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all of the things you desire
being a mary sue is so egosyntonic for chevrons
Permalink Mark Unread

When Alyssa's cousin Emma gives her a glittery notebook with her name on it for her birthday, Alyssa thanks her warmly and gives her a hug, because that's what polite young ladies who are friends with their cousins do.

Good enough friends, even, that Emma could hardly fail to have noticed that Alyssa doesn't use side-spiral notebooks.  They make it annoying-to-impossible for her to produce handwriting up to her standard and she always buys top-bound ones even though they're a dozen times more expensive and almost never decorative.  (Or she buys looseleaf.)  But this one has her name on it, and isn't it pretty, Aly?  And you wear these colors a lot!  So of course she says she loves it.

She doesn't resent Emma for this at all.  Alyssa isn't annoyed about having to lie to her, or disappointed in the gift.  When she wants things she gets them for herself, and maybe sometime Emma will notice that Alyssa never uses it, and that Emma uses the sports bag Alyssa got her for her birthday almost every day, and then Alyssa will be winning.  (Well, more than she already is.)


But she can use it for handwriting practice, even if not for handwriting practice that anyone else can see, so a few weeks after her birthday she flips to the end - minus a handful of pages for later numbering, if she feels like it - and marks her spot with a treble-clef-shaped paperclip, and Googles a new pangram.

And starts writing on the back of a page:

My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit.

Permalink Mark Unread

A moment later, in a glittery ink decidedly unlike what Alyssa used:

Wow, that's one of those every-letter sentences!

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Let me try! ✨

A pause, during which the sparkles wax and wane.

Quietly placating, withholding firm rejection, my brazen example skews even.

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

That's pretty good!  I haven't seen that one before.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you! 😊 I made it up myself. Yours is tidier, though…

(The smiley face wiggles a little.)

Permalink Mark Unread

I've practiced a lot.

Who are you?

Permalink Mark Unread

If the notebook could vibrate with excitement, it probably would. It can't, though, so the most prominent sign of excitement is the speed with which the following words write themselves:

I'm an avatar of the Spirit of Youthful Femininity! Well, I'm more of a messenger, really, since I'm not personally part of the Spirit. But I can speak for it just fine! And do some of its work!

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . Alyssa locates the sparkliest washi tape from the organizer at the corner of her desk (purple, transluent with starlike metallic flecks), extends a segment about five inches long, detaches it using the built-in sharp edge, and uses it to underline the notebook's previous statement.  In lieu of an immediate written response.

Permalink Mark Unread

The pause this time is about twice as long as the notebook took to compose the pangram, without any dancing sparkles.

Oh dear, was any of that unclear? Or did you just want to underline?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a lot to think about.  Don't you like washi tape?

Also it's probably very important to find out - "Can you hear me?"  She speaks at a low conversational volume, not enough that any of her family members will hear through her closed door, but above a whisper.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think I knew what that was until just now! But it's very pretty. Thank you for showing me! ✨😊✨

The sparkles dance; the smiley wiggles. This motion continues uninterrupted while she speaks and after she finishes.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's either very relieving or some amount of scary.

You're welcome!

(A heart would be too much but she can make the stroke of the exclamation mark as a tall and narrow four-pointed sparkle and the dot a little twinkly cross.)

What's your name?

Permalink Mark Unread

The sparkles wiggle even more enthusiastically at the special exclamation point.

Most messengers of the Spirit don't have names. What's yours?

Permalink Mark Unread

You don't know already?

She closes the notebook, keeping one hand inside to mark the page, and traces her name on the front with a fingernail.  Then reopens it.

Permalink Mark Unread

No, I just know that

The writing stops when she traces the cover.

Oh! Your name is Alyssa? Was that written on my cover? I'm not really directly aware of things that aren't written in me… or on me, I suppose, or the washi tape!

Permalink Mark Unread

There's an obvious next - wait a second.

