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Burnt bridges and cracked eggs
Self imposed isekai
Permalink Mark Unread

His father clearly has a life path all plotted out for him. His mother clearly doesn't care enough to fight him on it.

Apprenticeship in a craft? No son of his will be a pansy handsy city boy! No. He's bid to follow out to the woods. Stack firewood. Set snare traps. Make lean-tos. Practice lighting fires and cleaning small game, and get cuffed on the back when he makes mistakes.

He hates every minute of it. He hates the other woodsy kids. Muscle brains, Red-heads, every one of them. Why can't he go to the temple school? At least Mom teaches him to read.

He tries to run away at one point. Dad finds him right away and just says to come home when he's done throwing a tantrum. He comes back when nobody in the next town over has any work he can do and he can't forage enough to eat in the woods. The breaking point is when his mother decides to use his whittling projects as firewood.

He has some magic. Kiddie magic. Firestarting and power strike, from Dad. Playing with light, learned himself. Forcing a tree to fruit right away- He got spanked for that one. It's horrible for the plant, apparently. Sticking things into rocks for later.

Nobody really talks about exactly how many points they have. It's personal. But he knows you can burn them. A permanent sacrifice for a miracle.

He wants to go away. Far away. Somewhere he can make things. Learn things. With people who aren't like his parents.

Red, for violent force. Blue, for sudden change. Two each.


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A clear moonless night, lit before him by a cauldron on a scaffold, tilted and pouring out a thick glowing orange liquid, fire surging over the ground. People with perky pointed ears and long tails are silhouetted. Hammers pound. The air trembles with a constant sparkling roar, pierced by curt yowls:

"Less air!"

"Cold at roller 8 - Bardo, come here!"

"Tilt steady - tilt to finish - tilt stop."

The ground is smooth rock, perfectly flat. Beyond the scaffold, larger people with floppier ears haul on long chains, and beyond them are fields of leafy plants lit by flickering light.

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There's a small explosion- More noise than force and accompanied by a burst of red/blue light- And a human kid, very young, falls three or so feet to sprawl on the ground with a yelp, somewhere reasonably open. He's young- Maybe seven or eight. Wearing plain but nicely made cotton clothes slightly too big for him in browns and greens, with neat little hide boots and a tiny belt knife and a waterskin and a cloth-wrapped chunk of cheese and jerky that has fallen open. He sits up and looks around in awe.

He did it! He's away- He can feel the burnt husks of his points, but that just means it worked.

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"What was that?"


"Something exploded!"

    "Just great! Chill the turbines! Telemi, Calsa, Waret, check the slab with me."

        "Thank the catmother it wasn't the pour."

    "Don't be so sure."

"The light came from out there."

    "Check the slab first, and the crucible. Then we can look around."

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A minute later, a person with grey fur and cat ears plods out in switchbacks towards Nico, with a yellow flame flowing from his outstretched finger.

"Hey, there's a kid here!"


"There's a human boy here, I don't know him!"

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The human boy looks kind of intimidated! And surprised! He says something and stands carefully still. Then he holds his hands up at head height, clasped together and looking focused.

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The grey cat-person backs up, hands spread wide (one of them still with the flame). "Calsa! I think this is your problem now!"


"Just come here!"

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A smaller orange cat-person comes out, extinguishing the flames on her ears as she gets close to the grey fellow.

"Oh. Fine."

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She kneels ten feet in front of Nico, palms on the ground. "...Hey kiddo. It's not safe here."

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Something something something.


He winces and pulls his hands apart. That's half of his two entire white points used up and he can tell it's awful. He's definitely missing something.

"Hi. This not time big, this- Will not be long-" He slips out of understandability for a moment. "Haha, funny mouth noises, ow. I lost."

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She smiles and nods at him.

Huh. Not human, then? It's pretty fucked up to abandon a human boy old enough to walk, but that does happen sometimes. A species she's never heard of, out here? Maybe he came in from the dark?

She clasps her hands together like he did, spreads them, and looks around with exaggerated puzzlement. She touches her ears and then looks him over??

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"-Ears? That's green. They look good. My hands, I did a white thing. To talk. Not much white left. I am lost. I leave on purpose. I did-" Something something something. He scowls. He points at her ears, then gives a thumbs up.

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Nod! She gives him a thumbs up with a flame on it.

So. He's a refugee. She takes her cup off her belt, mimes drinking, and gets up to slowly walk away, looking over her shoulder...is the 'white' kid following?

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This place is kind of scary but maybe he's only scared because it's dark. It's also cool so far! And he's already learned that he can't just run out into the woods. It's awful out there.

He picks up his bundle of food and his waterskin (squished open when he fell) and brushes dirt off his pants and follows.

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She leads him down a wide flat road, past a row of roofless stone houses, to a clearing surrounded by buildings and piles of bundles and boxes. A ramp rises off to the left to form a stone wall twelve feet high and eight feet thick - there's not as much light in that direction but it continues straight into the dark as far as a human eye can see.

The air here is colder, and just as dry. Her breath fogs.

She turns right, to a pillar wrapped with a C-shaped trough and offering a long handle. On the side without the trough, at her shoulder height, there's a large empty hole and a small hole dangling a chain. She reaches into the large hole and flames flicker around her arm, which she then removes to pull sharply on the chain. A loud whine starts up and rises in pitch.

She concentrates for a minute - the flames on her ears go out - and then water streams into the trough. When it's full, the whine and the fire inside the pillar stop without any apparent action from her but coinciding with the return of the flames on her ears.

She dips her cup into the trough and drinks deeply, then hands it to him.

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"How does that work?" He wonders, in his unknown language. "It's a well... Magic well? Or powered by magic fire? It's like the sawmill! Bzzzz! I guess you're all really good at fire..."

Is the water warm? Is the thing still making noise? He tries to climb up and peer into the big hole.

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She nods enthusiastically at 'bzzzz'.

The water is lukewarm - one of the spigots into the trough steams as water trickles out and the others don't.

She stands ready to catch him if he falls and dabs a fingertip of flame onto the edge of the hole, showing it to lead upward to a metal fan, gently turning with a soft grumble. As he watches, it stops and the pillar falls silent except for water dripping into the trough.

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"-Oh! Oh! That's amazing! Hot air rises, cold air sinks! Dad told me never to camp in a bowl valley! It gets really cold! And that's why!"

He jumps back down and then jumps around. They have MACHINES! Too excited to hesitate, he claps his hands and twists his last remaining piece of white into the much more familiar pattern for dancing glimmers of light in the air. Red and grey lights- And a little collection of orange ones to represent a campfire- Red ascends in a column and turns grey and scatters, grey goes into the fire and turns red and goes up.

"Hot air rises, cold air sinks!" Bounce bounce!

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Yes! Hmm. Sort of.

She flashes a small flame once and moves her fingers in the same pattern above: hot air expands and cold air contacts... does he follow that?

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He makes the dancing lights mimic the pattern, at least? Red, expand, up. Grey, contract, down.

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Okay, now she uses her hands to outline a sideways tunnel that constricts in the middle. She blows through it - fingers compress and expand again.

She blinks a flame in the narrow part and blows again - fingers compress tensely and zoom out the other end.

Back to the hole in the pillar. She puts a small flame on the bottom of the cavity, frowns, and snuffs it. Catches his eye and then sticks her finger through a small hole in the middle of the fan and lights a flame above it, nods with a smile. And then she mimes the constricting tunnel again with the flame at the narrowest part, taps the fan and blows.

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........If hot air is bigger. And there's already a lot of air trying to get through. And then it gets even bigger...?

He scrunches his face up in concentration and expands the illusion. Air goes past the narrow part and gets hot and gets bigger, and in his illusion it goes back down, as well as up and out.

Unless there's also something about tunnels? Horns are tunnels that make air do funny things. And flutes.

His illusion fades slowly out while he thinks about it. Then he snaps to attention and un-fades it.

Brassy colored sparks in the vague shape of a large bugle?

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Nnnooo, the air doesn't go in a loop. She taps the fan and waves her finger in a circle, and then with her other hand points to the very top of the pillar and circles in synchrony.

Fire - upper circle - lower circle - blow (she crouches to blow directly upwards)

Fire - blow harder - upper circle - lower circle - blow softer

Fire - blow harder - upper circle - lower circle - blow softer

That's the loop. She's not sure how to convey the abstract idea of a loop that distinctly isn't a physical thing moving in a cycle. Hopefully he'll notice the repetition.

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...This is hard, actually.

He constructs the moving illusion slowly, bit by bit: Column walls, narrow then wide. Fan in the narrow part. Fire above the fan. 'Air' sparks moving slowly up past the fan. 'Hot air' sparks moving quickly up, above the fire?

-Oh, the fast air goes over another fan, doesn't it? He starts adding another fan to the very top.

And then all the lights wink out at once. "Agh!!!" He stomps the ground in frustration.

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Yes, two fans! The first fan is in the wide part and the fire is in the narrow part and -

"Hey, it's okay, we can draw at home -" she mimes scratching the shape of the tunnel on a horizonal surface.

In a nearby alley a black-and-white cat person has a food cart. After a quick conversation with Calsa, he toasts a large brown disk between his hands and gives it to her, and she holds it out for Nico. "This should be safe for humans, and whisshoppers, if that's what you are..." She'll be keeping a close eye on him as he eats it though!

It's a chewy bland vegetable fritter.

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He squints his eyes shut and takes deep breaths.

And drinks some water.

And then tries the food? It's not bad. He cheers up after a little while.

What happens next? He doesn't know much about - orphans or whatever - this person seems nice - 

Seems. They're definitely not his parents. Most people are probably nice? At least at first? And she taught him how the firespinner works!

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He sets the fritter down on the stone basin for a moment, and formally bows in the polite way. Right arm to left shoulder, feet straight, forty five degrees. "Thank you for teaching me, and for the food. My name is Nicodemus."

Un-bow. ...And point to himself. "Nicodemus. Nico."

And picks the fritter back up and resumes eating.

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That was a lot of words that he knew she wouldn't understand, so some kind of ritual? She bows back, ears forward and tail low, and points to herself. "Calsa."

Home is next, but she hates eating while walking so, just in case he does too, she'll wait until he's done.

Hm, he might be getting cold, even in the middle of town - human fur is pretty thin, and his clothes look decent but he should have something warmer if he wants to walk around without catfolk nearby... She boops a fire onto the ground and sits next to him.

And then home? Her house is a few blocks away. Stone like the others, about 20 feet by 60 feet, but hers has a roof: a tall smooth dome. She steps through the open doorway and checks if Nico is following her in?

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He is following her in, a bit cautiously and keeping his distance.

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Inside, there is:

A large box, with a curtain on the front made of what look like bricks.

A shelf of flat stone plates.

A tray of white sand on a low table.

Another table piled with bowls, a knife, fabric, purple squash, and wicker baskets (one has a woven hand sprouting from the top).

A shelf of stone jars and a big roll of cane.

A pile of stone scraps: curved blocks, chain, gears, a broken plate...

A chamber pot with a lid.

Calsa pulls up a trapdoor and lights a fire under the ground. From a different trapdoor, she pulls out a vegetable patty of her own, darker and smelling fermented.

She sits by the sand table. Nico is going to love this! First, she draws the pillar mechanism: a J-shaped hourglass with several fans in it in two groups, below the fire and above, connected by a shaft. At the top, the shaft has a flywheel and gears with another much thicker shaft that goes into the ground. The chain connects to the flywheel by some sort of hooks, and she sketches another chain going to the big handle.

And: a stick figure with pointy ears - "Calsa" - a smaller plain stick figure - "Nico" - a larger stick figure with claws - "Merta" - and a figure Nico's size with round ears and a long pointy face - "Siki".

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Nico is paying much more attention to the mechanism sketch than the family sketch, muttering under his breath and following it with his finger.

He traces the ground-shaft further down and draws the sawmill's mechanism. The rack-and-pinion, that turns spinning into back-and-forward-ing. The pitcher pump at the well works on back-and-forwarding so this seems reasonable. He also draws a pitcher pump and lines going to the mechanism. And a '?'.

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No, the bottom of the shaft spins another fan... She doesn't know more than that, but - point to water fan, blow, just like with the air fan?

Merta will know better, and she'll be home soon... Calsa draws a Merta figure drawing on a table by a Nico figure.

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"...Merta? Huh. Calsa, say things? I want to learn." He tries to replicate some of the things he said earlier, under the spell. "Hi? Lost?"

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Ah! "Hi!" She tries to remember things he said...

She holds a double handful of sand. "Much." She drops it and sprinkles a thimbleful. "Not much." 

"Much sand. Not much sand." She gets a large pitcher. "Much water." In her cup: "Not much water." In the sand: "No water." 

"House. Much house: town. Town: Kef." She draws a couple squares, a straight line, and a couple more squares at the other end. "Town: Archer's Tabard." The straight line keeps going - "Much much houses: city. City: Argolake. Much cities: Sota. Um. Allheart Alliance." Does he recognize any of those polities?

She points to herself. "Green. Catfolk." Him: "White." And looks at him with exaggerated puzzlement.

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He is... Also puzzled. And doesn't seem to recognize any of the names.

"...No white. I not much white, I-" He clasps his hands and makes wiggly finger motions. "No white." He mimes a pillow against his head and shuts his eyes for a moment. "Not much white." Wiggly motions again. "No white. I not much green?"

He looks around for examples of the other important colors: Black, blue, and red.

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White means - energy? Willpower? Something that is expended by doing his thing, and recovered by sleeping.

"I green? I white?"

She notices him looking around and lights sconces on the walls, and a chandelier that she has to climb on a box to reach.

The water pitcher is white with blue painting: pointy trees, an enormous wolf, a torn rope, and all the remaining spaces filled with raindrops.

The rock is dark grey, and he can eventually find a black chunk in it, smoothed into the rest.

There don't seem to be any red objects in the house. The flames are dark orange at the tips?

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Explaining this would be hard and frustrating. He barely remembers anything about how to talk here from the horrible bad attempt at shoving white at something it's never done before. It's always bad the first few times, like the first time you swing an axe or the first time you hold a knife or the first time you climb a tree. But he barely got anything out of it, and it lasted like... Ten seconds.

Learning a whole new language sounds like the kind of thing that gets you more white, though...

This place is weird. It's not just that they're all red seekers, specialized in only fire. She'd know what white and green mean already. Also. He liked having secrets from his parents. They couldn't tell him not to play with light because he just never did it when they could see. And he's getting - frustrated, uncomfortable, he can feel the burnt points hanging out next to the ones he still has and it's almost itchy but not the kind of thing he can scratch-

He shakes his head and mimes confusion and frustration.

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"It's okay."

He must be tired and overwhelmed. She pushes aside the brick curtain on the box (they're lighter than bricks) and sits on the edge. There are blankets inside, see?

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"No, [say more things. Blah blah blah!] Green. White. Much. Not much. Water. Sand. Houshe." (He mispronounces it drawlingly.)  "Much [blah blah!]"

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"Okay! This is a huddlebed, this is fire, that's a table, that's a bowl, that's the floor. The table is on the floor. The huddlebed is on the floor. The bowl is on the table. This is my hand. The fire is on my hand. The fire is in my hand. I am in the huddlebed. The fire is not in the huddlebed." Because the blankets are flammable. "I'm going to the table. I'm not in the huddlebed. I'm under the table..." And so on for taking things and putting them down and moving from and up-to and past and in-the-vicinity-of, and liking and disliking things. She's using proper grammar now, not foreigner talk.

"White, green..." She burns pinches of powder from jars - "red, orange, golden, yellow, blue, violet, teal, chartreuse."

"Ah! I need to pee!" She turns her back to him, hikes up her skirt, and pees in the chamber pot.

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The word Nico's society uses for themselves, lost to time, originally meant something like 'many colors'. Thus: Their name for themselves will be translated as Kaleid, not human.

He repeats her sentences in mutters, thinking hard and trying to absorb as much of it as possible. It's only polite to try hard when someone's trying to teach you. He's not going to pretend to ignore it, like with Dad.

He has a headache, he's kinda tired, he's kinda scared, he wants to learn more about machines and he wants to not get in trouble.

(He looks away. Not doing that is a thing that gets you in trouble.)


At length: "You are a catfolk. Catfolk do fire [magic]. I am a Kaleid. Kaleids do color [magic]. You have colors in you, and you do magic, and the colors are less, and then later they are more again. Red blue green white and um - not not white. Catfolk [only] do fire. Kaleid do very many [magic], but not much."

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Yay verbal communication! "I am a catfolk! Catfolk do fire magic. You are a" she repeats his word "kaleid and kaleids do color magic. Not not white? Uh, white - not white is no color? - not not white is past that? The opposite of white is black. The opposite of under is over. Yes, catfolk do one magic, fire."

This is making sense! Kaleids are an uncontacted species living in the wilderness. Wow. How do they survive the cold without cats? Oh, duh, they must be able to warm themselves with color magic.

Do they know of any other species at all? He thought her form was a magical effect, so that would imply no, except he looks so much like a human - maybe there are other species that look just like him and can only be distinguished by magic?

She holds up one finger at a time: "kaleid, catfolk, ...do you know of any more?"

Oh! Maybe the five colors are different species, but they can hybridize! That explains how Nico has both white and green, and maybe why he resembles a human! "Or white, green, red, blue, black, fire, any other kinds of magic you know?"

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A large person with salt-and-pepper fur and thick blunt claws slips in the front door, retrieves a food disk, kneels on the floor, and knee-shuffles to Calsa's side, staying a nonthreatening distance from Nico.

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"This is Merta!"

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"Hello Merta?" He frowns. This person is big, but - somehow not as scary as that would usually be?

"...I heard about more color magics? Golden, violet, um, not-seen-fire-color, other-not-seen-color. But I not see them. None us see them. Kaleids talk about them in much much past. I heard about [gods] who are color magic but much much much much much much much more. I heard, [gods] made color magic. But also none us see them."

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"Hello, uh - "

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Your new stray."

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"Yep! He calls himself a kaleid. We were just talking about his species, or perhaps family of species. I've seen him do illusions and translation but he's out of magic now, he uses a resource for it that gets depleted and then replenished when he rests. I've never heard of anything like that, have you?

Golden, violet, more colors - that's fascinating, Nico. Maybe [gods] are humans, since they're the only thing we know of that makes new magic. Or maybe something else is going on with your combination of magic? You look a lot like a human, maybe there's another species out there that does that."

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"I have not!

You should talk to the Magistrate tomorrow."

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"She's not going to give me a stipend, he must be at least four years old."

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"She might, if he's a new species that's been living in the drydark all this time! And it might be just for a few days, if we're trying to get him home."

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"He said he left on purpose."

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"Then you should definitely talk to the Magistrate; that could be a diplomatic nightmare."

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"Is Siki working late again?"

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"Yeah, he said he'll sleep at the watchmaker's, but he's hoping to finish the job tomorrow."

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He frowns slightly and listens closely to the conversation, brows furrowed. He is not following it, which is not really a surprise but is not fun.


"I don't think [gods] are humans. I think they are - illusion? You can't meet a [god]. There aren't any. Is new magic very very - [wow! bright!]- liking it?"

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"Oh, just a story, just a thing to talk about? People sometimes say the sun is a great catfolk hero - a catfolk with a very big fire - who left to watch over us all, or all catfolk at least. It's not true. The sun was there before catfolk existed."

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"...yes, that's what new magic is like. Time to sleep! Tomorrow will be a busy day! Do you need the pot?"

Here, he can have his own nest of blankets in the huddlebed!

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...He will use the pot, and then take off his little hide boots, and grab that random rock he saw earlier, and then curl up in the weird bed and think.

He can't just assume everything is going to be fine now. It's all weird and - it sort of makes sense that if everyone can do fire, they build things that do cool things with fire, but - he has no way of getting more food or learning to talk around here other than Calsa and Merta, and they are not his parents, they're strangers. He has to remember that and be on the lookout for... Something.

What magic does he have? He has 3 1 red, 2 0 blue, 1 green, 2 white, and 2 black. (The burnt points continue to be ??ITCHY??. It's annoying, verging on uncomfortable. Maybe he'll get used to it?) He knows how to make sparks and do a powerful swing with an axe or blade, as far as red goes. He knows how to break sticks or strip bark off of wood with blue. He knows how to magnify scent for a bit with green. He knows how to do illusion-sparks with white, he's not counting the translation at all even though translation is also a white thing because he's going to have to think about it more and figure out how you're actually supposed to do it instead of just asking white 'how do I say things'. And he knows how to stick the sparks or a bright light onto a rock for later, if he has the red or white to spend on it.

He does still have a bit of red, despite the dramatic burn that brought him here. Which is what he does, careful carefully. It takes a while, of patient even breathing and feeling the way the ink spills into the rock, like a gooey cage or basket. He can do this much at last. There. A rock that will make a little burst of fire, if it hits something hard enough. It goes in his pocket.

It was morning when he left, and it was night when he got here. But it was still a long day, kind of. Zzzzzzz.....

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It's good for kids to play with rocks.

Merta and Calsa curl up in the other end of the huddlebed, trying not to touch Nico.

Footsteps and conversation drift though the open doorway, and the occasional shriek of the water pillar. No wind, no birdsong.

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He has a nightmare about running away from something through dark woods and someone's yelling at him and he lost a rabbit from one of the snares and can't find it and he fell into the river and-

He doesn't scream or cry when he wakes up. He caaaarefully quietly goes outside and looks up at the stars and around at the dimly or not-at-all lit city for a while.

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Calsa's fires are gone, so it's colder outside the huddlebed and colder still outside the house.

The streets are dimly-lit as before. A few houses have groups of small flames by their doorways.

A white catfolk pulling a cart nods at him in passing.

Distant voices sporadically echo.


    "...open my eyes and he jumps back..."

        "A toast!" Something explodes.


      "... I like sprinting to the pumps actually..."

Enough stars get through the mild light pollution to tell that they haven't moved much since he arrived.

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...He should have realized this sooner but the stars are different from the ones at home, aren't they? He wasn't paying attention, before. But just how far he's gone... He won't be able to tell what direction north is anymore.

This realization, and the increasing cold, shakes him enough to go back inside and try to go back to sleep.

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Yep, different stars!

When he wakes, Calsa and Merta are grooming each other and talking quietly.

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"If he's a sort of hybrid, I wonder if he's a hybrid of a whisshopper, among other things. In other words, there's not five new species, or nine counting the ones he hasn't seen, there's only one, that somehow makes hybrids."

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"There are no whisshoppers in Kef. Obviously his species is older than this town, but using it as an estimate of what species are around in the drydark... Can we make any predictions to test this theory?"

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"I would imagine the five 'colors' include catfolk and werewolf, just because we're so common... Maybe drake?"

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"Or something aquatic. Who knows how many uncontacted species there are in the aquifers!"

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"Yeah. Wow. And we're just on the edge of the drydark here, on a planetary scale."

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"There aren't any animals here bigger than insects, that we didn't bring ourselves... Maybe the aquifers have some kind of volcanic energy source?"

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"Or maybe it's just bugs. Like whisshoppers... Humans, ew. A frogold's mouth fits all -"

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"That's racist."

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"Not all humans!"

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"Oh, that too, but I meant the remark about frogolds."

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"It's a figure of speech!"

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"Then it's a racist figure of speech. How would you like if people went around saying that you can't trust cats, they burn everything they touch -"

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"- which is true of kittens - some kittens - and the same goes with frogolds. The only ones you need to worry are outright hardened thieves, and taddies who don't have hands yet. Frogolds despise thieves just as much as we do, and the comedic character of a yokel frogold who thinks anything not marked is for public use doesn't exist, if it ever did. Maybe it happened once and people thought it was so funny..."

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"... Sorry."

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"No, you're right. The point of the Allheart Alliance is supposed to be treating everyone well, right."

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"In theory. It's really just about making peace between the elves and everyone else."

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"That just means we have to do better ourselves.

It's good that you stick to your principles. I like that about you."

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"I shouldn't snap at you.

I don't want to make excuses... but it's been complicated at work, involving frogolds in particular, and stuff I can't tell you about. But. I still shouldn't snap at you."

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Sigh. "It's okay."


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Yeah sure they can go back to grooming each other. Grumpily.

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He was awake for some of that and trying very very hard to be quiet and still, and make sense of it.

Catfolk. Whisshopers. Human. That's about all he recognizes aside from connecting words like 'I' or 'the'. 'Alfheart Alliance'-- Maybe? It was a big, important-sounding word for this place. Calsa was asking him where he's from. So they're probably talking about him, and he can't tell what they're saying, aaaah... And 'work'? That's why the last person Calsa drew wasn't here. He can guess what it means.


He will 'wake up' after a while. And unless interrupted go climb out and go to the sand table, and doodle a little log cabin and the circular weave-y basket shape that holds magic for later.

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"He's up. We should get up now too, to visit the courthouse before work, so you can tell the mill how long you'll be gone."

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They rise and dress - the same clothes as yesterday. Calsa lights the under-floor fire and a sconce. They munch on disks.

"Can humans have meat? I know he's not a human, but his physical form looks pretty human..."

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"Yeah, humans can eat meat, but I think they don't require it. Whisshoppers too."

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Calsa breaks off a small piece of her disk and holds it out for Nico. "What do you think of this, kiddo?" (It has a faint meaty smell and is soaked with something salty and fermented.)

"Ooh, what are you drawing?"

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He has also drawn a rabbit sitting still and a mean looking stick figure with big diagonal-slashes of glaring eyes and a beard and an axe.

"House. Um... Magic? [Rabbit. Dad.] I don't like him."

He sniffs and makes a face but says, "I eat that. But it's [sour]. Like the other thing."

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"Merta, is there a reason to make a house look like that?"

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"It's a fun texture! Something with light maybe? But he's from the deep drydark..."

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"If you don't like him then I don't like him."

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Convenient that he prefers the cheaper entirely-plant food.

"Is the sand magic? Or is it a drawing of magic?"

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Should he answer? Should he keep secrets? Magic is very very oooooh shiny. Which is kind of scary.

He shrugs and starts drawing a tree.

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"What? It takes time to process trauma, and we need to know more about his magic and his people now.

Nico, let's get you some food that you like more, okay?" Merta gently tugs him toward the door.

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Fiiiiine he will be tugged. He reaches into his pants pocket for his Sparky Rock. It's still there. He feels a bit better. He holds on to it.

"I want to hear things and say things."

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It's still a clear moonless night outside. A different subset of houses has small groups of flames by their doors.

