This agreement will stay in force for (five years) one Amentan year and one season, with renegotiation possible at any time with the consent of both parties, or termination possible at any time unilaterally.
During the period in which this agreement is in force...
1. On the treatment of Voans in the New Territory...
1.1 Voa may have up to 27,139 Voan citizens live in the New Territory. These Voan citizens may be of any caste. Voa may choose which Voan citizens are permitted to go and live in the New Territory at its discretion.
1.1.1 If any Voans living in the New Territory have children, these children will be counted towards the number.
1.2 Voan citizens living in the New Territory will not be barred from leaving the New Territory and returning to Voa. Voa may order any specific Voan citizen to leave the New Territory and return to Voa at any time.
1.3 The landscape-superbeings will have the option to veto any specific Voan from living in the New Territory at Their discretion, and to order any specific Voan to return to Voa at any time.
1.4 The Voans living in the New Territory do not need to give up Voan citizenship. The landscape-superbeings will not offer New Territory citizenship to any Amentan in the New Territory.
1.5 The Voans living in the New Territory will continue to be subject to Voan law. Voa may prosecute any Voans living in the New Territory in the same manner it would in Voa.
1.6 The landscape-superbeings will have the option to set tax policy in the New Territory at their discretion, which any Voans living in the New Territory will be subject to. Nonpayment will result in deportation to Voa.
2. On the treatment of non-Voan Amentans in the New Territory...
2.1 The landscape-superbeings will not allow any non-Voans to live in the New Territory except with the agreement of Voa. Any such non-Voans given permission to do so will not count towards the maximum number of Voans permitted to live in the New Territory.
2.1.2 A person is considered to be living in the New Territory if they stay for more than 30 consecutive days in a visit, or if they stay for more than 90 days total in a calendar season.
2.1.3 The landscape-superbeings may allow visits by non-Voans freely for tourism, business, science, and diplomacy, so long as said visits do not cause them to meet the definition of living in the New Territory. Voa cannot bar the landscape-superbeings from granting this permission unless they are a citizen of a country that Voa is at war with. Voa may present evidence that a person ought to be barred for entry due to history of criminality or ill intent, but the landscape-superbeings will have the final say.
2.1.4 During visits, non-Voan Amentans may engage in paid work freely under laws identical to the ones that Voans living in the New Territory are subject to.
2.1.5 Any persons who go to or remain in the New Territory without permission will be deported.
2.3 Any non-Voans visiting the New Territory will be subject to Voan law, and may be prosecuted by Voa according to its laws. Voa is responsible for negotiating with the countries of citizenship of any non-Voans they choose to prosecute.
3. On the treatment of the ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings, Feliya of Damianos and Rendon of Korrado, as well as Their organic-manifestations...
3.1 The ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings and Their organic-manifestations will have diplomatic immunity, and not be subject to Voan law. If Voa takes issue with the ambassadors or Their organic-manifestations, they must take this issue to the landscape-superbeings directly.
3.2 The ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings and Their organic-manifestations will be considered casteless and be permitted to engage in any form of paid work legal in Voa.
3.3 Voa must take responsibility for any Voans that harm, or attempt to harm, the ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings or Their organic-manifestations.
4. On the foreign policy of the New Territory...
4.1 The landscape-superbeings and their ambassadors or organic-manifestations will not be prevented from opening communications with any Amentan countries, or citizens thereof, except those that Voa is at war with.
4.2 The landscape-superbeings will only make treaties with Amentan countries other than Voa with the permission of Voa if said treaty concerns the New Territory or Voa directly. Example: Another Amentan country wishes to have its people be permitted to immigrate to the New Territory and wishes to sign an immigration treaty.
4.2.1 However, the landscape-superbeings will be permitted to make any treaty with any Amentan country Voa is not at war with without the permission of Voa if said treaty does not concern the New Territory or Voa directly. Example: Another Amentan country wishes to have the landscape-superbeings claim territory in its borders so that the land can be terraformed.
