Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Yeah. Parabolas are for, um, throwing stuff, I think? Or falling stuff? I try to leave the math to the navicomputer."


Shrug. "Maybe they'll explain why when they're done explaining what. Anyway, dinnertime?" She teleports the holo away and stands to offer Ana her hand.


"Sure!" Hand.


And here is the cafeteria, of course.

The kobold is feeling a little more adventurous this evening than she was for lunch. Also: two desserts.


Two desserts! Wow. Ana is exactly as adventurous as usual. (Which all of it. All of the adventurous.) And she's not about to let the kobold outdo her on the dessert front. She will also take two.

Still no Masters present.

"I wonder what's taking the Council so long to decide."


Hm. "Is this unusual for them? Satele did say they'd just be today, but I'd expect my tribe to take a week to decide on something like this."


"Normally they at least break for meals. They're supposed to, uh, 'listen to the will of the Force' together or something. It usually doesn't take long."


"Huh. For us it's all politics, so it takes a while. I wonder how that works, though, for them. I hope us leaving the world didn't mess it up or anything."


"Well, I could still feel the Force in Milliways. But no one's ever left the universe before as far as I'm aware, besides you know, so I don't know if that would matter."


"If you could still feel the Force it's probably fine. I wonder what they're up to, then, though - I'm almost tempted to go listen at the door." She chuckles.

Dessert! It definitely gets some attention. Mmmmm.


"I've tried that before, they have some kind of soundproofing up."


The kobold laughs. "Of course you have."


"Please don't give Master Satele a poor report of my character!"


This just provokes a giggle fit. "Maybe Satele and I disagree on what makes good character. I think you're excellent."


"You're pretty great, too!"


The kobold continues giggling as she leans against Ana.


Okay, that's actually kind of infectious. Ana starts giggling, too.

Pat pat giggle.


Giggle lean.


It's a good thing Ana already finished eating, because she would probably choke if she tried now.

Giggles: not conducive to safely swallowing food.


Eventually, the kobold's giggles subside, and she sighs contentedly. "You know, I'm glad I came here. I almost didn't, and this is nice."


"I'm glad you're here too." Head scritch.


She grins and looks up at Ana. "I'm probably going to stick around at least some no matter what the Council decides - I think even if I'm not willing to teach you my kind of magic I'll probably be willing to give you enspelled things, so I'll be here for that. And I might give you a teleporter ring to get to my cave at home, if you want."


"Back in your universe?"


Nod. "I'm not there all the time, but I check it every few days usually; you can leave messages for me there and stuff."


This calls for a hug!

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