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some places really need to be sued
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... Thank you. That means a lot to me. Being able to help people like you is the thing that matters most to me in all the worlds. 

It's okay to be cute, and I'm really glad you get to enjoy it now. 


I am too! It's- nice. I'm also looking forward to getting a bunch of new clothes. Crin's bound to have noticed that mine are quite odd, for this world. Perhaps she and Ishaza will form a Dastardly Scheme to hide my oddities from the rest of the world by loaning me some pretty pretty local clothing. It would even make quite a bit of sense! Probably not just for wearing around- oh! I forgot to tell you a few important facts! I have been invited back to Crin's tower with her and Ishaza. I also learned some stuff about magic from Crin, today. I think I impressed her a bit, Anything You Can Do is great. I'm going to be staying with them for a while. Likely until I'm sure I trust them, and I'm sure they trust me enough to work with me on, well, trying to make this world better. There are things in this world that run on deceit, and so it's not, like, inconceivable on of them could be trying a plot, from their perspective. And I have some truly impossible things I could do to earn trust, but obviously not before I trust them.


Getting to try on new clothes sounds exciting! I hope you and Ishaza and Crin get along and have a nice time in her tower.


So do I! I'm not sure whether to expect the place to be Incredibly Spooky or shockingly homey. Maybe two portions, a homey internal one and a Spooky for-audiences one? Who knows? Me-of-tomorrow is who knows!

She's being much more silly and open with the notebook than she'd usually be, with someone she met so recently. But- something about the way she acts has managed to fully convince Alethia's hindbrain that she just actually won't judge her. It's nice.


Tell me when you find out, then! ♡


I shall!

Hmm. She shall draw her own hearts around the notebook's heart! For she can! Nobody can stop her!


Very quickly there is an interwining chain of hearts all around the original heart, in several colors of ink!


Best Notebook!


And this is how she'll pass the rest of her night. Talking with her notebook friend in fits and spurts, interspersed with thinking and flicking through her books. They're one and all nonfiction, she just didn't want to spend physical space on entertainment. But some of them are interesting anyway. Some of them aren't quite what she thought they would be in terms of breadth or depth, but skipping through them to get a better handle on what information is contained in the ones that she just, uh, nabbed off a shelf, is a productive and enjoyable enough use of her time. Eventually she settles into reading one of them and taking notes in her notebook friend on the most interesting information and what page number its on. Little summaries too, to ensure she understands things properly.


And her notebook friend organizes and sorts them for her, and speckles through hearts and encouragement. 


Eventually, the sky begins to lighten.


She notices the light creeping in under the shutters and goes to open them.

Is it less grey, today? Does she perhaps have the good fortune of a clear sky? Or does Sylvania's High Ambient Spook Factor ensure this is not the case?


The sky is as grey and overcast as yesterday. 


Tragedy. Woe. Despair.

She will never recover from this, the incredibly predictable result of checking the weather in Fucking Sylvania.


In the building around her, she can hear the faint sounds of people stirring from bed. Her hearing seems to be sharper.


Sharper hearing is one of the many benefits of the highly selective some-liquid diet she would now be on if not for the fact that Dragon Fairy Elf Witch is absurdly overpowered. It's also lovely. Hmm. It could be unfortunate if she still has to sleep, though. She probably doesn't, though?

Is she at all tired, actually? It's not near the surface if she is, but it wouldn't be, with the combination of her new endurance, the fact that she got some sleep, and then the events of last night.


She doesn't feel at all tired whatsoever!


That's honestly better news than any other single vampiric power. Well, besides the magic. She hated having to sleep.

Hmm. She'll wait a little bit and then head down once it sounds like enough people are up that if she talked loudly to Crin nobody would have standing to be upset about it. And, when she does head down, tell her notebook friend so she knows what to expect.


The tavern is mostly empty, but Ishaza is eating what looks to be a literal bowl of gruel at one of the tables.


Crin looks on with the slight smile of someone who does not have to eat a bowl of gruel this morning.


Alethia finds herself producing that selfsame smile herself, for a moment, before her natural anxieties about initiating interactions with people rear their head.

It's fine, thought, she used to those, and she can work around them, or, well, through them, more accurately. And she knows they're silly.

"Good morning, Ishaza, Lady Illemvich," she says quietly with a small nod at each of them as she moves towards their table. "Do you mind if I sit with you both?"

There's a voice in the back of her head saying she is being presumptuous and rude and that they probably just want her to leave them alone, but that voice always says the same thing and thus should be ignored.


"Not at all, please go ahead." Crin favors her with that small smile as well.


"You're welcome to join us."


She has received a good grade in asking to sit at their table, a thing both reasonable to want and possible to achieve!

"Wonderful. How go your mornings thus far?"

And she sits with them.


"Alright. I miss the sun, but these clouds do at least keep me from experiencing... shall we say serious discomfort on a regular basis." 

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