Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"As long as he will not interfere with the Jedi's illusions, I have no objections to his presence."


Nod. "They might want to talk to you afterward, or later; you're kind of close to one of the exceptions they do make, and this might get you close enough depending on how it goes. Even then Raafi's less meddlesome than I am, though, if you want them not to bother you they probably won't."


"That's fine. Anything else?"


"No... or, wait, actually one more thing. One thing I like to do sometimes is rescue slaves; I'm starting to have enough free time that I might do some of that here. Do you have any suggestions for where I should go first? My first batch can be 250 or 300 people; later ones might be able to be bigger."


"The Empire's economy is somewhat reliant on slave labor. The Hutts are almost entirely dependent upon it. You should start with them." She fiddles with a datapad for a moment and passes it over. "Here is a list of Hutt-controlled mining outposts of approximately that size."


"Sounds good, thank you." She takes the datapad and bows. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."




"Farewell." Poof!


Ana and Raafi were going to wait for her in the cave, are they still there?




Present and accounted for and hugged, once she stashes the datapad. Off to Satele's room, next.


And here's Satele.


Hopefully Satele doesn't mind the extra passengers?


Four will fit in a speeder as well as two. She doesn't mind.


All right. Let's see, she's got that one park, and that spot by the senate building, and also taxi stand by the temple, and she can also do 'random ground-level outdoor spot near the senate without too many people'; where're they going?


The taxi stand, to start with.


And there they are.


And Satele calls them a taxi and it takes them to a nondescript warehouse-type building. There are not no people around, this is after all still Coruscant, but there are slightly fewer in this industrial district. Satele directs the group inside. It is a large empty space, easily big enough to fit several thousand comfortably.

"We will probably put up facilities around the edges of the room, but the middle will remain clear for arrivals."


The kobold does pretty all right with this. Raafi is clearly fascinated with the people and architecture.

The kobold goes to the middle of the space and trances, then calls Raafi over. "Are you going to want to offer healing?" she asks, and he nods, and she trances again.


"Do you need to do anything else here?"


She considers. "Is it okay if I put a Sith-exiling trap here?"


"I don't see why not."


Nod, trance. "Okay, that should do it."


Smile. "Excellent."


Grin. "I haven't talked to Bar yet, but I don't think it'll take more than five days to pick a place and get there. I do have a couple questions, but we can go back to Tython for that, leave Ana and Raafi here to look around?"

(Raafi's already casting his translation spell by the time the kobold is done talking.)


Ana nods.

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