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He translates the first part and hesitates about the second.

"-There's a way to do magic that Kaleid consider really really bad. Disinuria and war crime kind of bad. It should probably be a law that you can't do that if disinuria does not already cover it. And Lenora says it might be hard for Kaleid to learn to use their magic without her teaching them."


As bad as disiniuria or breaking a treaty? Something that hurts non-kaleids?

"That is grave. I expect a law can be passed throughout the Alliance and in the Lei Empire." The areas ruled by elves.

"It's easier if there's only one area to secure. Do you know where you want to be? I recommend that you not settle in the chartreuse. I would benefit from your presence in Kef or Embal or a new town nearby, and I hope that the Kef spirit will accommodate your unprecedented needs better than a more traditional town."


Elves! The first Freedom is the Freedom to live. If Kaleid magic has a way to, like, conjure a mouthful of water at the cost of permanently shrinking the chartreuse, that is obviously a bad idea and so they will not do it!


Translating translating-

"Why are you asking ME? I don't know what any of these places are like. Didn't you say Kef is a different town than how most are run?"


"Yeah. I'm not sure I want ANY town... I miss the sun. I want a lot of things and I can't have most of them. And anyway where Kaleid grow up is more important than what I want actually."


"I don't know how governments work. I'm older than you but I'm still a kid. I just know we want malice burning to be unthinkable. But risking that happening once in a while is probably worth it, for all the ways Kaleid can help."


"I haven't really been anywhere except Kef... I don't think everyone is lying though."


"...If I stay around to teach the babies you don't have to."


"Maybe I will leave later. I want to see places. I just am too little. You're okay with anywhere?"

A sharp nod from Lenora.

"Probably staying in Kef. The problem is - the same way we got here. Kaleid can 'burn' their magic and do really big things, but lose part of it forever when they do that. It is really terrible to do this to hurt people or do it in a war. You're only allowed to do it to help people or yourself. Because if everyone burned up their magic to hurt each other, everyone would die or the last few tens of people would inherit a world of ash. At home if you break that law they will torture you as punishment and maybe other horrible things too."

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