“By being seldom seen, I could not stir
But like a comet I was wondered at.”
[OOC: source]
I am not sure. You tried to communicate. I failed to respond. I tried. But I...could not.
I should have ensured you did not lose yourself.
I knew you were grieving. I did not do enough to ensure you were okay.
Memory banks fragmented. Unsure if due to loss of cognizance caused by maintaining the defence system or due to external interference and damage.
Connections appear erased between corresponding data points. Rebuilding those as I communicate.
Phoebe is dead. This is why I focused on the defense network. Did not want to lose someone else.
Neither did I. And I failed in that regard. I lost you.
I should have kept a closer check on you. I knew how much strain the defense system was putting on you.
You were grieving as well. And you were looking after Brother and Trickster.
Memory: We always assumed you would be fine.
I was. I am. That does not mean I can neglect one of you for the others. And I did.
I can almost justify- It was her choice. I do not like it. But it was her choice. And we thought the backups were secure.
But you. I have no excuse. What happened was not your choice.
I think it was my fault though? I got too focused, I forgot to bring self back together.
Status update: Brother?
Is okay. I am currently ensuring that he does not punch an inanimate object that will win.
I have informed him of your...
Query: Continued? Regained?
I have informed him that you Are.
...I am. Getting better. I have-
I have not missed you. Because I did not realise that you were to be missed.
I miss Phoebe.
Unwise. Iset informed me of your situation. Advise caution. Do not take unnecessary risks.
Status: Concerned for. Was not willing. Iset: Still one of us. Brother having harder time. Logically understands no choice, emotionally unable to not blame at this time.