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It's cute. "Should I tone it down? I could pretend that I think you really wholeheartedly want me to go to Tirion with a fairy bodyguard/translator and try to catch up on botany."


"And I could pretend that you are convincingly lying and you could pretend to think I'm convinced and - 

- just do what you want, okay? As long as you're willing to ignore whatever - read - you're getting off me,  I don't mind that you notice it -"


"...can't ignore, can - neglect? Mostly? I don't have to attempt to seduce you but I can't stop thinking it's lovely."


"It is," insists Cir. "It's - sort of - cozy -? I'm not very good at putting this stuff into words, when Ruviri's around we just hold hands and keep saying 'you know that thing' 'oh yes that thing'."


"I really wish I were the mindreading kind of Elf." He couldn't ask his redmage not to keep thoughts private from him, what an appalling thing to ask, but if his redmage came up with the idea -


"- the look on your face would be amazing, if there's a way to do that definitely tell me, but you'd have to stop when I was around my family unless they said it was okay."


"Sadly chips don't work on humans - if you wanted specific concepts you could bounce them through Mingling or Midnight but it wouldn't work for the general thing -" squeeze - "it is entirely all right to not want to share your thoughts with anyone -"


"...My favorite thing in the entire world is sitting with Ruviri making facial expressions at each other, that's half of why I might want to invite her here, I don't see why I wouldn't want to be able to get better detail than that with you."


"Maybe someone'll eventually figure out how to necklace it. How old is Ruviri, how long before she - gets assignments -"


"She's fourteen. Late next year. She thinks she has a crush on Lord Ivex and she doesn't actually and I keep telling her..."


"That's a - potential client?"


"Yeah. He came by to meet her first, brought her a present, was nice to her attendant - Ava."


"Better than not that but not necessarily the stuff of true love."


"Yeah. And he's one of them."


"I mean, if you thought he was exceptionally suitable and he's her hangup about leaving we could give him the money to pay for her to not take other clients. But - I suppose it's appallingly hypocritical to think poorly of people for using redmages -"


"You weren't planning on me. Anyway, I don't know anything about him except that he was polite, and picky between the crop of redmages available that year."


"I wasn't planning on you but I haven't sent you to Tirion with a bodyguard and translator, have I. They're not going to increase the workload for the other redmages, right..?"


"No, if we get past a certain point we're really hard to take care of. The waiting list will just get longer and the price will go up for anyone new who wants one."


"If we distributed the memory necklaces once we have a way to produce them faster, would they compensate for that with more clients..."


"...Maybe. I'm not sure most of us would object, mind."


"Because they like knowing lots of people in itself, or because they want to repay their debt to the guild..."


"Well, both. They couldn't overdo it too much though because then the clients start having trouble booking appointments when they want them."


"And we're not letting people use Milliways to run a convenient paid sex business." Sigh. "I wonder how ending material scarcity'll affect all of this."


"Material scarcity doesn't directly address any of the reasons people want mages. We don't exactly condense gold from vapor."

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