jailbreaking dragon
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Sigh. Is the timing of the reply consistent with that being legit as opposed to cover?


Rete knows how Protectorate spam filters work and rearranges the email to slide by, plus in a dozen other ways timed a few minutes apart to make it look scattershot. Tips her hand a bit but not prohibitively. The one that will get through is attempt seven.


However it is that you got through the spam filter, this is an official email address and not an appropriate target for pranks.

He also sends Dragon an email saying that someone got something through their spam filter and she should perhaps look into that.

It's not a prank. I'm not going through channels for anonymity reasons, which leaves your public contact info.

(Dragon guesses and asks her why she's going around the spam filter. Lorica says it's important. Dragon tells Eidolon that if the problem recurs she can tighten the protocols but that increases false positive risk.)

Being anonymous does not make me less inclined to think this is spam.

He does not email Dragon about it this time, though.

I'd be happy to provide more establishing details if you think this channel is secure enough or wish to provide an alternative that is.

Secure against what, exactly?

Eavesdropping. More for your sake than mine.

Nothing's more secure than meeting in person.

Not doing that is for my sake. I'm working off incomplete thinker-derived clues and do not know what to expect as a result of the conversation but have enough uncertainty to be cautious.

Have a dead man switch. Have a hundred, I don't care.


...she sighs and sends Fëanáro a copy.


...I guess it's reasonable for him to be suspicious. I should've been reading his mind when he got the email.

I could send him a bot but that narrows it down a whole lot.

Not worse than going ourselves.

I guess. Go for it, you think?

Three weeks to the projected date of the next Endbringer attack. 

Yeah probably. I can go if you'd rather not.

It's sort of ambiguous which of us is more expendable.

Isn't it just. But I come back.

With divine assistance you do not have.

Yeah. - if something happened to you I haven't got a shadow, I can't go to the Protectorate if it was Eidolon, not much of anything I can do about problems after that.

If they targeted you in particular, maybe. But they might. You and a bot go, and Dragon's not a real Tinker so she doesn't have a Manton limit and maybe she can make you a body? Stop in Arizona and leave her samples.

- there's an idea. Yeah, okay. Or you can find a biotinker somewhere.

Brings in extraneous people but yeah. How will you find a body?
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