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pirates celestially forging in Mareth
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Ooh. Cozy table with cozy maybe-boyfriend? That'd be great. She'll go sit there with him.


A cheerful ferret-girl, tall but relatively short-legged with sleek fur and little round-tipped triangle ears, ambles over to inform them that today's breakfast will be porridge with fruit and fried potatoes with onion jam. "That sound good to both of you?"


"Sounds great to me!"


"Ooh, yes please!"


"That'll be just a few minutes!" she says cheerfully, and ambles off again.


She reaches across the table and squeezes Torok's hand fondly while they wait.


The ferret-girl, returning with two big plates each with a bowl of porridge and a side of potatoes, awwws audibly.


She blushes and grins. "Wouldn't you be making sappy faces if you had a partner this sweet and gorgeous?"


"Damn right I would!" She sets one plate down in front of each of them. "There you go, enjoy!"


Blushing, stuffing food in face.


She grins playfully at Torok and digs in.


"...this is really good," he says. "I almost don't miss Lily."


She frowns softly and squeezes his hand comfortingly as she eats. Lily is pretty great and the current situation sucks. Maybe if they demonstrate he can live safely at her house for a long time without killing any non-demons she'll be more comfy around him again.


"—aww, I'm fine. I mean, I'd rather I hadn't been an idiot? But I'm fine." Nom.


She smiles. "I'm glad you're fine, but I still want to fix things between y'all, if I can. Just because."


"...I don't... know if I want you to do that? I don't want—like, if I do untrustworthy things, people get to not trust me about them. I don't want to get around that."


She frowns and nods. "If you don't want me to, I won't. I just... want everyone to get to have nice things, especially people I care about."

Pensive nom.


"If she decides to come around in her own time that's different. I just don't wanna force it, or... act like she owes it to me? She doesn't."


"Ah, yeah, no, I don't wanna force anything. What I'm thinking is more like just arranging situations such that it's easier for her to see when you've been trustworthy over an extended period, like you live in the house we build for a long while and we conspicuously don't suffer any unfortunate fate, and then letting her come to her own conclusions from the evidence."

Nom nom.


"...I mean, that just sounds like stuff you'd be doing anyway? Unless I'm missing something?"


"It is, yeah. It's more a mental note to like... watch for opportunities to make things obvious without forcing anything and keep looking for synergy there. That sort of thing. You moving in is the plan regardless, just 'cause we like having you around."


"Well. Okay. I just—do you see why I don't want to push on this?"


She nods softly. "Yeah, I do. I've got my own reasons for not wanting to force it, and I can see your reasons too. It's... there's a certain honor in it."

She squeezes his hand some more.

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