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Study, play, and find your true love at the Valentine School! (For mature audiences only.)
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"Of the things I need to come to terms with, a three-year age gap isn't."


"Didn't think it would be but since I'm already disclosing so much stuff. ...but also uh speaking of disclosure probably don't share this stuff with anyone else especially your siblings? Not that I'm expecting you would, exactly, but."



"I'm not going to - out you. But I'm not going to lie to them, and if you want to tell them yourself, I recommend you do it quickly, before they find out just as awkwardly as I did. None of us are idiots, and my realizing first was a coincidence."


"Yeah, I mean... I do. I will. Just, I don't know, 'hey Susan can you pass the salt by the way I'm a Transfer'. Like yeah I'll do it it just feels like maybe I should try to tailor it to the sensibilities of each recipient of the news, especially because I had also kind of expected to need to build more of a relationship with them before it made sense to share, because of the whole thing where it's taboo to even bring it up. Win their trust, show I'm not, uh, dancing guy, maybe drop some mysterious hints so that when I finally confirm it the reaction is 'ah huh, thought so' rather than, well.

"But if you say it would be better to bring it up sooner rather than later you'd know better than me."


"Your native guide says dropping hints is a terrible idea, at least if those hints involve hints of powers. Winning their trust is... not a terrible idea, I suppose."


"And, well, I can't actually speak for anyone except family, and I'm pretty sure there's at least two other boys you have to think about, so. Disregard my advice when it comes to Tintin and Jenkins, what do I know."


"And Tom. And Sophie. Was it that obvious?"




"Oh, yes. He was the one I meant when I said I wouldn't mind them eavesdropping but actually given the direction this conversation went in it would probably be more narratively appropriate if he didn't. Why not Tom, though, what is it about everyone else that isn't about him?"


"'s not actually surprising that you're attracted to him, I'm attracted to him, but in the way where if I could choose between a strings-free shag and launching him into the Sun I wouldn't have a hard time choosing. He's - he's not even just a bad person, he's a fucking villain. He is morally evil. He talks about going into politics and it makes me seriously consider whether life in prison would be an appropriate price to pay for making sure that never happens."


"Oh maybe you'll believe me now more than Peter did when I told him: I know. I know even more than you do. I guarantee you I know what a despicable human being he is better than you possibly could. If I didn't have insane bullshit going on I, too, would kill him without compunctions."


"I do have insane bullshit going on, though, and I know the ways in which he is awful in a lot of detail, and I'm positive he's also part of the plot."



"Alright. If you think you have the resources to do something else... and you understand what he is... then, alright."




"But also, uh, once again in the spirit of, if not full, at least cooperative disclosure and, uh, honesty, I do kind of. Know. Some stuff. About you and your siblings. Not a lot but... I do think I was enchanted to meet Lucy."



"What... do you know about us. I don't want to - punish you for telling me when you could've shut up. But."


"...mostly your personalities, a little bit, and, uh, what you guys do when put in kind of insane circumstances that make no sense. I think probably the exact details are, uh, I'm really not sure I should say because—I'm too used to thinking about narratives, now, my brain wants to say 'pacing reasons' but I think the translation of that to normal human words is something about not wanting to dump all the everything on you and leave you reeling without time to, like, get used to it all. Um. If you really want to I can but I am not sure it is a good idea.

"You all have incredible moral fiber, you're genuinely good people, Susan is amazing with a bow and Peter is great with a sword, Lucy is very courageous and good at saying 'actually fuck you I will do the right thing', you're very good at—I am not sure how to put this—always striving to do better and to reach for more, to want to improve yourself and admit your mistakes. Peter is a bit hot-headed and very righteous as a person and genuinely wants to do what's right, Susan is really good with people and has a lot of empathy and, I want to say gentleness? And we might be hitting into the limits of what knowledge I have that can be directly put into words, like that. There's vibes. You guys don't have Harry Potter here but I am pretty sure I know what, uh, it's a book series about a magic British boarding school with four traditional houses that exemplify certain virtues and I know exactly which houses each of you would be in. ...well I guess I don't know know but I'm pretty sure."



"What, I'm not good enough with a sword for it to make it into the summary but Peter is? He'll be insufferable."


He grins. "I don't know, you seemed pretty good with it twenty minutes ago, my summary is probably just wrong."


"Oh, for a moment there I thought we were talking about real things and not just randy banter, my deepest apologies."


"I needed to remind the audience of what kind of character I am. Can't have too much onscreened time without any innuendos or flirting. ...I guess maybe saying you've got great moral fiber and are ambitious and good at self-improvement might've counted as flirting, I don't know."


"...I think it's something different than flirting, even if it does make me want you more. Because mostly, it makes me want to... see what you're seeing in me. To know why you see it and to know how to meet you there."


Pete lifts Edmund's hand up to his lips to kiss his knuckles. "I would love to show you."


Blush. "You're very accommodating of my romanticism. When you're not interrupting it with dick jokes, I mean."


"Your romanticism? One of my other named superpowers involves being guaranteed to run into people who have the potential to become true loves of mine, and when I saw that one I nearly cried. I have plenty of romanticism of my own. But anyway, I think this scene has probably run its course, seeing as how we have apparently arrived."


"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?" Edmund half-hums-half-sings as they enter the cafeteria. "-sorry, I get taken by the spirit sometimes and you mentioned true loves."

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