Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Satele asks if the kobold is still willing to teach magic to Occlus. It is completely understandable if she is not, and will not hurt negotiations either way.


She shrugs. "It might not be comfortable, but it won't be traumatic unless things get worse in ways I'm really not expecting. I might need a little more attention than usual to make up for it, but Ana's pretty good at that," she grins. "And if it'll help, it's worth it; yeah, I'm still willing."


"All right. Thank you."


As for Raafi and Aren, they are... not in the part of the cave near the fire.


The kobold checks the furniture storage closets for curtains suitable for hanging between the cave sections to muffle sound, and, not finding any that seem like they'll work, stops by Milliways to borrow some before returning to the cave.


This proves to be a good idea.


Yeah, that's only a little bit surprising.

She tucks the curtains behind her bed - let's not embarrass Raafi's new friend by making it obvious that she was here - and heads back to Tython; she'll hang out in one of the gardens and check back in half an hour or so.


In half an hour they're back by the fire.


And so she teleports in.


Aren greets her from where he sits, leaning on Raafi.


The kobold grins at them - you're adorable, you know that? - and joins the cuddle, leaning on Raafi from the other side; Raafi smiles and pets both of them, paying special attention to the spots behind the kobold's ears and between the Zabrak's horns.


After a while, the kobold hmmms up at him. "Weren't we going to go see Ana?"


"Were you?"


"It can wait." Pet pet.



Aren: is pet.


Kobold: is also pet.


Eventually, the petting starts to be less intense; not distracted, exactly, but less focused. A little while after this becomes noticeable, Raafi stops altogether and stretches his arms above his head. "This has been lovely," he leans over to kiss the Zabrak, right below the line of his horns.


"So've you," he giggles.


Raafi smiles fondly, blushing just slightly. "Charmer," he accuses, jokingly.



"However, if I intend to observe the end of Ana's meditation session I believe I need to go sooner rather than later." He gives Aren a squeeze, "I will be free again soon, though."


"I'll be back here tomorrow."


"So will I," Raafi grins, and then disentangles himself from the other two and stands, offering Aren a hand up.

The kobold opens a portal back to Tython, letting out near the library, and waits for the other two before going through herself.


Aren gives Raafi a hug, then departs.


And the kobold leads the way to the hall with the meditation rooms. How many of them seem to be in use?


Quite a few.

Ana's in this one over here.


Raafi and the kobold tiptoe in and find seats; Raafi nods a greeting to the instructor.


As long as they're quiet, they can stay. Most of the class doesn't acknowledge them, but Ana opens one eye and grins briefly before getting back to work.

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