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"This is the house where Merta and I and Siki and you live. That house is where my friend Talia lives. My friends Meld and Tessidy live in that house." She does not say that they're planning on kittens and that she thinks they have a good chance of a litter but might be biased because she likes them, as that is not appropriate for a kid Nico's age, especially one who's been abused. "Talia works at the mill, same as me. The mill is where I came up to you for the first time. We make steel at the mill. Steel is a metal. A hard thing like rock, but werewolves like Merta can't do magic with it."

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"Yesterday, I bought a burger for you from Basilio. He sells burgers. Burgers are a kind of food made from beans and squash. I gave him three money-of-Kef and he gave me a burger. Well, I didn't give him three money-of-Kef. I told him that he had three more and I had three less and he will remember that. He will know that he has three more money-of-Kef. If he wants me to do something for him, maybe dance for him and his friends, he could tell me that I have more money and he has less. Money-of-Kef comes from the Magistrate of Kef. When I work at the mill, I get more money-of-Kef. When I live in a house in Kef, I have less. If I did my work at the mill badly and broke something, I would have less. If I say to Basilio that he has three more money-of-Kef, and he gives me a burger, and then I say he didn't give me a burger and I still have the same amount of money, he and I would go to the Magistrate of Kef and she would say how much money I have and how much money Basilio has."

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And here's the cart. "Hello, Paulo!"

   "Back with the human kid, I see."

"He's not actually human! He's a kaleid. I don't know exactly what his magic is. I would like to buy a burger from you, paying you three money-of-Kef."

    "Yep, that's the price."

"I wasn't expecting it to be different, I'm just trying to help him learn the language!"

    "Hah, okay. Hi kid. This here is the best burger cart in all of Kef, you know? Almost tastes like real meat, for only three!"

"How is Basilio?"

    "Pa is fine. Can't shut up about the fancy spices he wants to try importing from Archer's Tabard. How's your little mouseling, Skio was it?

"Siki. He's really busy with his apprenticeship, to a watchmaker but around here that means he makes navigators as much as anything."

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"I'd like to get to the courthouse early."

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"Alright. Bye Paulo!

Oh yeah, I told Nico you would show him how a water pump works."

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Merta finds a rock in a corner and holds it in her hands for a minute while she walks, leading the way past the ramp and along the side of the thick wall.

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Is Nico okay with eating while he walks?

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The rock slowly deforms for another minute, and then she holds out the pieces for Nico to see. There's a part like a snail and a part like a swirly star. "As this part spins, water comes in the hole in the middle and goes around and goes out."

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He is used to walking and eating, and walking and talking, and walking and working. And walking in general. Woodsmen do a lot of walking, and woodsmen's sons follow them all day long.

But: That's not how money works! And he doesn't know how to say what he wants to say. He's tempted to burn the one white that's come back so far on translation, but resists. Saving your magic for when it's most useful is a point belabored to him early and often.

"...There are so many people. So many people say 'Magistrate, Faris take my food so I have some of her money! Magistrate, Suki gave me all his money before he left! Magistrate, I say Faris gave me money and Faris say I not know things I said before much so I have the money.' Money is golden metal or white metal or blue metal."

He does seem interested in the pump model, and will grab it and play with it a bit if permitted. It makes sense, sort of? At least as much as the firespinner does? And it's definitely simpler than a spigot pump connected to something else. "Catfolk are good at spinning things..."

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He can play with the pump model as much as he likes.

"Elves can learn from each other's memories, and elves have been around a long time collecting memories, so they know a lot now about how people say things and do things. The Magistrate is an elph - Magistrates are almost always elves in the Allheart Alliance - so if you try to lie and say 'Faris took my food' and Faris says that's wrong, the Magistrate will look at you and look at Faris and know that Faris is telling the truth and you're lying."

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"Is there something you want to spin?"

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"...White magic can say 'you're lying' too. Big white magic. But many people lying lying lying. So metal is money."

To Calsa: "-I not know. Don't know. There was a thing near home I like. Spinning and bzzzzz-" He holds his hands together and then pulls them apart. "One thing, one one thing. I like the fire spinner, I like the pump."

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"A cutting tool? You use it to cut things onto pieces? What kind of things?"

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"Rich people - people with a lot of money - and people who go a lot of different places, use metal for money. Or spices or perfumes - things you put on food or on yourself to improve the smell, so you like it more."

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If he's part elph, could that explain the translation? Maybe he remembers a language that went on to become both his language and Sotalese. But it sounded like he was saying that white magic is different from elph magic... maybe the translation works on reading thoughts? Not like an undine though, she certainly wasn't thinking about 'green' or 'white' before he said those words. Good thing they haven't lied to him about anything, but it's still kind of uncomfortable to imagine.

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Okay, that makes sense, it's more like favors. He nods, accepting it.

"[Logs]! They're, um. Um." He frowns thoughtfully and looks around for any signs of wood. "...Why is it still dark?"

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No wood is nearby. The wall looms on one side, scattered houses on the other. Maybe some of the plants in the distant fields have woody bits?

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"We haven't walked far enough to see the sun. We would have to walk for, um..."

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"About a hundred times as long as it's been since we got out of bed." She counts her fingers. "Ten, and a hundred is ten tens, like if each of my fingers were two hands."

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Calsa holds up her hands touching each of Merta's fingers in succession.

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"You'd have to sleep three times, if you were walking all the time you were awake. And that just gets you to the storms, where the sun's light is in the sky. To see the sun, you'd have to walk that much again."

She points at the wall. "An equartier can go there and back here twice before sleeping, but they'd be pretty tired. They usually only do it once."

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That........ Doesn't make any sense? The sun comes up and down every day.

"...I'm lost."

...Then again, he ran away really really hard.

He kind of misses home now. A little bit. Just a teensy bit. And just mom.

No! He left and he's not going back! He can run away again if he has to.

He noms the remains of the food thoughtfully. "One... Two, three, four, five... [It's going to be cold all the time...] What kind of things do you make Merta? I like making things."

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If he's from deep in the drydark, they probably have tales of the distant lands where the sun shines. And that's true! Just, the world is bigger than it seems when you have to actually walk every step of the way.

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Up ahead, a distant steady rumbling approaches.

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"I made the house and the tables and the huddlebed and the sand table and the sand in it, and bowls and slates... When Siki was small I made him balls and tops and dice and pick-up-sticks." She mimes each of these. "In the past I made molds - you make metal hot so it's like water and put it in a hole in a rock and then it gets cold and hard and you take the rock away and have a metal thing. I made a little bit of the equartier path." She holds up two fingers to show thin horizonal layers of the wall.

"Now I only make slates, to write things down. People talk to me and I draw what they say and then I or other people, especially the Magistrate, can look at the drawings and know what the people said.

What would you like to make?"

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"Ooh, ooh [Mom] told me how to [write]! We use, black uhhhhh, black water on white [paper] and white sand not sand on black rock. I saw a [book] that said how magic once!"

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"White [paper] is thin or thick? Stiff or flexible?" with mime "Sand-not-sand... You put a thing like water on a black rock, like black water - ink - but not black, and then put white sand on top. When the water is dry there is still a thing that holds the white sand to the rock?

Is a book made of [paper] or rock?

What kind of magic?"

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...clomp clomp clomp clomp CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP 

A person with flared nostrils and a streaming mane and heavy boots wait no huge hooves runs by them on top of the wall, back the way they came, holding a giant moth in a bridal carry.

CLOMP CLOMP clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp...

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"That's an equartier holding a wroth. Do you know what they are?"

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Wow. They must have some REALLY good green mages here.

"Black magic! Making things magic! I like it more more. [Paper] is thin and flexible. It's... Foods that don't walk. And [chalk] is like sand, it's not wet. It's a little bit wet? It's [chalk]. [Books] are made of [paper]. [Chalk] is for telling how things, like the sand table. [Paper] is for books. No I don't. Catfolk werewolf equartier wroth human elves whissopers Kaleid, um, Siki... NINE! No, TEN!"

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"Mouseling, gnomunk, boark, frogold, kappa, undine, drake, liefling, tengu, drider, bixee, apple?" Not that she really expects him to recognize the names.

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And here's the courthouse. It has steel ribs and plates of stone, and an energetic fire on the top. A path from the wall slopes down to the ground and back up.

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Merta leads the way through the open doorway.

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Inside, the stone roof glows - the fire shines through the thin stone panels, which are engraved with images of caves and water and catfolk and werewolves and plants and gears and... Also some have angular calligraphy.

There are four sand tables. A dias at the far end.

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Merta rings a bell by the door with her knuckle.

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A tall solid person with a bald head, floppy ears, and an even floppier nose plods in a side door. "Hi Merta. You're early."

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"Hi Meika. I have business with the Magistrate."

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She climbs up the dias (apparently there are stairs on the back) and stands firmly.

"Merta, my faithful subject. What is your business?"

(Without moving, she pulls on her memories of Merta's lover... ah, Calsa Tabby, works at the mill, came in the second wave, adopted a mouseling pup.)

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Wow, this place is pretty and impressive. Are courthouses [temples]? To all the different kinds of people, instead of to the colors? That fire must cost so much Red or a ridiculous amount of artifacts or fuel or- No, Catfolk exist. It's still amazing.

He gawks, at least until this person starts seeming like an Important Person. Then he stands behind Calsa, completely failing to be subtle about it. (He also pulls out his rock and thumbs over the spot with magic invisibly inscribed, as a comfort thing he doesn't really notice that he might not want to do.)

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"I'm sure you've heard already that a child was found by the mill at the end of the last Breath shift. Calsa has taken him in. He's called Nico and is not human, despite his appearance. He does not speak our language, but we're teaching him. Calsa, you've been around him more, how would you describe him?"

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"Nico, short for Nicodemus, is shy but eager to learn. He says he ran away from his family on purpose, which fits with other signs he's shown of past abuse. He likes machines and I'm confident that he could learn a trade even if he was a human boy, and with his magic, including translation, I fully recommend him as a citizen of Kef."

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"And that leads to the reason I'm bringing this to you so urgently. While we don't know exactly how he got here or how far he came, possibly using his magic, he's probably from deep in the drydark. Unless he came from Lacrimos or deep underground or something.

I presume that Kef is well-positioned to lead the diplomatic contact with his people. But I think it would be unethical to return him, and his people might not want to contact us anyway. That is the matter I set before you.

Calsa and I speculate that his mixture of weak magics and human-like appearance are both because he's the result of some other magic that produces hybrid people. He says there are five common magics. The only one we're sure of is whisshopper."

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The elph stands silently.



"I need to know more about his magic and where he's from."

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Calsa turns to kneel in from of Nico, still shielding him from the Important Person. "Nico, what magic do you have? Uh, red, black, green, white, blue. [book] to 'book' -" she wiggles her fingers with tiny flames popping on and off in an imitation of his fire-and-sparks illusion "- and you came here and made red and blue light...?

The place where you came from, is there light? Can you see the sun? Does water come from the sky? Is there a sky?"

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He glares slightly and fidgets with his rock.

"...Do you like the Magistrate?"

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"I don't really know the Magistrate... Merta likes her and I like Merta.

I like living here in Kef. The Magistrate likes when people... so, Merta works for the Magistrate. In some towns, if I said 'Faris took my food' and I was lying, the Magistrate would say I was lying, but if Merta, who works for the Magistrate, said Faris took her food, and was lying, the Magistrate would know that Merta was lying but say that Faris was lying because the Magistrate likes Merta. The Magistrate of Kef - Meikalani - does not like that. What she says to Merta, she says to me."

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Fidget fidget fidget.

Should he lie? Should he just not say anything? If he lies maybe they're mad about that. It sounded like they wanted to find his home though and he DOES NOT WANT that. But Calsa likes the Important Person, and Calsa seems nice.

(So far!) He reminds himself.

"It's red, blue, green, white, black. Not black white. White black. Ummmmmm. Magistrate lying is very very bad. Um. I don't want to see [dad] again. I won't go home. I did- What do I say to say a thing was food and then fire and now it is black? I did that to my magic to run away. Boom! I can't do it again. I can't go home and I don't want to!"

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"It's okay, it's okay. You're here now." hug?

"Red, blue, green, white, black." The order matters? What does that mean? "You ...toasted your magic? Used a lot of it and now you hurt? And you don't know how to go back, and nobody there knows how to get here?"

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He goes completely stiff at the hug. Definitely doesn't hug back.

"Yes. I tell magic, run away away away! I know how but I can't I don't want to."

He changes cadence as if reciting something. "Red, for fire and not cold is [life]. Blue, for umm new things places is [life]. Green, for food and [health] is [life]. White, for know things is [life]. Black, for make things is [life]."

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Oookay, no more hug then.

"You're here now. You ran away, you're very far away now.

You have white. You have red and blue, yeah? Do you have green or black?"

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"No blue. I toasted the blue. Yes, I have green and black. I get more red blue green white black when I am big maybe."

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He destroyed part of his magic?!

"Hm, 'toast' might be the wrong word. Toasting is when you put food in a fire to make it black, and then it's black food. You burnt your magic. Burning is when it's not food anymore."

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"That's enough for now. I will pay you to take care of him until he is grown... twenty per cycle, plus the services of a guard on a different shift, who I want you to pass off as another child."

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That's twice as much as she makes at the mill, although now she'll really be working two shifts per cycle, so it works out to the same rate, which is the same as her stipend for Siki... that's probably deliberate, so it looks like she's getting a normal stipend for 'both children'.

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"Merta, send a runner to tell the mill that Calsa Tabby won't be working for a while.

Calsa, stay here with Nico while I fetch your guard."

The Magistrate steps down and leaves.

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Nico probably has a lot of questions and is feeling stressed. But no hugging. Hm. Calsa turns to the nearest sand table and 'idly' draws some squiggles.

Red is catfolk. Green is drake? White does translation. Blue is whisshopper? That's the wrong order. Red, blue, green, white, black. Catfolk, whisshopper(?), drake(?), undine(??)... "What do you make with black?"

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No, he's not very happy right now! But nothing terrible has happened yet. They're not even yelling at him.

He follows over and carefully gently sets his rock in the sand. "Don't touch that." He draws the same circle with two triangles inside it from before, very deliberately and neatly. Outer circle first, then one triangle, then the other triangle, very deliberately. He makes a dot in the middle. "Put fire here."

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Sluuuurp. No fire here! She can feel that she's pushing out fire, if she gets that kind of feedback, but the little circle slurps it all up. If she maintains it for more than a couple of seconds, the fire will appear normally, though. And then a little wavering candlelight-flicker will appear over the dot when she stops.

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"Amazing." Not something he could fake with his own 'red' magic, not that it's likely he would try a complicated deception - even if he put a tiny flame on the dot and then grew it afterward, she would have felt him pushing back on her fire, a sensation she hasn't had since she was a kitten playing with her siblings. "Does the magic drawing make you have less black? Does holding my fire make you have less black?" If only the drawing costs him, every non-catfolk household in Kef will want one under their huddlebed.

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"Drawing it makes me have less black." He touches the outside edge of the circle carefully. "The magic is burning a little little bit. But it is not burning the black in me. Only the black in the sand. I won't burn magic again. It will break if the sand moves. I think changing the sand to rock is magic, and it eats magic, so I don't know. I only saw the black magic book once. I need to do it a lot and see. I won't go home. I like doing things I want with magic."

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She stopped her fire on the dot... If she pushes at it again, can she make more fire there? In other words, is the fire still her fire? If not, if she touches the dot (slowly, watching to see if Nico objects) can she snuff it out as if it was another cat's fire? Is it still catfire, or regular fire that she can't control at all?

"You're not going home. You're here. You're far away from there.

If you draw a magic drawing in sand, and then Merta makes the sand into one piece of rock without moving it, will the drawing still be magic?

You can do lots of things that you like doing with magic here! All the magic you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

How big a drawing like this can you make? How much fire can it hold? Now, and when you're big?"

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The fire is still her fire. She can make more, without actually touching it again. For the first instant she tries to bloom it, it gets sucked in a bit, like a cup with a slow leak being filled to the top again. She can also snuff out the small visible flame, though it takes continuous effort. She can't seem to touch whatever's in the 'cup', and it keeps slowly leaking out.

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"Merta making rock is magic! This holds magic! I don't know! I like seeing how! But um. The Magistrate- Not talk loud, but I still don't like? Lying? Not saying things? I like you. I don't like Kef maybe. I don't know don't know."

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If the drawing is consumed, it might be more expensive to fill a drawing then to just hire a catfolk to keep a fire for you, oh well. Maybe there are contraptions where a pilot light would be useful? Even the huge turbines for the pumps have the flames stuck on the end of rods that you pull out to light... You could leave a beacon in the dark? Could she refill one while being carried past by an equartier?

"The Magistrate doesn't lie... but yeah, she's not saying things. If she does things you don't like, we can leave Kef.

You're... you can do a lot of things. New things that we can't do. The Magistrate wants you to be in Kef. If we go to another town, the Magistrate there will want you too. Meikalani might be the best Magistrate for what you want. Doing a lot of magic that you like."

And all of them will want to breed him, which is happening over her cold dead body.

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"I wanted to say I can not do things. But that um. Magistrate very very loud when I can do things later."

He doodles in the sand. "Not doing magic," he mutters. It looks like some sort of unfamiliar script.

"[Mom] said I'm so little I don't know what is good and what I want sometimes."

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"Mm. If the Magistrate wants you to do magic, you will do magic or we will leave Kef. Meikalani will give you money for magic, if you want to do the magic and if you don't want to do it the same amount of money. Other Magistrates might not give you money.

I think you know what you want. The thing you want might not be a thing you can have, or it might hurt you, but you know what it is.

Do you want the people in Kef to speak your language? That's work for a lot of people, and if we leave Kef there will be more people who don't know your language. So you have to speak our language, even if you don't want to. Or if you're sad and want to not talk to anyone, want to not have anyone near, and you want to go away into the fields. The fires there are small, for light, and you will be cold and hurt. So if you want that, I'll say, make a black magic drawing and I will put fire in it so you are not hurt. And then you can go, but you have to make the drawing first."


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"I learn how to talk and write in Kef. I talk so much and get more white. I want to go away sometimes. I want to be ooh shiny sometimes. I want to do magic magic magic. I want - not tell me do this do that do this do that!"

He slumps and knocks his head against the edge of the sand table. "Why does Calsa like me?"

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"Maybe when you are big you can go out very deep into the drydark. You will need magic for fire and food, but when you are big you will have a lot of magic, right? Then no one will tell you do this do that."

She flinches forwards when he hits his head but pulls back before touching him when he seems okay.

"I want to like everyone. I want to make sure no one hurts you. Or anyone, but you need my help more? I, uh, like being with you more than working at the mill?"

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"If I do color things I will have a lot of magic. I want to- Do food and [life] things, so I get more green magic. Green magic does foods when they are on the ground and not food yet."

...It doesn't count as on purpose if he flops and happens to end up leaning against Calsa as part of the flop. Definitely not.


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"[life] things have to do with plants, like in the fields around Kef? So, you want to put little bits of plant in the ground and watch them and when they're food, you have done a [life] thing? Does it give you more green magic to use green magic, or more green magic when you do food and [life] things and don't use green magic?"

She carefully doesn't respond to his flop.

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"Yes, plants are [life]. Plants and also foods that move. Bok bok bok?" He makes chicken noises. "I don't know how to say how to get more magic. It's hard to say things. I am trying but I don't know."

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Calsa has never seen a chicken but she can tell he's imitating an animal and not pulling out an exotic racial slur. "We can get a food that moves! I will say more things and then saying things will be less hard later.

I've been here once before, when Merta started working here and said the courthouse was amazing and I had to see it. When I came to Kef, I walked along the equartier path, but the courthouse was smaller then and didn't have the steel and the drawings and the flame..."

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Meikalani returns.

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...accompanied by a person Nico's size with green skin, round golden eyes, and a mouth that takes up most of the space in her head. She runs up to Calsa and bounces.

"Hiii! Are you my new mom?"

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".....Yes! I'm Calsa. What's your name, child?"

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...I'm a girl."

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(Her smell is uninformative.)

"This is Nico. He's new to Kef. How did you get here, Lin?"

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"Some big scary Boarks took me from my family in Argolake. The lake, not the city. Argo Lake. They wanted me to steal things for them. Stealing is wrong!"

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He jumps and snatches his rock back into his pocket the moment the Magistrate reappears. And - stands up and walks around the table so he can see everyone at once, actually.

"Hi. I'm Nico. I not talk good, I ran away. City is many many house? What's a lake?"

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Lin has been briefed and is not going to pretend to have a child's inability to adjust her language. "Yes, a city is many many houses. A lake is a lot of water on the ground. My family lived among the plants where the water was only a little. Is there water in your house?"

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"Not now, but we can get water and put it in our house."

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"Nico, do you like water?"

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"All us like water. Water is food."

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"It is! Not much food in the water here in the drydark, but lots and lots of food in the lake!"

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"Calsa, who else knows that Nico is not human? What magic has he demonstrated?"

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"I told Paulo - he sells burgers near us, dark of the square. So probably half the catfolk know by now.

Nico made an illusion in the square yesterday. I don't know who witnessed it. He only used magic translation once, at the mill, and I think everyone else was glad to leave him to me... Fuzzer might have heard, uh -"

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"I know who you mean." Jake 'Fuzzer' Stirling, foreman of the Breath-shift rollers, part of Meikalani's original expedition to found Kef. "He'll keep a secret if he gets to be in on the fun, and he's a useful person to bring in anyway."

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"And Nico just showed me another thing he can do, absorbing my fire into this drawing he made in the sand and letting it out later."

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"Okay, that doesn't really change anything. For now, I want you to keep him from doing magic in public other than illusions."

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"Ma'am... his previous family controlled him a lot, and I just said to him that he could do any magic he wanted as long as he didn't hurt anyone."

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He will play vocabulary games with Lin when they talk!

-Until that last part. "I'm not [stupid]! Magic is [ooh shiny]. Everyone very loud if I do magic. I do not want loud. Maybe I not say anything, but I like Calsa!"

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That was a much better response than she was fearing. "How long, ma'am?"

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"Two deci-years."

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"So we'll sleep three tens and an eight more times, that's ten and ten and ten and eight. And then - if you do magic here or at the mill or by the water pillar, the Magistrate will not be loud. You can still do magic in our house now. Okay?"

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"I can only do a little magic until I am big and I'm not good at it yet so okay. I want to learn so many things instead."

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There is lots to learn! Starting with the language, since that will make everything else easier.

She gets him a fur coat; quilted scraps of fur with no recognizable body parts or distinctive patterning.

She takes him to walk through the fields.

She brings home a vase with four mice. Merta makes sand for them to dig in and sprinkles in crumbs.

Lin plays with Nico with unchildlike diligence. Maybe she's lonely.

Siki comes home to sleep but stays aloof.

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Meikalani sends an invitation for human women to come to Kef, at any age from current peak fertility, down to Nico's age so he might fall in love as they grow up together. To obscure her intent, she also invites a drake and a tengu and orders a jar of gold wire, which she genuinely wants, and invites a kappa and a drider as randomly-selected distractions.

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Nico is uncommonly focused for an actual eight year old. There are still moments of genuine distraction, dejection, or playfulness, and playfulness sneaking into the rest of what he does, but a somewhat uncanny amount of his time is spent doing something purposefully. He says the same things over and over, only occasionally skipping into his old language. He practices writing in the sand table for an hour or more at a time, as long as anyone will teach him, and re-doing old work if they're fed up. In the fields he carefully inspects the soil and the plants for what kind of crop they are, what kind of soil it is, does it look wormy, does it look weevily, any insects or other pests? He - risks magnifying his sense of smell out there after bracing for it, the one Green trick he knows, to learn the way the field smells and compare it to a forest at home - he should have paid more attention to Mom's gardening lectures.

...He practices using his magic to exhaustion of it every day, inside the house (mostly), pushing for getting better at the tricks he already knows, extending them. A candle-sized flame or showers of sparks for Red, nothing quite yet for Blue though he can almost feel a third point coming in, the scent-boosting for Green and trying to interpret more than 'this person was here recently' with it, playing with sparkles of light for White (and always making illusions of complicated machines with lots of moving parts), and drawing slight variations on magic circles with his Black, in sand, scratched into rock slates. He gets Calsa to help test them as safely as possible, with him standing far away in case of explosion. And at least one does explode- With Calsa's fire, which she is immune to. But he manages bigger ones that hold more. He also manages a switch after a week's worth of attempts, a separate White-Black combined pebble that turns the 'leaking' on or off, and is excited and animated for the whole rest of the day.

...He is slightly obsessive about caring for the mice. They have to mostly stay in the vase because they would get into the food and the bed but these mice are here because he asked for them without really thinking about it, and now they're his responsibility and it's kind of terrifying. Are they too warm? Are they too cold? Are they bored or scared? Are they hungry or thirsty? Does their sand need to be cleaned? Do they like scratches? ...He tells Calsa he doesn't want any more pets what if he hurts them but isn't going to get rid of the ones she already found.

He thinks Lin is kind of weird. Something about her just doesn't seem quite right but he has a lot to think about and aside from vague disquiet he ignores it. And she's patient and good at talking, which is helpful. He doesn't find Siki strange at all, keeping to yourself is an extremely understandable thing to do, this house is getting crowded, though it's disappointing once he learns about Siki's work. It sounds fascinating.

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Calsa will spend all her waking hours teaching him if he wants, with breaks for errands.

The soil is sandy and dry. It has worms and mites and the occasional tiny spider. The crops are mostly squash and beans, and some hay. It smells less than the forest, and faintly putrid.

With practice boosting his sense of smell, he can tell the  age and sex of random catfolk and werewolves, and whether Calsa and Merta are tired or stressed or happy.

Once, the giant moth walks down their street, waving antennae through all the people and buildings.

The mice are cold when not actively warmed. They are hungry and thirsty and scared, but not bored. They like their sand to be changed whenever it's at all dirty. They love scratches once they get used to him.

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When Nico's Sotalese improves, Siki is more interested.

"Hey kid, you like machines, right? Here's a watch I'm cleaning." He opens the case on a clear spot on the floor.

He takes a hand-sized humanoid figure made from tightly woven reeds out of his pocket and puts it next to the watch, where it lifts out each tiny gear. Many of the parts are smooth black stone like Nico's pet rock.

"This watch is for a mining foreman, so it doesn't show anything fancy like the moons of Lacrimos, just minutes, hours, and cycles in a deci-year. Here's the mainspring, which I won't take out right now, it's a pain. Made right here in Kef. The spring doesn't pull with perfectly equal force at every point, so there's a cam here to adjust for that, but I'm trying to figure out a mechanism to adjust to whatever the force of the spring is without having to know it in advance..."

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Complete immersion, extreme dedication, and having the kind of child's brain that absorbs language like a sponge absorbs water combine to get him rapid progress in Sotalese.

