Knight Commander Kybele
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From this perspective, it's obvious that this wouldn't happen. The wardstone would be a bit weaker than it was at its peak, due to there being fewer angels to maintain it, but as things stand much of its strength is devoted to suppressing the spread of corruption - her removing the source of the damage would greatly strengthen it from its current state.


Okay. In that case she wants to pull a simultaneous mercy kill and corruption purge.


The dagger will oblige her! Some of the red warriors remaining collapse, sobbing in relief, and the crimson covering their bodies begins to fade, while others continue to fight but find themselves vastly outmatched. The golden warriors thank her for her aid, and when she returns to her body the wardstone is glowing brightly. It releases a pillar of golden light into the sky, blowing the roof of the garrison and shattering the knife in her hands, but a portion of the power flows through Kybele and her companions, empowering them.


Yay! A job well done.

Has the wardstone cleared up the remaining demon infestation or do they need to go rout the demons.


Whatever illusion covered the demons before is dispelled by the sheer energy flowing through the room, and their locations are revealed. In the chamber with them is Minagho, and with her are a dozen vrocks and incubi, as well as easily thrice that number in lesser demons.

"What are you doing here? No, how are you here?"

Her voice shakes with wrath, and her eyeless face takes on a rictus of rage. Whatever aura of terror she possessed at their last encounter redoubles, but with the power now coursing through them it feels strangely muted, as though the very thought of someone like this being able to affect her is a bad joke.

"A trick from your pathetic goddess, is it? So even the gods themselves will resort to tricks when cornered. But she didn't go far enough - you're still trapped in here with me, and I absolutely will not let you escape a second time! You're already wounded, pathetic mortal!"

The wound in Kybele's chest is indeed open, but unlike previous occasions, there's no pain, and it's already beginning to close again before her eyes. The Lilitu's laughter turns a more than a little unhinged upon seeing it, and she begins to gather power in her hands.


Ky can't actually see her chest injury, since she is sensibly armored up, but she will send a flock of paper at the demons, slicing them up where possible and covering their eyes and wrapping their limbs.


The demons' flesh, formerly all but impenetrable to her papers, parts readily before her attacks. They'll attempt to escape their bindings, but somehow preventing them from doing so isn't any kind of struggle at all.


Camellia's rapier will flash like a thunderbolt, and produce blasts of sound that hit nearby enemies whenever she scores a blow. She's also laughing now, but in delight.


Even the strongest demons here aren't able to resist the call of sleep when Ember uses it on them, leading them to collapse on the spot, and her hexes come faster now, a demon dropping every few seconds.


And Ramien will parry the lightning bolt that Minagho unleashes with his starknife before closing into melee range.


The wardstone is so helpful. Ky wades in, a sword in each hand.


Pretty soon there won't be many demons left standing, and the handful of surviving Vrocks have made a lot of distance in an effort to avoid flying somewhere she can reach with her paper.



Ramien hasn't been having the best time of it with Minagho; his arms have half a dozen angry red welts on them, and there's blood still on his forehead from some now healed wounds. Minagho has hardly gotten off unscathed herself, however, and with the fight about to go from 1 on 1 to four to one, that seems unlikely to change any time soon.


"How? How can this possibly be happening? Explain, girl, where you got this power!"


"Why would I do that?" Stab.


Minagho tries to say something else, but all that comes out is a pained gurgle due to the sword in her lung. Genuine fear shows on her face; for the first time this fight, she's not able to hide it, and when she wrenches herself off the sword whatever she tries to do to heal herself only slightly helps. Humiliated, bleeding from dozens of cuts, and with a hole in her chest, Minagho finally decides discretion is the better part of valor and flees for her life by teleporting out.


Anything else that needs a few thousand papercuts?


Nope! Seeing Minagho leave was apparently the last straw for the vrocks flying overhead, and they peel off northword, climbing as swiftly as they can along the way.

With the last demon gone and the fight ended, the power starts to drain from her; instead of an endless ocean of strength, she's left with a mere river. But her sword still sings in her hand, delighting in her new-found connection to heaven itself, and all the paper under her control still seems somehow more powerful than it did this morning, like an echo of the effortless strength she just unleashed to cut through the demons.


"That was incredible! I'll admit, I'll be missing that kind of strength, but it sure gives me something to aim for. And I don't think it's all gone, either - look!"

Camellia swings her rapier, and her attack whistles through the air, far faster than she could manage before.


"Beautiful." She whisks all her paper into a neat pile and sits on it. "I should take actual swordfighting lessons if I'm going to be doing this much of it!"


"I'm afraid I can't help you there, since I was never terribly good at them, but I can't imagine there will be any shortage of paladins willing to offer you training. Iomedae is famous for her own longsword, so lots of them take after her."

He glows a bit and removes some of the brands dotting his arm, then tries again to get most of the rest.


"Soot says they can give me a lot more spells now, so I can heal even more people. Thank you very much, miss Kybele!"


"You're welcome. Soot gives you your spells?"


"Well they're originally from my grandmother, but she sent Soot to give them to me because she lives very far away."


"I'm not sure I follow."

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