On your cover?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, the notebook you're writing in! I dunno if it really counts as my body, or if I have one, but it's the way that I can interface with the physical world, so I guess in a sense I do and it is! It's easiest to talk as though it's part of me, though, so that's what I do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, I'm sorry!  I thought you were someone with a body like mine who was talking to me through you.  I'll be more careful with you from now on.

May I try something with your cover again?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's really thoughtful of you! 😊 For what it's worth, I don't experience anything that happens to this notebook as unpleasant and I'm pretty sure it's impossible for anything really bad to happen to me. But I'm touched anyway!

Feel free to try whatever you'd like! I'll tell you whatever I notice about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good.

Reclose, fingerwrite 'Reynolds' guidelessly beneath the printed 'Alyssa', reopen.

Permalink Mark Unread

Basically as soon as she's finished tracing:

I got that! "Reynolds," right? I think I noticed it even better than "Alyssa," probably because now I know that writing on my cover is a thing that can happen.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're right!

'Can you read this?' Alyssa fingerwrites on the regular page.  Mostly in print but with the last word in cursive.

Permalink Mark Unread

… Yes, but I think that I won't remember things that are traced as well as things that are written. I can definitely try, though!

Permalink Mark Unread

Alyssa dutifully rewrites it in ink (with a parenthetical 'originally written w/ finger' in a still-neat but faster, looser font and a curved arrow pointing to the spot above the notebook's last comment).

What sort of work do you do?

Permalink Mark Unread

Again, the notebook can't physically perk up, but there's an eagerness to the next text to appear.

I communicate the will of the Spirit of Youthful Femininity! The Spirit wants girls to be beautiful and special and powerful, like Sailor Moon or Elsa or Marceline the Vampire Queen, but there's only so much it can do as far as making that happen in a literal rather than imaginary sense. So whenever someone exists who would make especially good use of the Spirit's gifts, it sends messengers like me to offer those gifts and guide them – well, you – through the process of becoming as beautiful and special and powerful as they (you) want to be.

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Really?  What makes me especially good for this?

Permalink Mark Unread
Hmmm… I don’t know exactly, since I’m not the Spirit, but my feeling is that some things that make someone a good candidate are creativity, openness to experiencing lots of new and interesting things, being in some beautiful and mysterious way aligned with the Spirit, wanting very badly to be beautiful or special or powerful, not knowing to want these things but having the potential to want them… really, there are probably more reasons than can be counted!

Another pause.

If you had to guess, what would ✨ you ✨ think makes you good for this? You seem really smart and clever and good at thinking of new kinds of things.

Permalink Mark Unread

You flatter me!

Being powerful, special, and beautiful does sound like something I would enjoy.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm glad!

So, for every person chosen by the Spirit, there's a certain amount of power that can be used to grant them magic and a list of options that I've been given that describe a lot of the things that the Spirit likes. A good way of abstracting this is… let's say that you have 70 "points" and each option either costs points, to represent how much magic it uses up, or grants points, to represent ways that you can stretch the magic a little farther.

Do you want to see all your options now, or only a few of them at a time, or something else?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think a few of them at a time, please.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay! You can check or uncheck any option at any time and I'll keep track of how many points we have to work with.

The text of the options is in subtly different "handwriting" than what the notebook has been previously using – it looks more like a typeface than something that would be written by hand. In the top corner of the relevant page, 0/70 appears in the same "font."

All powers are offered under an aegis of metanarrative protection. Any time you might expect a power to have obvious negative side effects, like glowing eyes making it harder to see, it simply won't – you'll be able to see just fine anytime it actually matters, while having dramatically hazy vision at cool, narratively appropriate moments. This doesn't apply to your own preferences about the explicitly described effects of the power; if you don't want to be Well Endowed, the metanarrative cannot protect you from choosing that option and having to live with it.

The first few options pertain to your destination. Unlike other options, they cost zero points and are mutually exclusive with each other:

Stay Put ☐
Cost: 0
You're just going to take these powers and keep on keeping on right where you are.