Pretty dry... But whoever is planting these probably knows more about these particular crops than he does, and running the water turbine to them all the time would probably cause some sort of other problem. All the eternal night already means they're pretty different than what he expects. He wishes he'd paid more attention to gardening... Making them fruit right away would be pointless... They're probably fertilizing it with manure... Maybe Green can tell him what a plant needs, or just make plants healthier? If he's going to wander eventually he needs to be able to make food on his own. But he decided not to try all sorts of new kinds of magic right now, just subtle things, because that would make everyone go crazy even more.

He asks Calsa what magic various species have after the moth incident! Every species has exactly one except him? That's still so weird. He makes a heat plate for the mice and puts their vase on top of it so the sand at the bottom will always be nice and warm. And then worries that it'll get too warm and carefully tests it to make sure it's okay. He gets a second Green point soon, he was probably close anyway, and starts using it on what the book called diagnose- Just a simple probing query: What's wrong with this creature? Is it a little hungry? Too cold? Is there a teeny scratch on its tail that is bothering it? If he has mice that are depending on him he is going to keep taking paranoidly exquisite care of them.


"So tiny... So the spring pushes less when it's mostly loose? And it has to push the same speed no matter what?"

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The mice:

- have sore paws from the sand

- feel exposed without stuff to make nests with

- don't like the smell in the vase

- don't like the smell of predators everywhere else

- love the crumbs of nuts

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"The mainspring pushes less as it unwinds, yeah, which means it pushes the wigwag less each wig, so it wiggles slower. The way this watch works, the correct amount to push is the smallest amount, and when the mainspring is pushing harder, this other spring here pushes against the cam to drag it slower. As the cam rotates, it gets lower and the other spring relaxes and drags less on the movement of the mainspring.

Fancier watches have a different mechanism that doesn't drag the watch slower, but you still need to know in advance exactly how the mainspring gets weaker. In practice, it's not that hard, it's almost linear - er, how well do you know your numbers?

But I think it would be neat to be able to swap out the mainspring with a completely different one and have the watch still keep time without any manual adjustment.

How about this: if you come up with an idea for that, I'll pester my boss to let you see the shop, okay?"

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(He thinks the mice need a slightly bigger place to live, and some actual dirt instead of just sand 'cause it's softer, and maybe a couple of teeny caves or overhangs to make them less scared and bored, and he will offer to do Merta's chores or do magic or something in exchange for helping with that. ...And then wash it with water because now it smells like Merta and they don't like that. And maybe buy or borrow some rags or thread and dead straw and fallen bits from the field for nesting! If these mice are here because of him he has to be good to them. He will be So intent and So careful with them. And they are kind of cute.)

"I can add and subtract and mul-tip-ly. I don't know if I'll have any ideas but I will try. This is interesting. Do you know about my magic? A watch that touches a magic pebble to something once a minute might be useful. Maybe if the mainspring spins something and then has to un-spin it? It would spin faster but also slow down more when the spring is strong?"

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Merta is happy to expand the mouse enclosure and does not demand anything in return. What magic does he think she would like, though? Does he happen to have a method of making someone happy in a way that temporarily impairs them? She's heard of lieflings able to do that.

"This is already dirt like we use here... in wetter or windier places I suppose they have dirt just lying around, is that what you mean? I could make the grains have smoother shapes? Or you could grind them with a mortar and pestle."

He'll have to buy any organic matter he wants, but it's cheap.

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Siki gives him a simplified talk on functions and the kind of shapes they make when you graph them.

"Like a beacon that only lights once a minute, and lasts for days before a catfolk needs to come by to refill it? What else can your magic switch on and off?"

"You're thinking of storing energy in a spinning wheel, taking energy from the mainspring when it has excess, and giving it back later when it runs down?"

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(Lin is watching this exchange, visibly bored.)

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He will - ask to do some sort of chores or make a magic plate or something, before just assuming he gets an allowance - and then walk around with Calsa for a bit to shop for bedding for his mice, looking for cheap stuff nobody wants. Maybe woodchips or straw will suffice instead of grinding down the sand finer?

To Merta: "I heard of that but I don't think I can do that yet. It seems silly to me. But Green magic can help with being tired and hurt, Mom did that for me sometimes, so I could try that. Maybe on the mice first. I could make you a warm plate like the one for the mice. But Calsa would have to refill it sometimes."

To Siki: "I will have to try lots of things. You can put magic in drinks so it happens when you drink it. You can move things with magic. We had magic lights and magic tools... There was a beacon I was supposed to break if I was in trouble and it would call Mom. There were talking mirrors you talked through. There was a water cleaner, and the um guard rocks, that keep strangers out... That's not what I was thinking with the watch. The mainspring has the energy... Big watches use a swinging thing going back and forward, right?"

Too bad Lin is bored. But she could always go do something else.

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"Each species has one thing, although it might have several parts? Like I can make fire and put out any catfire and I'm invulnerable to all fire, both catfire and the hungry kind.

The wroth was paid by the Magistrate to look for disease. They go intangible to smell people's insides. They can make their whole body intangible, not just their antennae.

You’ve seen elves, which stick memories places where any elph can read them later, and boarks at the mill, who can’t be hurt by anything, pretty much. I think they can get sick. Gnomunks are kind of like elves but for physical objects, which is useful for storing things so a frogold can’t grab them. Equartiers can run really fast in straight lines, and smash things up if they charge into them.

Drakes make things grow and change, but that's not always a good thing, and they can’t stop doing it, so there aren’t any here even though they’d be useful for the fields. Whisshoppers make illusions. Kappas make air and water. Scoblins make you hate things. Undines read thoughts. Lieflings make medicines and stuff. Tengu have like a bunch of bodies? They're good for sending messages. Driders are good at thinking. And humans made all the other species.”

"Is that a normal thing, to pay kids for doing chores?"

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"Sure, and I think Meika would want us to."

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"We're in her town, and it seems to be going pretty well. Why should he be counted as a unit with us?"

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"Look, he's not my kid, and I want to pay him to make me a fire plate for when I need to sleep at work, okay?"

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Straw is available, and ragged clothes, claw trimmings, and teeth. No wood chips.

Fur (shorn, from werewolves) is cheap, since it's not very good for weaving, only compost.

Fur (shorn, from catfolk) is almost as cheap.

Fur (on skin) can be had, although the tanner gives him a surly look and will only sell finely-shredded scraps of pelt.

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Merta does not press on wanting a pleasantly impairing drug, and expresses curiosity about things to make people less tired instead.

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Talking mirrors sound useful! How long does Nico think it would take before he's grown enough to make mirrors or emergency signals?

"This watch has a thing like that too, see here?" His reed figure flips it back and forth, a stick with paddles that stick into a gear. "You're thinking it could be heavier? Then it will move slower overall, and still move slower when the mainspring pushing on it is weaker.

Spinning... like it's connected to gears that spin another wheel really fast back and forth? That makes it act like it's heavy when the wigwag pushes on it, but doesn't weigh the watch down as much. I wonder if you could make the effective weight change?"

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Lin mopes and taps her fingers in rhythm. She must really like being around other people though.

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(He did some chores at his old home, and then could do extra chores for a few copper pennies. It feels better to earn the things the mice need instead of just asking for them. If Calsa and Merta don't have any chores he can help with, he'll work on a warm plate for Siki but it will take a day or two.)

"I think that needs some blue and then a bunch of experiments. Like, a whole bunch. And I only have a little bit of magic to experiment with right now. And yeah, that's what I was thinking of... It spins back and forward... But since the mainspring is pushing it every time it's the same problem. I was thinking maybe a spring that pushes back more the more it gets pushed? So a little push and a big push take the same time? But I don't think that works. I guess I will think about it."

"Are you bored, Lin?"

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"Oh, you want to put a spring on the wigwag? Huh. I don't know if that will keep steady time the way you're imagining, but I'll make a tiny spring and try it and see... And I'll pester my boss about letting you observe, or I'll do the experiments at home.

Is there something I can do to get you more blue? ...Is these something I can do to get you more blue that Calsa can't do? Does going to lots of places help? If you were a mouseling I could take you on a epic journey across the floor... I don't know if that would count if it only feels like a huge distance, but is there a way you could see what I'm seeing?"

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"I'm fine. Hey, want to skip stones on my pool?" (Merta made a ledge around the top of the huddlebed to hold a shallow pool of water.)

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"Um I never explained it right before. The book I read said getting more colors is about what kind of things you do and also how you feel about it. Red is for sports and hard work and doing things you don't like 'cause you want them to be done, like carrying rocks to build a house. Blue is for seeing new things and taking shortcuts by knowing, and being clever, like getting the wind to grind a mortar and pestle so you don't have to. Green is for learning about plants and animals, and for helping plants and animals and people, and for um knowing in ways you can't write down? White is for learning new languages and doing art and practicing talking, and for wanting to understand and say things to people. Black is for making things that last a long time and for being very very careful and for planning, like building a house in a direction so the wind won't batter it and making sure the ground is good. I don't know how to skip rocks, that sounds fun to try!"

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"So you've got to have the right feelings? Bleh.

See you, kid."

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"Here's some rocks, see how they're flat but still a bit rounded? If you throw them so they're flat, and give them a spin, they'll bounce off the water. I'm trying to bounce them off the near half of my pool and get them to stop as close to the far end as possible without going over the edge."



"Have you ever met a frogold before?"

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He watches how she holds and moves her arms. Throwing rocks probably has the same principles as an axe swing, right? Exactly how you hold it and move is important.

"No. Just Kaleid. It's very different, people who can do only one thing but do it all day. Even important people can't do magic all day! What do frogolds do?"

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She tosses a stone in the air.


It vanishes... and she spits it out into her hand. "Don't worry about losing stones over the edge, I can get them back without climbing down."

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"Ooh, that's good for throwing things! Can you get stuff over the wall or up a cliff like that? Or get tools without standing up? Or catch fish?"

He will go ahead and start trying to skip stones! They have to spin, and they have to mostly go flat.

Toss. Sploosh. It sinks. Toss. It skips, but way too far.

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Gulp. She spits it into the water.

"Yeah, I can grab any loose object that fits in my mouth within the width of this house or so." Twenty feet. "If it's in the water:" gulp, and the rock is replaced with an air bubble. Spit. "Or if I don't give back any air:" she tosses the rock and it vanishes with a sharp pop.

"You're a good" kid "friend. Most people think first about how we're going to steal all their stuff."

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"I also thought of that but it's not like you actually did it. Calsa could burn me or Merta could cover me with rock or Siki could... Spy on me?" He shrugs. "Can you do it through glass? Make a jar with no air in it? I remember hearing that some craftsmen use places with no air, but I don't know what for. Maybe so they can heat things and not burn them."

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"Siki could sneak knives into your blanket, or trip you off a cliff... he won't. Catfolk and werewolves and mouselings and gnomunks and most mammal-derived species just don't hurt people. They do steal, though. And frogolds aren't bred to be friendly puppies who want to please everyone, we don't smell like you, firmlanders don't meet us often... so it's easy to worry about us even if you don't worry about catfolk.

Oh yeah, I could grab the air out of a jar. Glass or stone. If you find a use for that, I want to do that!

I miss my mommies and daddies, but I don't really want to go back to farming fish in Argo Lake. Stealing is wrong. Merta wants me to be in a team of doctors, which, just, ew. Blech. No.

What does Merta want you to do?"

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"...I dunno. What the Magistrate wants me to do, probably. Make a lot of money for Kef? Make guard rocks? And that is okay because Kef is paying Calsa to take care of me. It's fair. I kind of think Calsa and Merta want me to think they're Moms. But I don't. Calsa is nice and Merta is okay but I have a Mom already."

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"It would be nice if everyone had fire plates and didn't have to fear bandits... not a big problem in Kef yet but there will be more. How big can your magic get?

Calsa and Merta don't really seem like mammal-derived Moms to me either, but I wouldn't know. What do you want to do?"

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Splish. "I think even important people don't get huge magic. Maybe a hundred times what I have now? They mostly get better at using it. I know there's a trick to make magic things stay magic..." Splish. "...I want to use magic with machines, like the turbines. Those are amazing! ...Why is the mammal thing so important?"

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"Which mammal thing? I guess we're all half mammal, since humans are mammals, but there's a clear difference between, say, catfolk and frogolds. 

A sharp sense of smell, and producing body smells with reliable meanings, is shared by most mammal-derived species. If you just use your eyes, all species smile and glare and cry the same, but the puppies don't always use their eyes.

Mammal moms really like to take care of you. They get attached. My first mommy picked my egg out of the water because it was pretty, and her boyfriend, my first daddy, started paying attention to me when I showed him I was smart. By the time my fifth mommy taught me to skip stones, my first had moved on to another pretty egg. A lot of eggs and a fair number of taddies don't grow up. It's okay - by the time we're people, we're safe.

Some mammals, not all but including catfolk and werewolves, have litters. Like frogolds have lots of eggs, but instead of picking the best kits, they pick who gets to have a litter and give one kit to each other family. Because they get attached to kits. So the way they pick who actually makes the litter changes what the species is like, as the choices add up, litter after litter, year after year, lifetime after lifetime. That's why werewolves are so friendly and catfolk are so sharp and smart.

Can you make water? Can you make a rock that keeps making water?"

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"...That's weird." Like they're dogs or cats for real. And babies not being people yet??????

"...That's really weird. Um, yeah, but the turbine is way easier. Making magic things per-man-ent, that's called making an [enchantment], I don't know how yet. Just what the book said about it. About pulling on the place under the world."

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"The place under the world?

Can you cool things down? Can you store water in a plate?"

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"I dunno. Probably? I only get to try like one thing every day. I guess you probably want to get water without needing a catfolk."

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"Yes, and in the drybright it doesn't matter how many catfolk there are; there's no water to pump up no matter how deep you dig. Water comes through pipes or it comes from kappas, or a tiny bit from ents. If you could put a town's worth of water in a plate and carry it there, a lot of people would be very happy."

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"I read stories about people exploring, um, drybrights." Desert adventures, oases and ancient ruins. He wanted to see them some day. "Pipes would be better. It'd be like a big bowl, not a lake. Not even this pool. Or maybe some day a [portal]. There's one between Kelos and Remii that Rulaan of Kelos did. You can just walk through and be there right away."

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"Wow. Is a [portal] a thing that water can flow through? Or do you have to carry it? - that would still be great.

Can air go through a [portal]?"

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"I think it's just like a door. I never saw it but I heard about it."

One of his skipped rocks lands close to the edge. "Yes! This is fun."

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"I wonder if wind would blow between the hot and cold parts, like it does in the sky. You might need two [portal]s, one for each direction? But you could put them anywhere! One deep in the drybright, one deep in the drydark. Make two places newly inhabitable.

The 'drydark' is a silly name, isn't it? It's not dry. Deeper in, I hear there could be mountains of ice."

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"[Portal]s everywhere! But if it were easy there would have been more back home... Why doesn't the sun rise and set like it's supposed to?"

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Plish plish plonk.

"Maybe it's easier here? Like how a catfolk here can fill a fire plate for you?

Okay. You're from a different world where magic works differently, right, even though the grownups don't want us talking too much about that? Let me go slowly to make sure I don't make any wrong assumptions. Your world is a big big ball of rock, flying along in a even bigger loop around your sun, right?"

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"...Yeah. I went really far from home. The world is a big ball, you can tell because of how far away things disappear bottom first. And I think that sounds right about the sun."

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She thought that was because of mirages, but she's not going to argue. It doesn't really matter whether he's correct about the nature of his world.

"Great. So I'm guessing that your ball wobbles or spins so that in some places the sun is visible part of the time. Our ball doesn't. Lacrimos spins, and I think most of its moons spin, so it's possible on this world. Just, most planets - balls - that people like us can live on, are close enough to their sun that a complicated force I don't understand pulls them until they stop spinning." She totally understands and can work out the formulas herself, but it's not common knowledge for a child.

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"...Oh. So there's no [night], because it's always [night]. That means... Oh, the drydark and drybright make sense now. That's so amazing and also kind of sad and scary. Wow, I can't believe there are plants that grow even on the edge of it. I'm gonna explore the drybright and drydark some day. I want to show everyone my home but ummmmm."

He thinks doing a permanent portal is the kind of thing done by burning some of every color and knowing exactly what you're doing. And the idea of going home is scary, even if he imagines being a legendary hero like Rulaan. 

"I can't. I don't like being a secret. But-" and he's quoting someone- "Things you don't like happen all the time, you can complain or you can be strong."

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"Yeah, having to hide is awful."

Plish plish.

Plish plish phish.

"Will you take me with you? I don't know what I can be useful for, but I want to see what's in the drydark and the drybright. I want be there when you make it a nice place to live. I want the world to have so much water that frogolds can live in peace everywhere."

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"...I dunno. It's probably going to be hard. And then you are going to say 'I don't care', yeah yeah... I won't stop you following I guess. I'm not going soon anyway. I need to figure out [enchantment] and make a bunch of those first."

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Are you alright?

I mean, like, no matter what, there are plenty of frogolds to do my job, whatever that turns out to be. You're the only kaleid in the world. If anything happens to you, or even if you just have trouble building the right color to do whatever you need to do, people will be sad. I know, 'Things you don't like happen all the time, you can complain or you can be strong'. If you want to be strong, be strong. But tell me if I can help, okay?"

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"...It's not supposed to be... Dad got so mad when people think he's not strong or smart. Mom was worried about what the neighbors think of me. I don't like that. I wish I was all alone forever sometimes."

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"Hm." Frogolds who feel like that don't usually survive to personhood.

"So you don't actually want to be alone, you just feel like that sometimes... You want to be around people who don't want anything from you? You want to have friends who are loyal to you? Are you more worried about people you like using your feelings unfairly, or people who need you trying to make you do what they want?"

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"I dunno. If someone needs my food or my magic it's still mine. I don't like it when people say you should be nice." It usually means 'give me something' or 'do this chore' or 'let us make fun of you and don't even get mad'.

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"Ah, because that's a threat. If they say you're not nice often enough, you'll get hurt. They're not even saying something smart, that other people could argue about. The meaning of the word has nothing to do with actually being nice.

Frogolds have variety. Puppies like to agree on things. But if, say, a mommy wanted me to be nice, meaning that I should follow her particular rules about which taddies to feed and never pick up eggs, and I thought it was more important to be loyal to my household, I would be able to find another mommy who cared about loyalty. Something like that actually happened: My first daddy wanted me to be smart, and told me about shapes, and I could imagine the shapes in my head but he couldn't. So he didn't trust my visual thoughts and thought I was stupid to trust them myself. So I stopped hanging out with him and found my fourth daddy instead.

What does nice mean to you, if you got to decide? Suppose you make a nice place deep in the drydark. What people would you bring there? How would you decide what magic to do? Would you rather be the only kaleid so that people are afraid to say bad things about you, or would you rather there were lots of kaleids, doing lots of things for lots of reasons, and no one would want to say bad things about you?"

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"Yeah. Saying I should be nice was always just saying I should do what they say. I dunno. I wouldn't bring many people. They could hurt me or mess with things... Being special is scary because everyone will be looking, but I also kind of like it... Maybe the second thing. But it's just me."

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"Oh! Humans could make more of your species.

So, you know how humans made mouselings out of mice? If a human tried that with a mouseling, the result would be another mouseling, not a third new species. If a human tried that on you, there might be another kaleid because you're already a person like a mouseling, or the human magic might consider you to be a kind of animal and make something new. Or it might fail, that happens sometimes." Sometimes horribly.

"Humans are secretive about how it works exactly. You'd have to hold their hand through a hole in wall."

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"...I didn't know that was how! From real mice! Green magic to look like a catfolk or a wolf or or or a mouseling or something, or an [angel], that's, some people have that, and they can hear really good, or smell really good, or fly with their real wings made of meat and feathers, but their magic doesn't change!!!"

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"No one's magic changes! Not even like how you get stronger in each color as you do and feel things. After doing the secret magic part, the humans grow a baby, a totally new person, over the course of a year and a half, just like with regular human babies. They can't turn a mouse into a mouseling, or replace a mouseling with a new person in the same body, killing the old one! No. Humans don't change magic. They just copy or create it."

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(Author note: At this point, Nicodemus is pretty sure that his species, and the local 'humans' that he just happens to look like are entirely different. The word the color-magic society uses for themselves, lost to time, originally meant something like 'many colors'.

Thus: Their species as a whole is called Kaleid. Kaleidic, Kaleidian, or Kaleidish. Plural Kaleids.)

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"...So their magic is making new kinds of magic. I guess maybe they tried a bunch of different things to make catfolk and frogolds and everyone? It's scary that it's a secret. What if it hurts but actual mice and cats and things can't tell? What if it goes wrong? I've only heard of like... Twenty kinds of people but there's MILLIONS of kinds of animals. I think."


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"I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt, when the target is a person, because it's been done plenty of times to copy from people, sometimes against their will and they've complained about it plenty but didn't mention it hurting.

Usually rare kinds who don't get along with others of the same species, for example aasimar, or really useful ones, but also sometimes a human and a werewolf get married and use human magic to produce children who are related to both parents, which is otherwise impossible between different species.

I think it fails pretty often, and every attempt is costly. The creator of catfolk died from it.

There are still plenty of humans who would be happy to try to copy from you, out of desire to help the world or simply because they're getting paid a lot."

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"They died? I don't want to talk about this any more."

He wants to throw the rock as hard as he can but temper tantrums get you in trouble so he just drops it in the pool. He hasn't been in trouble here yet and doesn't want to see what that looks like.

And no way can he maybe kill someone by accident.

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Well that's just great.

Plish plish plish.

Plish plish.

Plish plish plonk.

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(Author's note: Calsa's summary of all the species she knows is retconned in at https://glowfic.com/replies/2021700#reply-2021700.)

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Calsa and Merta return from whatever they were off doing together in private.

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Merta nuzzles the top of her head.

"Hi kids. What do you want to do today?"

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"I dunno. Maybe running. I don't want to get slow and weak and useless. Or illusions in the square. I want to make them last a whole hour before I run out."

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"What's Siki been saying to you? But sure, we could run to the courthouse."

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"- or maybe running out in the fields would be easier. But why running? I think practicing kaleid magic is a better way to be useful..."

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"Running to escape.


But that is how you grow your magic, right? Blue for travel? Or, no, red for exertion!"

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"Um, if I went running to escape I would die in the drydark? Yeah. For red magic. And for being healthy. I'm already practicing magic as much as I can and running out every day."

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Huh. She thought he was worried about people wanting him, but if he doesn't realize how valuable he is, there's no reason to scare him more. "If you run into the drydark with a fireplate and make it blink on and off, someone will see it and rescue you. How about we run first, and then go to the square to do some illusions? Do you think you could make an illusion stick to me as I move?"

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(Oh, he is. He has just heard of the idea of subterfuge more than the average eight year old.)

"I think illusions would be brighter than a fireplate but okay. That will be good practice, I'll try it! Okay, I'll do stretches! I hope my spring idea I told Siki helps him."

Stretching! And running! Both of those things are not thinking about the vast scary wall of being the only one who can do some things, and weird baby magic to change that!

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A group of catfolk stand around the edge of the ramp of equartier path.

"A drake is arriving soon, going right where you're standing and then turning left out to Pieta's field."

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"-A drake is a kind we can't be near, Calsa? Because they change things? That seems sad." Blue can do magic suppressant...

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"Yeah... it's not that bad; once the drake is settled in to their house we can visit them. And we can watch now as long as we stay outside the ring of fire - the issue is touching air that the drake just breathed, so they won't be talking now, but you could show them an illusion? Let's move to the side."

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...clomp clomp clomp clomp CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP

The catfolk split into two lines parallel to the equartier path, with tall fires on their outstretched inside arms. The equartier sets down a shimmery teal reptilian person in the middle and jogs out the other opening (with quiet footsteps). The catfolk close the circle.

The drake stands and looks around.

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"Oh! Dustlife! Like grows in food if we don't put it in things and boil the things!" Bounce bounce!

He will throw up a shimmery rainbow swirl of drifting sparkles, in a big circle! Red gold green blue violet red. And wave!

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There is a faint breeze blowing toward the circle.

The drake waves back!

The catfolk who spoke before calls out "one two one and go" and the circle shuffles away in awkward synchrony.

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I don't know if it's a 'dustlife' issue! I think it's safe to touch the air after an hour? Maybe that's long enough for the dustlife to die... Want to follow them?"

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Lin tries snatching a sparkle.

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"Woah kid that was awesome!" exclaims a passing werewolf. "How big can you make those things?"

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The sparkles are completely insubstantial. They'll shine out through her hand, faintly, if she waves through one.

"I could go pretty big! But I'd get tired faster! I'm practicing instead."

The flowy circle of sparkles breaks into a rainbow line and snakes past Lin and the werewolf's head, then forms up into a five pointed star.

"I'm Nico!"

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"Ha, nice! I'm Pavel, the quiet one. That's not a joke, Loud Pavel is even worse, hah hah! 

Can you do like a straight line and be sure it's straight? Not that a little pup like you needs to worry about mining stuff, just a thought popped into my head and out my mouth!"

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What if he controls two points of light and has the rest line up between them?

The result is very... Wobbly? Like a taut string moving back and forth fast, between the red and violet fixed points.


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"Neat! Now try with your eyes closed!"

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"Of course!"

He closes his eyes and moves the endpoints around. To where he thinks Lin and Calsa are.

The points of light between them are following a rule about where to go. White is good at that. They take a bit to settle though.

"Is it working?"

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"It's still buzzing like a viol string, but, yeah, it's working. ...Better now!

Can you do that a thousand feet long and hold it for five seconds? With your eyes open of course! And then we can knock back early and party the rest of Breath shift, with you as the guest of honor!"

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"You want to take him into the mines?"

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"Just for a tiny moment, and of course you're invited too! Ah, where are my manners today!"

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He has burnt through about a third of one white point. It's dimming, but not done.

The lights go out. 

"I think I can do it. But if I'm saving you so much work maybe I should get paid."

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Blink. "Of course, my friend, of course! I'll need to talk to my foreman... You've got spirit, though, kid! You've got the Kef spirit."

When located at the main entrance in the werewolf part of town (all the houses here have roofs), Pavel's foreman says that actually they'll need some circles and lines, at least 5, but 10 would be nice, held for a minute each. The figures are all less than 50 feet across, though. "And that will save us all an hour or two, so let's make that a square fifty today, and another hundred to do the exact same thing 10 cycles from now, if you can do it when the whole room is filled with turbine parts?"

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"I'm not sure if I can do circles. You should test it if I can." He probably can. Keep the same distance but wobble side to side, that's a rule.

