"Well, if you say your baseline hedonic state would be fine after losing Ramona, I definitely don't know enough about your history to contradict that, but it does seem worth running a prediction market on it..." Thellim's voice has slowed for a moment, as she taps a few keychords into her keyboard. "Huh. Prediction markets say that you'd probably be fine in terms of mental integrity for a while, but you should try creating an immortal catgirl at some point. We probably shouldn't dive into that right now, it sounds distracting."
"We've sort of stepped into this part prematurely, but one of the key variables in relationships is how much each side is getting from the other. One of the big things that potentially goes wrong in relationships is the same as what goes wrong in any other kind of trade: one side or both sides start to feel like they're getting a bad deal. Sometimes that means you shouldn't be trading at all; but more commonly, if the relationship otherwise has a lot going for it, what you need is a good old-fashioned repricing! Or even, just to explicitly negotiate, rather than leaving everything down to unspoken individual decisionmaking and relying on good will and large surpluses to make everything work anyways."
"I can talk about the principles underlying that, if they're not already familiar. For example, as with any other supply-demand equilibrium, the price of what you have to offer doesn't just depend on how much effort you put into it, or how valuable it is to the other person, but also how hard it would be for them to find the same goods elsewhere! Oxygen is very valuable, relative to its counterfactual absence, but in most places oxygen is so easy to get that you can't get a lot of relationship credit for providing oxygen to your partner."
"Another function of relationship therapists is to oversee negotiations like that, and provide a third-party judgment from somebody who's trying to be impartial about how much pricing power each party reasonably seems to have. That way, even if you don't get everything you wanted from negotiations, you know it's not just your partner being unreasonable and that a third-party judge helped set a valuation."
"I'll stop here and check if I'm still using concepts familiar to everyone's home dimensions."