Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Things usually don't get that bad," she murmurs. "This turns out to be an unusually devisive issue."



"That's understandable. I'm not going to be upset if you trust them less than they want you to."


"The ideal is to get the level of trust that turns out to be appropriate, regardless of either party's feeling. The Council will discuss it."


Hug, nod.


"But thank you for doing that. It was a good thing to see, whatever the Council's final decision."


The kobold grins and hugs her again.


"Bar was able to narrow the list of places Occlus gave me down to one I could find; your friends on Coruscant are waiting for me."


Satele smiles.

"May the Force be with you in that."


One more hug, and the kobold disappears.


To the lake! She calls Raafi and Ana in and starts going over her plan while they get dried off. It's pretty simple - she's already found a good temporary place on this planet to send the guards to; they ( - do you want to come, Raafi, or hang out on Coruscant? Sure, Coruscant is fine - ) go in, teleport the guards there, and then make temporary portals and/or go around touching hands to get people out, after an announcement. Any guards who come in while they're working also get teleported to join their buddies; it's better if they can block up the doors or whatever to avoid that but not a huge deal if it's not possible. They might want to recruit a couple of more leadery-looking slaves to help guard the doors, too, those can also get the guard-teleporting spell. And the kobold's defensive spells will be set to bounce her around the place where the slaves are while they're working, too, in case of ranged attacks; Ana can have a similar temporary set if she wants. Suggestions? Refinements? This has worked pretty okay in other places but this is the first world with this level of tech that she's tried it in.


Ana will take a set of temporary defensives.

The plan seems solid. Teleportation powers makes this kind of thing so easy!


They do!


The kobold sends Raafi to Coruscant, spells Ana up (guard-teleporter, too, of course), and then they can go!


They land in a deserted corridor of the facility. Most of the workers should be either eating or sleeping, with only a few out in the mines.


Part of the reason the kobold chose this one is that she was able to get a map of it, and she's scoped it out with portals, too. She leads the way - sleeping quarters first, quiet as a kobold.


Ana follows, only slightly less stealthy.

There's a guard around the next corner.


The kobold attempts to boop him. She's pretty quick, and she should have the element of surprise.


"Hey! What're you-" Boop.


Teleportation is such cheating it's excellent.

Sneak sneak sneak!


Sneak sneak.


Two guards are outside the door to the sleeping quarters.


Hopefully they're not too too far from the closest corner along the kobold's path?


One is. The other is on the far side of the door.


They should both be in mage-sense range, then. Or rather, the floor under them should be... painter's tape the wall, cast a nice little immediately-active trap spell under both of them and extending into the tape, poof!


Teleportation: such a cheat.


So very much.

Is the door locked?

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