To a casual inspection, this world's biota resembles the Earth/Arda standard, but with a wider slice of evolutionary history than normally exists at one time outside Valinors. The sapient population is in the low thousands, with a stone-age level of technology. The oldest people appear to be middle-aged, mostly much younger, and the sapient inhabitants comprise most of the youngest generations of a larger population of which the older generations are non-sapient hominids.
"Oh, that makes sense!"
"Wait, what are the umbrella-makers buying from billions of people?"
"Maybe they're being generous?"
"Or they're in a huge band like Vanda Nossëo and aren't being selfish."
"Or maybe they want to hear stories from lots of people like the Vanda Nossëans do."
"The umbrella-makers might be being generous or they might be buying money, which is like a symbol that you did something valuable that you can trade for other things - umbrellas, land, food, whatever."
"Oh, right."
"If people have a lot of money they can buy anti-aging jewelery, right. If we don't join Vanda Nossëo maybe we can make umbrellas and buy anti-aging jewelery that way. Or other things, I assume it's not just umbrellas that people can make lots of like this.
"Even if we do join Vanda Nossëo we'll want money to buy resurrections and intelligence jewelery."
"Yup. Money's really useful and can buy all that stuff. You can probably sell things you make that are special to people who like things just because they were handmade by people from an interesting culture."
"Oh, that's convenient! What's a 'culture'?"
"We should go find more food. Thanks for the umbrellas!"
"A culture is a group of people who are all used to acting in certain ways - speaking a particular language, eating particular foods, marking milestones of their lives or times of the year in particular ways, that kind of thing."
"Ok, so the thing us and the Bre-Na and the Dre-Na are mostly one of, and the Kau-Ba mostly are too, and the Au-Na and the Au-E-Na are kind of another one, and the Tesi-Ba are an almost totally different one?"
(It has not yet occurred to anyone that they could just ask Cassiel to make them food)
Eventually the foragers will start to trickle back again. They have enough food for a meal, now, and enough dry firewood to cook it.
Cassiel realizes when she has a look at what they've got that possibly they do not know she can do food. She will offer them spices in case that gets it across without being pushy.
This will get people aware that Cassiel can make food. Although now they already have food, so they'll just ask if she wants to cook it for them.
They set aside some some sorghum, some peas, and some miscellaneous seeds and tubers aside for planting.
"Yes. Maybe not as fast as animals? But a lot of plants mostly look or taste different from how they used to."
They will identify some plants which have recently evolved to be poisonous. They can't guess what a poisonous plant will do in advance, they just find by experience that some things make people sick now and so stop eating them.
"If any poisonous plants have become edible we haven't found out. A few things grow more seeds or have bigger tubers than they used to, that's pretty easy to see. We don't have a way to tell how well stuff burns except trial and error, if that changes."
"What I'm getting at is, people in other worlds deliberately make plants - and animals, too - evolve in specific ways. Sometimes this even results in things like a fruit not having any seeds at all, and needing people to help it transplant. Sometimes the same plant can turn into multiple different vegetables, and different ones are bred for, say, the leaves, and others for the stems. Has anything like that happened?"