Somewhere In Mind ☐
Cost: 0
You have a destination you want to go to. You can choose any place, real, historical, fictional, or made up in your own head right now, and the Spirit will take you there. After that, you're on your own as far as further interdimensional travel.

Wherever You Go, There You Are
Cost: 0
Trust to the will of the Spirit and let it take you where you need to go. It will look at far more options than you could ever know about, and pick something that's likely to be even better for you than whatever you would have chosen on your own.

Back to the first handwriting:

Okay, those are the first three. You don't have to decide anything right away. Once you're ready, I can start listing the other options in groups of four to six if that sounds like a good pace to you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Four to six sounds nice, thank you.

she writes immediately.  And then she holds her pen just off the page, poised to keep going.


. . . . But it's going to take her a moment to process that enough to think of something to say next.  Apparently.

Permalink Mark Unread

The notebook can't actually tell the difference!

Okay, here's the first five! The first twenty-seven options all pertain to yourself – that is, they don't directly affect others or the world around you, though some of them will grant abilities that you could use to affect others or the world around you.

A Thousand Ships ☐
Cost: 1
Your face is simply exquisite, an ideal of feminine beauty. There are many possible ideals of feminine beauty, and yours is whichever one speaks most deeply to your soul. Others may match your beauty in their own way, but never exceed it.

What's In A Name ☐
Cost: 1
Magic to divine true names will accept whatever alias you choose to think of as your true name. Magic to use your true name against you will fail.

Angelic Tones ☐
Cost: 2
Your voice is supernaturally beautiful and you can sing in any vocal range.

Emerald Orbs ☐
Cost: 2
At all times, your eyes are exactly the right color. This effect operates based on your sense of aesthetics, in-the-moment preferences, and narrative considerations. Your eyes can be ANY color this way. Lightless black voids? Brilliant white stars? Limpid pools of endless sapphire? They will look exactly the way you'd want them to look if you were writing about this exact moment of your life.

Perfect Hair ☐
Cost: 2
At all times, you have exactly the right hairstyle. This effect operates based on your sense of aesthetics, in-the-moment preferences, and narrative considerations. It is not limited to physically or logistically plausible hairstyles.

Permalink Mark Unread

This set is honestly much more in line with what she was expecting.  She'll circle back to the one with staggeringly vast implications later.

Your ink is so interesting.  Can you mark things for me and be able to erase them later?  Or can you edit things I've written?

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you! ✨✨✨

The sparkles dance for a moment, which Alyssa may be able to recognize as the notebook entity taking a moment to think.

I can definitely check boxes, if that's what you mean by "mark things for me," and uncheck them, again if that's what you mean by "erase them later!" I didn't know until just now that I could copy things you write to quote them, so let me see if I can edit them…

Another moment passes. Slowly, the text on the page starts to wriggle around. It can compress itself, making the exchange take up much less space, or do the opposite, making the exchange sprawl across a spread. The notebook also seems to be able to increase or decrease the metaphorical font size of anything written. It returns everything to how it initially was.

It looks like I can move anything written in me around, but I can't edit the content of it, even if it's something I wrote myself. I also can't rearrange anything to make it look like we had a different conversation than we actually did! I do know that, even if we spent a very long time writing back and forth, I'd never run out of physical pages, which does mean moving written-on pages into a sort of memory storage rather than instantiating them physically, although if you ever needed to access stored pages you could. Oh, and I can make text and doodles move around if I'm excited!

Permalink Mark Unread

That's very good to know!

I'm going to check things like this

(she fingerdraws a check next to A Thousand Ships)

and mark interest with dots.

(she longpresses the box for Emerald Orbs).

Can you please keep track of my totals separately for just the checks and then for both together?

Permalink Mark Unread

A check and a dot appear in the relevant boxes, as does a new total beneath 1/70: (3/70).

How's this?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's great!

She checks Angelic Tones and dots Perfect Hair as well.

May I see the next batch?

Permalink Mark Unread

The tallies tick up! 3/70, (7/70).