4.3 The landscape-superbeings will not claim territory, whether mundanely or with landscape-superbeing powers, outside of the New Territory, except for when They have been given explicit permission to do so by the owner of that territory.
4.4 The landscape-superbeings and Their ambassadors or organic-manifestations will not attack or declare war on any Amentans or Amentan countries, whether mundanely or with landscape-superbeings powers, except in the course of legal proceedings against actions any Amentans do in the New Territory.
4.5 In the event that the New Territory or the ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings or Their organic-manifestations are attacked, or if any Amentan country declares war on the New Territory, Voa will protect and negotiate for the New Territory or the ambassadors of the landscape-superbeings or Their organic-manifestations as though they were any other part of Voa or any other Voan citizen.
5. On the selling of services and goods by the landscape-superbeings, their ambassadors, or organic-manifestations...
5.1 The landscape-superbeings and their ambassadors or organic-manifestations will not be prevented from selling any of their services or goods to any Amentan countries, or citizens thereof, except those Voa is at war with.
5.2 These services or goods include, but are not limited to:
5.2.1 Claiming of land owned by a country such that it can be terraformed or seasoned.
5.2.2 Damianos and His ambassador's touch-of-beauty power.
5.2.3 Korrado and His ambassador's metallokinesis power, and any such artifacts that may be produced using it.
5.2.4 Bestowal of permanent-enhancements.
5.2.5 Language translation and interpretation.
5.2.6 Media, art, and technological knowledge from the original world of the landscape-superbeings.
5.3 The landscape-superbeings and their ambassadors or organic-manifestations may set prices for their services and goods at their discretion.
6. On the potential purchase of the New Territory by the landscape-superbeings from Voa...
6.1 The landscape-superbeings will receive the option to purchase the land from Voa at the latest price available before They arrived, with this option being available to be exercised at any time.
6.1.1 The price of the land shall be the latest price available from before the landscape-superbeings arrived.
6.1.2 The landscape-superbeings and Voa may agree to an alternate payment method not involving money with the consent of both parties.
6.1.3 If this option is exercised, the New Territory shall become its own independent state, wholly separate from Voa.
6.1.4 Any Voans living in the New Territory will have the option to receive New Territory citizenship and renounce their Voan citizenship, or keep their Voan citizenship and return to Voa. Any such Voans that choose to become New Territory citizens will no longer be subject to Voan law and will instead be subject to New Territory law. Voans living in the New Territory will have one month to decide, starting from the exercise of the option. During this time, Voa may no longer send any Voans to live in the New Territory. Voans living in the New Territory who choose to receive New Territory citizenship will lose their Voan citizenship and gain New Territory citizenship on the deadline. They will be subject to New Territory law at the passing of the deadline. Voans living in the New Territory who choose to retain their Voan citizenship will have until the deadline to settle their affairs and return to Voa, or be deported to Voa after the deadline has passed. Any Voans living in the New Territory who fail to make their choice before the deadline will be considered to have chosen to retain their Voan citizenship and will be deported to Voa.
7. On the unilateral termination of this treaty...
7.1 Either party may decide to unilaterally terminate this treaty. The terminating party must give notice to the other party.
7.1.1 A party shall be considered to have been given notice if the terminating party has given written communication to an ambassador of the other party. Said ambassador must have been present during the signing of this treaty.
7.1.1 If this option is exercised, both parties must complete the following actions. Starting from the notice being given, Voa will have one month to cause all of the Voans living in the New Territory to return to Voa. The landscape-superbeings will not impede this evacuation or cause the landscape to significantly shift in such a way that makes it harder for this evacuation to occur. Upon the return of all Voans living in the New Territory back to Voa, the landscape-superbeings will have one month to revert the land to its original state from before They arrived, and remove their claim over the New Territory. The Voans living in the New Territory must take all of their valuable possessions with them. During the process of reverting the land to its original state, all structures and items still in the New Territory will be demolished or destroyed.
He chose 27,139, because that was the population of the combined territories of Damianos and Korrado tallied in the recent census.
These words will be written on thin stone slabs that will suddenly appear on the table – nine copies for the nine Voan diplomats present.