Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Just the students.


Back to the cave, then. Do they have more questions about the exiling spell?


They want to confirm some of the conclusions they drew in their discussion after she left, but these are fairly easily resolved.


And then she offers them a spell design challenge, a simplified version of the reception area problem: a Sith, with their lightsaber and whatever else they happen to be carrying at the time, is teleported to an enclosed room. What spells are needed to keep them there? And, as a bonus question, can anyone figure out how she arranged to let them out again without risking them finding the trigger early or having to send someone in?


A way to stop them from using the Force or at least interrupt their concentration so they can't do anything big. Being clever with nonmagical construction materials could mitigate lightsaber problems or other small arms.

She can make portals to arbitrary locations from anywhere, right? And she can do portals that open based on an object's behavior. Can she make something that will open a portal from the cell to where the Sith should go without the object having to be in either spot?


She hasn't figured out a way to stop someone from using the Force in an area without just teleporting them out of it (or at least threatening to) yet; there probably isn't one. Interrupting their concentration is a good idea; how would they go about doing that?

The idea about using an object in neither spot would work, if by 'neither spot' you mean 'a spot near but not in the cell, with the portal spell passing all the way through the wall to detect something on one side and open a portal on the other'. She didn't bother to add that level of complexity, though; there's a way to do it without adding extra things besides the cell, an observer with a portal to the cell, and the place to send the Sith to.

This could quite easily take up the morning.


A bright flash of light and/or a loud noise would be jarring. Or sudden relocation.

The Jedi are happy to continue this discussion until the problem has been fully solved.


Sudden relocation is the thing she'd do, yup! While it's not strictly impossible that they'll be able to get other spell forms from her world, for now they should be assuming they're limited to the ones they know about. (Which doesn't mean they couldn't do a flash of light or loud sound, but they'd have to set something up to use tech for it along with the magic, and she can't really comment on that.)

She orders in lunch again - that doesn't mean skipping eating this time, and Raafi joins them as well, he was napping in the other room - and leaves the class in the cave when it's time to go.

She stops by Satele's room, first.


She's not in.


Huh, okay.

...viewing portal to the meeting room? Just out of curiosity.


There she is!


She's not going to watch long, but she is curious about how things are going.


" need my assistance. One holocron would be enough to start all your problems again. I possess the largest extant collection and the necessary resources find any that remain unknown."


"This I understand. And what will happen to your collection when you die?"


"I don't intend on doing so any time soon."


Excellent! That's amazing! No wonder Satele was talking about letting Occlus learn magic. Wow.


Okay, time to go enspell some more Jedi.


Jedi: are in the same garden as yesterday.


The datapad seemed pretty superfluous; she can just ask them what they want. She settles into much the same pattern as yesterday, other than that.


It goes smoothly. If she works at the same pace as yesterday, she only has about four hours worth of work before she runs out of Jedi.


Huh. That leaves her with an hour or so until dinner; she'll check Satele's room again.


She's not back yet.


That's presumably a good thing. (Satele is amazing.)

Hmmm... she feels like going for a swim. Anybody at the lake?


She has it all to herself.


So she splashes around for most of an hour and lets the sun dry her off and checks in on the cave to see if Raafi wants to come to dinner (he's not in) and then goes to the cafeteria.


There's Ana! She makes her presence known with a hug.

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