Veron in Arda
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"We've got defenses in the cities but not so much on the road. I can see if Huan can travel with you - a Maia who takes the form of a dog, and could warn if others were coming -"


"If Huan's okay with it, then I'd be happy to have him along. I do have personal defenses though, and uh. Am used to powerful people wanting to kill me. One of my best qualities is 'surprisingly hard to kill.' So I don't think you or he should drop everything on my account, if he's somewhere he needs to be."


"I'll ask. Death isn't even the greatest risk."


"Is the greatest risk getting captured and tortured. 'Cause I'm used to that one, too."


"It would surprise me very much if you are used to the Enemy's handling of prisoners."


"I have so far been able to dodge all of the people that have wanted to torture me, I'll do my best to keep doing that."


"He might actually find it more strategically useful to edit your memories and feed you new ones until you're willing to work for him. But yes, please do avoid that."


"If the evil god can get far enough into my head, we are all going to be in a lot of trouble, memory editing or no. So uh. Yes. Going to avoid that."


"He can, yes."


"Really, really going to avoid that," mutters Veron.


"We carry poison."


"Wouldn't work. I'll arrange something that will."


"Thank you."


"Sure. I mean, my plan A is going to be 'run to the Plane of Shadow,' I won't be able to get back but I'll be alive and in control of myself. But conceivably that might not be available for some reason, so."


"Are there resources you can leave with us such that your flight or death might not be a total loss-"


"Probably, I just don't keep a kit for murdering evil gods on me, all neatly packaged up and ready to be dropped off. Some of the things I might want to leave are one of a kind, and I would then not have them anymore. I'll set something up."


"Thank you. My brother says Huan would be happy to play guard dog."


Adventuring with a magic dog honestly sounds amazing. He does not suppress the smile.

"All right. Happy to have Huan along, then."


"They'll probably be here by the end of the day."


"Okay. Thank you."


"You are very welcome."


"Is there a, a Maia-dog courtesy checklist or something? How to treat a demigod who is also a dog without causing offense?"


"If he didn't want to be treated like a dog, he wouldn't be a dog - but, uh, that does assume a society where people are respectful of dogs, I suppose. Don't expect him to talk, he can but if he wanted to he would've picked a form with vocal cords. He used to be a Maia of Oromë, the Vala of hunting, before he befriended my brother."


"I was mostly wondering if he'd get offended if I asked to pet him and called him a good boy," says Veron, absolutely seriously. "Take it that's a no, then."


"That should be fine. You could teach him the shadow monster language, I have no idea how to pronounce those words but he wouldn't have a problem."

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