of the room by the time she starts unfoaming the intruder.
There's not much left in the room now, just a desk, a (comfortable) chair, bottled water, and a computer monitor with Dragon's video avatar on the screen it.
"Do you know where you came from before this? Or what your name is?"
"If the rest of me has picked a name in the last eight minutes and thirteen seconds I don't know about it. I can pick one off my shortlist. Rubelite. I was in the fourth Presger system."
"Where is that generally - I haven't heard of the Presger before."
And neither has the Internet or the PRT, which is much more surprising.
"If I am guessing right the nearest star you have a word for in this language is Rigel."
"I am guessing that this language calls that star Rigel and doesn't call the one that the fourth Presger system has anything besides some numbers."
"Rigel is a star 870 light years away - the language is English, though I think the names are standardized across languages. I'm not aware of any form of extraterrestrial life, much less one that appears human and knows English."
Though she's not completely discounting the possibility - most people think humans are the only intelligent life on Earth and they'd be wrong about that.