Coming right up!

Size Difference ☐
Cost: 2
At all times, you are exactly the right height. This effect operates based on your sense of aesthetics, in-the-moment preferences, and narrative considerations. It will usually keep any height changes fairly subtle, but at dramatic moments you might discover yourself able to shrink to the size of a bee or grow to the size of a giant.

Dressing Room ☐
Cost: 3
No matter how ridiculous your outfit, it will stay pristine and perfect, unless it would be more dramatic for you to be artfully bedraggled. You can use any quiet moment to yourself to quick-change your clothes, shoes, nails, and hairstyle into a completely new look. (You cannot change your hair length or color this way without Perfect Hair, but you can braid or style it.)

Personal Hygiene ☐
Cost: 1
You are always clean and fresh, never needing to use a bath or toilet.

Like Roses  ☐
(requires Personal Hygiene)
Cost: 1
You smell lovely. Your scent is unique to you, and may involve any combination of warm spices, floral notes, petrichor, or other things you think smell good. You do not need any justification for why you smell like this.

Permalink Mark Unread

Alyssa ticks Dressing Room and Personal Hygiene and dots the other two.

Like Roses sounds like it could be a little boring but could also be very interesting.  Do you know how it works in more detail?  Does it let one change her signature scent?

Permalink Mark Unread

7/70, (14/70)

Hmm… I'm not sure how it works mechanically speaking past the part where it's magic!

A pause while the notebook thinks.

I think that's the case for all the powers, actually. If you have an explanation for how you want the powers to work, that explanation applies, but the powers aren't diminished any if you don't happen to think of one or if you change your mind later about the explanation!

You can definitely change your signature scent, though, same as with all the other options that have to do with your appearance or presentation! You don't have to consciously do it, either, though you definitely can if you want to.

Permalink Mark Unread

Could I make myself smell different to different people?

And - hmm, probably worth it . . .

And do you have any demonstration of magic available?  Besides yourself, of course, but for all I know you could be the e-ink of the future!

Permalink Mark Unread

Those are both really good questions!

The notebook goes quiet for a moment; even the dancing sparkles seem distracted.

To answer your first question: I don't see why not! That would most likely need a different power from Like Roses, though… the way the default appearance powers work is that your body will be in only one "state" at any given time: you'll have one hair style at a time, your eyes can be different colors but they'll still be one thing each, you'll wear one outfit at once, and so on. I can think about a power that's similar to Like Roses but with even more flexibility.

A briefer pause.

Depending on the desired effect, you might be able to use Like Roses creatively to smell different to different people. For example, there's an herb called cilantro that tastes fresh and herbaceous to some people but like soap to others. You could probably decide that you smell like something with a similar divide… although I'd expect that the division wouldn't be very finely controllable or precise. Also, I think it's important to mention that if you wanted to smell like your experience cilantro to everyone, everyone who smelled you would perceive that, even if their genome normally wouldn't let them, so as to appreciate your scent the way you intended.

The sparkles get a little more excited again.

As for your other question… I'm really not sure, even after thinking about it! My capabilities are pretty precisely specified—I can talk to you and keep track of your points and shuffle my pages around as needs be, and of course once you're completely sure you've made the choices you want I'll act as a conduit for the Spirit to grant you all the correct powers. Do you have any kinds of tests in mind that I can try?

Permalink Mark Unread

The details you gave are exactly the sort of thing I was wondering; thank you.  I have an idea for a test; I'll be right back.

She ducks down to the kitchen, makes some unavoidable small talk with her father, and returns to her desk with the kitchen scale in hand a few minutes later.

If I put some bulky stickers in you and you can shuffle those around in various ways I'd take that as evidence of magic.  Depending on the shuffling.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can definitely do that! Just let me know how and when.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good.  She has a ton of stickers that she doesn't have other uses for left over on sheets which had ones she did in a box on her bookshelf.  She fetches it, flips to a new spread, and starts laying down puffy butterflies and hearts and bunnies and fish across both pages.  Then she flips back to the last writing page and lays the notebook open on the scale.