"That seems fair, and thank you for letting me try! You don't actually know if I can do it yet after all, and you're going out of the way to try it anyway. I might not be able to do it all today... But I'll try! What are all the big turbines going to be for?"

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"Of course, kid.

Just one turbine today! It's for pumping and heating water, once the new aqueduct is done."

The foreman takes the team in through the main entrance and down several flights of stairs to a mezzanine. Though an arch, branching left, down some more stairs and into a long straight corridor. If Calsa weren't there it would be pretty dark. "This is actually the new aqueduct we're in now!"

After a lot of walking in the dark, they reach an active team. Werewolves roll table-sized disks of stone into a slot in the wall.

     "Is Breath early or am I just that energetic today?"

"Hey Flesh, Breath passing you on the side, look out. We're early to try an experiment on the turbine chamber! If it works there'll be a party at my place when you wake up, featuring our guest of honor, this kid Nico!"

        "Aw, we don't get to watch?"

            "If it works we'll all be doing it until we're sick of it."

   "You don't have to shout, we can all see the cat with you!"

        "Oh hi Calsa! I know you! You're Merta's kitty!"

     "Yeah, Nico! Right on!" says someone who has never met him.

They follow the empty-handed werewolves, staying away from the ones rolling the disks. The tunnel narrows up ahead, where werewolves are slowly peeling disks off the walls, and continues beyond that, single-file. After more walking, the tunnel widens to a chamber up ahead, but before reaching it they turn to the right into a nook, up stairs, and onto an elevator hanging in an open shaft, suspended by metal chains. "Stand clear, hold firm! Unlocked!" The elevator lurches, and then smoothly descends, picking up speed as they go. "Stand clear, hold firm, wait!" It plops to a halt surprisingly gently. "Locked!"

"Okay, kid, this is going to be the turbine chamber! See this cone above us? It needs to be exactly the right shape. Normally we'd wait until the shaft is in the middle, then set up a whole contraption with a bunch of strings and rods, and then shape it. And then remove the whole mess.

But with you here, we can get all the measurements now. It will take a few minutes for us to get ready, but let's start thinking about the first measurement now." Which is a horizontal circle 15 feet above the ground, 10 feet in diameter.

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This is sooooo cooooool. Aqueduct! Giant turbines for the whole town! Amazing!!!

"I need someone to point exactly where the center goes and where the edge should go..."

"...Waaaaait. The way I was thinking of doing it would make a ball, not a circle."

He holds his hands up. Two sparks appear, then a bunch more, flickering around as if on a sphere. He drops it quickly, to conserve his white.

"Yeah. Ball. I can't just tell them to stay this far apart from the first one..."

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The werewolves climb up the wall to the needed height, hanging from inset rungs, with the exception of the foreman and one carrying a folding tripod draped with equipment.

"Daneia, would you drop a plumb line down the center?"

    "On it!" She lays her tripod on the ground, runs to the elevator, pulls some levers causing thuds from above, and ascends.

  "If we extend to the ball across a band a hands-breadth wide, I think that should work? Even if we can't tell where the exact farthest edge is, the wall doesn't change that fast and we can smooth out the narrow parts later."

"Good thinking, and if we had a couple hundred balls, yes, but we don't. If we're going to hold up bits of the template against only a few measurements, they have to be precise. It's not just a smooth curve, it also marks where to put the stators."

        "Say, why haven't we been getting a whisshopper for this all along?"

          "Ooh good point! I guess it's not really a whisshopper's style so no one thought of it?"

      "Can a whisshopper guarantee the measurements?"

          "I don't know!"

    "If the floor was flat and level we could measure the heights later with rods?"

  "That sounds like more work than hanging the template."

    "Maybe we could measure from the bottom of the shaft, or the center of the socket?"

  "So then we don't have to level the whole floor!"

"Nico, could you do a couple hundred balls if you only had to hold each one for a second? If not, I think we could make a few balls work, if you hold them for several minutes each? It's okay if you can't."

    "We could make the rods now, and a thing to hold their base to the center of the socket, and use that to find the right height to mark on the edge of the ball!"

  "Anyone good at square roots?"

       "Or put Daneia on the socket watching the bottoms of the vertical measuring cords we already have to make sure they're level with where the base of the shaft will be."

  "Oh, nice and simple! I love it!"

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Lin can calculate square roots pretty quick, but she's relieved not to have to choose between straining her cover and letting the project fail!

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"I don't think I can hold a huge ball for minutes. That's a lot of sparks compared to a circle. There has to be a way to make it a circle instead of a ball." He is peering at the tripod. Just asking for a circle probably wouldn't work. You have to be sneaky. "I just need to... Tell it where the flat is with more dots maybe? I can do betweens and closer-tos and far-away-froms..."

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She can't resist. "If you have two distances to two points, can you put the sparkles everywhere that's the correct distances to both points? The second point doesn't have to be at the center of the socket. It would actually be easier to have the second point 3/4 of the radius away from the first point, wherever that falls along the plumb line, and then the second distance is 5/4 of the radius."

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"Umm... Tell it to be five-fourths away from this one and four-fourths away from that one, you mean?"

Sparkles appear between his hands. Two, one above the other, and then more that settle into a wobbly circle. "...Wow. Why does that work?"

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That's awesome. She wishes her first daddy male parental figure could see this.

"Well, the whole thing is defined by the two points and the three distances, with nothing else going in any other particular direction, so the result has to be round. A circle or a ball or a bunch of circles or something.

If you think of each point-and-distance pair as defining a hollow ball, the result is that the sparkles follow the rules for both balls. Depending on the sizes and positions of the balls, that might be nothing, a point, a circle, or a hollow ball.

This circle is special: it's the biggest circle you can have using the first ball. It cuts the first ball in half at its widest point. That's special because it makes the top slice of the ball the same as the bottom slice. If you put the second point above the first point and kept the rest the same, you'd get the same circle.

Let's imagine that you move your illusion so the two points are on the wall - a smooth vertical part of the wall. You can actually do it if you want. Remember, the shape has to be round, so we don't need to worry about all of it. Whatever points are exactly on the wall already tell us everything about the shape.

So, here's the first point, the second point, a point on the circle to their left, a point on the circle to their right, and we could have gotten this by putting the second point above the first, so let's imagine another 'second point' too. Now, there are four triangles which are all identical in shape although some of them are flipped around. See how they all have a squarish angle, where they meet at the first point? Since they're all the same shape, that angle has to be the same in all of them. Four of them make a complete turn around the first point, so the angle is exactly a fourth of a turn. That's what makes this work.

Any triangle with a square angle at the first point would have worked. The fun part is that a triangle with lengths of 3, 4, and 5 of whatever - fourths of the radius - has a square angle and has lengths that are easy to measure out.

To prove that, we're going to need several triangles like this of different sizes. The shape of all of them is the same, just the size is different. The first one is five times bigger: its sides are 15-20-25 instead of 3-4-5, but it's still a 3-4-5 triangle. The 'something' in 'three somethings' is five. Five something-smallers.

Now, we draw a line from the square point of the big triangle to the other side, so that it makes two square angles against it. That gives us two smaller triangles.

This one has the narrower angle of the big triangle and it has a square angle, so it has the same shape over all.

This one has the wider angle of the big triangle and it has a square angle, so it also has the same shape.

How big are each of these smaller triangles? This one has its 'five side' pressed against the big one's 'four side' which was 20. Twenty is five fours, so it must be measuring in fours.

The other one has its 'five side' pressed against the big one's 'three side', which is 15, five threes, so it's measuring in threes.

The question is, does this diagram actually work? There's two lines which we can measure two ways. Do we get the same length both ways?

The inner line is four threes, which is twelve, and also three fours, which is twelve again.

The 'five line' of the big triangle is five fives, which is twenty-five, and also four fours plus three threes, sixteen plus nine, which add to twenty-five."

If Nico points out the circular argument, he can probably follow a more rigorous proof, and if not, that's also fine.

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He lets the circle fade again; White's burning away. He listens raptly. And bounces slightly. He doesn't think to question the proof. Some things just are. And he's not quite picturing it right, maybe? There's no sand table to draw with here, and Lin can't do sparkles to help.

"Wow. You learned this when you were little, right? This is the kind of thing I wanted to go to the [temple school] for, but they wouldn't let me! Yes math is useful, Dad, you can do shape magic with it! I want to hear more later. I think I'm confused by some of what you just said. Like if it wasn't quite three fourths up, the bigger invisible ball would... Push the circle where the two invisible balls meet down and smaller? ...But right now I just need to make a circle."

He turns to Quiet Pavel and the foreman.

"Can you measure something down here to make sure this works right? Or should I just try when the plumb line is ready? Umm, fifteen feet off the ground, and then also fifteen plus three quarters of ten, so... Twenty two and a half feet up, too. Right?"

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"Fifteen, and fifteen plus three quarters of five, which is eighteen and three quarters. Hey Daneia, you hearing this? Can you mark the points for the first five circles?"

    "No problem!"

And soon they're all ready. The werewolves can shape a smooth circle all the way around in about a minute, and will happily continue until Nico is out of white if not stopped.

Once, a faint rumbling thud trembles through the floor. The mining crew ignores it.

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He holds out a hand towards Lin for a fistbump!

Well, if they're not worried, he's not worried... He has QUESTIONS about turbines and digging, if there's any major lulls, but they seem really efficient, so there probably won't be.

The last few circles are thin and faint, tiny sparkles spread almost foot apart from each other and moving quickly clockwise. And eventually he does run out entirely. He doesn't seem tired at all but insists there's no more illusions to be had until tomorrow. The magic's just not there.

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Um okay, fistbump.

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There's a pause of a minute between each circle, and more time ask questions as they go back to the end of the aqueduct that's still being dug out, where the Shift of Breath team takes over for the Shift of Flesh team. They can talk while they work though, and they do, bantering with the foreman about the party he has to throw. The visitors are welcome to stay as long as they like.

If that's as much as Nico can do without rest, they probably won't need him again until the next turbine. "I know I promised you another hundred to do it again later, but the circles would have to be really bright, six of them, and you'd need to do it without looking at all, while the turbine is spinning and has some fire in it. Sorry kid. Did you make any plans counting on having that hundred?"

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Yeah, fistbump!

"That makes sense- What's it for, checking everything over?- I'm supposed to get better at it and stronger, but maybe not in just a week. Without looking at all... Maybe something weird with triangles could get all the right dots in the right places, but I don't know. And no. I just want to earn money for later, mostly. It's never bad to have some. Though Lin and Quiet Pavel deserve some of mine for figuring out this is possible! Even if you didn't pay, it would have been worth it to see all this amazing stuff and learn about circles!" Bounce! 

(Is Calsa still around?)

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Calsa is right behind him, keeping a watchful eye.

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"In this turbine, there are several layers of blades, alternating with 'stators', which look just like the turbine blades but they stick out from the wall instead of the shaft, and they're made of stone instead of steel. We pull the mass of them out of the walls as we put the rotating parts in, and do the final shaping hot -

Huh. It just occurred to me that we could separate those steps if we could make the stators precise from the beginning. The normal way is to send catfolk up the inside of the shaft to look at how close the stators are to the blades, instead of hanging a whole new template for each layer. But if you can guide us with circles, just regular circles like today, while we put the stators in, we can skip most of the visual inspection.

We'll be wanting you again after all!"

    "Aw kid I didn't do anything, just admired your show."

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"You had the idea! That's important. At least want a hamburger or something! Maybe I can make... Uh."

He turns and frowns at Calsa. Then back forward. "...Some kind of tool with string and angles to help with doing circles and things."

...He impulsively hugs Calsa around the legs. Briefly.

And then has more questions about why turbines work!

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Hm? What was he just thinking...


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    "If you squish the air before heating it, it expands with more force..."

        "But takes force to squish. The point is that the upper half works better when the pressure is a lot higher in the middle, and that's worth making it complicated."

    "Works 'better'?"

        "Like, more of the energy goes into the spinning."

  "But we're not trying to spin anything, we're trying to move the air?"

        "Right! Flame by itself would make the air really hot, but only move it a little. The turbine sucks in a lot of air and blows it out under pressure, and raises the temperature somewhat."

          "So if you only wanted the heat, you wouldn't need a turbine?"

        "Right! The turbine can't get you more heat out of the same amount of fire. "

  "Oh! I've seen catfolk making glass jewelry that way! Just a long tube of fire."

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Quiet Pavel will accept a burger. "You're going to be at the party, right? End of Breath shift."

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Nico is happy to hang out in the area for the next little while, cheerful and glad to have 'been blue', which he clarifies means 'working smarter, not harder' and plays off as just a saying. He doesn't wander, and treats the workplace with seriousness, staying out of the way and going patiently quiet when asked. (He has IDEAS: Turbine on a wagon? Pump water up high and let it flow down again for people to use or through another turbine when catfolk aren't around, at his old house they had a water tank on the roof- Or is that what they're going to do anyway? Do they know about balloons?), but then wants to return to the sand table to talk about MATH with Lin. Math is cool and Lin is so amazing for knowing so much of it!! And he will also buy something small for Lin if she wants it!!

He doesn't stop talking about the mines and turbines and circles all day, even when he's taking care of the mice and practicing the language with Calsa. At the party later, he talks more than he roughhouses, about the power of circles and how awesome the tunnels are, and can't show off his illusions any more because he's been playing with circles all day whenever he got any capacity at all back. It's nice, though. Everyone being loud and having fun and eating together.

Days pass.

He hangs out in the square doing illusions, and helps with any more turbine work he can, and spends the money-of-Kef the foreman gives him on little bits of werewolf fur that he washes and then dries to try and make them less smelly, for the mice. And diligently grinds down some of the sand into something softer and less abrasive. He tries, tentatively, taking a point of Green on one that has the worst sore paws. This is classic Green work that everyone can do, right? Specialized healers exist, if you're sick, if you're poisoned, you can hurt yourself worse doing it if you're very thirsty or hungry, but anyone can just do a little- Get-well-now.

It feels weird, but seems to work. Its paws don't ache anymore, He reserves one green point for Diagnose and one for Heal on the worst-off mouse every day. He makes Siki's fireplate, and then tries to experiment with proper [enchantment] from what he can remember from the book, but nothing works. There were all sorts of complicated shapes and runes... He talks a lot with Calsa, practicing his words and grammar and telling her everything he's trying with magic, and almost as much with Lin, and some with Merta and Siki. He tries to learn to write, too.

He doesn't get any more points in the next week or so. He tries not to feel impatient about it. You don't get points every moon.

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Promising ideas! There's not really anything to see from a balloon out here, is there?, but hmm... A turbine the size of a water pump on a wagon sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but somecat tries a smaller one and soon it's a popular game to putter around on it.

The big pumps are for sending water to Argolake, where it joins an older aqueduct that goes all the way to the drybright.

Siki takes him to his workshop and shows him the watches and clocks and gyroscopes and the mechanism for an orrery. "It will get decorated in the city." The planets are, from the sun outward, Equim, Vulpim, Kappim, Ansaf (where they are now), Viridios, Lacrimos, Astros, and Dallekos.

His illusion practice in the square is popular, with many making a point of showing up every cycle.

Lin doesn't need anything small. Can he make a 'potion' or something to give other people the ability to make sparkles?

The mice love the bits of fur. The ground sand is kind of dusty though.

And then, he comes home from practicing on the square, and there's a nervous crowd around the house. Inside, Merta is lying in the huddlebed, her legs encased in rock, with Calsa holding her.

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The workshop is amazing and he us exquisitely careful not to disturb anything, in case he gets in trouble. He's more fascinated by the gears in the orrery than outer space.

.........He can, after a couple of experiments, make a potion that sparkles for about an hour when exposed to air, out of a teeny pinch of charcoal and water. It makes pretty paint? And Lin's ability to make airless bottles came in handy to stop it from going off right away!

His first impulse when people are hanging out near the house is to hide and listen for a bit. Only then does he slink inside and go quietly up to Calsa. He doesn't say anything, just looks worried.

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"We should give them space."

    "This is the obvious place to go to talk about it. Where would you prefer, the courthouse?"

        "Not the courthouse!"

"You're worried about getting in trouble?"

        "It looks bad. I don't want to make the Magistrate twitchy."

            "It's her fault. Using a wolf to do an elph's job."

  "So you'd have Kef violate the ratio?"

            "The Allheart Alliance does it lots of ways. The ratio is just Sota."

  "You want to rebel against Sota?!"

            "Why not?"

  "And to violate the ratio too! Might as well join the Lei empire!"

"I'd hate to be on that fire crew. They must feel terrible."

      "They didn't hear the screams because they were too engrossed in the story one of them was telling. I think they should feel terrible."

         "Come on, that doesn't make any sense."

  "I wouldn't be surprised if a link in the sluice gate chain turns up missing if you know what I mean."

    "A wolfy cat like Calsa, I bet she wouldn't even notice if that frogold snuck out."

         "What is up with you two and your conspiracy theories."

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"Hey kiddo. It's okay. There was an accident at the waterworks, but she'll be fine. The rock is just to keep her clean while she heals."

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It's a good reminder that he should be careful. Calsa and Merta have been nice but he could still get hurt. Some of those guys are talking a bit like the woodsmen do. He knows that low tone of voice, sullen anger.

They're alone in here, right? He looks around to confirm it, then whispers:

"...I should try to heal her. If she wants. It worked on the mice. Made their paws less sore and helped fix one that got its tail pinched. Merta's a lot bigger than mice though."

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(Siki is pacing and makes sporadic marks in the sand table, and Lin is lurking by the doorway, but they won't hear his whisper.)

"Oh, kiddo...

Do you need her to take the covering off? Can you try just a bit first?"

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"It's good practice!" He says sharply. "I can try it with one point and then the other. I don't need it off. It just might be hard to tell if it helps a tiny bit or not at all if we don't. Also you should eat and drink before this kind of healing."

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"I'll know."

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"She ate half a burger and drank plenty..."

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Gentle poke of Merta's upper arm or hand. Get-well-now.

She can feel the magic thrumming, then catching. It's not smart enough to go for the worst damage. Everything just gets a little bit better, and not just in her leg. Other aches ebb slightly too.

"What happened?" He whispers to Calsa.

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"Mh. Yeah, that did something."

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"Merta did a surprise inspection of the waterworks, and asked for a pump to be paused so she could talk to the crew. Somehow, the water was only partially shut off, and the fire was not chilled at all, and that made the water boil into steam, which filled the access corridors. Merta had just started down the ladder from the aqueduct. She hurried back and jumped in the water. The only other person hurt was a catfolk lighting the way for Merta; he got burned on the steam somehow but not as badly."

Siki has been listening to the rumors and might know more, but she doesn't call him over since she's not sure why Nico is whispering.

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"...And healing is definitely a secret.

They're saying lots of angry things outside. Like whose fault it is and stuff." And how maybe Lin is going to do something... "It's making me think that turbines are really dangerous actually. Is there no way to make sure the water doesn't get into the fire at all? That's stupid!"

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That's intense enough for Siki to notice.

"There are multiple sluice gates on the incoming water. One didn't close at all, one jammed partly open, and one was closed successfully a minute after the accident started.

Yes, it's stupid that we didn't test them more often and that there wasn't better ventilation in the access corridors. The sluice gates are made of stone, and were inspected by werewolves regularly, but that just confirmed that they were strong - I think the one jammed because it was slightly the wrong shape to slide closed. We should redesign them to not need to be precise.

The chains for the sluice gates are steel, which werewolves couldn't inspect. A wroth was here this deci-year, but I don't know what they looked at.

The emergency signal to the fire crew broke. That's made of stone. Maybe it was too fragile for someone heaving on it on a panic. Maybe it jammed the same way as the sluice gate."

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"They'll calm down once everything is fixed and we know what happened."

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"Why is there ANY way of water getting to fire at ALL, the shaft can go through rocks! Water should not be in the turbine part ever!"

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"Hm. The point is for hot air to go up into the water to push it up into the aqueduct... But if you had the air go up and down and up again, the water might not be able to flow down into the turbine?

Add that to the list of things that seem obvious now."

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He punches the table.

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That's gotta hurt.

"What do you need to do to heal Merta further? If you're out for today...hm, how about you go with Siki and Lin to the water side of town and see if there's any solid information there?"

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"...All I can do is wait, yeah. How much did it help?"

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"A few spots hurt less now and a few spots started hurting, as I expect when skin grows back."

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"I think you're going to be okay."


"I'll follow Siki today if you want to be alone now."

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"Oh, no, kiddo, I just thought you might feel better if you had something to do. You can stay. How about doing some illusions to distract Merta?"

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"...I can't think of anything. What's Lei like?"

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"Lei? It's a country in the chartreuse. I've never been. I hear it's beautiful: a lot more plants, you can see for miles, animals, so many people of all species. And I guess it's dirty and windy and wet and you need to seal off the sun when you want to sleep.

...Wait, they were talking politics out there, weren't they? Lei is the origin of the Lei Empire. It has the same currency everywhere, but it's hard to travel unless you're rich enough to impress the local magistrate. Especially if you're a new or rare species. It's ruled by elves, so the laws are the same everywhere and haven't changed in hundreds of years. Some people like that, I guess."

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"And what are Sota and the Allheart Alliance really like? My home was part of an empire. Nobody liked them."

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"Sota is fine? Some of the Magistrates are better than others, but the bad ones get overthrown, sometimes without any violence at all. And you can leave. Even if the Magistrate is good, the don of your species might not be. Not a problem for you! I didn't fit in with the Argolake catfolk. It was fine, I wouldn't have gotten in trouble or anything, but I like how Kef doesn't have dons. All disputes go to the Magistrate. It doesn't even keep her that busy, all Magistrates should do it this way.

The Allheart Alliance... So, the Lei empire is at war with the Freedom Democracy, which doesn't want elves in power and treats them badly. The Allheart Alliance is neutral in the war, containing countries that let elves rule under various restrictions. Like in Sota, only one elph can work in the government for each 5000 people in the town."

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"Also we sell weapons to both sides, so we get rich while they wear each other out."

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"I- Um. Bandits war or hate war?"

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"You mean, why is the war happening? They think they're right about what kind of country is better to live in and they think the other people are a threat. So, 'hate'... Most of them probably don't hate the others, but some do, if they've heard enough stories of people getting hurt in the other system.

The war is very far away, don't worry! Almost on the other side of the world."

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"Oh good. But I meant um... Some wars are just bandits and boat bandits, and some are cities burning."

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"I think mostly bandits?" Oh wow if kaleids keep getting stronger there might well be people who can destroy a city by themselves. "I've heard that the Freedom Democracy has a way to make all the elves in the world sick, but they haven't used it. It might not be true."

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"That's horrible! People are so terrible sometimes..."

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People can be nice too. I think that's way more important that what the highest levels of government get up to."

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"But they tell everyone else what to do... So it's important to know."


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"They don't actually tell people what to do that much? Hm, I guess maybe Meikalani 'told' me to use money-of-Kef and pay her a land tax, but I don't know, that just sort of happened. It's not even relevant to me that she's an elph, since no other elves have ever been in this area. I agree it's important to know what kind of person she is and be ready to rebel if we need to..."


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"Have you heard of the Fusil-Tabby expedition?

So, this crank Fusil figured, there's another storm band in the very center of the drybright, and so he put together a group of boarks and catfolk to go find it. Boarks can take anything, and no amount of heat can hurt a catfolk, right? They never came back.

I'm wondering, maybe their waterskins exploded? Or maybe they did find the storm and it steamed and killed the catfolk. What happened to the boarks, though..."

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"Maybe even boarks can only take so much, or they got lost and went crazy. Boarks can still get sick, right?"

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"Yeah, boarks can get sick."

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A farmer spots a group of werewolves walking from the water part of town to the iron part, sneaking way out around the fields through the dark.




Some of the catfolk from the fire crew have gone missing.

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Nico is subdued for the rest of the day and goes even quieter when he hears this rumor.

Siki thought it wasn't their fault. And he's right. Stupid designs, things breaking and not getting checked. Is the sluice gate person going to get beaten up and killed. Or anyone else who might really be at fault? No. Is Merta going to get killed in revenge for the missing people? He's heard scary tales of fueds and revenge from the woodsmen.

He runs away. Just a little bit. Magic can do almost anything. Just not very well until you practice. Walking away from the square and then acting boring until nobody is looking, and you can walk out of the gate while seeming very boring and normal with white magic, and then to the edge of the fields. He just wants to be all alone for a while...

(He leaves a note asking Calsa to feed his mice for a cycle or two)

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That's, well, it's better that he's planning to come back, but Calsa worries about him freezing alone in the cold. He seemed to understand that the drydark is dangerous, but does he understand exactly how dangerous and is he ready and able to do the math to make sure he has enough color magic to survive?

She's mad at herself for not realizing that he obviously has a tendency to run away by himself when upset, and not preparing better to make sure he stays safe when doing it. What else has she been missing...

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Greetings of the sweetgrass of Tengoria to my dear brother Abilanedi,

This is a standard diplomatic greeting in High Elvish. Graduates from the same academy (here: the one in Argolake) usually address each other as siblings.

'Tengoria' is a general term for the area of Ansaf facing forward as the planet orbits, where clusters of shooting stars can be observed. The many points appearing to approach from a single distant source are thought to resemble an attacking Tengu spawning bodies as it dives. Here, it specifically means the more-Tengorian part of the greenstone steppes, where elves are thought to originate.

Your compliments astute,
balm lavender of sight:
this virgin desert's plight
and elders' clash are moot.

'balm lavender' - when the legendary hero Mortikesh traveled for three years collecting memories from shrines in the drybright and returned home, she was spurned. But after demonstrating the value of her new knowledge, her cracked feet were anointed with lavender.

Kef, my treasured land,
my most delicious tree.
In the stacked oaths' lee,
the river-bottom's planned.

The 'stacked oaths' are a tradition where elves leave memories of promises they have made, and the efforts they take to keep them, in important shrines. Swearing on the stacked oaths means that you will report your words to such a shrine no matter the outcome. This may be enforced or may be left up to the speaker's honor. The oaths that we have records of were almost always kept.

Zlatlan’s hubris tries
yet Torig’s dance ensures.
My people’s flow endures
when steadfast law applies.

'Zlatlan's hubris' - breaking with tradition, especially alone, far enough that you can't use memories of your predecessors for guidance.

'Torig's dance' - the principle that elves with similar jobs should be interchangeable.

Steel and water meet,
and unknown waiting twigs.
Kef, united, digs,
supporting one elph’s seat.

'unknown waiting twigs' - 'twig' is a common metaphor for a hypothetical path of conversation between an elph and their mental model of another. Here, Meikalani is using this meaning as a metaphor for areas of exploration in the real world.

