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some Mechanisms in Automata
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"—uh, grew it myself?"

...several observations are clicking into place. The lack of humans they've seen around the place, Gunner 13's attitude to the suggestion that she might be anything other than an android or a robot...there've gotta be humans around here somewhere, or else why would the androids be humanoid, but he's starting to think they're pretty rare.

"Never met a cyborg before, huh?" 


"What's a cyborg?"


"Ok, so you know humans?" They've gotta know what a human is, at least. "Cyborgs are what you call organic humans with some machine parts. Like my arm and Ivy's brain and Martin's, uh, everything except his heart." 


Its yellow eyes flicker! 


- And then Gunner no. 13 skids to a stop next to them, even though she really shouldn't have been anywhere near close enough to overhear that. "What the fuck?"


Kit raises an eyebrow at her.

"Soooo, I'm getting the sense that the answer to 'how rare are actual humans on this planet?' is 'very'." 


"That would be consistent with our observations so far, but we don't have enough data to draw conclusions about the whole planet..." Ivy muses, half to herself. 


"They've been extinct for fucking what, over five thousand years? Some disease shit. And the aliens who made the machine lifeforms kicked it too, though their problem was being too fucking dumb to live and programming their death robots to 'destroy the enemy.'"


A startled laugh bursts out of him. "Serves them right, by the sound of it! They wouldn't be the first to go that way and I'd be surprised if they're the last, but oh it's funny every time."


"So is it just androids and machine lifeforms left on this planet, or are there other species of aliens around? At least in terms of people; it clearly still has animals and plants and the like." 


"First thing."


"Well, that certainly simplifies things, at least. Is the lack of humans causing any problems we might be able to help with?" 


"Why would it?"

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