“So, I don’t know how much they track the sources of the bodies. You can probably imagine some good reasons for that, like if the law shows up at the door looking for the body of a murder victim. Definitely a 'tell me no secrets and I'll tell no lies' kind of policy.
“What I do have is the committals. There's a place between here and Sighs with a big ole wall full of names. You promise the dusties can have your body when you die and make your mark in the records and then they brand a number on your hip and give you enough jink to get plastered on gutter spirits for a week. Carve your name on the wall, too.”
“I've got notes on committals like ‘5th Hecatomb in the year Hashkar 92, Oliver Painter, resident of Squares, adjacent Office of Vermin Control, forty-five years of age, for the sum of 125 copper commons, requisition number 34 B 19. Status: Unredeemed’
“As far as paying for bodies at the door, I don't know how they track the petty cash. At least they never showed me their general ledger or treasury master accounts.”