things are ugly but at least people can read
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"Then why're you passed out on the lawn?"


"I was homesick and I came out here to look at the stars and then I fell asleep."


Sigh. "All right, move along."


He goes back to the library.


Dylan shows up that afternoon.


"Hi," he says distractedly from beneath a different pile of books.


"Hi. Did you leave your stuff in the dryer? ...Did you get grass stains on my pants?"


"My clothes all got ruined, the fabric bunched up and the dyes ran and it shrank." He holds it up demonstratively. 


"...maybe it was dryclean only or something. Shit, I don't know about fabrics, most things go fine through the washer. I can take you clothes shopping."


"I guess that's a better idea than making a loom - I was going to but I figured someone'd pitch a fit if I cut down a tree for it-"


"...yyyyep you can't go cutting down random campus trees. Where would you have even gotten tools. To make a loom. Or thread. To put in your. Loom. What the fuck."


"I could've salvaged some of this and unthreaded some of the stuff you have and I know how to make the tools out of rock, my people aren't incompetent just because we're illiterate -"


"I fully believe that you could have constructed a stone-age loom if nobody stopped you," says Dylan, placing his hand on his heart. "That is just a ridiculous thing to do, is all, we can go to Target."


"Okay. Let's go to Target."


They have to take the bus to get to Target. Target is large and brightly lit and has clothes. All the pretty ones are in the women's section.


He needs them to be pretty.


"You can't go around in a dress, people will think you're gay and try to beat you up."


"I can't go around in something ugly I will be depressed all the time. And all of those are ugly and this is nice. They'll think I'm what?"


"They'll think you want to have sex with guys, it's a whole - thing - look, they have perfectly nice jeans in the men's section, what's wrong with jeans -"


"I don't think the clothing and the behavior are correlated, all Elf clothing looks more like this and there are no Elves who do that, I'd never even heard of it until I got here. Those are an ugly color and the range of motion is annoying and they're not nice to touch."


Sigh. "We can go to a fabric store."


"Okay. - also they couldn't beat me up, I don't think. If you were worried."


"I know, you have powers, but still." He asks a Target employee where to find a fabric store. They get on the bus again and can find things for Fëanáro to make his own clothes with without needing the "make a loom with stone tools" step. "Just make sure it's not a dress, weird robey things like what you had before are fine, looks more like a cape costume than girls' clothes."


"This place is stupid. Okay."

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