'supporting one elph's seat' - splitting Kef into two towns, each ruled by one Magistrate, would be technically legal in Sota, but would be noticed as violating the spirit of the law.

A fire-spear arcs up
above my waiting hand.
Factions flinch and band
to fill my balanced cup.

'fire-spear' and 'cup' - props for a circus performance, a situation in which it's hard for one performer to smoothly take the place of another.

'factions flinch' - reference to a poem about the sudden development of animosity between the lieflings and kappas of the town of Picklebog, in North Mitan, specifically about suddenly seeing danger where you didn't see it before.

Come attend my shrine
or seek the darker ice.
Favored crews entice
and with my brother dine.

'darker' - deeper into the drydark.

'attend my shrine or' - 'either we can cooperate fully, or we can deal with each other honestly-but-not-forthrightly and must keep distance from each other.'

Power and vast wealth
await but claw and ear.
The merchants prosper here
and so does all our health.

'claw' and 'ear' - werewolves and catfolk.

Uniquely composed and expressed for the esteemed Abilanedi by his sister Meikalani.

Standard end of a diplomatic letter.

'expressed' - through ornate calligraphy, using a brush to apply glue, followed by multiple colors of fine sand.

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Neffie meets the group of human women and their guards on the road to Archer's Tabard, far enough from the storms that there's no longer any wind, no leeward side of the equarter path to shelter under. The builders didn't bother to leave gateways to pass from one side to the other, so they're all still on one side of the massive square wall. Although she can tell from the stars that she's going in the right direction, her night vision isn't sharp enough to avoid tripping if she were to drift away from the path, so she's glad to meet a group of travelers with a catfolk lighting the way. She relaxes her hand from trailing along the side of the path.

She's even gladder when she realizes that they're also coming to answer the invitation of the Magistrate of Kef, and shows genuine delight (and feigned naivete) at accepting the 'protection' of the guards. What's in Kef? She doesn't know, but the Allheart cowards aren't going to keep it for themselves.

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Strife in Kef, is the rumor. Inter-species strife.

His reputation in Argolake is ruined, his back stopped seeping blood but still twinges, and the incessant presence of his missing finger keeps him up at night. Time for a new leaf.* A fight between species is an opportunity for a diplomat who can't hurt you because he doesn't have any magic at all.

He shambles along the 'back side' of the equartier path, conserving his energy. He huddles under his heavy cloak, made from the complete pelt of a catfolk (minus the face, hands, and feet) which embraces him from behind, the rest of the span filled in with anonymous scraps. The person he stole it from must have been very close the deceased kitty.

[*a figure of speech referring to a liefling, not a book.]

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The ground past the fields is rough and uneven. There are deep holes in the stone a foot across, surrounded by rubble, and once, a pit twenty feet across with an actual railing. Air rushes down it and faint firelight shines up.

The stars are intense away from the lights of Kef. Viridios shines teal, an extra jeweled pin in the The Tailor's cloth.

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He's not really expecting to spend a long time out here. He just... Needs to get away. 

It's cold. It's dark. It's lonely. It's peaceful. Beautiful.

...The tunnels probably extend out to here, and further. Huh. That's cool.

He brought the coat and two whole fireplates. It's cold, but if he walks slowly so he doesn't sweat he can last a while. He builds a teeny wall out of bits of rubble, to try and keep some heat in, and stop what little wind there is. They're not sticks and leaves like Dad taught him to work with, but he can at least make a tiny wall.

The noise of Kef is audible in the distance.


He stares at the stars for a while. So big and empty.


...He hasn't spoken Fedic in a while, barely even sneaking in words for things he doesn't know. Because he really wanted to learn the local language.

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He prays to the colors out loud. The ones he's mostly memorized. The words come to him haltingly, he has to stop and start over a lot.

Red's contribution to base survival, strength and power. Blue's ability to change and adapt, using the world around you. Green's affinity for healing and growing, to tend yourself. White's alignment with knowledge and communication, to speak to another. Black's foundation of solid permanency, to build things that last.

There are whole stanzas for each, listing the great things for society such magic makes possible. He recites them and thinks about his old home. There's things he misses. Mom, a bit. Even some of the woodsmen kids. Some of them were alright. Lenora was so annoyingly boisterous, but actually kind. Gerund would volunteer to watch him and then just let him be, or chat about things in town. And the town itself, when he got to visit. All the stores, the park... His old room that overlooked the garden. The sun and trees and songbird sounds... The sight of great sailing ships in the bay... Not having to hide his magic...

Where was he? Oh, the five colors of life...


Defy. Adapt. Tend. Learn. Build.


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It really is pretty cold out here. He uses some of his lone red point to warm himself up, huddles close to the fireplates for a bit, and then carefully gets more rubble to try and make an arched roof.

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It doesn't really work... He could use black magic to help with stoneshaping, but he's unpracticed at it. And it's secret. And people might find this place and assume some werewolf did it, or they might suspect him.

He ends up sleeping curled around the fireplates with his coat and one of the blankets. 

Eventually he wakes up shivering. The fireplates are empty and cold. Time to go back.

He uses the rest of his red to warm up, and eats the food he brought along and drinks from his canteen, and then troops back to the gate. It's probably been about two thirds of a cycle.

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The farmers keep a wary eye on him as he passes. A pair of eyes glint red by the gate, revealed to belong to a huge black bird. It too watches him silently.

No sounds of partying. No unaccompanied children. Mournful singing in the distance.

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He goes back to Calsa's house. He'll heal Merta if she's there. And just kind of flop down otherwise.

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Merta is still in the huddlebed. Lin is in her pool on top of it.

Calsa puts down a jar and sits next to him. "Hey kiddo. I'm glad you're safe." She takes a copper rod the length of her forearm out of her skirt pocket. "This is worth about 34 money-of-Kef, and will be accepted anywhere... will that help you feel less trapped?"

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"...I'm scared. I thought Kef was nice. But people are hurting each other anyway. It's a [feud], just like back home. Are you and Merta going to die?"

He gently pokes Merta and applies what little healing he can.

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"It will be fine. They're all hiss and no claw, except for one idiot who's been executed already, the leader of that gang of werewolves.

There was some grumbling in the water town about Merta doing a surprise inspection of a catfolk operation, but all the rest of Meikalani's clerks are catfolk, as is Merta's replacement, so they don't really have anything to complain about.

No one is angry at me or Lin. There might have been deliberate sabotage of the sluice gates and fire control, but nothing a frogold could have done."

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Merta relaxes in her sleep.

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"...Are the missing catfolk okay though? It sounded like they weren't.

And - yeah, having some metal will be nice, I'll give you 34 for it from the turbine money..."

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She glances at Merta. (Still asleep.)

"They haven't been found. At this point they're either fine or dead. The Magistrate was merciful to all the rest of the gang, for unclear reasons, but it looks like they didn't murder anyone... or they murdered people who the Magistrate thought deserved it."

She hands him the copper rod.

"Would you like Merta to make you a house outside of town? Once she's healed, or we can ask a friend. If she wraps her feet and head, and you take a wiggly route, she won't know where she's making the house."

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He squints suspiciously.

"...Why are you... Helping me run away?"

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"So, I want you to be safe and grow up to do things you like to do. If you're going to sneak out, I want you to have a safe place to go to so you don't die.

But that's not really running away? If you're coming back the next cycle, you're just getting some private time. Lots of people do that.

I already said that if you want to leave Kef, I'll leave with you. It would be unpleasant and I don't want to. I will, but I would like to help you be happy in Kef. And I think giving you a safe place that's yours will make you less likely to want to leave."

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"...I brought food and water and the fireplates." Which he brings out from under the patchwork coat and presents to Calsa. "Yeah, I do want that. Later though. I miss my old home a little bit. Even though I'm never going back. I still think it was a good idea to leave. Mostly I want to get more magic so I can choose more, which means trying really hard at everything."

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"That's good." She fills the fireplates. "Yeah. I miss Argolake too sometimes.

How about we sew a long money pocket on your pants? Do you know how to sew? Would learning give you more...blue?"

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"I don't! And yeah! It's also a making-things thing, so also black? I don't get more magic very often. Five a year would be fast and I got one earlier."

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"If trying hard gets you magic, does it help to have even harder things to try? Like sewing, but only using your feet? Do you want to learn how to design clothes to fit different shapes of people as they move around?"

She gets a large needle and a ball of orange yarn, and breaks off an arm's-length of yarn. "You start by tying the yarn to itself to make a small loop, and pull the rest most of the way through the loop, so it leaves a second loop. Can you see how to do that again, so that the second loop takes the place of the first, the new third loop is where the second loop is now, and the first loop is off to the side not doing anything? I can show you, but does it help you grow your magic more to figure it out yourself? We'll do that one more time, and then stitch around the edge in circles to make a tight round piece, and then sew on more yarn to make a thin tube."

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"I don't know if it does. People say all sorts of things about what grows magic, but figuring things out is probably one..."

He pays close attention.

"It's kind of like rope knots, isn't it? Not tying it off but adding more loops..."

By analogizing to knots, which are a manly woodsman skill (apparently), he tries to figure out what to do...

"It's about how the parts press against each other when you pull tight. Crossing over or under or not... I think..."

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"Mm-hm." She takes the yarn back and demonstrates a few more stitches. "Try now?"

The first couple of rows have more stitches in them than the previous rows, and then the tube goes up, with the same number of stitches in each row.  Calsa tears off more pieces of yarn as needed.

"The fabric of your pants is so nice, I don't want to poke holes in it to sew with yarn, and I don't have any fine thread. But a pocket like this needs to be connected by many strands so a thief can't just cut the whole pocket off. We can put the holes near the edge, at least..."

"There's plenty of yarn left, how about you make yourself a hat? If you put the new loop through more of the old loops at once, the fabric will be thicker."

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He follows along, slowly and somewhat clumsily.

"It's nice, yeah. It's fuwanna* ummm plant hairs from a cloud plant, it makes fluffy hairs not fruits, and they get sewn on a [loom]. A big wooden thing that makes big blankets out of plant hairs. I think you have to clean them and make thread first. I don't know how and I don't have the plants anyway... I should have brought ropes and seeds with me! I'll try a hat first before poking holes in my pants. You can make socks like this too. How much does the yarn cost?"



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"Ah! Ansaf has plants like that too, for making thread, and light fabric like yours, which is more common in hotter places. A big thing with a small part that you move back and forth between your hands? That's a loom.

I made this yarn myself from my fur and some of Merta's. Another ball of yarn this size would be maybe eight money-of-Kef, but just the fur is more like four. I can show you how to spin - how to make yarn from loose fur!"

She gets a stone drop spindle and takes a handful of loose fur from a niche in the inside wall of the huddlebed at the end where she and Merta sleep. "You start twisting it by hand until you have enough to start winding it onto the long part. Can you figure out the rest? Hmm, maybe before using the drop spindle, I'll just twist it in my hands while you practice feeding me just the right amount of loose fur...

This fur is all mine. Mixing in a bit of Merta's is harder, since werewolf fur doesn't spin as well. You can try that later! Or if you want, you could make something thick and padded with sewn fabric on the inside and outside, stuffed with Merta's fur and Siki's and your own in between."

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"...It seems kind of weird to use people fur. Oh well. I wonder if I could make fur grow faster? I can do that with plants, make them be food right now, but it hurts them. Kind of like the healing, if you don't have enough food and water in you. And I will definitely learn spinning too."

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"Instead of animal fur? Ew. It makes sense if that's all you have, I guess.

If you eat and drink extra is it okay? Could you make a creature grow longer fur than usual, or does it just grow faster and fall out more often? Like could a mouseling grow usable fur?" Or a natural mouse, since if it gets cancer you're going to eat it anyway, but that idea would upset him. "Or make a werewolf's softer hairs grow longer, without the rough guard hairs growing any extra?"

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"Animals don't really count, it's not a bad thing to take animal fur or meat or skin or anything. They're not very smart. You have to be nice, but they're just animals. People are different. And some are bred to grow lots and lots of fur. We had lots of animals around and only Kaleid as people... Um, it should be possible. I remember hearing about green magusi making people grow whole extra parts to put in someone else, and the grower was fine as long as they ate a lot and got checkups... You can definitely also make fur not fall out as much. Mom sold that to people sometimes. Maybe I should try it on my mice, but long fur might bother them too."

(He is still sewing haltingly, getting used to the pattern.) "I should start from the top of the hat and get bigger as I sew, right?"

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"Animals are dirty! I guess you could keep them in a clean area and wash them before taking the fur...

If it's important to your - dignity or whatever...  if you don't want to use any of your fur, for any reason, that's fine, you don't have to.

Wow! How do you put the extra parts into the people who are getting them, without frogolds? What kind of parts?

Yeah, start at the top. Don't worry about the exact size until you get down to your forehead or so... if your ears stuck up like mine you'd want to have enough room to move them around comfortably."

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"I don't really care that much about my fur. It just feels weird to wear it. And I don't have as much as you or Merta. You give them a potion that makes them fall asleep and cut them open carefully in a really clean room, and then take the bad part out and put the good part in, use Green magic to make the good part theirs, use Green magic to close them again. My mom's mom had to do it and told me all about it. Um... Belly parts? That do... Blood cleaning? Most people have two..."

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I don't know what that organ is called but it sounds familiar.

How do you know that kaleids are the only kind of people in your world? Here, there's a kind of animal like a mouse that lives in trees that can communicate a bit, but it's not people. Using human magic on it made a totally different kind of baby" - for some reason it couldn't breathe so it didn't start a new species of people, not saying that - "which shows that the original animal wasn't a person."

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"...I guess I don't know. I didn't see things much, I just heard gossip a lot. Gossip is not very smart. Some animals are pretty smart but Kaleids don't call them people. And there's stories about magic animals, who are sometimes people, but that's stories. They're probably made up."

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"Can enough green make an animal into a person? Can you give someone permanent magic abilities?"

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"I've heard of that happening but really crazy kinds of magic like portals or people animals or going to another planet are usually from burning magic."

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"Oh well."

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"Ladies, welcome to Kef.

Your business here is complicated, and requires delicacy. If you think you can't handle that, please enjoy your stipend far away from anything that risks causing an incident.

We have discovered one species worth exploring here, and only one individual. A person. He physically resembles a human and calls himself a kaleid. You don't need to know about his abilities, origin, relationship to others of his kind, or the reason for his humanlike appearance. Just that this is an immense opportunity for Kef, Sota, the Allheart Alliance, and all the people of Ansaf.

He is a child. Bear in mind how catfolk and werewolves regard children, the need to protect their ignorance of adult matters. He has been told that human magic requires touch and that humans are secretive about the exact process, insisting that they be hidden while they reach a hand through a hole in the wall. You must maintain this story until he is old enough that the populace of Kef will tolerate him knowing the other details.

He has already shown discomfort with the idea of children, even if he has no connection or responsibility for them. Do not pressure him. If you think you can trick him into touching you long enough to covertly breed from him, consult me or the frogold child living with him. If you make an attempt without our approval and you are caught, I will condemn you for rape, as the populace will demand.

This is a long project. I have arranged jobs for you around town. Do not deliberately seek out your target, whose name and location I am not telling you. This is not a competition. If one of you bears a kaleid child, all of you may copy from it. It serves my goals perfectly well for you to remain in reserve here for years. There is no rush. You will probably not be the one to breed from him directly. That is fine.

Those of you who are children have a special role: if he is drawn to people resembling himself, you may befriend him, and allow yourself to be pursued, when you have both grown to an age where that is appropriate. Do not try to seduce him. Spooking him jeopardizes the potential future of Ansaf.

For reasons which I will not disclose, it is important that his existence stay secret for a few years, as you have already agreed to. While I cannot prevent you from leaving, if you do, my agents will be closely monitoring you for any attempt at breaking your word."

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"What of our guards?"

The Magistrate must be aware that the guards won't let them leave.

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"They are welcome in Kef and may seek employment. I do not require them.

In my town, all disputes come to me. Your hiring decisions are your own. Your guards might want you to continue to employ them, but they cannot insist on that, and any disruptive impulses they act on in their disappointment will be fully punished."

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It's not like she actually expected the Magistrate to say 'oh the slavers, they're being arrested as we speak' but she's still disappointed. The words ring especially hollow since the Magistrate herself is keeping them captive in Kef.

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(He's sewing, and listening to rumors a lot, and learns to spin, and tries another [enchanting] experiment and manages a fireplate that he says will last a long time, it's fixing itself by eating a little bit of the fire! Merta gets better really quickly, compared to what burns like that ought to be like. Four applications of his healing in total and her burns are about a third gone, though she is very hungry throughout this. Her fur's even growing back in no problems.)

Two days pass. 22 days since the strange child arrived in Kef. And then it's probably pretty obvious who the child is if you're not actively avoiding finding out. He only skips two days of illusion practice in the square, and then is back at it. Circles and triangles dancing around in a rainbow of colors. Bouncy ball games and spinning lights twisting off each other in orbit-like, clockwork-like dances for about half an hour.

He's a lot more subdued though. People can watch, but he mostly doesn't talk to them. He doesn't really talk to his newfound family either.

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"Ahhh, thank you."

The new fireplate is very cool. Especially if, as she suspects, color magic remains much more expensive than catfire. And time to train individual kaleids for specialized skills will be limited too...

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“If the Magistrate was trying to set a precedent, why didn’t she announce it?”

    “Maybe she had a reason to be quiet now, but when the next accident happens, she can say, as I ruled then, it’s not disiniuria if you’re supposed to be using your magic without supervising it.”

“She’s a twisty one alright. Why burn only Loud Pavel, though? If the fire crew didn’t commit disiniuria, that means the gang did. I get being merciful when they thought they were avenging disiniuria, but she hasn’t even sentenced them for murder. But... if the catfolk are in the Magistrate’s dungeon for something, what did Loud Pavel do wrong at all?”

    “Easy, one of them fought back, without using fire, and he suffocated them. The rest of the gang didn’t do any disiniuria. Honestly, good riddance. He was a big guy, he should have easily grabbed a catfolk without magic.

“Hm. I don’t believe that a precedent needed to be set, though. Fallia dropped a disk on a cat’s tail like three deci-years ago, by accident, obviously not disiniuria. And also, the steam burned a catfolk. Maybe he thought the fire had gotten all the way up into the access corridors… but it didn’t.”

    “If you slash at a gnomunk and hit a werewolf on the way, it’s still disiniuria because gnomunks don’t have claws.”

“Maybe Loud Pavel did something worse than disiniuria, but the Magistrate wanted to keep it quiet...”

    “Ooh... Maybe he tortured the cats. Like, he thought, there’s already one wolf doing an elph’s job, why not two?”

“So then the crew is alive, but they aren’t going about in public to avoid scaring everyone even worse, until they heal more... That explains why their families aren’t pushing for the search to continue.”

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Once, the large black birds circle Nico and watch him silently for a few minutes.

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"...is not torture. I know that it would suck to work in the fire crew without a lector, but there's other, quieter kinds of entertainment. One of my best friends back in Argolake, a kappa, lost most of his family to the Lei squeezes. Yeah, no one's invented a squeeze for catfolk yet, but that's just because there wasn't a use - yet - for lots of unskilled fire. None of us are safe until the idea is unconscionable, and I don't appreciate..."

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A human woman walks across the square, gives him a curious look, and continues on to buy a burger from Paulo.

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('Disinuria' seems to be reckless use of magic... Probably a tengu. He looks back curiously.)

(And the catfolk kind of has a point... If they can run a turbine, you could just... Keep them in a basement and let it fill up with water whenever the turbine isn't running. Or something. Like the cloudplant farm does with Dalites the pirates capture and "punish" with a couple years of hard labor. It's not even something where you have to give people an out or they'll burn you... Catfolk can't burn magic for revenge. The same thing he's afraid of. Kappas make food and water...? The possibilities are chilling. It's not just him who could get cornered. He's actually a lot safer than some people...)

(He double-takes at a non-eared face, but goes right back to trying to figure out how to make a clock out of light. Maybe something that bounces the same way every time? And another circle can rotate a bit when it hits the top, like in the watch? White ought to be able to do this...)

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Neat. That must be the kid. Illusions, but he's not a whisshopper, and must be able to something incredibly useful. Maybe the things he's conjuring are solid?

She's not going to linger, though. Munch munch...

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"...and the clerk is going to be back at work this deci-year, which is not possible if she really was burnt that badly. I think the whole thing was staged."

    "Then why not just keep pretending to be injured?"

"The clerk isn't an elph, she's a werewolf. I bet she knows something, or has a special skill, and can't be replaced by just anyone. And the Magistrate suddenly needs her."

    "For what?"

"I don't know, but things are changing. All these immigrants... we have plenty of air and plenty of water, why on Ansaf is a kappa here."

    "Oh, obviously, for mining really deep. Easier than digging ventilation..."

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"...says that the bottom lever for the fire control had a line of tiny holes where it broke."

    "That's got to be sabotage."

"Yeah, and either it wasn't a werewolf, or it was a werewolf trying to make it look like it wasn't a werewolf. They're going over every bit of debris from the sluice gates..."

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(Maybe he should not quite fully heal Merta, so people can see that she was really hurt after all? He'll mention the idea, at least.)

(Merta's pretty quiet. But she works for the Magistrate. And Calsa is close to Merta. And Lin showed up at the same time as he did......)

(It could all be nothing. Most adults don't really bother to lie to kids, and just tell them what to do. He doesn't like this sinking, suspicious feeling. He ran away from his trouble, from his parents who always told him what to do, and only found sneakier trouble. Kef is being nice. He's learning things. He's being fed and paid for. He owes Kef some magic, at the very least.)

(But they want more magic. They want magic babies of their very own. And so would any other magistrate. So would any other town. And that means he's not normal or quiet. People are going to keep bothering him, openly or quietly. Forever. Unless he figures out a way to make them stop. And he doesn't want to just let them do what they want. That doesn't stop them.)


He pays more attention as he wanders around, after expending all his white for the day. Looking for any more humans. He tries to subtly ask a few people he knows a bit - Quiet Pavel and Paulo maybe, or some of the wolves he chatters with after the shows sometimes - about Lin and Merta.


(He has been diligently cleaning the mouse enclosure and tries damping the fine sand with water to keep down dust. Petting the mice is nice. They don't really care that they're trapped. They're not smart enough to... But he's not a mouse. He can just pretend to be like one, so they think he's going along with it. But he's paying attention.

Mouse goes squeak squeak.

Nico plays with little baubles of light.

Harmless. Safely contained.)


"Do drakes know things about life?" He asks Calsa later. "I want to learn about plants and people and animals. I need to know so many more things if I want to have the best ideas for magic."

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There are several other humans:

- a woman who weaves big pieces of cloth from cat fur.

- a woman who studies the rocks in Kef.

- a man who works for the tanner.

- a boy (girl with short hair?) who runs errands for the mill.

- the woman he saw earlier, who sings for the fire crews.

- a mother with two children who lives at the far end of water town and sharpens knives.

If he wanders to water town and passes by the courthouse, there is a metal cage in front of it surrounded by a fine dusting of ash on the ground.

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Quiet Pavel likes Merta. "She's a funny one, for sure, but I like knowing there's a wolf like me looking out for us. I mean, I'm not a Democrat! I support the Allheart compromise, and our Magistrate is decent. Just, you know, it's nice."

"I don't know any more about your sister than you do, haha! Brought here by thieves to steal stuff, the thieves got cought, poor Calsa got to have another kid. Just like with that pup Siki. Long before your time, thieves brought him to Kef, same thing happened."

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Paulo sighs. "It's always hard for the misfits. I'm hoping that, since Kef doesn't have dons, we might break tradition further and allow more variety in how we choose who gets a litter, or even just a kit. But I'm glad Calsa and Merta found each other, and found a place for themselves taking in miscellaneous strays.

I'm not sure if I want to help you spy on your sister. I will say that she's an honorable person, from what I've observed. Frogolds might not be exactly like us or wolves or you, but they're fine people."

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The mice like that it's not as dusty.

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"Sure, you don't have to heal me all the way. I'm glad you did this much. What makes you worry people might doubt the truth of my injury?"

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"I think drakes do know about life, at least what kinds there are? ...Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to go alone, but then you might not be able to talk without a catfolk to operate the ventilator?"

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"I heard someone say you're faking it by getting better so fast. And most of my magic is super secret."


...It's not that she's a frogold, it's that she conveniently showed up right when he did, and rumors are saying suspicious things about her, like how she might sneak out and sabotage things. Maybe they're just being mean? Still, if a lost thief child shows up once every few years, it doesn't make sense that the same day he arrives, so does Lin.

...Well, whatever. He doesn't feel like arguing about it and showing everyone that he's suspicious. Even though he totally is.


"I think you should come with me? It feels rude not to... I don't want to talk to someone if they don't want to talk to me."

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The drake's house is a tall tower with small windows at the bottom and a doorway with a solid door. It's surrounded by a field with small misshapen plants, and poles for holding catfire but no farmer currently lighting them.

"Oh, you might not need me after all, if he's home. I think this building is supposed to draw air in and up just using his body warmth.

Approaching! Social visit, not urgent! I'm Calsa and this is Nico, may we continue?"

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There's a faint clatter, and then a shout. "I'm upstairs, with company on the first- You may! Larian, please get the door?"

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A tall turtle-woman opens the door. She nods - oddly, not actually tilting her head and ducking it down and forward instead, in order to prevent splashing - looking somewhat bored. There's a small depression on the top of her head. She turns around and goes back in, wordlessly.

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"Shut the door behind you!"

Inside the house there's several levels with a clear column of open space in the middle and steep stairs going up the side. The first floor is mostly empty, but for a couple of stone worktables and planters, and a sand table. Second appears to be some sort of library? There's some books on shelves.

"Hello! You're the one with the lights I saw on the way in. I hear you can do geometry with it!"

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The kappa sits back down on a backless stool, looking down at two pieces of paper. She seems to be copying some complicated report. A constant breeze, warmer than the background but not especially so, wafts from her direction.

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"I'm Tanno the drake, and that's Larian, the kappa. Don't mind her, she's - quiet. She's going to help with the farm and recordkeeping. I have to stay up here and you definitely shouldn't come up, but feel free to find a seat!"

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"Hi! I'm Nico! Yes, I can do geometry magic! It's so amazing! You're writing down what the plants do? Are all those books about plants? Can I read one?"

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Tanno laughs. "I am, and mostly- Some are about other things. I like books a lot, so I have a lot of them. They're kind of expensive. Can you be very careful with them? What's your mom's name?"

He half-nods at Calsa.

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"This is Calsa. She's nice but she's not my mom, she's just taking care of me now. How much do books cost? I can pay you back if I accidentally break one. But also I'll be careful."

