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being a mary sue is so egosyntonic for chevrons
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The notebook doesn't say anything and very bravely refrains from adding cute outlines or complementary doodles or similar around the stickers! It also doesn't shuffle any pages around, so the stickers are definitely contributing to its weight right now.


She writes down the weight in a completely different notebook.

Okay, please shuffle away as many pages as you can.

Her handwriting suffers somewhat from trying not to press too hard on the page (and therefore the scale).


No comment on the handwriting. Once her hand is up and safely away the page autonomously flips over to a blank page as though caught in a breeze. There's a brief sound akin to someone flipping through all the pages very quickly with their thumb and then the notebook is still.

It's lighter by a little more than the weight of the stickers, actually, and a careful eye might find it to be thinner than before.


Her eyes are being so careful!  Also wow the page flipping is pretty convincing on its own, at least as evidence against her best guess for how a mechanism being used to trick her would work.

But she's pretty sure changing something's weight would take more tricking than she can reasonably expect to outsmart (or not be outsmarted by) on this much information, so her best choice is definitely to keep playing along.  And the height of the stickers was making a very obvious gap between the relevant pages which is no longer there . . .  She writes down the new weight next to the old and de-scales the notebook.

That's pretty convincing!  Thanks for humoring me.


I'm glad that the test worked! Do you want the pages we were using back?


Yes please.


Flip flip flip!

Okay, all done. If you'd like I can move this exchange to where we left off!


Either way.  May I see the next set?


It decides to do that. Yay, tidiness!

And now it's time for the next options:

Just A Little Longer ☐
Cost: 1
If you push yourself, you can keep doing any task or working on any project indefinitely, visibly strained but never impaired by injury or fatigue. As soon as you stop, you'll collapse with exhaustion and sleep for up to a full day to regain your strength. This only works when what you're doing is personally important to you.

Immunity System ☐
Cost: 3
You can't get sick or poisoned. You can still use recreational drugs and alcohol normally, but can't overdose.

My Ears Are Burning ☐
Cost: 6
You always know exactly what people are thinking, as long as it's about you. This effect is not telepathy and is not blocked by effects that block telepathy. It applies even to people you can't perceive normally. You are never impaired by the flood of information.

Well Endowed ☐
Cost: 1
You have a generous figure, whether that's a classic hourglass or more of a well-rounded look; you can choose the details. Your endowments maintain a state of perfect grace and beauty at all times, never troubling you with uncomfortable bounces or uninvited jiggles.

Hollow Leg ☐
Cost: 1
(Requires Well Endowed)
Regardless of your diet and exercise habits, your body maintains the physique and silhouette you prefer. Lack of visible muscle never impairs your strength or endurance. As your preferences change, so will your body; you are no longer bound to the generous figure stipulated by Well Endowed.

Inner Strength ☐
Cost: 3
(Requires Hollow Leg)
You are implausibly, superhumanly strong, with endurance and toughness to match. You might have to strain a little to lift and carry at the same level as construction equipment, or deal with lightly scraped knuckles if you punch as hard as a battering ram.


So I need Well Endowed to get Hollow Leg, but Hollow Leg lets me be not Well Endowed?  Do you know why it works like that?  Or am I misunderstanding.


That's right! I don't know if I know exactly why, but the way I understand it…

In general, options that grant more flexibility are more expensive than options that grant less flexibility. None of the options will lock you into one thing forever that you can't change your mind on, of course, but for instance A Thousand Ships on its own can't change your eye color nearly as much as Emerald Orbs can. I would guess that Well Endowed is a prerequisite to Hollow Leg because Hollow Leg is a bit of a variation on the same theme as Well Endowed that offers more flexibility. I don't know why Well Endowed is the default, though — maybe the Spirit can sense enough girls hoping for it that it wanted the option to be immediately on the table?


Oh, I see.

She idly fingerchecks Immunity System while she thinks for a moment.

How many options are there in total?  How quickly am I running out of points for this first round so far?


The totals update: 10/70, (17/70)

Including the three Destinations, there are seventy-eight default options. As I mentioned earlier and am including here for tidiness, this first section has twenty-seven, which means there are twelve I haven't shown you yet. Then there are thirty-six that affect other people and twelve drawbacks that give you a little more points to work with. And then…

Adding up the point values for the sections individually, taking all the Yourself options would cost 60 points and all the Power of Friendship options 116 points. Taking every Drawback would gain you 60 points.


You're so helpful, thanks!

Different notebook.

 3  | 0       0
27 | 60    ~2
36 | 116  ~3
12 | -60   -5

Total 176 (116)

So far she's refrained from marking interest in exactly one option, which isn't sustainable, numerically, and isn't likely to be very useful even for a first pass.

Back to the magic, personable notebook.

Would you mind adding a few more symbols for me?  I'm thinking stars for options I'm fairly sure I'll want and question marks for ones I want to ask you more about later.


That should be doable! Do you just want me to mark them for later reference, or do you want me to also track them in the corner? And are there any options that you want to change from what they are now?


Let's track just stars and checks for now.  And yes please!

Alyssa unclicks her pen and uses it to inklessly star Personal Hygiene and Immunity SystemWhat's In A Name, Just A Little Longer, and My Ears Are Burning get invisible question marks.  Checks for Well Endowed and Hollow Leg, and a circle for Inner Strength.


Okay, let's see…

The totals update yet again, to ☆ 4/70 and 12/70.

Does this about match what you were thinking?


Yes, thank you very much.  May I see the next set?


Battle Angel
Cost: 1
Somehow, you never get significantly injured in a fight, unless it's a very dramatic and plot-relevant fight in which case you might be glamorously wounded and pick up a cool new scar.

Battle Demon ☐
Cost: 1
You have an unerring intuition for gaps in an opponent's defenses, though it may be beyond your power to exploit them.

Battle Maiden ☐
Cost: 3
(Requires Battle Angel and Battle Demon)
No matter what kind of fight you're getting in, you're always a match for even the most skilled opponent.

Making Ends Meet ☐
Cost: 1
You have enough money to sustain a comfortable lifestyle. It comes from a source you don't have to pay much attention to, like a job with almost no responsibilities, a large inheritance, or a noble title.

Motherlode ☐
Cost: 2
(Requires Making Ends Meet)
You have enough money to sustain a fairly extravagant lifestyle. It doesn't come from anywhere, you just have it.

Four Star Daydream ☐
Cost: 4

(Requires Motherlode)
The answer to "can I afford that" is "yes."


Ooh.  Oooh.

What counts as a fight, exactly?


Um, a non-staged physical combat situation. There's a little fuzziness around all those edges, though. Stuff like fencing or jousting can count, for instance, especially if there's stakes you care a lot about, and magical combat that doesn't involve your physical body can count too. It mostly depends on how the participants view it. Do you have any edge cases in mind?


Not really,

she lies.

but I didn't previously consider myself to have gotten into any fights, and now I wonder if anything counts for this, or if I'm just expected to get into a lot more of them once I have this magic.


It depends a lot on what you think would make a good story, if you were writing one about your life. There are lots of people who don't get into fights before getting their powers who then go on to have superhero-style adventures, for example. Or the kind of adventures that a tabletop roleplaying game character would have.


I'll have to think on that, then.

She checks all of these options except for Making Ends Meet which she stars.

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