Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Fortunately for the kobold, Ana is soon distracted again by breakfast. Nom!


Nom, nom.

Eventually breakfast is done. "I want to go see if Master Satele is done with whatever they were busy with, before class."


"Okay. I'll let the others know."


"Thanks." Hug.

Satele's room?


Door is open, Satele is present.


Present and doing what?


Reading something on a datapad. She looks up and smiles at the kobold.


"Good morning," she approaches. "I'm planning on telling Occlus that the meeting place is ready this afternoon, and it seemed like a good idea to check that you weren't still busy."


"For that, I can make time. Any point in the next three days, I can be available for."


The kobold nods, and then cocks her head. "Have you eaten?"


"Some time ago, yes."


"All right." She nods. "If you get so busy that it starts being a problem, let me know, please."


"I do not anticipate that it will become a problem, but thank you."


"All right." She bows. "I'll see you this afternoon," and she teleports off to pick up her magic class.


Today: showtime! Sort of. Each of the Jedi gets a sheet of thick, clear plastic with a strip of painter's tape down the side to enspell, and when they're ready, she opens a portal to the Sith.


Each sheet shows some variant in the broad category of "whirlpool", when they're pointed at the Sith. Ana's shows the finest level of detail in mapping the flows around him, the Zabrak has the best picture of what the Sith's personal view is. The others fall in a range between those two.


The kobold also contributes two sheets, one showing the view with her usual magic-vision and one showing the view with her force-specialized version, both of which are more detailed, but harder to explain how to interpret, than any of theirs.

When they're all done looking and comparing notes, she sends them off to lunch. Except Ana; Ana can stay and watch her move the Sith, if she wants.


Ana will stay to keep an eye on the Sith.


...Ana has been informed that the kobold doesn't have a death wish, right? This doesn't involve going anywhere near the Sith himself.

Step one is to teleport to the soon-to-be Sith town, break the obelisk with the portal to Coruscant (teleporting it a few meters into the air and letting it drop is effective, and then she teleports the rubble away), and drop the Sith's lightsaber off in one of the buildings.

Step two is...actually, does Ana share a language with the Sith? Step two might be 'get into translation spell range,' she wants to tell him where his saber is.


They both speak Basic.


Cool. If Ana doesn't mind, then, the kobold would like him to know that his lightsaber is in the second building on the left from where he'll be let out, and lunch will be dropped off in the same place shortly.

And, clawtip-through-portal, here's a portal on his end to let her talk to him. It's on the back wall of the cell, from their perspective, so it won't be too alarming if he blasts the source of the sound.


"Sith. We're going to let you out in a bit. Your saber will be in the second building on the left, that's also where food's gonna be dropped off."


"Jedi. Tell the alien that I will find it."


"They won't even be in your universe. Don't try."


The kobold puts a hand on Ana's arm to stop her from saying anything more. "No point in getting into an argument."

She pulls a pebble from one of her belt pouches, enspells it to glow red, and gently tosses it through the portal. The instant it's on the other side, a large portal appears in one of the side walls of the cell, and the pebble disappears before hitting the floor. 


The Sith grimaces, and walks through.

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