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"Uh, I'm going to say no for now. A lot of it is just my own notes anyway."

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"What is kaleid magic like, precisely?" Wonders Larian in a dry voice, without looking up from her writing.

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"Oh, um. I can do lights and things, and I can make them obey rules. You can do shapes with it, and you can make it do math, and remember things, and stuff. I'm still learning." He glance at Calsa.

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"That has potential," she muses. "Every new facet in the gemstone of magic brings light to Ansaf, and all. Do you know if the light nourishes plants?"

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"Ooh, I don't! I should try it! I can't shine all day yet though. Or, uh hmm. Maybe I can..."

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"That sounds like a nice experiment. I'm sure I can spare a seedling for it. One that's already sprouted, so we know it's not just a dud seed."

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"Yeah! But catfolk make more light than I can. I can do it all fancy, that's all."

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"It's still a good experiment."

Nico nods.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you. What brings you two here, anything more than curiosity? Not that I'm complaining, it gets boring just looking at my plants and charts."

The catfolk seems to be mostly standing by, so he'll focus on Nico. Maybe offer her a book if this goes on for a while.

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"I want to learn all about plants and animals and dustlife. Also it's sad that you can't be close to people."

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"A... Heh." He frowns uncomfortably. "I'm used to it. Dustlife, huh? I usually call those by the kinds of tiny life there are- Algae, tiny plants. There's lots of kinds and they make the green stuff that grows on still water if there's a lot. Fungi, they make mold and mushrooms if you've seen those, but most of the fungi is actually tiny threads! Contagions, which can make people sick... There's a few different kinds of those too and a lot of them are harmless, or even helpful."

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"I still think the classification of contagions is a mistake. It's a historical accident. If it means infectious disease, well, some so-called 'contagions' are harmless, and some tiny plants and animals can be harmful. It doesn't make any sense and it would be better to use the separate classifications! Also, the east field comparison for this cycle is done. I'll get the graph and add all the points."

She stands up and starts walking up the stone stairs.

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"...Sure, Larian. You have a point, but academics like us need to be translatable into things ordinary people can make sense of. Nobody knows what a diatom is, and everyone knows what a contagion is."

Larian makes some sort of scoffing noise and lets out an especially energetic puff of breeze. He rolls his eyes and looks at the kid. At Nico. Names, important. And Calsa.

...Kid seems fascinated.

"So this is interesting stuff?"

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"Yeah, it matters what you call things. Drakes randomly change stuff in plants and animals?"

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"We also encourage rapid growth. And do it in contagions too, but this doesn't matter as much. They already change and grow really fast, so we don't make nearly as much of a difference. The changes are called 'mutations'... Hmm, so do you know how the plants that grow from seeds are pretty much the same as their 'parent' plants? And kids are also a lot like their parents but not quite?"

(Glance at Calsa with a raised eyebrow to see how she feels about this topic.)

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Yay, Nico is talking to people and making friends. (She has no expectation that he restrict his friends to his age group. The people one gets along with might be any age, and it's good to fit oneself into one's existing community. If someone proposed age stratification to her, she would be alarmed. It sounds so lonely, especially when you get old and your friends die. And actively harmful, if a close-sewn social group goes through puberty together and has no calmer voice to chill them from the recklessness of youth.)

She considers flaming up to help with the ventilation, but she doesn't want to mess up the airflow in this unfamiliar style of drakehouse, so on second thought, she extinguishes all but the flames on her ears, and banks those down. Larian and Tanno know what they're doing.

Ah, 'facet on the gemstone of magic', is that how they say it now. Larian is an explorer. While Calsa is all in favor of having as many kinds of people as possible, living happily all across Ansaf, she was shaken by the revelation that butter-apples are not merely the cast-offs of a failed experiment, plants such as an ent might leave behind, but people, and not happy ones. Responsible exploration is one thing, but there's no need to collect every possible species.

Tanno's glance puzzles her until she remembers that most people see nothing wrong with describing explicit acts to children. She's been in Kef too long, surrounded by only catfolk and werewolves... she gives Tanno an uncertain nod? Plant mutations should be a fine topic...

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"So we don't know all the details about how this works, and it gets pretty confusing at the best of times, there's stuff we still don't know here, but by looking at what seeds are like compared to their parent plants, and what children are like compared to their parents, we're pretty sure on a lot of it! I can explain why we're pretty sure if you want. Things that are alive have pieces inside of them that tell them how to be alive, sort of like a tiny tiny library. To make a new seed, two plants of the same species spread pollen into the air- The pollen has copies of these tiny books, and when it touches another plant, they get combined to grow seeds. Two different plants' books, combined into new books. Larian, can you draw a square chart for Nico?"

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"Yes yes, fine. Don't be too reductive please, I don't think I could stand it." She goes over to the sand table.

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(Is that what humans do. Do they have pollen.

Handholding is dangerous.)

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"If you smush together two books that are mostly the same- Maybe a sentence says 'Sota stands tall and proud' in one book, and it says 'Sota stands firm and determined' in another, when they get smushed together the book still makes sense. 'Sota stands firm and proud', or 'tall and determined'. Or maybe it's 'tall and proud' after all, since this depends on luck. But it's still a slightly different book. Maybe it's a better one, or maybe a worse one. Plants and people are really complicated, I don't think you could describe us even if you covered all of Kef in books."

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"You're explaining it wrong. Haploid cells are not a complete copy of an organism's genetics."

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"-I'm doing it this way for a reason, actually. Do you want to take over?"

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"...No. Very well, my bad."

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"A mutation is when we randomly change some words. It happens naturally, sometimes, and most of the time it just makes nonsense- 'Sota stands Green and Tooth', or something. Or it's about the same good for growing, just different. If the instructions for how to be alive are nonsense... The plant doesn't grow at all, or not very well. But rarely, the random change actually makes something better. Wheat that grows stronger, or that is poison to certain kinds of bugs but not to people, or that tastes better. The chance to get better crops is worth a lot of up front effort. So that's what drakes do for the most part. We try to make plants better."

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"The effect on well-balanced heirloom seeds is useful too, if not exactly consistent."

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"...Huh. But only one wheat would have the new thing, right? Is it a new species? And what's 'heirloom'?"

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"Only one wheat has the new mutation. But it's not a new species- As long as it can still make seeds with other wheat plants, it still counts as the same species. So what we want to do then is try and make seeds that all have the new trait we want. Larian?"

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Larian waves Nico over to the sand table. "Heirloom seeds are plant strains that are notably resistant to drakebreath. That doesn't happen on highly engineered seed lines. If we take a certain mutation and do careful work to make it breed true, and stack multiple mutations onto each other by controlling which pollen goes where, like with Garosmaize, that plant ends up -- delicate, I suppose. There's a lot of very specific mutations in Garosmaize to make it grow so large and so quickly, and breaking even just one will ruin the whole plant, so drakes breathing on them almost always just kill them or make runty useless maize instead of anything useful. But heirloom seeds aren't like that, they'll turn out mostly fine with one or two little mutations, and they'll also grow much faster than non-drakebreath plants because of the other magical effect drakes have, so you can actually farm this way. Anyway, here's a basic square diagram. It's a demonstration of one common trait pattern. I assume Tanno wants to tell you about it."

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"...I don't think I understand about Garosmaize. It's more delicate because it already had a lot of mutations?" He comes over to the table.

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"Garosmaize isn't useful here anyway. It's meant for high-density chartreuse farming."

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"Sort of- There might be one mutation that makes it make more sugar, and one that makes it grow taller, and one that makes the stalk thicker, and three different ones that make the seeds bigger but only if all three are there- That's what the 'fruit' of maize is, it's seeds- And if it doesn't grow tall it dies, and if the stalk is thin it dies, and if any of the three 'big seed' mutations are missing the seeds are tiny or taste awful. So, it's more like a tall tower of blocks instead of a smooth square of them. You can put a new block or take one away from a pile on the ground, but if you do that to a tower, it falls down."

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"Ooh, I should ask Merta for some blocks." Bounce. "That's amazing! You should also be trying to turn tower-block-plants into more stable ones, right? Are you farming heirloom plants or ummmm 'engineered' ones?"

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"Yes, we do that sometimes too. I'm mostly working on making engineered plants! All my fields are for research and new kinds of plants, not growing food. Kef's paying for it, hoping to get more good drydark-plants."

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(Larian glances longingly towards her book, left well away from the messy sand.)

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"You don't do this with animals, right? Just plants?"

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"No, that would be pretty awful!" Well, some drakes do it with actual animals, he's heard. In carefully private labs. Mostly insects, not anything more complex. Maybe even frogolds, though he's not sure if that's just a horror story. He doesn't see how they can stand it.

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"This square diagram," Larian starts rather loudly, "Is a demonstration of the basic concept of dominant and recessive traits and how such mixtures of traits display in offspring. You can see we have two bean plants here, one that is green and one that is yellow. The physical trait of being green or yellow is the phenotype. There is also a genetic trait, the book of instructions, and for complicated reasons I don't want to explain right now almost every living thing visible to the eye has two copies of most genetic traits..."

And Larian will go on to explain Mendelian genetics to a fascinated Nico with additional comments from Tanno. He asks many questions. She has a nice dry-lecturer tone, and Nico doesn't mind the attitude. He kind of likes it, actually, it feels... Honest.

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("I'm happy to teach sometimes, he's bright, he's absorbing a lot," Tanno mentions to Calsa. "Do you want a book to look at in the meantime? I have some histories, a poetry anthology, The Travels of Mortikesh...")

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"If you don't mind, I'll have a look at the poetry! Maybe I can set some of it to dance. Thank you!"

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He gets Larian to stand in front of a little dumbwaiter-thing and lowers the book down. It's a blocky thing by Nico's standards, but a relatively slim one by local standards, especially compared to thin stone sheets. Paper is not so common, and carefully preserved bark and leaves are a lot less compact than processed and pressed paper.

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The conversation gets technical pretty quickly. How they choose seeds to test, what the schedule is like, how they vary the growing conditions. Some plants need wind. Some plants need to be positively flooded. Larian has ideas about breeding tank-algae to produce some useful material, kept warm and bright and moist in shallow beds by catfolk. Neither of them know especially much about animal or people genetics, and they demur from the few questions Nico asks on that topic.

Nico suggests creating air and water inside pressure vessels to Larian, and she goes outside to demonstrate the limited agility and thrust kappas can get from their ability by creating water forcefully.

Larian excuses herself after a little while, and goes back to writing some other report. Nico keeps asking about how plants work, with digressions into geometry and some showing off of his light tricks.

Nico has to resist telling them about Green magic several times. It might be obvious to Calsa when he almost suggests doing something magic, but stops.

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At length, Tanno yawns. "Okay, I'm getting kind of tired- My rest shift is coming up soon. I'd go pick out a seedling for you but I can't come down while you're still here. So, any last questions?"

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"Oh, sorry. I'll go now, I don't want to make you stuck any longer."

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"-I'm not any more stuck here than I was in the chartreuse. I'm less stuck, even. We had little drake towns but it got old fast, it's crowded everywhere in the chartruse, all farms or lakes or towns and cities and the farms don't want us messing with them by breathing on them. But here in the drydark as long as I schedule it I can go outside the walls. Lots of empty space."

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Aaaaah... Tanno is even more trapped than Nico is. Because he's dangerous. That would be a much worse kind of magic to have than his.

He is going to figure out a way to help Tanno. This is a fact. It's probably blue.

"I'm going to figure out a way to help you with that," he declares seriously.

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"It's really alright. I don't need the help as much as some people."

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"No, I'm definitely going to figure it out and do it. Try to stop me."

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"Okay, Nico, you should... Everyone can do lots of things with their life, right? And there's all sorts of bad things in the world, it's not just me and other drakes being a little bit stuck sometimes. That's really not that bad compared to some things. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but... People have been trying that for a long time, and we've gotten lower risk ways to do things, and less inconvenient ways, and there's only so much one person can do, and you don't have to help other people just because they're there. If everyone had to help others all the time, I think the world would be a sad place."

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"I don't have to help you but it's not fair that you're stuck, that you need to be so careful."

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"Saying it's not fair doesn't fix it, though. Even if it isn't fair, I still have to deal with it."

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"Which is why I'm going to fix it! You should be allowed to go where you want like everyone else!"

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Tanno sighs. 

"...Nico, I'd be hurting people if I just walked wherever I want. I don't like hurting people, it feels bad to do that. You don't have to make it your mission to fix something that I'm so used to, that it doesn't really bother me anymore. I'm really fine. Plus, you're still young, and you'll probably find lots of things you want to do and get to pick one."

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"No, you're sad! I can tell. If you did what you want you'd get in trouble, and that's even worse than walls you can see sometimes. I'm going to do lots of things and helping you is one."

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"No, I- Please don't go out of your way. You should be practicing your light show, or learning math, not worrying like this."

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"It's rude to keep asking when a request has been denied," Larian comments.

It's not clear which side she's pointing the comment at. Maybe both.

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Glare, and a headshake. "If you want to learn about the ways drakes keep everyone else safe from them, I'll tell you about it some other time. Maybe you'll have ideas to help. But- You should be worrying about ball games and your friends, not about old scholars."

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Nico pouts.

"It's still not fair."

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Larian thumps her book closed. "Is it fair that miss Calsa has to keep her flames from hurting people? Is it fair that I have to keep delicate things dry? That equartiers ought to stay on their paths so as not to bowl people over? That you must refrain from blinding people with your light or hitting them with your fists?"

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"...I guess so..." He knows he's about to get out-argued and he already hates it.

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"We have laws to prevent people from hurting each other, and help them work together. Because when people cooperate, we are greater than the sum of our parts. I can study plants, and people who don't want to read all day can work on growing them, and people who like cooking can cook all day, and we all work together without constantly being afraid of getting hurt or having your things stolen or anything. Society is a compromise, nobody's getting everything they want, but usually we get more than we would have otherwise. Not everyone contributes the same way, or takes the same amount to support, but we're all trying to get along. If drakes went wherever they wanted, everyone else would be mad, and rightfully so. This is the best thing available- The most fair choice between a lot of pretty unfair choices. So it'll have to do. And that's not to say you can't disagree with the laws, or try to find better ones, just... It'll have to do."

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"Larian! Nico. I- Argh!

Okay, Nico, Calsa, I had a lovely time talking to you today, but it's time for you to leave. I promise I'm not mad. I don't think Larian is mad either. I'm just tired. Why don't you come back some other time? I'll have Larian give you a seedling tomorrow, and you can try giving it light for most of a day, for a couple of weeks, and see if it keeps growing. It'll take a whole lot of patience, though. You don't have to if you don't want to."

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No it won't. He's going to make a plate for it. They don't know about the plates though. Maybe he can pass them off as an extension of the geometry trick somehow......

"...I'm sorry. I think you're right miss Larian. It's just not fair."

Nico stands up from the sand table.

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"Calsa, please just leave the book on a table. I'll get it later."

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"Okay. Thank you for having us! Come on."

She reignites once they're a safe distance from the tower.

"It's nice of you to want to help. I don't think you did anything wrong. It's just a stressful thing for them to talk about.

Sometimes when something is bad, it would hurt too much to think about it all the time, so people don't. Sometimes that's good! Like, I could be sad that I'm not smart enough to have a litter, or even to raise other catfolks' kits - the tests have a lot of math - but what would be the point of that? I have Merta and you all. I have a great family.

If you offered to use magic to make me smarter, I would accept, maybe, but I might be sad for a minute right when you asked. And if you said that you wanted to develop that magic, someday, without telling me any of your plans and leaving me to wonder if you actually had any plans, I'd be sad, and I wouldn't have the magic to cheer me up, I'd just be sad.

That doesn't mean you have to keep your ideas secret. If you want to help drakes, I'm sure Tanno has a lot of information on what would be helpful and what wouldn't and what would get in the way. But that's a conversation for when he wants to have that conversation, or is willing to have it because you just did something else nice for him. Like maybe something interesting with a seedling, if you can do that without him noticing your magic! Or we could talk to the Magistrate about letting him know about your magic."

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"Only smart catfolk get to have babies? Ugh. Babies..."

Babies being important again. He's been thinking about babies a lot lately. Some people actually want them... Weird but he can't tell people what to want. Except the Magistrate is telling people who can have babies or not! She's arranging it! Or someone is! And everyone expects it and it's like the only thing that makes sense to do is go along with it.

Tanno is right. Everyone being 'nice' and giving up on what they want is bad. Maybe Larian is also right, and you have to compromise...

He wants to pout. Calsa is also right. He has to think about what will make people sad, and not be rude.

It's just that being a Drake would be even worse than just knowing Magistrate Meikalani wants him to stay in Kef and do lots of magic and make Kef rich and help the humans make Kaleid-magic babies. At least he can run away from Kef again if he really has to. Burn points again maybe...

"...I would hate being a Drake so much. And I don't know how to make people smarter. If I can make it seem like the same kind of thing as math controlling lights maybe my magic can be math things."

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"Yeah, there's a test. Every year in most cities; only every three years here. They have a mixture of math and reciting poetry and precise use of fire and collaborative logic problems with random partners and collaborative creative writing with your co-parent. Anyone can submit challenges a deci-year in advance, and then some non-contestants are separated to evaluate them in secret. It's a lot of work, but if we didn't do it, it would be the most powerful catfolk who get litters, and then eventually catfolk would all be the kind of people who want power and don't care about things being true, or being nice in ways that don't get them power.

It doesn't have to be math. Werewolves secretly pick a few individuals to decide, who of course give litters to their friends, so now werewolves are really friendly. It could be random, or random but you also need to get 10 people to endorse you... Meikalani had the idea that it could be based on money, but except for a few engineers, money doesn't really come from being smart. So it would favor people who are willing to starve themselves to save up more than their neighbors, which is not actually a good life, not actually how we want to shape ourselves."

"Someone would probably like to have magic that does math! Even if it's just like a sand table that adds up numbers for you, or even just a sand table but bigger and filling a whole room instead of being flat. Can you draw in the air with lights? Ooh, could you make me able to draw in the air with lights? That would be fun to dance with!"

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".......Oh right, catfolk and werewolves and frogolds have lots of babies at once." He sighs dramatically. "I guess you have to choose somehow if you can't just let everyone have babies. We didn't really have that many laws... Mostly just not stealing or hurting people. And people talked about freedom a lot. I like that idea, a math table. I've heard of things like that so it should be possible. I can't make other people make glowy lights. I tried that with Lin already! I made some bottles of glowy water though. Dunno what she did with them. Maybe I could make a stick that draws in the air with lights... Or make the lights stick to you? Huh. I've never seen you dance. I think the only dance I can remember is the New Year one."

He holds one arm out high and steps left, turns right, steps left. 

"Two people dance kind of like that. With dancing lights on people's heads and around their feet. People do it on New Year's Day. Mostly if they're getting [married] but sometimes not... Umm, [married] means having a magistrate see two people and saying they're agreeing to live together and probably have babies and having a big party."

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"Not having many laws sounds nice."

Huh, what's Lin doing with glowy water in private? Er, actually, what's the Magistrate doing with it?

"Making lights stick to me would be fun! I can keep small flames close to my skin, but I can't keep them burning in any unnatural colors more than a minute. Once I glued a bunch of powders into my fur so I could keep doing various colors for a while, but I had to keep moving the flames around..."

She follows along with his dance, first facing him, and then standing side by side, taking longer leaps and twirls to keep up when he rotates.

"Most species get married! Merta and I didn't until after we had Siki, since there didn't seem like a point. We certainly weren't going to get any catfolk or werewolf kits."

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(Merta is happy to make blocks, and experiments with various textures to make them stick together better.

Hmm, there's hardly ever a need to build something without werewolves, but Siki's comments about the Fusil-Tabby expedition come to mind... Could boarks carry enough blocks to build a useful structure in the drybright? Is that more efficient than having werewolves tunnel the whole way there?)

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It turns out he can make lights stick to someone else and follow their movements, he just has to keep paying attention to them. Nico practices dancing a bit more and quickly decides that dancing properly is really hard, you have to move carefully and it's also tiring, and also his dad would have HATED it so, so much, so obviously he has to get as good at it as he possibly can! He will practice dance routines and arrangements of lights with Calsa, grinning and bouncing happily about it. He doesn't really understand what makes a good dance, but he's very enthusiastic.

He's accumulating a fair list of hobbies at this point, enough that his days sometimes feel outright busy. Dance practice, playing with blocks and stone gears and wheels, skipping rocks with Lin, playing with his mice, walking in the drakefield (while always being scrupulous about being safe) and sneakily using Diagnose on the plants and talking about plants with the drake and kappa, his illusion shows in the main square, talking about clockwork and math with Siki and Lin, and trying new experiments with magic, and spinning and sewing. 

More time passes.

A 'light plate' that shines steadily works fine, but can only be filled by his limited magic, so only really useful for seeing if plants grow under his light. (They do.) He tries another diagram he half-remembers from the book a few times, it's supposed to let magic through only one way, but it doesn't seem to work. He opens up to Merta a bit after she makes blocks, and asks questions about Kef's laws sometimes. He impulsively tries growing his own hair fur out with Green magic, unwilling to test it on the mice who would be hard to shave, nor on a person-volunteer. He gains about a quarter of an inch, and his head hurts for a bit, which is a little scary- So he'll have to try different things on animals after all. (He doesn't share this experiment with his new family.)

He really likes dancing! He thinks he and Calsa should do a dancing show together!

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The lights are great! Teaching him to dance is great! She would love to do a dancing show together!

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"From my perspective, the laws of Kef are pretty normal except for not having dons and insisting that money belongs to individuals, rather than households or species. So let's see, how would I explain the laws to someone from far away. The basics are no stealing, no attacking people, no lying about business agreements, no murder, no maiming, no disiniuria, no torture, no pollution, no provocation...

Stealing means using or taking something that's not yours, including the ground below someone's house to a depth of ten feet and the air currently in their house. Damaging something is a kind of using it.

Attacking people means hurting them, unless they tried to hurt you first, or they hurt someone else first and you saw that happen. If you find people fighting, you can break up the fight by getting in their way, but you still can't attack them unless they attack you first. If you're worried that someone is about to hurt someone or steal something, you're allowed to hit them once, with intent only to cause pain, to distract them. If they attack you then, you can defend yourself but they also count as defending themselves.

If you attack someone intending to kill them or cause them lasting damage, that's worse that just intending to cause pain or distress - murder or maiming. It's also worse to cause someone pain or distress if they can't leave, or to chase after them if they try to get away - that's torture. If someone steals something, you can attack them, but you still can't chase after them or do anything worse than just attacking them to cause pain or distress. Physically preventing someone from leaving is considered to be distressing, and so counts as torture even if you don't do anything to them.

If you attack someone by exploiting a difference in your traits, that's disiniuria, which is much much worse than attacking them in any other way. Killing someone with poison is a lesser crime than slightly toasting a bit of their fur with catfire. Disiniuria usually involves magic, but it doesn't have to. Slashing someone who doesn't have claws is disiniuria. So is hitting someone half your size. But hitting someone a few inches smaller than you isn't - there's not really a clear line there. A werewolf suffocating another werewolf in rock is not disiniuria, since they're both werewolves. If someone attacks you with disiniuria, you can defend yourself with disiniuria. If you witness someone attacking with disiniuria, and you attack them with disiniuria to stop them, that's called a counter-disiniuria. If you survive the fight, the only crime you committed was 'unlicensed counter-disiniuria', which is a small crime punished only by having to pay money to the Magistrate. But you should not expect to survive the fight.

Don't lie when you say you're going to give someone money, or do something for them, if this is understood to be a formal agreement. If you're not sure if something is a formal agreement, ask. If you say you're going to do something and then you can't, that's okay, just talk with your business partner about an alternate agreement. If you can't work something out by yourselves, go to the Magistrate.

Pollution means making someone's environment noticeably worse. Their environment is specifically: their house, another house where they're living, and places that they need to access to get food and water, empty their chamber pot, make business agreements, carry out business agreements, visit the Magistrate, and have social contact with any one chosen member of their species and any one chosen person of any species. Changes that count as pollution are blowing wind at them, stopping the wind from blowing, changing the temperature, changing the amount of water in the air, changing the amount of light from the sun, putting smells in the air, making loud noise, or hollowing out the rock deep beneath them so their house is damaged, without touching the house itself and the rock ten feet under it.

In the past, provocation meant being mean to someone with the intent of getting them to attack you so that they would be in trouble. Now, it means any deliberate nonstandard use of laws to hurt someone. If make a complaint about someone, believing that they committed a crime, and your argument is considered to be not the way the law was supposed to be used, the complaint is thrown out. Confusingly, the defense against your complaint is called the 'principle of provocation', but as long as you were sincere about your complaint, you didn't do anything wrong - you didn't do the crime of provocation.

If you visit a werewolf and there is suddenly a terrible smell outside, so that they close up their house and refuse to open the door for you to leave, they did not torture you by confinement, according to the principle of provocation. If you arranged for the terrible smell in hopes of getting them in trouble, then you did the crime of provocation, and likely pollution too.

If you hurt someone, you will be hurt in the same way. Or for disiniuria, killed by the magic of the victim if possible. The punishments for other crimes vary for different Magistrates, but in Kef they're always having to pay a fine to the Magistrate.

Magistrates can do almost anything. They can't lie in business agreements. If a Magistrate is confining someone before judging or punishing them, they have to let them travel to a different town, although still in confinement.

All the stuff in the town that doesn't belong to someone else belongs to the Magistrate - oh, that's another difference. In Kef, all land within the walls belongs to the Magistrate and we have to pay her to rent it, meaning to own it as the law cares, for a temporary time.

All elves are unable to commit disiniuria. Within the area of a town, a Magistrate can give licenses to commit crimes that don't hurt people to anyone. A Magistrate can give licenses to hurt or distress people to fifty chosen agents, and can give licenses to attack people in all ways to five chosen agents. In Sota. Other countries do it differently."

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...He resolves to run away again, burning magic if he has to, if Meikalani tries to use this to force him into things. It's not like that's a new decision though. Hearing she can get away with anything only confirms it. So he needs to make a business agreement with the Magistrate, if that's the only time she really can't lie?

"That's not very fair. That elves can't disinuria. Is that why the Freedom Democracy hates them? It makes sense that magistrates can make a [guard] of fifty and a [army] of five. Who's the [army] and [guard] here? But disinuria I don't think I understand it right. Is it only on purpose? What if it's an accident? And there's two kinds of accidents, where you were being stupid and should know better, and where you were careful and there was still an accident."