Permalink Mark Unread

The notebook doesn't say anything and very bravely refrains from adding cute outlines or complementary doodles or similar around the stickers! It also doesn't shuffle any pages around, so the stickers are definitely contributing to its weight right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

She writes down the weight in a completely different notebook.

Okay, please shuffle away as many pages as you can.

Her handwriting suffers somewhat from trying not to press too hard on the page (and therefore the scale).

Permalink Mark Unread

No comment on the handwriting. Once her hand is up and safely away the page autonomously flips over to a blank page as though caught in a breeze. There's a brief sound akin to someone flipping through all the pages very quickly with their thumb and then the notebook is still.

It's lighter by a little more than the weight of the stickers, actually, and a careful eye might find it to be thinner than before.

Permalink Mark Unread

Her eyes are being so careful!  Also wow the page flipping is pretty convincing on its own, at least as evidence against her best guess for how a mechanism being used to trick her would work.

But she's pretty sure changing something's weight would take more tricking than she can reasonably expect to outsmart (or not be outsmarted by) on this much information, so her best choice is definitely to keep playing along.  And the height of the stickers was making a very obvious gap between the relevant pages which is no longer there . . .  She writes down the new weight next to the old and de-scales the notebook.

That's pretty convincing!  Thanks for humoring me.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm glad that the test worked! Do you want the pages we were using back?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes please.

Permalink Mark Unread

Flip flip flip!

Okay, all done. If you'd like I can move this exchange to where we left off!

Permalink Mark Unread

Either way.  May I see the next set?

Permalink Mark Unread

It decides to do that. Yay, tidiness!

And now it's time for the next options:

Just A Little Longer ☐
Cost: 1
If you push yourself, you can keep doing any task or working on any project indefinitely, visibly strained but never impaired by injury or fatigue. As soon as you stop, you'll collapse with exhaustion and sleep for up to a full day to regain your strength. This only works when what you're doing is personally important to you.

Immunity System ☐
Cost: 3
You can't get sick or poisoned. You can still use recreational drugs and alcohol normally, but can't overdose.

My Ears Are Burning ☐
Cost: 6
You always know exactly what people are thinking, as long as it's about you. This effect is not telepathy and is not blocked by effects that block telepathy. It applies even to people you can't perceive normally. You are never impaired by the flood of information.

Well Endowed ☐
Cost: 1
You have a generous figure, whether that's a classic hourglass or more of a well-rounded look; you can choose the details. Your endowments maintain a state of perfect grace and beauty at all times, never troubling you with uncomfortable bounces or uninvited jiggles.

Hollow Leg ☐
Cost: 1
(Requires Well Endowed)
Regardless of your diet and exercise habits, your body maintains the physique and silhouette you prefer. Lack of visible muscle never impairs your strength or endurance. As your preferences change, so will your body; you are no longer bound to the generous figure stipulated by Well Endowed.

Inner Strength ☐
Cost: 3
(Requires Hollow Leg)
You are implausibly, superhumanly strong, with endurance and toughness to match. You might have to strain a little to lift and carry at the same level as construction equipment, or deal with lightly scraped knuckles if you punch as hard as a battering ram.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

So I need Well Endowed to get Hollow Leg, but Hollow Leg lets me be not Well Endowed?  Do you know why it works like that?  Or am I misunderstanding.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's right! I don't know if I know exactly why, but the way I understand it…

In general, options that grant more flexibility are more expensive than options that grant less flexibility. None of the options will lock you into one thing forever that you can't change your mind on, of course, but for instance A Thousand Ships on its own can't change your eye color nearly as much as Emerald Orbs can. I would guess that Well Endowed is a prerequisite to Hollow Leg because Hollow Leg is a bit of a variation on the same theme as Well Endowed that offers more flexibility. I don't know why Well Endowed is the default, though — maybe the Spirit can sense enough girls hoping for it that it wanted the option to be immediately on the table?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, I see.

