Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Doesn't need to, it seems like," she giggles. "You make it easy for me to be away from my tribe."


"Oh good!" Snuggles. Noms.


Snuggles. "When I met Raafi, I hadn't figured out how to leave a world and come back without connecting it to mine or having the time go weird in it," she explains, "so I couldn't just go back and catch up with my tribe whenever I wanted, and that's... I don't get everything I need from my tribe, I've tried staying with them all the time and I'm not happy that way, but I do still need them; that's home, it's important. So when I met Raafi and they wanted me to go on a long trip to their world, I didn't think I'd be able to; I said I'd go for as long as I felt I could, and I thought that would be a couple months at most. Instead I ended up staying for a year and a little bit. Raafi is very good at figuring out what people need in order to be okay." She grins.


"Yeah, he is."


Grin, snuggle, consider. "I wonder if they'd have any ideas about moving the tribes to a planet here."


"Maybe wait until after the Sith are for-sure gone."


"Yeah, there's no hurry." Hug. "I'm not even sure I should be considering it at all."


"Well, on the one hand, there's lots of empty planets. On the other hand, they are empty planets."


She chuckles. "Yeah, that's the draw. I think I told you we're really low tech? We don't even have farming; we wouldn't be leaving much behind if we moved. Just neighbors we aren't on very good terms with."


"Okay. Well. It'd be nice to have you closer. Even if closer doesn't actually mean anything because teleportation."


Grin, hug. "You still wouldn't be able to come visit; we've never been okay with outsiders being able to find us. But yeah, it'd be nice." Lean.


Hugs! Breakfast.


Breakfast! Hugs!

Magic class! The kobold wants to talk about spell design, today.


Oooh, spell design! What does the kobold have to say about this?


She goes over the exile spell design; without the exception for Occlus - which she's going to hold off on mentioning unless someone has heard about it and asks - it's kind of midrange for such things.


Hmm, that's a lot of moving parts. They have some technical questions. The Occlus-exception is not brought up.


Some of the moving parts are hard to explain to someone who hasn't seen the teleportation spell form, but the rest she goes over carefully, both in terms of how they work and why she chose this particular way of doing it as opposed to some other one.

If the discussion seems inclined to run through lunch, she gets a round of takeout for everyone from Milliways and keeps going.


Takeout: a Good Idea.


The kobold remembers slightly too late that 'talking with one's mouth full' is a consideration in this sort of context. Oh well, lunch can wait. Technical explanations!

She does wind it down once lunchtime is over, though; she has spells to distribute.


The class is going to continue talking amongst themselves for a while yet.


She'll set a portal to Tython to close behind them when they leave, then, and take Raafi along to go see Satele.


Satele is in her room.


Satele is hugged!


She hugs back. "Hello. Are you ready to pass out spells?"


Nod. "Mmhmm. You do want the exception for Occlus in the exile spell, right? You didn't say, yesterday."

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