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A college student gets sucked into the digimon digital world.

The Digimon demon lords powers grow, slowly, but surely. The greatest of them are gathering vast armies in the Dark Area to invade the new digital world with. Something has to be done. The Seers council petitions the great host network intelligence Yggdrasill to bring a chosen Digi-Destined human to the new digital world.

Yggdrasill opens a connection to the real world, using the internet to contact a chosen Digi-Destined child.

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Lucemon, leader of the fallen digimon, has enough administrator rights left that he can sense Yggdrasill opening the way to the real world. He will be having none of that. A Digi-Destined child is not a weapon he can allow Yggdrassil to wield against him.

He can’t stop Yggdrasill… but he can redirect where the connection happens. This…this might actually help. Yes…the expenditure of his power would be ruinous, but it is either gamble on this plot or have his forces slowly die of attrition, if the royal knights do not kill them all first. 

Lucemon flies from his tower in the Dark Area, towards the coast, and sinks into the Deep Ocean. He is risking the attention of Dagomon, but he needs to be closer to where the connection passes through, and the Deep Ocean connects to all networks once you go deep enough.

There, he can sense the network connection. Lucemon does not have complete access to the network, not like Yggdrasill does. Unlike Yggdrasill he cannot find a specific useful human by reading through their social media (Lucemon in fact lost full admin privileges before social media even existed), but he can certainly use the admin rights he has left to redirect the connection to a certain place. A place with no children, so Yggdrasill cannot brainwash the the human who comes through so easily, one where the the humans would be educated, one where the humans would be sworn to save lives, even ‘evil’ ones.

Changing where the connection was made drains Lucemon, more than he expected it to, the cold waters of the Deep Ocean sapping his data as his full attention is on changing the connection, weakening him. This has to be done, this could a complete gamechanger if it works right, and would likely deny Yggdrasill a major weapon even if it goes wrong. He ignores his code being corrupted as he pushes the connection to the right place in the real world.

Hours (or maybe years, time is more malleable in the Deep Ocean) pass. Much of Lucemons data has drained into the cold and grasping waters, but he thinks he finally has it set correctly. All this power and data being used has to have attracted Dagomon by now, and even Lucemon fears him, despite the gap in evolution stages between them. Lucemon has been left even weaker than he expected from spending so long in the Deep Ocean, he needs to leave now.

He swims for the surface.

The water gets colder, darker, greener, more dense. Dagomon has found him. Lucemon looks behind him and sees the red eyes and tentacles of Dagomon coming up towards him. Lucemon can feel his data being stripped away even more quickly as Dagomon exerts his power over the waters of the Deep Ocean. He pushes himself faster upwards, and the more he pushes the more the water resists him. But the longer he stays the more of his data will be leeched from him. The tentacles of Dagomon seem to be all around him. Lucemon pushes upwards hard enough that it strains his digital core, his outer code in tatters around him, parts of his body showing only wireframe as the data has been leeched from him.

Finally, he surfaces. There is a dark laugh from under the water as Dagomon retreats, having already gotten much of Lucemons data. Lucemon barely makes it to shore before he collapses. He is so damaged he can no longer maintain consciousness.

His digital core cannot regenerate all the data his body is missing. To save itself, it reverts Lucemon back to an earlier, smaller form. He devolves.


In the real world, at a medical school, one of the computers in the library is flashing rather insistently. The entire monitor a kaleidoscope of flashing and swirling colours.


Al has never been the best with computers, if he's honest with himself. He's not tech-illiterate, he's just had some truly awful luck with computers. Even so, they've never gone this crazy before. He could just be seeing things. Maybe he shouldn't have been studying so late...


It keeps flashing and swirling! Maybe they should take a closer look.


He blinks a few times as he stares into the colors. He thinks he can almost make something out in it, but he's not sure what. Thus, he will indeed lean up towards the screen. Closer than he normally would, he's tired and his eyes are a little unfocused to start with.


