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Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
anatomically modern
Vanda Nosseo meets the Cartoon Caveman Sandbox World

To a casual inspection, this world's biota resembles the Earth/Arda standard, but with a wider slice of evolutionary history than normally exists at one time outside Valinors. The sapient population is in the low thousands, with a stone-age level of technology. The oldest people appear to be middle-aged, mostly much younger, and comprise most of the youngest generations of a larger population of which the older generations are non-sapient hominids.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
anatomically modern
Vanda Nosseo meets the Cartoon Caveman Sandbox World

To a casual inspection, this world's biota resembles the Earth/Arda standard, but with a wider slice of evolutionary history than normally exists at one time outside Valinors. The sapient population is in the low thousands, with a stone-age level of technology. The oldest people appear to be middle-aged, mostly much younger, and the sapient inhabitants comprise most of the youngest generations of a larger population of which the older generations are non-sapient hominids.