“Morte! Come!” he says loudly. He gets to his feet.
He’ll stop long enough to deliver a hard kick to the man’s crotch before running up the stairs. What does he see?
“Morte! Come!” he says loudly. He gets to his feet.
He’ll stop long enough to deliver a hard kick to the man’s crotch before running up the stairs. What does he see?
He sees a hallway. There is one hanging lantern maybe a dozen paces away. He can hear the sound of voices above.
Then he'll run down the hallway. He wants to get as far from the basement as possible, keeping his eyes peeled for daylight in the form of windows or doors.
He will see many doors. At the end of the hallway is a half flight of descending stairs leading to a large wooden double door.
Yes, visible in the dark by his skull's luminosity. There is also the sound of a man's shout further up the hall.
As he begins to push them, gray morning light and a damp chill greet him. The doors open into a walled courtyard.
The external walls are around fifty paces away, rising up ten feet or so, and made of stone. There is a visibly closed iron gate.
He moves in the direction of the gate. He'll transition from running to striding briskly, now that he is in the open and still wearing a stolen robe.
What manner of gate is it? A portcullis descending from above? Or like an iron fence secured by a chain and lock? Is there a gatehouse door nearby? Can he see a locking mechanism?
It appears to be a sideways swinging hinge door, set in an iron frame. There is a thick chain currently securing one end of the door to the frame.
A small stone building abuts the courtyard wall beside the gate. It's darkened open doorway reveals a thick inner wall, and when The Nameless One is within fifteen paces of it, a dustman comes running out, a look of alarm on his face.
Then he’ll raise his voice and assume the tone of an angry superior.
“There are thieves!” He thrusts his arm towards the gate.
“Why haven’t you closed the gate?”
He’ll keep walking towards the dustman.
The dustman spends about a second and a half turning to look at the visibly closed and locked gate and then turning back in alarm.
The Nameless One reaches the dustman and drives a fist into his gut. He starts the motion as a continuation of the swing of his arms as he strides, waiting till the last instant to reveal his intent.
He catches the dustman as he reels, and shoves him backwards up against the wall of the gatehouse.
"Keys!" he shouts.
The dustman shakes his head from side to side and attempts to raise his arms to defend himself.
The Nameless One ignores the dustman's flailing and brings his own left forearm up to the man's neck, pushing up and inwards.
Without looking he reaches into his belt with his right hand to retrieve the scalpel. He raises it to within a few inches of the man's eye.
He gives a quick look behind him for Morte.
He drops the pitch of his voice and shouts again. "Where are the keys?"
Morte has made it out into the courtyard, with the double doors still open behind him.
As of yet there are no other dustmen in sight.
The gatekeeper's eyes go wide and he stills himself.
"Here," his voice rasps out, constricted by the pressure of the Nameless One's arm.
He fumbles in his robes and pulls out a ring with half a dozen large toothy keys. This dustman is actually a lot smaller than the other. Scarcely more than a boy.
"Here," he says again. "Here."
His hands are shaking as he isolates a key with no apparent differentiating features.
He grabs the key in his left hand and returns the scalpel to his belt.
Then he grabs the boy by his upper arm and grips him tight, walking him over to the chains on the gate door.
Does the key work?
He'll need to use both his hands to try the lock. It's heavy, and the chains through which it passes are thick.
The gatekeeper turns and runs as soon as The Nameless One loosens his grip. "Help!" he shouts.
The lock clicks and opens.
Two dustmen have stepped out from the building now. One of them holds a crossbow.