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Veron in Arda

He'd meant to quit this whole 'adventuring' business, hadn't he. Messy, confusing, dirty business, filled with far too many bad smells and far too little comfortable places to sleep. If he'd ever had any fantasies for the profession, they have long since been burned away. He wants peace, damn it, is that so hard? It shouldn't be. Why doesn't the world respect his decisions? Veron Chandler, completely ordinary citizen of Neverwinter, no reason at all for anyone to look twice at him; that was precisely what the plan had been.

The last time he'd tried this, the plan had been to be 'Veron Chandler, completely ordinary citizen of Waterdeep,' and look how that went. Conned into going after some idiots that didn't understand the concept of 'waiting,' conscripted to join a war in a place so foreign he didn't feel safe to drink at the local tavern, condemned to the eighth level of Hell itself as someone else's patsy. Hadn't that been fun. He had thought he'd learned his lesson about doing nice things for nice people; sure, everyone thanks you, but no one's there for you when you later have reoccurring nightmares of dracoliches. It's safe to say that he's done his time in the world saving business, he can let the world handle itself for a little while.

Except here he is again, investigating weird shit because a nice person asked him to. Did he say, 'Go ask someone else'? Or perhaps, 'Sorry, I can't help you,' or even, 'Why don't you just move somewhere safer instead of parking near the haunted catacombs of your ancestors'? He did not. He did not say any of those things. Instead he said, 'I'll give it a look,' and now here he is, tromping his way to some haunted catacombs, like he has any business poking at the dead. Ugh. His bleeding heart is going to be the death of him, one day. Possibly today. It could always be today.

"If I meet another kid," he mutters to himself as he stomps through the underbrush, swatting at a mosquito on his neck, "that looks up at me with big earnest eyes and says, 'I want to be an adventurer like you when I grow up!' I am going to tell him the story about the mindflayers." This is a lie. He would never tell any child any stories about mindflayers. He doesn't want to give kids nightmares. But saying this sort of thing makes him feel better, and there's no one here to hear him, so he doesn't feel bad about it.

Stomp, stomp, stomp - oh look, weird magic bullshit, he's so surprised. Guarded by skeletons, how novel. He neither is surprised, nor finds it novel. He decides that he doesn't want to deal with these reanimated cadavers any longer than he has to. He should just start off by shadowstepping to the far skeleton archer, then tripping up the warrior as it runs... but what if someone actually has a legitimate reason to have these corpses animated? He doesn't know the local culture, it could be a thing. Use the ethically sourced dead to work in the fields for the living, or something. There is nothing stopping a necromancer from being good, in theory. Not that he's met one.

Oh blessed Tymora he's going to reveal himself and attempt to communicate out of principle, isn't he. Damn it. That's going to get him killed, too.

"Excuse me!" he calls. "Is there a spellcaster or restless ghost that maybe wants to explain what's going on?"

"Ah!" says an echoing voice through the trees. "An intruder! More materials for my experiments! Slay him, my minions!"

Veron indulges in a sigh. Yeah, that was what he was afraid it would be. This is what happens when you give people the benefit of the doubt. People trying to kill you.


The skeletons are a breeze, the later zombies a cakewalk, and the horrific sewn together monstrosity, ten feet tall and no doubt a treasured favorite of the necromancer, a brief distraction. Very brief.

"So is it the standard 'the fools cast me out and I'll show them all' backstory, or...?" says Veron, when he has the necromancer cornered.

"You think you've won! But I'll show you, you won't be so smart then, will you, think you can kill me -"

"Listen, mate. I don't want to kill you. I wanted to say hello. What's your story, what got you to run off to the woods to play with dead things -"

"Insufferable fool! I'll show you -" the necromancer raises his hand to point a finger at Veron.

The world turns a familiar grey as Veron slides into the in-between of Toril and the Plane of Shadow. The necromancer freezes, his hand nearly extended. Time's not actually frozen, per se, Veron's just moving and perceiving the world fast enough that everything looks still. He can't keep this up forever, not if he wants to avoid getting shunted unpleasantly to the Plane of Shadow, but he can keep it up long enough to slip behind the necromancer before his perception of time rights itself and the world's color returns.

His knife, quite casually, is at the necromancer's throat.

"Pass. Listen, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but you're making it real hard."

The necromancer splutters, and his spell fizzles harmlessly. "W-what?! What, you - you -"

"Yeah. Me. Say one complete sentence that isn't evil, please, I'm begging you here."

"You'll get no simpering from me, fool!!"

Well. Lost cause, he's wasted more than enough effort on this waste of a person. It's obvious he's not going to change his mind, or stop sewing corpses together, and it's obvious he'll graduate to kidnapping people and experimenting on them soon. Can't just leave him alone, and it's not like he has some place to hold him. The Plane of Shadow, maybe, but he's not putting anyone there if he can at all help it. He has a brief debate over if he can get this guy to some place that'll try to reform him, decides that any place that could hold a wizard wouldn't make them very inclined to reform, and promptly slits the guy's throat.