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"Not exactly, since in the Freedom Democracy elves can commit disiniuria, that's just a difference in laws. But the reason that they can't here is because of historical thoughts that it's correct for elves to be better than other people, they're supposed to rule. And that encouraged elves to not listen to other people, to hurt them if they were in the way of how the elves wanted to do things. That's what the Freedom Democracy fights against.

I don't think democracy in general is such a bad idea - it just means that everyone gets to have a say. But if most of the population says they want elves to be forced to use a single shrine, which gets destroyed when they die, and the elves say they don't want that, it still happens. There needs to be a way to avoid bad things like that. In Sota, and most countries in the Allheart Alliance, you can go to a different town if the town you're in is bad. If it's really bad, the people can overthrow the Magistrate.

In Kef, there's only ten police and three jailors. The Magistrate has people picked out to be selected if there's an emergency, but thinks it's bad for people to have power they don't need. Before the waterworks accident, I was on the list of backup police, like most of her clerks, but not actually police. Clerks already scare people because anything we know goes to the Magistrate - it's better not to make people even more scared.

Accidents are not disiniuria, even if you were being stupid. A business agreement to do a task might reduce the amount of money you get if you're stupid about how you do it.

If someone is stupid often or dangerously, they might get exiled from the town. That means they have to leave, but the Magistrate has to pay for them to travel to the nearest town they aren't exiled from."

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"Something's odd about Nico, you know."

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"New species, appears human but demonstrates odd magic. You don't say."

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"And he's scared. Not sure what's okay to do sometimes. Asking so many questions about complicated subjects too, and it doesn't necessarily feel like curiosity. He was talking about how dancing is great because it's difficult? That's not... Something normal kids do. It feels like he's pushing himself. I don't get to meet a whole lot of people, you know, but... I don't know. Something's off. We should invite the rest of his family over some time, Lin sounds just as clever."

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"That's up to you. You know I don't really care. I don't know why she wasn't settled into the frogold district. But again, I don't really care."

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"There's a frogold district? Huh."

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"Yes, in the aqueducts. Calling it a 'district' is probably overselling it. But about Nico. What do you think the rest of his magic is?"

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"Invite them over some time too maybe. Webbed feet stick together. I thought you didn't care about him. And what do you mean, the rest of his magic?"

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"I care about people who have common sense and don't annoy me. It's obvious there's more. An earless whissoper with a knack for geometry wouldn't be worth standing on your toes so much for. Someone smells blood or power. The magistrate closed the town for a bit, you know. And only has the leeway for so many stipends. Do you know if whisshopper light can grow plants?"

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"He has common sense? High praise... I actually don't remember. Should write the old library and ask, maybe."

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"What else do you think he can do? I want to know! Magic is where we transcend the possible. It's an awful process getting new types, but once we have them they open the world."

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"Do we have a new type yet? I haven't heard anything about where he came from..."

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"We obviously do. Meikalani shipped in a bunch of human women. Pragmatic of her, but then again most elphs are like that when the fire-stick goes up."

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He makes a face. "...I don't like that idea. I don't like it at all, actually."

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"Maybe he'd be fine with it. And if not it wouldn't be any worse than Butter-Apples."

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"That's no reason to go 'oh, okay, sure-'"

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"Indeed not. I'm not the one making that decision. I don't really want to be very near it either."

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"Standing idly by while injustice takes place is hardly a good look." He sighs. "I think we're speculating an awful lot here. And freaking out about things that may or may not actually be problems can harm kids too.  If you change the rules too often, or give them ghosts to worry about, it can mess them up. Though I'm not sure there's anyone in the world who's not messed up somehow... He's a kid who likes plants, let's just keep it simple for now? Please?"

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"Avoiding the hard question, excellent strategy. Maybe the drydark civilization he's from is fussing over him and threatening to invade. Maybe he's dangerous somehow, though he hasn't been isolated. He reacted pretty strongly to you. Maybe he's an exiled hybrid experiment smuggled out of Lei by those who feared for his life, should the taboo be discovered, or maybe he's-"


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Neffie's job singing for the fire crews gives her plenty of opportunity to get lost in the mines.

The aquifers don't seem to have anything interesting in them. They're mostly porous rock, not open caves, unless that's a clever deception - she doesn't get a chance to look closely before a werewolf inspecting the sluice gates gives her directions.

The mines for iron ore are too busy to wander into, so she claims she's picking up an extra shift and sings for the miners. Nothing unusual there either.

The aqueduct between the new turbines (on the darkward end of town) and the main waterworks (on the brightward side) is easily accessible through the mining tunnels. The aqueduct to Archer's Tabard is not accessible at all. She visits every turbine, every pump in each turbine's chain... an abandoned tunnel seems to have been filled in with rock that mimics the shape of the sedimentary lines in the walls but is a homogeneous material.


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Three deci-years ago, a mouseling was condemned for murder. Execution, obviously, but a higher Freedom called. The mouseling was offered options, and choose to have their brain's halves separated and alternately drugged to sleep and forced awake, while living a long life in a comfortable cell.

Mouselings, like all species on Ansaf, can only use active magical abilities while awake. Asleep, a drake's breath and a boark's toughness endure, but a catfolk's flame goes out and a mouseling's cursor dies and cannot be reanimated without another touch.

But this mouseling is always partially awake.

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Neffie punches her bicep, in which the tiny cursor is embedded. When it wiggles in response, she squeezes in a code:

target located

person with unknown magic

another secret in aqueduct

The response:

no change

prioritize target

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Four hundred miles away, in another town expanding into the drydark for water, drips of glowing ichor follow a scurrying trail around the mines.

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The catfolk and werewolves of Kef are going at it claw and ear, which is to say, cooperating despite their differences.

But his funeral cloak gets him a job with the tanner, who is glad to have an assistant with a useless human nose. Honest work for once, he might joke, but actually it's not so unusual. He works steadily. He does not steal from his employer. A golden opportunity will come eventually.

Or if it doesn't, well, this life is alright.

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Huh, there's a young boy of a species he's never heard of. And he bought fur scraps at least once. Hm.

If Tomas, hypothetically, were to get the kid, what could he do? The Freedom Democracy is too far to go without help. The Lei empire is way too far. And he doesn't really want to commit treason. He has honor.

His father liked to tell him about a town deep in the mountains where humans still lived with dignity. Where men where respected, not despite, but because of their lack of magic, which gave them the ideal perspective to rule from. Where women didn't whore themselves out exploring, where they couldn't explore, and, faithful to their husbands, they raised their sons and daughters with care.

The town is in the Allheart Alliance. If it exists. So there's still an elph stomping around.

But it's an appealing fantasy. If it exists. And taking the kid there wouldn't be treason.

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"How much more time do you want to prepare for the dance show? We should announce it in advance, and then we can talk to Paulo and his dad about selling something special to the audience! Maybe crunchballs or fruit wafers."

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"Which dance would we do? We practice a lot of them. The first one has to be really good. And maybe have a story. Shows at home had stories. And we'll need music..."

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"All of them!

People are going to be coming and going, but yeah, the first and last ones should be impressive. Maybe the one with the clock lights at the end, and the drumhop to start, with us running in from opposite sides?

I think the story should be something familiar, so no one is confused, or sad about missing the ending. And long enough that we can fit every dance into it somehow... Travels of Mortikesh, The Boark and the Harpy and the King of the Lake, The Hundred Deeds of the Scribe, A Farmer's Puzzle, The Sun and the Water...

The fire crews probably know lots of musicians... and are probably sick of them all. We need someone new, who hasn't worn out everything they know already."

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"That makes sense. All the dances will last a while. And with music it'll be like a party. It'll be really amazing! I don't know musicians though. And I don't know these stories except some of the Travels of Mortikesh, but scribes are good... And farms are good... But maybe the one I know some of because Tanno has it, I guess. So I can follow it better. What's a Harpy like?"

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"They can fly... and maybe fly better when they're in groups; something like that is implied because the one harpy doesn't have a special magical role without a group, just like the boark in the middle of a lovely peaceful part of the chartreuse. But they succeed at tasks for the king because they're clever."

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Neffie will sing for them for one-twentieth of their profit.

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Which they will have, because Basilio will pay them two-fifths of his marginal increase in profit during the time of the show. "And I can spice the fruit wafers, people will be feeling adventurous."


"It's my burger-wagon, get your own if you want."

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He's pretty sure most shows make money by selling tickets, but that only really works if you're really famous...

He wants to ask Basilio if he's going to do something like measure 'profit' in a way that makes it smaller, but he kind of likes Basilio? And werewolves got all weird about money the first time, with the turbines... Basilio's nice anyway, he wouldn't do that.

And in that case they should loudly announce that Basilio's burgers are the best. He's pretty sure it's even true!


He's back to his old pattern of constantly paying attention to where people are in relation to him. At least when anyone he notices is human is around. Not that he ever fully dropped it, but... It might be noticeable how he's suddenly more wary at certain times.

"Are you going to practice with us for just one-twentieth, or just sing on the right day? 'Cause I'm pretty sure shows go better if you practice first. I don't mind paying you for singing, people should get money for things!"

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"Yeah, Basilio's burgers are the best! The watertown burger-wagon is too dry."

             "Best, for plant-food."


             "We need to eat meat to be healthy."

"Yeah, I know, but some of us can't afford meat every meal. Or would rather eat plant-food five times and a nice plump rat for the sixth meal."

   "Why are you telling us Basilio's burgers are the best? Either you're wrong, or you're right and we can figure that out for ourselves. I'm going to walk to the watertown cart for breakfast to compare!"

       "What if that's the point? To sell more burgers in water town?"


   "I think there's nothing wrong with reminding us to be prudent and open-minded! He's doing us a service."

"Well let us know if the burgers there are still too dry!"

           "Hey kid, we heard you, now shut up with the noise pollution."

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"Okay, I'll practice with you for another twentieth." She should have asked for more. She was trying to pick a normal amount, but is more familiar with fees in bigger towns, and she may have unconsciously shifted her price down a bit to be appealing...

Of course people should get money for things? Oh, right, that's not normal here. "I appreciate your honorable dealing."

She notices Nico watching her, and does her part to keep her distance from him. If all she does here is make him more comfortable around human women, so that one of the other girls has a chance, that's still a success. The Magistrate might have been lying about plenty, but will obviously want as many kaleids as possible, and will make her breed off the first baby, whoever bears it. It's likely that the Allheart Alliance will get lots of kaleids. That's fine. The goal is to get an advantage over the Lei, not to damage a fragile opportunity for all of Ansaf. This is war, but she still has a choice to make it a less destructive war.

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Oops, he probably got a little bit too excited about the concept of advertising.


If they have him and Calsa and one other person... "One tenth still seems low. Especially if we practice more than once. I don't want to cheat people, then they'll hear I'm a cheater forever and that's much worse than winning once! If you hate it because it's too low and don't want to do it again that would be bad also. One fifth of what we get. Since Calsa is teaching me a lot and designed the dances, and I'm doing the magic."

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"Very sensible." Aaah.

She can be friendly! That's her natural state! But she doesn't know how to be friendly when friendliness is suspicious! And asking questions is suspicious!

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The show draws a crowd. Basilio makes 195 money-of-Kef more than usual, giving Nico and Calsa 78, of which Neffie gets 15.6.

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He's very focused and intent during their few practices, and rambles about plants and his other non-magic hobbies (mostly to Calsa, but to Neffie kind of incidentally) before and after. Did you know plants are MADE OF AIR?

Yay! It's a lot of fun! They should do more shows, maybe once a deci-year!

...Nico has been wanting to write down when he gets and spends money-of-Kef, so he doesn't forget. Which is kind of hard when there's not much paper. So he goes and buys some from Tanno to keep track. And now he has more money! He will go buy more fur to work on more thread for the hat he's been weaving, and maybe try for some socks and gloves too if he's feeling ambitious later.

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Aw, cute kid. "In rainy parts of the chartreuse, there are plants that live high on top of other plants and never touch the ground!"

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Tomas accidentally puts a pelt in the liming bath for bare leather instead of the one for fur. Not even an important pelt, but the tanner tells him he has to be more careful.

Fuck this town and its patronizing nincompoops.

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Hm, the kid bought some shorn fur recently...

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He asks around for where Nico lives, giving the excuse of wanting to hire him and Calsa and Neffie for a party.

"Approaching, may I enter? It's Tomas, I work with the tanner."

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He looks over from his spot by the mouse enclosure to Lin in her pool with a questioning look.

"...Calsa and Merta aren't here!"

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Lin puts on a smile, hops down, and goes to the doorway. "Yeah, it's just us, sorry."

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"That's fine, I was actually looking for, uh, Nico was it? How are you liking the fur you got the other cycle, and the pelt scraps? We're thinking of ordering a new color from Archer's Tabard, is there something you would be likely to want?"

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He jumps up and heads to the door too. Displays the partial hat. "Oh, yeah, maybe! I was just thinking about buying more so I can make socks too. I don't really care about the color that much though, it just has to be the warm stuff."

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"The warmest yarn we make is a blend of cat, wolf undercoat, and gnomunk fuzz. It's a lot of work, so we'd want payment in advance... most people just use more of the cheap stuff instead. Do you want your socks to be extra thin? Like my gloves, thin but warm." That's a lie - his gloves are an ordinary cat/wolf blend - but people are suggestible. "Sorry they're so worn. There's a nicer sample back at the shop."

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"Oh, I didn't realize. Making yarn is pretty boring... More cheap yarn is probably better actually."

He loves a good deal, after all, and this clerk guy is right, he can just make it thicker. He frowns thoughtfully and glances at Lin. She must not be able to wear anything too thick and heavy, since she also needs to be moist... Or wool?

"...Yeah I think I will go buy some cheap yarn right now if you have some already, actually. Hey, have you ever heard of fur that doesn't get too cold when it gets wet?"

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"You might be able to make something out of irontooth fur? They go in the water a lot. I'll ask our supplier!

I just came to ask about your preferences, so I didn't bring yarn to sell. But there's plenty at the tanner's. We just got some bright pale-red kitsune yarn! That's its natural color, all collected from the same individual over several years."

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"I'll have to see what the costs are."

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"The kitsune yarn is sixteen per ball. The cheap yarn is seven. I don't know how much irontooth fur would cost, if it would meet your needs, but probably around fifteen.

Tell you what, if you're watching your budget, I can sell you some sweepings for two for a ball-of-yarn's worth. The sweepings are supposed to be composted, but I admire your Kef spirit, I can make an exception for you."

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"Is that more than the composter would pay? Makes sense if so. It'd be nice to have some nice red in the pattern too. Let's go get it."

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"Yeah, the composter only pays about one and a half." That's true! Just, the tanner is a snob and doesn't want to sell mixed up short fibers that have been lying around getting stepped on, because, even being honest about the product, it would still offend his pride to offer them in the same shop as his customers' own fur. Tomas was going to propose opening his own cart, staying in the water side of town, and selling only the cheap stuff where it won't bother the tanner as much, but that plan is trash now.

Red meaning he wants the kitsune yarn, or ordinary red (which they don't actually have right now), or is he hoping that the sweepings will be red (definitely not, they're dirty brown)? Whatever. "Alright!"

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Oh good, the guy isn't trying to get into the house anymore.

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"What were you sewing back there? It looked comfortable. What's the pattern you want the red for?"

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He can't leave the house as long as Lin and Tomas are still in the way, so he frowns slightly. "Oh, I'm making a hat and gloves and socks maybe. Warm things for being alone without catfolk around sometimes."

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Oops, he totally meant to start leading the way to the shop. Onwards!

"Fascinating! Do you do that often?"

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Lin follows Tomas closely, directly behind, so she can ram his knees if he tries anything.

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He grabs the piece of bark that says how much money-of-Kef he has.

"I think everyone wants to be alone sometimes. Or did you mean sewing? No, it's pretty hard! But." -Wait, yeah, magic's secret. "But I get clothes out of it."

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"I would hope you get clothes out of it! Or that someone does!

I meant being alone where it's cold. I like privacy as much as anyone, but I'm not leaving Kef for it!

Hm, do you like the foam bricks I saw on your huddlebed curtain? I've been buying some myself to sleep on..."

And here's the tanner's shop. He goes straight in the back way, hoping the fumes will get the frogold to stop following.

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Ick. She grabs clean air from outside, rapidly, to get a draft blowing away from her. 

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...Something has spooked him a bit. This is a bit weird.

He makes a face himself and glances back at Lin.

"...Let's go around to the front. See you in a sec!" He calls through the door.

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Well either he just blew everything, or the kid is actually coming in the front way. "Okay, see you!"

The kitsune yarn is in a safe. He picks the lock and lays it out on the table out front, along with a bundle of sweepings.

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He comes around to the front!

"Ooh, that looks nice. I can put a red zig-zag in the hat! You said it was sixteen for the kitsune fur and three and a half for enough loose fur for one yarn ball?" He investigates his bark sheet and mutters numbers to himself.

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"Only two for the sweepings... huh." He touches the sweepings, and bends to look closely.

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"Is something wrong?"

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"Not at all - you see this white fiber here?"

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He peers. "It's just scrap fur, you said..."

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He folds his hands behind his back. "Right! But there aren't a lot of white catfolk in Kef - you can tell it's catfolk by the texture - and I don't think any of them have been by for a deci-year, which means -"

He throws a handful of lime powder at each of their faces and kicks over a bucket of acid.

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Lin dodges, snatches at the powder aimed at Nico, and flips it back onto the floor. Cough cough cough cough cough

They both still get a decent sprinkling in the eyes.

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Nico's only response is shock, and then pain in his eyes, and then SCREAMING REALLY QUITE LOUD! AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS! At least once, before he's coughing too, on dust Lin missed.

He squints his eyes shut. Greengreengreen- He used it already- It hurts!

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He draw a knife, steps towards Lin -

Gah that's loud!

- throws the knife at Lin and lunges at Nico.

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The knife hits her on the side and she falls, ow ow ow cough cough cough

And the stuff on the floor is burning her knee, what ow

She scoops some of the burning floor liquid with her hands and throws it at Tomas.

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It splashes off his pants.

He tries to wrap around Nico and muffle him. "Shut up if you want to live."

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If he's a spy from the Lei Empire or Freedom Democracy, engaged in war, attacking him with disiniuria is legal, but he might not be...

Lin is Kef police, but not a jailor.


Is Tomas using his size for that? Yes!

Tomas now has much less air in his lungs.

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Nico stumbles and starts to fall, and Tomas catches him. He stops screaming, but he is really not listening. He's squirming and kicking and coughing.

Also, there's fire now. Just kind of... All around Nico.

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Aaah! Okay, if Nico is escalating to lethal force, she's going to end this now.

(It doesn't change their legal status, since Tomas used disiniuria first, but she cares about not killing people.)

She wants to pull the blood out of Tomas's carotid arteries, but she can't see well enough to aim. She gets - nothing - nothing - some blood - nothing - blood - bile - nothing - air - air. Drat, she can't find Tomas any more.

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Because he has hurled himself, still holding Nico, into the puddle on the floor and is rolling around.

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He runs out of fire pretty quickly, after only two or three seconds. He's panicking. It hurts a lot- Someone attacked him with poison and is shoving him around- He could burn green for a burst of healing but- 

He actually tries to do that for a moment but can't focus enough to make himself do it. It's not a natural action. It's not like sticking your hand into fire, which you can do by accident or without paying attention, and more like poking yourself in the eye.

He screams again instead and shoves light sparkles out in all directions.

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Lin crawls forward, flailing her arms. Augh.

Is that a head?

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Yes, but he rolls to the side.

"Shut up shut up shut up. What's wrong with you, stupid useless kid." He gets his knife hand free, rolls back toward Lin, and slashes.

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Aaah her hand - she flops down onto the floor.

When the acid touches the wound in her side, she screams.

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"Listen." He jabs the knife a little into Nico's side. "Be quiet, be still, don't make any lights, and you get to live. Thanks to your little tantrum, we're both pretty badly burned. How about you try thinking for a change? We're going to leave now, nice and quiet. I'm going to let you up, are you going to behave?"

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A knife touching him.

Even his dad never did that.

He might be about to die. The only time this ever happened before was when he was alone in the woods, and saw a bear. And-


He's going to be fine and Lin is going to be fine, if neither of them die right away. He has green. It'll take weeks but they'll be fine. If they don't die.

Why isn't anyone showing up to help? There's been three screams!


He looks at Lin through watery eyes and tries to figure out if she's about to die, or just hurt.

He'll have to burn green, if she's about to die. Or if Tomas stabs him. He never wanted to burn anything again. If he keeps doing it, if things like this keep happening, he'll run out forever.

Black. He still has some. But what good is that?!? All it does is make things tougher, or hold things!

Or stoneshape. Metal is a lot like stone, right? Maybe he can melt the knife... Maybe he can make his shirt tough and get away...


(On the outside he's crying, and trying to be quiet and still anyway.)

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She's whimpering; not weakly and not getting weaker.

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"Good kid." He hauls himself up, gasping as he tugs on his burns, and hauls Nico up after him. "Under my cloak, nice and quiet."

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"Sniff the catmother's grave, what's happening?!"

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"Hey boss, caught some thieves, taking this one to the Magistrate now. Sorry for waking you up."

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He's distracted!

Nico thinks about his black points and the knife and wants it gone wrecked ruined. He's never done it before, but a lot like white and translation, it should do something.

And then with a wailing sob he punches Tomas in the crotch, just like Dad taught him to, and goes for the door.

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The knife splinters into soft shreds.

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Tomas is wearing a cup.

"Come back here!"

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"Woah, Tomas, you're not looking great."

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"Oh shut up, he's getting away!"

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"And it's not your job to chase him. That's illegal."

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One of the tengu's bodies scrambles in the front door. "What's the emergency? I see three injured."

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"Make way, beakbrain!"

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He stumbles into the wall near the door head-first and falls over again.

He recognizes that voice! The bird! They're probably police!

"Lin's hurt and I can't see! I have to get away!"

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"Everyone stop. Help is coming. Stay here - no, come out to the street. Police gather here! Doctors gather here!" In the distance, the tengu's other bodies shout too. "Police gather darkward of me, at the tanner's shop! Doctors gather darkward of me, at the tanner's shop!"

The body here reaches a wing to Nico. "The door is this way."

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The street is already filling with concerned bystanders. At the tengu's direction, they clear a space by the door. Catfolk get boosts up to put flames along the top of the walls of the shop and the houses across the street. Buckets of water collect in a line on the side of the street. An equartier jogs up thunderously with an armful of frogolds; a furry red-brown person with a huge fluffy tail runs behind.

"Boil that water!"

    "There's some kind of acid on the floor, we need to clean them now."

Frogolds gulp and splash.

    "She needs blood."

"That's why we're here."

        "Hold still, Tomas! You're badly hurt."

"Is the water boiling yet?"

    "How did they both get lime burns like this?"

        "Not our problem, just keep washing."

"The Magistrate will be here in a minute, clear out if you're not currently doing something helpful."

    "I didn't realize there were so many doctors in town. Why just frogolds though? Where are the rest?..."

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Nico is being touched by too many people. And still hurting a lot, and can't see. It makes it hard to think.

Tomas attacked them and wanted to steal Nico, just like he thought would happen. He let his guard down!!! Lin is hurt because of him.

He's not dying and Lin isn't dying. He's going to be fine. Eventually. He's completely out of magic right now but he'll have Green to work with tomorrow.

-No, he's not completely out of magic. A new piece of Red just appeared, probably because fighting someone bigger than you is a very Red thing to do. That makes him REALLY ANGRY and he doesn't know why.

Anyway, he's going to try to stand up and not be touched now, telling people to stay away. And also cry.

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"Hold still, we're trying to help."

    "It's fine, the bandages can wait a few minutes."

  "Keep clear, everyone!"

         "We're taking Lin someplace warmer."

   "The Magistrate will want to talk to her."

         "She isn't awake yet anyway; the Magistrate can call for her later."

The crowd thins.

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"Hey kid." Siki keeps his distance. "Well this sucks. Do you want to come home?" Where Nico will be able to use all his magic. "Calsa and Merta will be back soon." Because he sent a cursor scurrying out beyond the walls to the lair they're using for purposes. "I expect Lin will be back soon; the frogold doctors just wanted to arrange the most comfortable environment for her, which probably needs more water than is in the house."

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"-Siki! Siki I can't see. And, and Tomas held my hand for a bit and he's a human and- And also I was so scared and did a lot of magic and, um, I know it's a secret but I d- Didn't remember. And, um."

He's felt terrible and like nothing will ever be okay again before. Like the time he tried to walk all the way from Gale Rocks to Titan Crossing, and got turned away because he wasn't strong enough, or educated enough, or magic enough, to do anything useful. Like the time his dad told him very patiently how he'd be a proper man and toughen up, like it or not. Or should he go get a green mage to turn him into a girl if he wanted to learn prissy temple things.

"I knew it wasn't safe! Stupid! So stupid! I knew something was funny, and I didn't run away. And I got Lin hurt!"

Crying again. 

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"Hey, it's okay, I'm right here." It always works when Calsa says things like that. "It was the middle of a fight, which all lasted less than a minute, right? I think it's very unlikely that he bred from you." Unlikely, not impossible; are a few known cases where someone thought to be a human man got pregnant via human magic. "I think everyone is confused about what happened. It's okay. It's okay. Things always seem obvious afterward. If there's really something you should have noticed, we'll talk about it and learn what to do better, but not now, okay? There's only two things that matter now, healing and telling the Magistrate exactly what happened. You don't need to worry about anything else. Lin was very brave" presumably "but that was her choice, not yours."

Siki hasn't deliberately touched someone in years... probably shouldn't try to hug him with all the burns. Can he hold Nico's hand? "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay... Let's go home, and get those clothes off, and put on some clean bandages, okay?"

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And now here's Calsa, warm and soft and familiar.

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He can hold Nico's hand after Nico is pretty sure it's actually Siki touching him. Same with Calsa. He walks slowly.

"Everything is gonna be okay. I can fix it, just like Merta. I don't know how yet but I know you can fix eyes. I just need to learn about them. And I can fix Lin too..."

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Meikalani is reading a letter from her 'brother' Abilanedi when the news comes. He accepts her offer to found a new town deeper into the drydark, with extensive support from her. That does not necessarily mean that he has abandoned his play to take the old water district of Kef from her, but it's a lot less likely now.

He'll be arriving in the next cycle. Perfect timing to hear all the fresh gossip about Nico.

The tanner is clearly an innocent bystander. She tells him that she'll need to keep him in custody for a cycle or so, for complicated political reasons, and that she will compensate him generously for it: 50 for per cycle to start, more if she needs something else from him.

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He's not talking.

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How about if she's really persuasive?

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"Ow, fuck you, stupid elph! I know you can't actually tell if I'm lying or not. You can make me talk, but you can't make me be useful."

