Lurker visits The Old Republic
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That's fine with everyone. Their eyes are all close enough to human standard that it shouldn't be a problem, and each requests some variation on an activation flash.


The kobold asks about the timeframe the spell needs to cover, adds a reasonable amount of time to that to be on the safe side, and goes ahead and casts.

"You can test it if you'd like; lightsaber to lightsaber should work fine amongst yourselves."


Two of them move a little away from the group, square off, and swing their sabers so that they'll cross blades.


They both disappear.

So does the kobold, and after a few seconds all three reappear.


"Seems like it works!"


The kobold grins. "Yup!"


Satele smiles. "I will explain the new parameters of their mission to them, but you needn't stay for that, if you'd rather not. Tomorrow after your class I will have the watchers prepared, if you will teleport them to the planet."


Nod. "That's fine, thank you," and she heads back out into the hallway.

"All right," she says to Ana, "anything else before I go get started on the meeting room?"


"I don't think so."


"Okay." Hug. "I want to be able to say that no Jedi were there until the meeting, but I'll try not to miss dinner, all right?"



"Fair enough. I'll see you then!"


The kobold grins and disappears.


Come dinnertime, she's waiting in the cafeteria, looking a bit tired but otherwise content.


Ana gets food.

"Hey, how'd it go?"


The kobold follows her through the line.

"Good! I don't think it'll take very long at this pace; I have the rooms done and I'm working on the furniture now."


"You're a fast worker! Is underground like your cave?"


She nods. "Plain rooms aren't too hard, that way. Building it on the surface would definitely be harder, I'd have to worry more about how to make it not fall down."


"I know you don't want Jedi directly involved, but the Order could cover the cost if you want to buy any furniture."


"That would help, yeah, if I can get it from Bar. Chairs aren't that hard, but the table is kind of tricky, and getting everything nice and matching on human scale is tough." Hug.


Hug hug. Pat pat.

"I'll clear it with the masters and then we can stop by to set up the tab after the lesson tomorrow morning."


Grin, "thanks." Nom.

"So what have you been up to?"


Ana happily recounts the event of her day before the kobold showed up. This conversation easily extends through dinner until it is time for bed.


The next morning, Ana gets up early to talk with Master Satele about buying furniture from Bar. Master Satele agrees to it, and provides Ana with a credit chit. Ana arrives at the cafeteria at the normal time.


The kobold is there, and her fruit is already set out. She found another new one, which is displayed prominently. "G'morning!"


"Morning! Ooo, new fruit!" Nom.



"So," she says when they're settled, "I think I'm going to want to bring the class to see the Sith once they're there. Any thoughts on how to bring that up?"


"Hmm. I think, who's all in the class... yeah. We've all seen a Sith before. It wouldn't be our first time or anything. Um, why do you want us to see the Sith?"

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