Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"In general, between yours and theirs. Raafi's used to people knowing what it means, that they're a cleric of Fharlanghn; they've traveled a lot, but I think this is the first time they've been someplace where that isn't true, and I'm not sure they realize how much they'll actually have to explain for some people to understand that when it's new. Like, you obviously understand that Raafi isn't going to be here very long, but I'm not sure Aren does, and in Raafi's world people would know that as soon as they saw them."


"Jedi aren't supposed to do, like, attachment. It shouldn't be a problem, but I can talk with Aren to make sure."


"I mean, I don't know that there's a problem, I'm just not sure; don't embarrass them over it or anything." She chuckles and leans on Ana.


"Hey, I can be subtle!" says the person who was literally bouncing up and down in front of the Jedi Council until she was allowed to learn magic.


The kobold chuckles. "Uh-huh. Well, I still think we should give it a few days and see what happens; Raafi isn't leaving that quickly."



Nom nom. Magic?


Magic! The three from last night can continue where they left off, and advance to trying to get a spell to stay on a little bowl of water (very tricky, at their level of expertise; they probably won't get it today) if they want a challenge, while the kobold catches Ana and Aren up.


Ana and Aren catch up quickly enough to get an attempt or two on the bowl of water in. No one manages to make it stick.


More or less as expected, they can pick it up again after lunch and/or tomorrow.

Speaking of lunch: Lunchtime. (Raafi turns up a bit before the end of the class, today, with a bundle of vegetables.)


Lunchtime! Mmm, vegetables.

The other Jedi return to Tython.


Vegetables and steak, there's still quite a lot of steak.

Also, cuddling. Quite a lot of that, too.

"I want to go talk to Master Satele after lunch, but I don't think I'll be long," the kobold eventually says. "Are you going to want the translation necklace this afternoon?"

"I would be interested in visiting another planet, again, if Ana would be so kind as to accompany me," says Raafi, grinning hopefully at her.


"Sure. What sort of place do you want to see?"


"I'm not the slightest bit picky."

"Random planets with people on them are easy," the kobold points out. "You should probably check that it's a Republic planet before you go, but Bar should probably be able to tell you."


"Random is okay with me!"


"All right," grins the kobold.

Snuggle nom nom, and lunch is done. The kobold takes a sheet of paper from her sketchbook, enspells it to make a portal to a different random-with-people planet in this world every time its glowing spot is touched, and hands it off to Raafi so he and Ana can go ask Bar about the places it shows.

And then she goes to look for Satele. Is she in her room?


She is.


The kobold goes in and... actually can she sit next to Satele? She's been feeling a little neglected recently even with the cuddlepiles, it'd be good to. But if Satele seems busy or skeptical of the idea or anything she won't.


She can sit next to Satele, who will provide pats if the kobold solicits them.


Well, there is the leaning, that could certainly be taken that way.

"How are things going?" she asks, after a little bit.


Pat pat.

"Well enough. I met with Occlus again yesterday, and I am still alive." Slight smile.


The kobold grins, and then goes over the implications of Satele going without the defensive spells, or a direct way back from Milliways' infirmary... yeah, should be fine. "Good," she smiles. "I should probably check the nanoswarm just to be on the safe side, but it sounds like you're doing okay. I'm glad."


Smile. Pats.

"At this juncture, it looks reasonably likely that the offer of your magic will be placed on the table. I am hopeful we can convince her to allow some Jedi to monitor her Archives in exchange. What would your preferred form of instruction for Occlus look like?"


"Well, it kind of depends on how they want to do it. It's easier with more instruction, and I don't mind doing that if they want me to, but it's intuitive enough that the only thing I really have to explain is the safety stuff; aside from that I could just show up for a few minutes every day or once a week or something and show them the forms, and they'd be able to figure the rest of it out on their own with maybe some examples to give them an idea of what to try doing."


"All right. Thank you."


Grin, lean.

"I need to go home, soon, too. I'll be able to stay longer once I come back - it's spring, at home, almost time to go to the meetup with the other tribes, and it'll be easy for me to hide it if I'm here long enough to start forgetting things if I come back right at the start of that. Is there anything I should do here before I go?"

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