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With devils and demons at home, letting a genie out of its box might be an improvement
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We didn't do it! We don't need to pay for it.


If You allied with aliens to attack Hell, or otherwise interacted with them, in a way that foreseeably affected their behavior on Golarion, that counts as an intervention. If the aliens don't have their own budgets, You are held responsible when You act through them.


We didn't do that either! They were already going to remove almost everyone from Golarion when We met them!


I will pay Whoever tells me what became of the people of My country and everyone else I have obligations to.


We will tell you, the payment being Your secrecy in the matter, until We release You from Your promise, or You learn it from another source.


I cannot promise that payment in advance. But I will of course hear Your explanation in confidence from the rest of Myself and decide if it is worth the cost, and forget it if is not.

Abadar confers with Iomedae.


They were taken to the world of the Lawful Good aliens We made contact with, the same one I told You earlier would soon be open to trade. This was a precaution against any of several possible godwars that might have erupted on Golarion as an immediate result of the assault on Hell, including Asmodeus or His allies attacking this place as a staging-route supplying the war, or in revenge, or for control of the other world, or possibly Asmodeus releasing Rovagug.

For many of them it was also a Good done, and a trade they will retroactively endorse, as it removed them from immediately dangerous or harmful circumstances and into safe and pleasant ones, except that the surprise and novelty of the removal itself was likely often a smaller, short-term harm.

We know, and knew when We tacitly approved of this plan, that many of them would have their interests harmed by this involuntary dislocation, including some who would be harmed on net. We did the best-for-them that We could on short notice, and are committed to repaying all such harms done. We confidently expect that trade with this new world will more than cover any such costs, even ignoring the new world's own Good charitable impulses. 

We did not coordinate better with You before acting because We did not need Your help in making it happen, none of the inhabitants of Golarion could be alerted lest Asmodeus find out, and We estimated that You could not improve on Our actions sufficiently to justify the additional time and expense it would take to confer, and to convince My other allies to do so. If in retrospect We find that We were wrong in this regard, I will pay you as much as You lost through that, and I expect Sarenrae will share that cost.

You can contact the people of Golarion through Heaven, and We expect and hope that those of them who wish to will be able to return to their homes once the war on Hell is won and Golarion is safe for them to return. Earlier, for those of them who insist, if the aliens agree that respecting their free will in this matter is more important than protecting them from their own unwise decisions, as I strongly but not with certainty expect they will.


That is complex enough, and uncertain enough, that it will take a long time to be sure of the value of what has happened to everyone involved.

But He will not be best served by forgetting this information. And the Good gods have agreed to pay as much as is reasonable for Them to pay, to everyone injured by Their contribution to this event, including Himself.

I am satisfied in this matter, He announces publicly. And sends a part of Himself to Heaven, to bargain for access to His people, and to the new world.


A large number of other gods would also like to know what happened to Their worshippers and other interests on Golarion, in order to assign blame / declare war / mount rescue operations / pay someone for their enemies' demise!


We will tell those of you who can Lawfully promise to keep it a secret, and not act on the information in ways that would not serve Our interests.

We will tell the rest of You now that this event served Good, and that We do not expect it to remain secret for ever.


Enough of this DISTRACTION. We are AGREED to CAUSALLY SEAL this portal.

Pharasma, I need MORE POWER from you, as my previous intervention expended it.


You may have it.


Can He exploit the portal to His advantage somehow, before it is closed? The entity inside did not tell Him to leave, but He cannot fight Desna for the farther portal and win before Her allies intervene, or this portal is closed. He dares not commit enough of Himself here while the war is still raging in Hell.

Many other gods will surely be leaving pieces of Themselves inside Milliways before it is closed. He will do the same, but He will not commit any significant force to it. Just a small fragment, enough to observe and, perhaps, one day be recovered, with valuable knowledge.


Wait, We don't need to do that! We can ask Them nicely and They'll close the portal themselves. And, uh, possibly go to Immigrations. I'll tell them to close it, it'll only take a turn.


A TURN is a VERY LONG time. It is NOT SAFE to wait that long before closing the portal.


Ugh, fine, you can bubble Them if you want. And then They'll close the door a turn later anyway, because it's no fun living in a bubble. 

Desna sends a last burst of updates to the part of Herself that is staying in Milliways.


BY PHARASMA'S POWER just now VESTED IN ME, this area of space is BANNED from CAUSALLY AFFECTING the rest of CREATION.


There is now a perfectly reflective sphere four feet in radius where the door to Milliways used to stand.

The building's former owners could probably find a use for it, if they were still on this planet, or in this universe.


This does not yet feel like a tactical victory. Perhaps He denied His enemies an asset, but They were surely as prepared for it as They could be, before They launched the invasion.


We should past-watch the events here, He says, from the first opening of the portal and at least until Iomedae's arrival, to make sure nothing else entered Creation.

Enough other gods are interested and agree to share costs for this proposal to move quickly ahead.


They observe people going in and out of the door. Alien creatures going out, the creatures of Creation going in. The aliens use magic of Creation, Gate and Teleport and Plane Shift, to leave the vicinity.

They observe the portal appearing and disappearing several times, in tandem with the door moving.

They observe two Chaotic Evil clerics, of an illegible deity, coming out of the door, in company with some aliens. They move slowly away, and do not do anything of obvious interest before disappearing with the rest of Golarion's inhabitants.

They observe a paladin of Iomedae going in.

They observe another of the clerics opening the door, and the portal appearing for the first time; and then nothing of interest, going back to the breaking of prophecy in this area.


Chaotic Evil clerics of an unknown deity in the general proximity of the Worldwound are not great news. Did it have anything to do with the Outer God's arrival?

They rule out Deskari and Baphomet, as the two most likely suspects, but They do not wish to spend enough power to rule out every Evil and Neutral god one by one.

None of the assembled gods will admit to it being Their cleric.


What, really? Gorum, he claimed to be Yours.


He's not mine.


I don't believe either of you.


That's a you problem.


I don't see why You'd lie though. Come on, You can tell Me! In private!

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