Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Nod. "Very much so. You're not supposed to be a Speaker and a mage at the same time, either; the tribe spent like eight days deciding whether to exile me when I got my magic." Hug. "I'm fine now, there are still a couple people who don't like me but just about everyone thinks they made the right choice, but that was a rough few days."


"I can imagine."


Nod, hug. "But anyway, yeah - when I learned to talk, that was it for me maybe being chief someday. And I might have been better at it than the one we have now, but I'm sure I've done more good as a Speaker - for my tribe and for everyone else - so I really can't complain much. Even if the chief we ended up with is a jerk sometimes."


"Well, the Jedi in general, I in particular, and I suspect also Ana, are very glad things worked out the way they did."


Grin, hug. "Yeah, me too."



"When do you think you might be ready to begin teaching Occlus?"


"I should take a couple days to get used to humans again, at least. I could go now, but it probably wouldn't go over well."


"Take as long as you need, we haven't yet settled as to whether that will happen."


She nods. "One thing I can start basically as soon as you want is passing out spells - the exiling spell, which, I don't think there's a downside to putting in a specific exception for Occlus, I expect that if the negotiations fail the best way of dealing with them is going to be me going after them personally anyway, and then any other spells people want - I'd like to see people take some version of my defensive spells, even if it's just a version that brings them back here or to Coruscant when they specifically intend to; Ana explained that something like that probably wouldn't get used often, but it's easy enough that if it might get used at all it's worth it."


"We can arrange for an assembly tomorrow afternoon. Or we can have people come to you in small groups, if that would be easier for you to deal with."


"Small groups are better, yes." Hug.


"Very well. We'll draw up a list of people's preferences in terms of what spells they want so the process flows smoothly."


Grin, hug. "Oh! And maybe include droids in that, if that makes sense; I checked them before I left and they're on the simple side if they've been wiped as usual, but they shouldn't have any problem being spellbearers."


"That is good to know, but I'm not certain that droid spellbearers are an avenue we should pursue at this time. Not for any spells of potential military application. Having Jedi with otherworldly magic is one thing, droids would be... something else."


Nod. "Okay."


Hugs! Such a good.


Satele gets a datapad with one hand, and begins making preparations for tomorrow.


Then Satele can work and be snuggled at the same time.


Shortly before dinnertime, Raafi turns up and peers into the room.


"Hello." Satele's hands are both occupied, but she looks up and nods to him.


"Hello," he nods back. "Dinner, kobold?"

The kobold considers this suggestion.

"Ana will be there."

...yeah, all right. She gives Satele one last hug and slips out of the chair.


"It is good to have you back."


She smiles and bows. "It's good to be back." And off she goes.

Dinner! She remembers how to use the cafeteria line, more or less; it's not that different from home. And there are people she can watch if she gets confused on the details. Raafi follows along, collecting his own meal.


Ana, the model of restraint that she is, will let the kobold set her tray down before enveloping her in an all-consuming hug.


Heee. Ana is very snuggled, from within that hug.

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