Celestial forge and the world of Super Supportive
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Awesome, she's turning into some kind of incredible domestic witch!


This goes great with the feng shui! I bet I could set up an incredible kitchen with this! It'll take some experimentation to get how this works, but...


Girls, what are we going to tell system-chan?


Let's just wait a second and see if it sends us a message first.


The System is aware of your new Skill.



Might as well be forthcoming then.

It seems to be for cooking. It provides a magical skillet that can be used to cook food with effects, and also has enhancing effects on anything made in it.






The unknown skill appears to be stable.

Would you like to add it to your profile?

Two skills is not remarkable for a B-rank Unique.

Three or more skills would be remarkable, particularly if you appear to be gaining more rapidly over time.


Two unexpectedly gained skills is something of a pattern. I wouldn't bet against a third showing up right now.

Is it known for Uniques to rank up or gain skills? Is the System ever wrong about initial assessed rank?

It may be untenable for me to remain non-famous and also retain full use of my skills in the long term.



Most Avowed affix new skills over time, typically once every several months to two years.

Within 24 hours is an unprecedented speed. However, you are not Avowed.

Rapid escalation of power seems possible from observations so far. Long-term effects are completely unknown. Possible side-effects are unknown. Source of power is unknown.

Some Avowed can gain ranks over time. Typically this occurs after 5-15 years, if ever.


Despite unusual circumstances no action beyond observation is strongly indicated at the moment.


Great. So they have more powers but their expected power growth is waaaaaaaaay lower than they are probably going to get. 

It's tempting to dispense with the charade, but she doesn't know when or how or if she'll get a third power. 

Is there such a thing as an enchanted object that can provide enhanced results when cooking, separate of inherent powers? How identifiable would this item be as a Skill to for example Juniper?



Many enchanted objects are available from the System Shop, or as rewards for excellent performance from summoners! You might be interested in:
GlaCell magical induction oven - Heat food to within a tenth of a degree, near instantly! Eight programmable zones! CentOS API integration! 5,000 argold
Momentous Mixer - Based on the famed skill 'Cook of the Moment'*, this highly enchanted mixer will ensure any sauce, glaze, or dipping comes out magically good. 24,999 argold


Yeah, that's totally implausible. No way I'd be able to afford that. Not unless I had an astonishingly successful summon, which raises its own flags.

She sighs.

To put it on her profile or not... This is a big decision. The issue is that it's a physical object, which means it's hard to hide. A less physical skill would be so much easier to hide. 

She only has so much space...

One moment while we deliberate.


I don't want to have to hide more things. On the other hand, we are trying to stay under the radar.

It's certainly a useful skill to have and be able to use. One that's very practically useful. If only we knew what would happen after this, it would be so much easier to choose. But it's not. 

We're going to have to conceal our growth rate if we're going to have any chance of a normal life. Maybe it's better to give up now. Lie a bit less.

I'm really not sure where we should go with this.


It's MORE MAGIC, come on! Of course we want to use it! Making it public just makes sense if we're going to put it to work at all. We can deal with the growth rate later if we have to.


Yeah, but what if we get even better magic later on and then are stuck not being able to put it on our profile?


Haven't you been paying attention? Rabbits get the big bucks. This is a widely usable skill, it interacts with something very everyday, it's just obvious that we should use it. It would be such a waste to not get to even touch it.


Also how are you going to hide the magic frying pan, genius. 


Well, she should ask one more question at least...

What would this skill appear as on my profile?


Magic Pot (Special)
You imbue a metal pot with an effect that perfects the cooking process and can create minor magical effects on food when used with appropriate ingredients.


Thaaaaaaat does not quite match with the effect she has. It feels like it'll get her into trouble rather than helping, if she's called to enchant some other place's pot. 

What do we think, girls?


Whatever you do, don't google "magic pot." No drugs, remember?

Seriously, though, I think you're stressing too much. We're a unique type, we can get away with some oddities.


It's another potential complication, but I have a sense that our life is going to shortly be nothing but complications. So we might as well let Cherry have her fun.


Well, here goes.

Please add this power to my public profile.



Nothing else immediately happens.


...There's suddenly a shuffling noise from the entrance. It looks like someone just slid in a packet of papers through the mail slot on the door.


She will go and look at the papers that just got pushed through her mail slot. Hopefully they're hers and not her roommate's?

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