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The only thing that sucks more than the Scholomance is not going to the Scholomance
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"I mean, most maleficers do it out of desperation, right, not... careful pre-planning. And after they usually they feel they need more power, or a way to avert the consequences, not... A clean slate that they then have to work their way up from? It's not easy, it's just. Faster. Is the way my mom put it." She fidgets, awkwardly.

"... as to the other side, um. I... don't know. Safest would probably be to wait until after graduation, really. Which is what my mom did. And then she ended up slipping," for her, "and it all came undone. And, I just. I see so much of her pain in you, and. When my mother wrote this damnable thing it was with the intention to help keep me from hurting myself more than I had to, if I decided I had to, and. I want that for you, too?"





"I can't. Not... on my own. Not without... Not alone."


Yvette nods, pained.

"Okay. Um. ... Do you still not want the book, because I really do think it'll. Help. And I mean, what else am I going to do with it, at this point."













"Okay," repeats Yvette, inanely, and she gives the book of efficient black magic to Liu. "Um. Fuck this was way too heavy of a topic to ask to be your friend on. Sorry."


She accepts the book, then starts laughing, and then goes back to crying, hugging it close to her chest.


Wince. "Sorry," she repeats, miserably.





"I think I'll accept that hug now," she says in a small voice.


This earns the tiniest of smiles from her.

"Okay," says Yvette, and she carefully steps closer to Liu and gives her the hug they probably both need.


So now Liu's crying can be more muffled and less obvious and if something attacks them, well, she's not feeling particularly happy feelings right now so she might not even mind so much. Something to distract them both.


Since it's her room, Yvette thinks it's her job to keep an eye out for anything out to get them. She's taller than Liu, anyway, so it's easy to keep an eye out while she holds her. Poor Liu. And Yvette unknowingly made it worse, stepped on something sore without meaning to... though she can't quite bring herself to regret it. It hurts, and maybe she's helping her possible-friend down the path of wickedness or something, but. ... She deserves to be helped, too. Instead of the whole thing just being politely ignored because it's more convenient and less painful.

Suffice to say Liu can have as much hug as she wants, class be damned.


She doesn't want that much hug. And they're already late though for class the door probably wouldn't have let them in anyway, so eventually Liu finds some words that will cause her to be able to go back to her room, says them, and flees.


Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. Sigh.

With class definitely skipped by now, she'll just go back to working through her pretty grimoire, telling it with a dark sort of wryness, "See, that's two spell books given away in three days. If you're the jealous type I expect you'll be pleased."


The book does not respond and the way she feels like it's preening is probably just her imagination.


Maybe! Or maybe not. Either way, it will know she loves it very, very much.

Her next class does not get skipped, and neither does dinner. She's a bit more muted than she was at lunch, but generally still happier than her once-average.




Yes, dear, something's up, she'll explain it later. It's not you, though, you're still great.




"Oh they've graduated to conversations without using words, now," Scorpius teases.


"He's never been particularly talkative! If you weren't expecting this I don't know what to tell you."


"I was but it's still very cute to observe."


He is not cute, he is a talented and powerful artificer.


"You're not selling that very well, buddy."


"Selling what."


"That thing you just thought. Do you want me to just say it aloud?"

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