Lurker visits The Old Republic
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With a bit of practice, yes.


Ha! Ana is the best!

How much information about the room can she get if she makes the field into a very thin plane as far out as she can push it?


She can, in theory, cover the entire room that way.

In practice, this means that the sense would show her the mind of everyone present, and there are quite a few people in this cafeteria. She might get overwhelmed before she can extend the field all the way.


She gets about a quarter of the way through before- wow okay yeah that is a lot of people.

Something to practice, maybe.

What if she turned the plane perpendicular to the floor, then pushed it along? Can she do that?


It's a bit more complicated - she has to keep the field connected to herself, which makes for a trickier shape - but yes.


She will practice until she can get it. This seems like a good way of covering a large area without getting overwhelmed.


It doesn't take very long. That's definitely a more intermediate-level shape than a tendril or a plane, but not too advanced.


That's enough experimentation for now. How does she turn it off?


Continuing to trance takes effort, if only a tiny bit of it. She can stop by stopping.


Then she stops! And opens her eyes and looks at the kobold.

"That was awesome!"


The kobold, already grinning, grins wider. "I knew you'd like it."


"How do you, like, deal with all the information though? Because there's so much of it."


"That's one of the things you'll have to practice. Usually it's not too bad, though, unless you're enspelling something big and complicated."


"Do I need to know a different kind of magic before I can practice looking for the sorts of things I'd need to know to cast a spell on something?"


"Some of the things you'll need to look for will be more obvious once you have a spell form to look at, but you can start getting the hang of the patterns now, yeah. It's useful to interact with things and see what kinds of reactions that gets, that kind of thing comes up a lot. You won't be able to see the Force with this sense directly, though, that has to go through the magic-detection spell form."


"If I watch you do a spell with this, will that teach me that magic?"


"You'd have to be touching me. Or reading my mind, but I can't turn that spell off right now."


"Okay." Head scritch. "Thanks for teaching me this."


The kobold grins and leans into the scritch.


Hmm. Can Ana scritch and trance at the same time?


Sort of. They won't be very high quality scritches.


Can she tell if the kobold still appreciates them?


Her Force-related senses are still working fine, so yeah, probably.

(The kobold is more amused than appreciative, but still appreciative.)


Better amused than annoyed! Do her efforts to multitask get better if she keeps trying?



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