"What a waste," he sighs, at the corpse.

And then, in typical adventurer tradition, he immediately begins raiding the necromancer's stuff.

Halfway through that, as he's sorting through the potion rack, there's a cracking sound from behind him. He whirls around just in time to see the final shards of a crystal ball fall to the ground. He swears just in time to properly express his dismay at the glowing and buildup to exploding that is happening around the enchanted glass shards. On instinct, he shifts to the in-between, planning to dash to the exit before he can get caught in whatever bizarre blast is no doubt about to occur.

Veron Chandler is very fast, but he shifted as the explosion began, not before. It is a very rapid explosion, once it gets going. He is not quite fast enough to escape it.


He starts going through his checklist before he even opens his eyes. Anything injured, if so, how bad? Does he have his pack, where are his weapons, is anyone immediately trying to kill him, does he have anyone else he needs to look out for, does he need to move right now or die.

Not injured, not unless it's bad enough that he doesn't feel it. Pack's there, so are his weapons.

He sits up with a groan, and opens his eyes to see about anyone trying to kill him.

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"I did not collaborate with the Enemy, mean you no harm, and if any of my actions put Doriath at risk I will do all I can to help you," he says, sending his sincerity.


They wait and watch him. For quite a while, actually. 


And then there are three times as many and a pretty Elf woman, crowned, frowning at him. Or possibly at his sword.


He attempts to sit up to a slightly better position, and - does not manage it.

"Ow. Apologies for the, uh. Everything. Your majesty." He peers at his sword. What, is something wrong with Ex-Enserric...?

He blinks. Oh. His sword that sucks souls maybe gave Mairon a reason to not be corporeal anymore.

"... In retrospect that is blindingly obvious, uh. Your majesty, I especially apologize for that."


"Do please explain why Gorthaur is in your sword. Or, ah, part of him."


"I stabbed him with it, and it, um. Eats souls a little bit. I think when confronted with Gorthaur it decided to snack on a part of him. Can it, uh. Get out of the sword? Or do things?"


"I have never heard of a soul-eating sword and couldn't, offhand, guess." She frowns at the sword more. "Where did you find a soul-eating sword."


"Place called the Undermountain, an, uh. Evil maze run by an insane wizard. I would have left it, but there had been a person stuck in it and I didn't want to leave him there."


"And now there are two people stuck in it?"


"No, I got Enserric out because he didn't like being a sword very much, now it's just got a bit of Gorthaur in it."



She frowns at it some more. "I don't think he can leave. Do be careful with that, please."


"I am not going to be getting him out of this sword, nope. He seems like an asshole. If he gets uppity I will let you know. Hey, Gorthaur or Mairon or whatever your name is, do you talk?"


If so he doesn't choose this moment to do so. 

"I meant more that it could do irreparable harm to others you attacked with it," Melian says.


"Oh. Yeah, of course. I don't stab just anyone with it, just sufficiently irredeemable people that absolutely need to die as fast as possible for the good of the world. Like Gorthaur."


"It seems possible that he sought to provoke you in order to return to his master an assessment of your capabilities."


"Yeah, probably. But I did successfully weaken him in a permanent fashion, and I did not at all prepare for that fight properly and don't think he has nearly all of my tricks or can account for some of the things I can do. And I learned about his weaknesses, too. Not just to the soul eating sword, even, he's weak to certain types of magic that I can now point you and other Elves at learning before others. It could have gone better, but this was not a loss, I think."


"I am glad to hear it. I - would prefer you and that sword stay safely distant from the Enemy. That probably means in Doriath, though if Melkor himself should attack to retrieve it it might be wiser to send you as far as your magic can spirit you."


"I absolutely want to keep Ex-Enserric away from Melkor, and I'd like to keep myself away from him, too, but that might not be viable in these circumstances. I and everyone else will be safest when these monsters are defeated, which means occasionally I might need to do something, uh. Sort of dangerous. Much as I dislike it and appreciate the offer of sanctuary."


"- can the doing of dangerous things not wait until you can walk?"


"Oh, I was definitely not talking about right now, right now I should not be going anywhere but like, the softest bed you have available, I absolutely am infirm."


She shakes her head. "All right. Do you mind if I keep the sword while I attempt to determine, ah, more about it."


"No, go ahead. Maybe keep it away from things you don't want it looking at, he might be intelligent and plotting in there. If you're intelligent and plotting in there, whatsyourface, I'm onto you."


Melian's face maybe twitches. The sword does not comment. 


And then she gestures and Veron is floating in very comfy pillowy air.


Oh good he can stop doing things now, that sounds great.

"'M gonna stop fighting unconsciousness now, if that's all right with you."


"It is."



Aaaaaaand out like a light. Adventuring. It does weird thing to your ability to fall asleep on command.

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