She idly fingerchecks Immunity System while she thinks for a moment.

How many options are there in total?  How quickly am I running out of points for this first round so far?

Permalink Mark Unread

The totals update: 10/70, (17/70)

Including the three Destinations, there are seventy-eight default options. As I mentioned earlier and am including here for tidiness, this first section has twenty-seven, which means there are twelve I haven't shown you yet. Then there are thirty-six that affect other people and twelve drawbacks that give you a little more points to work with. And then…

Adding up the point values for the sections individually, taking all the Yourself options would cost 60 points and all the Power of Friendship options 116 points. Taking every Drawback would gain you 60 points.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're so helpful, thanks!

Different notebook.

 3  | 0       0
27 | 60    ~2
36 | 116  ~3
12 | -60   -5

Total 176 (116)

So far she's refrained from marking interest in exactly one option, which isn't sustainable, numerically, and isn't likely to be very useful even for a first pass.

Back to the magic, personable notebook.

Would you mind adding a few more symbols for me?  I'm thinking stars for options I'm fairly sure I'll want and question marks for ones I want to ask you more about later.

Permalink Mark Unread

That should be doable! Do you just want me to mark them for later reference, or do you want me to also track them in the corner? And are there any options that you want to change from what they are now?

Permalink Mark Unread

Let's track just stars and checks for now.  And yes please!

Alyssa unclicks her pen and uses it to inklessly star Personal Hygiene and Immunity SystemWhat's In A Name, Just A Little Longer, and My Ears Are Burning get invisible question marks.  Checks for Well Endowed and Hollow Leg, and a circle for Inner Strength.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, let's see…

The totals update yet again, to ☆ 4/70 and 12/70.

Does this about match what you were thinking?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, thank you very much.  May I see the next set?

Permalink Mark Unread

Battle Angel
Cost: 1
Somehow, you never get significantly injured in a fight, unless it's a very dramatic and plot-relevant fight in which case you might be glamorously wounded and pick up a cool new scar.

Battle Demon ☐
Cost: 1
You have an unerring intuition for gaps in an opponent's defenses, though it may be beyond your power to exploit them.

Battle Maiden ☐
Cost: 3
(Requires Battle Angel and Battle Demon)
No matter what kind of fight you're getting in, you're always a match for even the most skilled opponent.

Making Ends Meet ☐
Cost: 1
You have enough money to sustain a comfortable lifestyle. It comes from a source you don't have to pay much attention to, like a job with almost no responsibilities, a large inheritance, or a noble title.

Motherlode ☐
Cost: 2
(Requires Making Ends Meet)
You have enough money to sustain a fairly extravagant lifestyle. It doesn't come from anywhere, you just have it.

Four Star Daydream ☐
Cost: 4

(Requires Motherlode)
The answer to "can I afford that" is "yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooh.  Oooh.

What counts as a fight, exactly?

Permalink Mark Unread

Um, a non-staged physical combat situation. There's a little fuzziness around all those edges, though. Stuff like fencing or jousting can count, for instance, especially if there's stakes you care a lot about, and magical combat that doesn't involve your physical body can count too. It mostly depends on how the participants view it. Do you have any edge cases in mind?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not really,

she lies.

but I didn't previously consider myself to have gotten into any fights, and now I wonder if anything counts for this, or if I'm just expected to get into a lot more of them once I have this magic.

Permalink Mark Unread

It depends a lot on what you think would make a good story, if you were writing one about your life. There are lots of people who don't get into fights before getting their powers who then go on to have superhero-style adventures, for example. Or the kind of adventures that a tabletop roleplaying game character would have.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll have to think on that, then.

She checks all of these options except for Making Ends Meet which she stars.

Permalink Mark Unread


And now the totals read ☆ 5/70 and 24/70.

Also, I had a couple of thoughts for powers that would let you fine-tune your scent like you mentioned. Would you like to see them?