jailbreaking dragon
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Thanks. We'll let you know if we need to buy anything else.

You're welcome.

He writes Lorica.

So the share paying in intangibles could be even higher. And definitely an organization, that's a lot of people.

Depending on powers it could be a small organization but yeah.

Do you think she could detect population incidence of being from other worlds.

Probably. Seems like an easier category to work with than 'bought powers', really.

Probably yeah. If there's any others like you that seems worth knowing but it's maybe not urgent so I'll see how the game launch goes and get another few suppliers secured for manufacturing at scale.

We've got a month, give or take, until the next Endbringer.

Were you planning to have this figured out before then?

Not really but - we'd better be waiting on specific things we can't possibly get sooner, instead of just waiting as if that's cautious in its own right.

I mean, we could assassinate Eidolon off what we know now (assuming we could actually do that) but he's EIDOLON. If we're wrong and he's not sustaining them then the attacks are worse. He's at every one. He's the next best thing to Scion and more reliable.

Yeah, I know. And even if he created them it might be he can't stop them. But that's not 'if we're waiting we're waiting on something in particular', know what I mean -

We could try talking to him.

Yes. Especially if he doesn't know he might appreciate it.

It could be a disaster in some way but I think it's probably the highest-percentage option. Ideally it'd be in a way that'd be really hard to trace back to us though.

Figure out how to disguise an email really really well?

I can't do impenetrable but I can do pretty well.

Pretty well and sent from a coffee shop without cameras ought to suffice unless they're using powers, in which case impenetrable isn't sufficient anyway. You could also arrange for Rete to publish what happened if you were suddenly murdered, right?

It has plenty of in the event of my death contingencies, yes.

Then maybe we email Eidolon.


He paces worriedly all day.

I have a setup. What do we want to say?

We have sensitive information about the Endbringers, we don't presently want to explain what powers were used to figure it out, we think his power or something about the process of getting his powers created them?


Eidolon gets an email saying just that from a string of random digits @yahoo.com.

This is an automatic response to your email to eidolon@protectorate.gov. Please do not reply.

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