Lurker visits The Old Republic
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She nods. "I have defensive spells that should get me away if I'm attacked, but yes."


Tima nods, then goes into the main room and whispers into Lyo's ear. He nods, and speaks.

"Sith. I will be dropping the suppression momentarily. Be advised that if you attempt violence, we will subdue you."

The Sith growls, low and deep.


The kobold's ears tuck back tight against her head at the sound, but she stays calm and waits.


Master Lyo ends his trance, and draws his saber.

The Force swirls violently around the Sith. Where a Jedi is a fountain, the Sith is a whirlpool, sucking in rather than passing through.

The Sith is amused by the kobold's reaction. He bares his teeth at her and growls again, hoping to provoke something.


That sure is some terror, there, yup. She's got enough of a handle on it to keep from involuntarily teleporting away, but not much more than that.

Fortunately she's got plenty of experience with functioning while terrified. She watches until she's sure she can use what she's seeing, and then reports, "okay, got it."


Lyo trances again, and the Force around the Sith diminishes again. He gives one final growl.


Ana growls right back at him, and he quiets down.


The kobold takes a deep breath and a few seconds to calm down. (Wanting to attack her is a perfectly reasonable response, she's part of the agressing party here. Also, the Sith cannot actually hurt her, as much as they might want to. It's her responsibility to be as kind as is safe, and it is safe, more or less.)

She glances around the room, to check the body language of everyone present.


Ana is menacing in a protective fashion, she is making no move to escalate the conflict now that the Sith has backed down.


The other Jedi are at the same level of readiness as when Ana and the kobold arrived.


Okay, she can... she can... nope. She cannot. She didn't miss that the Sith enjoyed her fear. Elves. Why.

"Thank you all. Come on, Ana, let's go."


Ana is smart quick about following the kobold out.


Hugs. "Are you okay?"


She's trembling, just slightly, not enough to be visible but enough that Ana can feel it when she hugs her.

"Not really. I will be."


"Let's go somewhere else. Your cave, maybe."


She nods, and then there they are, in the workshop; she relaxes noticeably and leans into the hug.


Hugs. Scared kobolds are not good kobolds, and hugs are an excellent way to turn scared kobolds into not-scared kobolds.


They are, if maybe not quite up to the challenge in this case. "I'm goona be like this for a couple days, probably," she says eventually. "I'll be fine after, just..."


"I can stay as long as you need me."


Hug. Sit, hug.

After another while, she teleports one of the leather blankets from her bed over, and burrows under it. After a few moments, she passes Ana a twine portal with one of Bar's sampler platters on the other side, and scoots back over to rest her head on her lap.


Pat pat.

Ana picks at the sampler. Does the kobold want to try one of these? They're really good.


The kobold is kind of falling asleep, and slightly disoriented at the question, but takes the offered morsel and nibbles at it.


Aww, Ana didn't mean to wake her up. Pat pat.


Nom, nom.



Late night for kobold: confirmed.

Ana stays very still and continues munching on the sampler.


The kobold isn't very inclined to wake up, even if Ana does move around a little.


After about half an hour, she whimpers briefly and curls up into a tighter ball under the blanket.

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