Seems he got a little too close and touched the monitor. Now he is getting sucked into the screen! Al is turned into what looks like pixelated blocky special effects and then the monitor vaccums them up into itself.

The swirly flashy monitor turns off with a satisfied beep.


From his perspective, Al will go hurtling through a blue swirly tunnel vortex thing, sorta like what the Tardis in doctor who travels through, or what hyperspace looks like in star wars. He's like this for a while, whole minutes of being pulled along a swirly vortex tunnel thing.

Until suddenly he is in a dark and very spooky looking forest. It is spooky because it is night, and many of the branches are bare of leaves, and the grass underfoot is barely alive. Textbook spooky forest.


His first, anxiety-filled thought is that he doesn't know how he's going to make it to his morning office hours from here. His second is this must be some kind of dream and that he just fell asleep in the library, which puts him somewhat at ease.

The third, which occurs to him after he picks himself up off the ground and starts wandering around the woods, is that this is the first time that he's been able to remember the transition from being awake to being asleep, and that he feels remarkably aware for being in a dream. He tries some tests to tell if he's in a dream that he vaguely remembers from when he briefly looked into practicing lucid dreaming, and none of them work, but he also vaguely remembers that sometimes people have lucid dreams without being able to control the dream, so that's a bit of a wash.

Overall, there is now a somewhat bedraggled japanese-american med student wandering around the forest, muttering to himself about lucid dreams.


“Hello there” Comes a voice from somewhere above and behind Al.

There is a incredibly pretty and very androgynous winged teenager (the only hint as to possible gender is a lack of breasts.), sitting on a tree branch. They look human except for all the wings, just so so many white feathery wings. The angelic aesthetic person looks so pretty it actually verges into looking a little unreal, like real people wouldn’t look like that, they'd have some visual flaws. They are even glowing very softly, so the lack of daylight isn’t an impediment to seeing the unreality of how flawless they are. The only thing breaking up the perfectly airbrushed but in real life look is some weird tattoos on one side of their body. They look a little smug about something.


Al will quickly spin around to get his eyes on whoever spoke, and-- boy, that really is a lot of wings. The unreality of it isn't too surprising though, given that this is clearly a dream. "Good evening," he replies, more or less automatically.


The child grins. Wide, perhaps with too many teeth.

”Oh this is brilliant. I got very lucky. Im guessing you are a university student? Old enough to have read some history.” The angel person looks very self satisfied. “I’ve totally ruined that bastards plan, this was absolutely worth it.” He seems to be talking more to himself than to Al.

Then the angel person actually meets Al’s gaze and tosses something to him. Some kind of chunky phone/pda device. “This is yours.”

The digivice


"Uh, yeah. I got my pre-med last year..." Al answers absentmindedly, almost fumbling the catch but managing to save it at the last second. "Okay. What is it?" He experimentally presses one of the buttons on it as he asks his question.


The screen lights up green but is otherwise blank. Could use it like a flashlight like that though, even if the light does tinge everything a little green.


“A digivice” (said: dee-gee-vice). “It showed up a little bit before you did. I couldn’t make it work for me, but I didn’t really expect to be able to succeed. So you can have it back.” The angel child person doesn’t sound all that disappointed by that.


"Well, thanks, I guess. Hopefully I don't break it." He chuckles long-sufferingly as he slips the digivice into one of his several pockets.

Then he just kind of stands there for a minute, not really doing much. Damn he's tired, and now that he doesn't have a bright computer screen in his face it's getting kind of hard to stay awake.

Are you supposed to feel sleepy in your dreams? Is it healthy to go to sleep in a dream? He dis some research into sleep health, but after reviewing his memories he feels kind of stupid for thinking there would be anything about the 'health' of different dream imagery.

"Do you know if it's safe to sleep?" he asks the kid, assuming they're still there, on the off chance his subconscious knows.


“You seem pretty calm about all this. I expected humans to be more… ‘ahh oh no my worldview is shattered that I'm not the only sentient species around.’ Or outright xenophobic.” 

