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pirates celestially forging in Mareth
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"I guess I don't really feel very squishy about Palla," he agrees. "She's great but—we're not close. I don't think she really goes for close."


"Yeah, I get the same impression from her. Me, on the other hand, I go for close. Close is where I live."


"Well. I think I'd like to be your friend."


She just beams at him, then loops her arm through his and pulls him close, maybe resting her head against his shoulder while they walk. She'll want to be less conspicuous around Lily, probably, so she'll break off and do something silly and dramatic just before visual range of the farm, but for now snuggling the cute boy while she walks is great.


He's startled at first, and takes a few steps to find a rhythm where their strides match non-awkwardly, but then gradually relaxes once they've figured that out.


"Sorry if that was a bit sudden. Just... unreasonably pleased about getting to be cuddly-close with someone I like."


"I don't mind, I'm just a bit slow on the uptake sometimes."


"Well that's fine then." She smiles and they keep walking.


What a comfy early morning stroll!


There's one of those odd ripples in the water up ahead.


"Probably a nymph lurking." She nods at the ripple.


"Oh!" He brightens.



A figure emerges shyly from the water. This is no aggressive puddle; she has a well-defined form, female, humanoid, made entirely of water or something very like it. Her hair is a single mass, long and straight and half-dripping down her back. She tilts her head curiously at the pair of them.


"Rain, this is Sable. Sable, Rain." He studies the nymph for a moment and adds, "You hungry?"


She waves hesitantly to Sable and then nods.


She smiles warmly at Rain. "It's nice to meet you. I certainly don't want to get in the way. I can step away or stay here or," she blushes at this last addition, "join in, whichever y'all both prefer."


Rain smiles back, glancing between them. She seems to be steadied by Sable's friendliness.


"Maybe not join in this time, I don't want to make a whole thing of it right now. Rain gets hungry a lot; she told me she feeds the rest of the nymphs when they can't find anybody who's not a demon."


She nods. "Works for me, though that doesn't disambiguate between the other two options."


"Also, it sounds like things are hard for y'all sometimes," she says to Rain. "It's good that you're helping the rest of the nymphs when it gets tough."


She smiles a little, and nods firmly, and steps up to Torok (dripping water into the sand the whole way) to blink dubiously at his chitinous ensemble. Liquid eyelashes sweeping over featureless liquid eyes is definitely a bit odd, but it gets the point across.


...he laughs. "It, uh, it comes apart, don't worry. Sable, you staying or going?"


She takes a couple steps back to be out of the way, and sits down with a smile.


Rain hops up into Torok's arms, wrapping all her drippy limbs around him and resting her head on his chest.


He smiles and kisses her drippy hair and unfastens some sort of fastener, the details of which are slightly obscured by her translucent body.

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