Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Okay." He'll just sort of go stand in the corner, then.


She grins at him and turns her attention back to her portals. How're the rest of them reacting to that? She didn't exactly turn the portals off while they were talking...


They're of the opinion that she should stop moving people around like that, and also that that one guy is a traitor, with an undertone of worry that she's going to get away with this.


"I have gotten away with it. And I'm going to have to teleport you one more time, there's no other way down from there. Can we focus on figuring out where I'll be teleporting you to?"


...They don't really have any ideas.


Ana speaks up. "Technically, the Republic can't prosecute you for crimes commited in Hutt Space."


They can't? Huh.

...Could they maybe go live in the Republic then?


Sure. She can drop them off in downtown Coruscant most easily, and probably find other places there or on other planets if they have any requests - Alderaan's easy, too.


"Maybe don't put them on Alderaan," whispers Ana.


Coruscant works for all of them, anyway.


"All right, step into the glowing blue dot if you want to go now," and there's a glowing blue dot, "or wait if you want to help me figure out how to go get your family."


They all step onto the dot.


And they're all teleported to Coruscant.

"Thanks." Hug for Ana!

And then the newcomer can have her attention. "So, hi. I'm a kobold; my people don't use names and I'm probably the only one you'll ever meet, so you can just call me 'the kobold'. I'm not a Jedi - Ana is - but I can do a bunch of kinds of teleportation magic and a few other minor things, and I can share my magic to let you do a few of the things I can do. Usually I teleport people by letting them touch my hands, or by making portals. We need to stop by Coruscant to pick up another friend of mine next, but then I can take you to where I've been staying; I assume you'll be staying there too, for now, but I can make you your own room and things. Does that sound okay?"


He scratches his head. "Um, yeah?"


Grin, "good," and she offers a hand to Ana and one to the newcomer.


Hands: are taken.


And here they are back in that one warehouse. The kobold heads off for where they last saw Raafi.


The former slaves are made nervous by the former guard. Ana stays near him so there aren't any misunderstandings.


The first aid station isn't far, anyway. Anyone inside, besides the obvious?



"And this is Raafi, they're also staying with me right now."

"Hello," Raafi looks amused. "I imagine the kobold hasn't asked your name, yet?"


"They, uh. Haven't? I'm Evvin."


"Pleased to meet you, Evvin. Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?"


"Can we get my family? Like, now?"


Raafi gives the kobold a look.

"Oh. Sure, sorry about that. Are they back where we were, or someplace else?"

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