Princess Arina loves the forest.
It's not the same as the castle - sometimes she still misses everything there, like on her birthday when she'd been really hoping for a proper cake in the shape of a bird like she'd had every other year, only for Selma to remind her that they didn't have any sugar. But Selma had made some griddlecakes with berries, and cut one to look sort of like a bird, and that was fun anyway.
And she doesn't like her new dresses that're so much scratchier and less colored than anything she used to wear where people would see her. But she reminds herself that she's in disguise like the heroines in the middle of so many songs, and then it's not so bad. Especially once she pricks herself on some thorns or scratches herself on a tree, and the scratchiness of the dresses doesn't matter so much anymore.