The angel kid walks right up to him. “You don’t even seem that curious.” Which is slightly disappointing, curiosity is a trait in people that they enjoy seeing.

”You probably want to find a town to sleep in, or at least somewhere hidden. There are things out here that don’t care if their next meal is made of people.”


"This is a pretty weird for a dream, but I'm still pretty sure it's a dream. I'm a little worried that falling asleep in the library computer lab is going to get me in hot water with the library staff, and I'm probably going to have a killer headache when I wake up, but other than that I figure the worst thing that could happen is my brain decides to jumpscare me."

Al sighs. "Yeah, I can imagine people would react pretty poorly. I'd like to think that if this were happening for real I'd handle it better than that, with all the effort I've put into going ovo-lacto vegetarian, but until it does I don't think I can really say for certain."

Yeah, he guesses sleeping in some random clearing in an extremely horror-coded forest would begging for a jumpscare. "Any chance you could point me towards a town, if there is one nearby?"


The angel pokes him, very hard, hard enough to really hurt. “Dreams don’t cause pain like that.”

Silly human, they should have guessed denial could have been a response. “This is real, I’m real, you are real. This world is real. Well, real enough. If you get eaten by a Kuwagamon you’ll die for real.”


He did try giving himself a slap earlier, but he reflexively pulled it. That poke hurt, and while he still isn't totally sure that's actual concrete evidence that this is real, it does at least mean that if he gets fucked up his brain is going to make sure he feels it. "Right. I will try and avoid whatever a Kuwagamon is. And danger in general, I guess."

Still no word on whether there are any nearby towns or what direction they might be in, so Al just starts wandering in a random one. He doesn't really have any stealth skills, but he's at least mostly trying to move from tree to tree rather than milling around in the open, and is keeping his eyes out for anything that looks like it could work as an impromptu shelter.


The angel follows him. Rolling their eyes at the continued denialism.

”Do you read fantasy? Do people still read narnia? You’ve been narnia’d. And the queens wolves would absolutely be able to eat Lucy Pevensie if they found her.” 

“And at least she was nice enough to introduce herself to mr. Tumnus” The angel grumbles under their breath.

”You want to head further to the left, theres a goblimon camp that way, they don’t eat people at least, if you keep going in the same direction as you are now you’ll meet a veggiemon that isn’t so nice.”


Al sighs again. "Yes, people read Narnia. There were some movies too, I think, a few years back. And if this is real, then there's at least even odds that you're some kind of fairy that'll filch my name if I 'give' it to you or something. But you can call me Al if you want."

When he's given the directions, Al will promptly follow them. It's a bit hypocritical, if he's trying to actually treat this angel kid like a potential threat, but he's honestly too tired to follow through on that. He just has to hope that this isn't some fucked up trap.


“Ew, I’m not fairy typed. I mean no offence to those who are, but ew no not for me. I could never give up my angel wings. I didn’t even bother to change shape so it’s pretty obvious what kind of digimon I am.” The kid poses, vainly, a literal halo appears over their head. They glow even more brightly.

”Lucemon, greatest of the angels, bringer of light, defender of the masses, and guy who is gonna keep the stupid human from killing themselves because they aren’t taking this seriously.”


"I don't know what a digimon is, but fair enough I guess. Not a lot of fairies go around pretending to be angels, at least not in any of the stories I read." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "And, uh, thanks for the directions."


“Digi mon, digital monster. Seems a bit rude of a name if you ask me, but it’s the one we have. Here if its not a human and has a face or can talk, thats probably a digimon.”

The kid looks smug. “Well I have to keep you alive at least until your find your egg. And if it’s already hatched then you wont find it until daylight. At least if the vibes I’m getting for who your partner digimon would be are correct.” Lucemon feels real proud of himself for being so great and keeping the silly helpless human alive.


Al shrugs and continues walking towards the hopefully-a-goblimon-camp. "Alright. I don't know if I'm ready to, uh...raise a child, I guess, but if 'the greatest of the angels' needs me to for some reason who I am to refuse?"

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