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Yes she can. What did he do to Nico? Did he know what Nico was planning? Why did he try to frame the tanner? Where was he taking Nico? How did he learn that the Lei Empire wanted that? What was Lin doing the whole time? Why didn't he attack in Nico's house? What's with all the frogolds, no not Lin, the other frogolds? How did he get Loud Pavel to take the fall? Why today? What's his girlfriend doing with the rocks? Why didn't he use limewater instead of acetic acid, since that's readily available and more dangerous and he was already using lime? Did he think he was committing disiniuria? Why did Lin attack him instead of attacking Nico? Did Nico commit disiniuria? How much did Merta pay him? How did he open the safe with the kitsune fur?

...by the time he's too tired to go on, the Magistrate has a pretty good understanding of what happened. He will stay in custody too.

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Lin wakes up enough to confirm, and passes out again, floating in a warm steamy side-pond of the outgoing aqueduct.

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And now it's time to talk to Nico.

If only there was some way to get a human woman a minute with him, ideally one he's not interacted with yet... but he really shouldn't be moved until he's healed up more, and by then he'll be more alert, and, she learns via Siki via the tengu, will have fixed his eyes. Sigh. It's not worth the risk, either that he will flee, or that the populace of Kef will find out about her breeding a child and revolt.

She walks back to the iron part of town. The crime scene is already much cleaner than it was five hours ago; she'll have to track down how that happened and give appropriate rewards.

"Approaching. Is this a good time to question Nico?"

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Calsa startles at the Magistrate's voice. "Probably...hey kiddo, the Magistrate is here. Can you talk to her? I'll be with you the whole time."

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"Don't wanna."

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Gentle hug with fur and whiskers and definitely not a human touching him.

"Um, Magistrate, ..."

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"I heard. Nico, is there someone else you would delegate to make a decision for you?"

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"No! If you're deciding things about me I'll talk!"

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"Okay." She glances at Calsa and steps into the house. "I'll keep this quick. Tomas Tevit is condemned for disiniuria against you.

The tradition is that he should die by kaleid magic. I don't know if the magic you have demonstrated publicly is capable of killing. A whisshopper can kill, and a whisshopper is what people have been comparing you to, but I don't know if your illusions resemble reality enough to disorient someone who is trying to resist.

Tomorrow, I will know better whether I wish you to continue keeping your other capabilities secret.

Giving those considerations, and the facts that you are the only available kaleid, you are injured, and you are a child, it would be perfectly reasonable to choose someone close to you to carry out the execution. Also, although Tomas did not use disiniuria against Lin, that is not widely known, and execution by frogold magic would be considered perfectly appropriate.

What are your thoughts?"

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He's quiet and still for a long while. With occasional sniffles.

"I thought Kef was safe! But it's not!"

That's just complaining that won't help. He thinks some more.

"Because he's bigger than me? Not because he poisoned me with burny powder? Disinuria is stupid."

And the Magistrate is asking him to kill somebody. Not just a rabbit or a deer, a dumb animal who gets trapped half-alive in a snare, but a person. He's mad and wants to hit things but that's a person.

"I don't want to hurt anybody. He was trying to steal me but... People dying is so bad. If this happened in Gale Rocks I don't know what would happen. Maybe they'd exile him. But d-dad also said that if... If you're going to be responsible for killing something, you need to look it in the eye. I killed the animals he hunted sometimes. And I don't want to make Lin do it either."

She's a child too. Maybe. Unless she's a spy.

"Lin already got hurt because I was stupid and thought Tomas was being weird but didn't- Run away or something- And I was so stupid. I'm gonna fix it."

He tried to burn magic to heal them both, earlier. He's lucky it's really hard to do it without really wanting to. It's permanent and it would never come back. But he can fix his eyes. Probably. He hopes. He was already really stupid to burn magic to leave Gale Rocks. He misses it, even if dad is horrible and an idiot. Gale Rocks made sense. Mostly.

"I could fix my eyes and Lin's eyes with burning magic. I can always do that when I really really have to. I don't want to but I can. I guess disinuria is like burning magic to hurt people. You can't do that ever ever ever ever. Only to help people or for yourself. Or you'll get tortured and all your friends and family will be in trouble too. 'Cause if people do that, everything would be bad, so it can't happen ever. The Ejer hated that law. They used to burn magic a lot. So I guess he has to die 'cause you can't let people get away with it even once."

He shivers.

"You can burn someone with way too much light. I could do it that way. Maybe. Or other ways if I'm not a secret."

Being secret was supposed to keep him safe. He should have been MORE SECRET. He should never have showed anyone magic at all, not even the translating. It's way too late for that now though.

"I'm really mad this happened. I hate Kef now. And I still think disinuria is kind of stupid. But I also don't want Lin to have to. So I don't know. Also I want to talk to you more when I'm not crying and mad. About being a secret and keeping secrets and running away and and and Kef and wars and bandits and humans and... Stuff."

Sniff. He takes a deep breath.

"Doing Green magic when you don't know what you're doing is not safe. But I don't care and I'm gonna try to fix my eyes no matter what. It will be easier if I have a doctor explain everything about eyes to me and people who have good eyes let me use 'sensory' magic on them. But I'm gonna do it anyway if nobody helps even though it's more dangerous."

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"I agree that the disiniuria laws are complex, arbitrary, and not perfectly serving their purpose. If you had been the human you resemble, less able to defend yourself than a kaleid, that would not have been disiniuria. However, changing the law will be a slow process. I will send letters about this excellent case-study Tomas Tevit has provided, and we will see what happens.

I will not change the law in Kef unaccompanied by a movement throughout Sota, and ideally the whole Allheart Alliance. Starting tomorrow, Kef will no longer be an isolated frontier town for mining, but a trading stop on the way into the drydark. A place for equartiers to rest, for harpies to deliver supplies in bulk, for merchants to collect gems and precious metals and steel crafts, for individuals of all species to mingle. Visitors must be assured that this town is safe, and that I am a reliable Magistrate who has few quirks, but not a tyrant breaking with ancient precedent on a whim. I must choose my priorities, and I care more about protecting my people and their ability to prosper under my experiment in encouraging individuals to trade, than I do about a law that has only been invoked twice in the entire history of my town.

I will return tomorrow, with more information, and we can talk about all those subjects. Thank you for the information."

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She's relieved that he turned down the option of using frogold magic. That would have made a bad third impression for her frogolds, so she would have tried to pay him to choose differently, and she's soon to be tight on money. (In a manner of speaking. She does not own any money-of-Kef. She can legally spend any amount she likes, which creates the money then; her ability to do business with other towns depends on her money keeping a stable value as measured in copper.)

The first task is to hire the mine's next three shifts of werewolves to extend the equartier path several miles darkward. She reduces the land-rent for the houses it passes over, and, to a lesser extent, the houses within hearing of the hoof-beats.

She announces that the frogold doctors are here to stay. Entrances to an aquatic district will be constructed soon. She hopes that the people of Kef will grow strong and healthy by adding fish to their diet. (This is all true. She just doesn't mention that the frogolds have already been there for a year.)

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"She's gone.

I'll do it. It's not fair to make you do it too, after everything that happened today."

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"People didn't die in Gale Rocks. Except for the boat bandits who tried to steal a boat and one of them died fighting. And some people went back to Kelos to be jailors for the war and died. And sometimes there are things that the doctors can't fix. People didn't get executed in Gale Rocks. Is Lin really okay? She didn't die when they took her away and now it's secret?"

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"People didn't die? Kaleids can get strong enough to keep people from dying? Oh no, kiddo, I'm so sorry, you must have been even more scared than I realized."

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For a minute, Siki freezes with the glazed expression of doing something complicated with his cursor.

"...Lin is okay. If you want, we can visit her. She's asleep now. The doctor says she would be a lot more comfortable if you could heal the burns in her mouth. And they can talk to you about how eyes work."

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"Yeah, I'm scared... Green doctors are really really good. People said that, umm, that the country Gale Rocks is in has some of the best doctors. I can't help Lin until tomorrow or maybe in a few hours. I'm pretty sure I can do it. It's things like eyes and inside parts that are hard. I don't want to leave this house though."


"...If I don't have to, I don't want to do it."

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"...they can bring her here. Later.

Hey mom, I can do it too!"

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"It's Nico's decision."

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"...Mm. It would be bad for you more than it will be bad for me.

Don't worry, kiddo. I'll make sure it's done right."

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Nico kind of wants to say he'll do it after all, so Calsa or Siki don't have to, either. Really, the Magistrate ought to do it. He's pretty sure this whole thing is her fault... Somehow. Okay, maybe not.

He wants to go find a doctor right away. Or go to the drakehouse and ask Tanno if he has a book about eyes. Or go talk to Lin and make sure she's definitely okay. He should be doing things. Nothing gets better unless you do things about it.

...Instead, he ends up just hugging Calsa more and eventually falling asleep.



Calsa must have put him down while he was asleep. When he wakes up he has to feel very carefully along the floor to get out of the cuddlebed. And then try to remember where the chamberpot is, and feel carefully along the edge of Lin's pool (it reminds him about what happened and he nearly cries again), and then carefully along the floor, feeling around for the pot. And then carefully moving the lid and standing in the right spot and worrying for a while if he's really in the right spot. Then all the way back, so slowly, and worrying every moment that something is secretly behind him and he can't hear it, or that someone's about to touch him and he doesn't know that.

Being blind is really very bad. Also, most of him still hurts kind of a lot but he's been hurt before, falling off things or getting hit by snare traps going off or being punished for not doing his chores. He's used to that part even if it was never this everywhere. He's never been blind before.


He hears Calsa moving around on his sloooooow scared careful way back, and considers just flopping back into the cuddlebed, but instead declares, "I want to go ask Tanno if he has a book about eyes. I know I can't read it but I will ask him to."

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"Hello, Nico." Larian greets him in the same bored tone she always does. "Number fourteen-twenty-two died just like you thought it would. There was just no saving it, I think. We haven't had any other interesting ones today, but I looked at twelve-one's leaves carefully and I think one of its mutations is one we've seen before. It makes the stomatas open more often, so the plant breathes a lot more. But it doesn't actually need to breathe more, really, so this just dries it out faster. Not useful, I'm afraid. But it's staying alive as long as we spray the leaves often. And it is growing about twelve percent faster than average for gemberries so something else must be right."

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"...Oh. That's interesting. Maybe breathing more is helping it after all."

Nico can hear Larian's casual shrug, the way her clothes rustle over her shell slightly. And he can feel where she is because she is always putting out air, even when away from the drakehouse. He doesn't quite smile but his scowl goes away for a moment.

"I want a book about eyes. I would like you or Tanno to read it to me, please."

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"Understandable. I'm sure we can accommodate you."

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"I'm really glad you're okay, Nico." Tanno calls from the top floor. "I heard all about what happened..."

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"I don't wanna talk about it!"

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"-Okay. We won't talk about it. I'll look for the best book now. Maybe there's more than one. It'll be a few minutes."

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"How often do you need to make the leaves wet on those gemberries? Would high hum-idity help?"

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Larian shoots Tanno an 'I told you so' look, which Nico does not notice.

Larian will definitely talk all about the experimental plants and possible biological implications with him while Tanno searches his miniature library.

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He doesn't think to offer Calsa the poetry book again. He's tense and distracted. And then he's reading excerpts from a first-aid guide and a general biology textbook, not one specifically focused on medicine. He sounds pretty bummed out, though. Nowhere near as enthusiastic as usual.

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"I can't even draw on the sand table anymore!" Nico complains in frustration at one point. "I'm not really scared I can't fix it, because I can fix it, but it makes me so mad." Sniff. "I'm sorry I'm crying again I'm sorry." Sniff sniff. "The Magistrate said that's a secret. It's a secret I can do more things than just light. She might be mad at you now I'm sorry."

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"...Nico. Would you like a glass of water?"

He nods.

Larian pulls a cup out of her waist bag and tilts her head forward to fill it. She places it directly against his hand.

"Here. I will be right back."

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She gives a side-eyed look at Calsa, then heads upstairs to have a whispered conversation with Tanno. The conversation includes him whispering several names repeatedly, eyes rolling at her near complete inability to remember them.

She comes back downstairs.

"I'd like to tell you something about secrets. Everybody has secrets. Calsa does, and you do, and I do, and Tanno does, and Lin and Siki and Merta do, and everyone you see every day does. It's impossible not to have secrets, because everyone needs privacy too. Little secrets or big ones... Anyway. My point is that I don't care if knowing you can fix eyes makes the Magistrate mad at me. I'm not mad you kept it a secret or that you told me now. I'm probably not going to tell anyone because I don't like talking to people very much. But I'm glad you told me, because it makes a lot of sense that you can do things like that, and now I understand you better. You're not just learning about eyes because you miss them. You're learning about eyes for a purpose. And that is actually very admirable."

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"I don't think it is admirable. It's just what I want to do. I hate all this so so much. I hate it. I'm so scared."

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"This is a stupid saying that yet remains true, that I was once told. True courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid, and acting anyway." Sigh. "For all that such aphorisms are repetitive and boring, people repeat them for reasons. It is abundantly clear to me that you are being very brave. I'm sorry, but if you think you're not, you're just wrong."

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.....Nico impulsively walks over and hugs Larian.

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She will tolerate this rather awkwardly. She is making such a face. She pats his shoulder gently.

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Tanno is looking a little bit teary-eyed himself.

"I agree. I would have cried too, if I'd been attacked and my friend hurt like that. I think almost anyone would have. And I'm glad you trust us enough to tell us about your magic. Also... Is that how you know so much about how to keep the plants alive? If so, I should be paying you for your advice." His voice has gained a slight teasing tone.

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He nods, and laughs a little bit, and un-hugs Larian.

And then he frowns again, thinking about the Magistrate and the rest of Kef and... Everything that's going to happen, how this kind of thing is probably going to happen again. And people will get hurt again or maybe even die. Like Tomas is going to die. Because he was a criminal, and tried to kidnap him, and did disinuria by being bigger... But mostly because Nico was there. None of it would have happened if he wasn't here.




"...Do you two like the Magistrate? I'm kind of scared that no matter what she says, it'll make sense... I know that sounds weird..."

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"I hardly know her," Larian says immediately. "All I really know is that I would absolutely hate being one and I'm glad I don't have to. I'd have to talk to people all the time."

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"I'd hate being a Magistrate too I think."

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"Meikalani has a reputation for being fair... Magistrates have to talk to a lot of people and think about a lot of different things. She might not want what's best for you specifically, because she's not you, she's herself. And there's a lot of other people to worry about. You're worried about people convincing you of things even if they're not true?"

Nico nods rapidly.

"Hmm. Yeah, that sounds scary. I don't know how to fix that except maybe by talking to different people and seeing different places. I have a book that talks about how to know if things are really true, but it's more about statistics than things people say... And really advanced for your age."

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"If you think someone is lying, just don't believe them."

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"Oi. Don't listen to that. Nico, I would like to make a guess and say something, but it might upset you. Do you want me to say this anyway?"

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"Yes! Don't keep it a secret now that you've said it."

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"I couldn't put how I tell this into words, but I think you're scared a lot of the time. Scared because your magic is something new that everybody wants. It's a pretty impressive magic if you can heal people. We don't have anything much like that yet, even lieflings can't fix whole eyes, they can just make medicine. But - having something other people want can be scary."

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He shuffles awkwardly. "...You guys were my friends before you knew that part. And Calsa I think is okay too. An' maybe Siki and Lin and Merta. But other people might be nice 'cause they know about my magic."

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"The world is complicated, kiddo."

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"Friendships are never formed without any kind of ulterior motive. Nobody does anything without some kind of motive."

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"Sometimes your friends want things. Sometimes they don't. If they're only your friend to get things they want from you, they might not be a very good friend. And sometimes they'll be interested in different things than you and stop being friends, without being mean or wrong. But that doesn't mean that friendships aren't real. I don't know... I forgot what I was trying to tell you, except 'it's okay to be scared'."

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"...Don't like people telling me what to do. Or being fake friends." Sniff. "Let's talk about eyes some more."


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In the drydark, equartier paths are crowned, so you can feel with your feet to stay centered. There certainly aren't railings, which would be more danger than they're worth when you're running at two hundred mph. A groove between the lanes drains water away, not that there's likely to be water, but it costs nothing to add. The surface is rough and flat, with informational exceptions: A mile brightward of Kef on the incoming lane, a segment crossed by grooves tells you to slow down. On the outgoing lane, a segment of lengthwise grooves tells you speed up. When the path has been extended, the incoming markers will have to moved and changed, to put a high-speed fork farther away, and a deceleration point on a new lane that goes to Kef.

For now, the equartier carrying Abilanedi slows down to a jog at the current marker and approaches the low-speed fork between the old water district and the steel district. As usual, the light from the town drifts over enough to see the path. But today, there is another light: small flames on the path itself say 'stop ahead' (a square with a bar through it) and 'stop' (two squares in a row), and beyond that the edges of the path are well-lit.

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And there waits an elph.

Once Abilanedi is standing on his own feet, Meikalani bows very deeply. This is her town, where she could have stationed guards and archers and catfolk with gravelbags, as she has in fact done. An extreme show of personal vulnerability is necessary to balance that.

"The Leaping Water under the Striped Mountain* welcomes you, brother. Will you attend my shrine or** seek your wealth with the virtue of alacrity?"

* a town that Mortikesh visited, who had heard rumors of her travels and feared the change she would bring, but ultimately benefited greatly, and maintained their unique artistic traditions throughout the disruption.

** 'attend my shrine or' see https://glowfic.com/replies/2025675#reply-2025675

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"Thank you for talking with me, Nico.

I would like to try to keep you a secret for the next five cycles.

I have failed to protect you. What, then, can Kef offer you that other places cannot? I still think the answer is safety. And maybe wealth - not personal luxury, not even a larger volume of business, but more variety of opportunity here, dealing with any individuals who have ideas and money, rather than dons who move carefully and prioritize the stability of their species.

What are your thoughts, or do you want to address some other of your questions first?"

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"I thought about it miss Magistrate and I think what makes me the most mad is people acting like I'm stupid and don't understand things and they get to make choices for me 'cause of for your own good or 'cause of you have to be nice or 'cause of I said so and I'm the boss, like my parents always did. I'm not stupid. And I know I can't just do whatever I want because there are crimes. Everyone here has been mostly nice... You're talking to me like an adult yesterday and now. And being a secret makes sense so I'm not really mad but I know you don't want the same things I want."

He fusses and fidgets.

"The thing that makes me second most mad is when I don't know if I can trust people. Maybe they're pretending to be nice 'cause they want magic. Maybe they're saying things in sneaky ways and spying on me. Maybe they're making it so the only idea that's not dumb is the thing that they want me to do. I mostly like Kef and I owe Kef for paying Calsa to take care of me and for people being nice and teaching me and stuff. It's not fair for me to just run away. But I don't owe... Forever in-fin-ite. And I don't know if I can trust anyone in Kef anymore. I'm only mostly sure of Calsa 'cause I talk to her a lot and it's hard to pretend all the time, and maybe I shouldn't be sure."

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"Some people, you can talk to straight and they deal with you fairly. Some people like to be helpful. Some people will try to cooperate but make a hash of it. And some people will wreck your plans out of spite.

It is clear that I made a mistake. Not just when I first met you, but after you learned more Sotalese and displayed your character, and I failed to reconsider my approach.

Let me show some Kef spirit and tell you what I want and what I have to offer. I want my people to prosper. I want my town to have consistent laws. I want to continue my experiments: the lack of dons and the individual ownership of money.

Kef is threatened by its own success, admittedly more due to our luck at finding iron ore here, than due to my wisdom. A young elph from Argolake academy has been trying to get Kef split, taking the old water district for himself. He is unwilling to follow my precedent in governing it.

I have arranged to help him establish his own town to harvest ice, darkward of Kef. Once he has seen the progress for himself, in a few cycles, I hope the threat to Kef will be gone for a long time.

The increased trade will make it impossible to keep you secret. I think the remote location will still be safer for you than most towns, but clearly I do not have the control over immigration than I thought I did.

Drawing attention will soon no longer be as risky, and I want you to stay in Kef because you will bring prosperity wherever you go. I can also offer you money, of course, and support, just like any Magistrate who isn't a fool.

And I want there to be more kaleids. Whether in Kef or not."

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"...I thought so when I saw humans in town. I want to be the first kind of person. I think you're right about prosperity. Even though I never went to school 'cause my dad hated Kelos and I didn't bring a book with me 'cause I'd have to steal it I am probably going to keep figuring things out."

He - does the mental motion of trying to look at Calsa. Turns his head vaguely in her direction, at least. He's off by a bit.

"I think it's scary too. Lin said humans can do that, but sometimes they die. But I guess I already made someone die by being in Kef..."

He looks back in the general direction of Meikalani.

"Is Lin really a kid who got rescued from bandits? She showed up at the same time I did. Either there are a LOT of bandits or that was, um... Lucky, or she's not."

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"I also want to be the first kind of person. All Magistrates should be.

It wouldn't be your fault if a human died trying, unless you somehow made them try. And getting attacked wasn't your fault either. If you care about people not dying, there are plenty of ways of arranging that, some involving you and some not. I think it's equally virtuous to pay for lieflings to experiment with new medicine and biologists to study what their medicine does, or to invent safety features for equartier paths, or to get really good at gently but decisively defending yourself before an attacker uses disiniuria, or to pay for humans to have the very best doctors. They all save lives.

No, Lin is an adult frogold who's a bit small, whom I assigned to keep you safe. I failed. She did beautifully, but I was not expecting such a vicious attack to be possible without disiniuria. She could have protected you from almost anything else, and she could have used counter-disiniuria to take down almost anyone if she had been able to see. I should have given you more guards, and made at least one of them a jailor."

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"...I didn't know that. You should have told me. I kind of thought so and I've been thinking about if Lin is a spy for cycles." What else is she hiding. "Are there other things like that?"


"Lin was brave. She got some of the dust so I could yell and breathe. I'm going to heal her once I fix my eyes. I can heal her mouth today I think too. And... I think Calsa is the second kind of person. It's good to have people who are nice. I'm not nice. I'm just fair. I don't have to save people I just can't be the one who hurt them. And if there's more Kaleids it would be kind of like I'm their big brother and I don't want there to be people who I owe so much to. I don't know how to teach about the colors the right way. And they would be so slow to get big until I didn't have to help anymore. Can the other elph take part of Kef even if you don't want that? I think my country told Kelos they quit being part of Kelos and there was arguing but not a war."

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"Other things like that? Any other secrets I have?

Obviously anything Calsa or Siki knows will probably get to me eventually through Merta. I sometimes talk to Siki too.

There are two common false beliefs among the people of Kef. I had good reason to lie, I'll set them right soon, and they don't affect you.... hm, actually one does affect you a little, and the reason to maintain it is because the truth will draw attention to you, so if you're already cooperating on staying secret for five more cycles, I can tell you. Please be careful not to let any hint of this slip, or any hint of anything you figure out from it. The waterworks accident was planned in advance. Everyone who got hurt volunteered for it, except for Loud Pavel, who did commit disiniuria and that was not part of the plan. The whole fire crew is okay.

Elves are sort of supposed to be interchangable. At least, that's an ideal that some hold. In practice, we have skills and aptitudes and too much personal experience to fully share. But I, Meikalani, do not own Kef. The Magistrate of Kef owns Kef, on behalf of the country of Sota. And if someone convinces the Counsel of Sota that Kef ought to be split, there's nothing I can do. I promised not to break with Sota."

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.......He is confused and incredulous about the fake accident, and it shows on his face even if he can't see right now.

"People can have secrets. I'm not telling you to tell me everything ever, that wouldn't be fair. I only meant secrets and lies that are about me, like how Lin is actually an adult."

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"He wanted the waterworks because it was a steady stream of income with no challenges. I made it have challenges.

You wanted to talk about war and bandits?"

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"...I forgot what I was thinking about when I said that. I guess maybe that as long as I'm the only kaleid people are going to keep wanting more kaleids, so I can't ever stop thinking about it or ignore it. I'm worried that bandits or war might happen because of me. It feels a little bit like Tomas was my fault. I don't like being so important, it's scary. Do you think I would be any safer if people knew there were other kaleid?"

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"Tomas was not your fault, unless there was something you did which you knew at the time made his actions more likely. Of course, there are things we all can learn from it, and do better next time, including a practice of trying to predict how things will go wrong. That's not the same as fault.

Or, in a legal sense, you did nothing wrong, nothing remotely provocative. While the laws for Magistrates and the customs of elves do not lay any blame on me, I consider myself bound to a stricter standard of reliability, where I owe you compensation, and should cease trying to work around you for your own good.

You would be safe if there were lots of kaleids, easily available to hire, and at least one in each of the Lei Empire and Freedom Democracy. I doubt anyone cares about your home, since we can't get there. In the realistic near future, I think the safest options for you are to grow your power in secret, or to publicly ally with the Allheart Alliance.

Starting in five cycles, or really, starting as soon as you'll accept it, what protection do you want? I will allow any of my employees to serve in that role, such as Merta or the tengu, and I will pay for your guards as part of my compensation to you."

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"I don't know. Except that I want to do a lie-seeing magic when we are done talking. I know white can do that, but it's always expensive the first time you do something. I want to ask you if you lied to me today."

And accepting expensive things from the Magistrate makes him owe her more, which makes the whole thing even more of an immense pit that he might never get out of.

"I want to learn to fight without doing disinuria? I want to learn more science and math? I want some money maybe so I can get more clothes and supplies maybe? Or some things for Calsa and Merta and Siki and Lin? ...I don't know. I think I'm too scared and sad to think about what I will want next year right now. Oh you should know I told miss Larian and mister Tanno about healing by accident. Calsa can I hug you?"

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"Lin can teach you to fight, or recommend someone. I now give you 1000 money of my town to hire tutors and buy whatever else you like. Hm, I'll tell Tanno that teaching you is now part of his job and he may choose between that and his plants as he thinks best. He and Larian are good at keeping secrets, don't worry."

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Oh now he likes her -

- it makes sense for him to be suspicious -

"Of course, kiddo, any time." Hug.

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"Would you mind if I have the tengu follow you around? Or hire Siki?"

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He hugs Calsa.

"I don't mind right now. I'm just really scared so I don't know a lot right now. I'll stay in Kef if I decide I can trust you and everyone. I'll think about more kaleids but that changes everything so I have to think more. I'll talk to you about things before I leave Kef if I decide to leave. Thank you for not talking to me like I'm a stupid baby."

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"Is there anything else before you do the white magic?"

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"I don't think so. Now?"

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"I have not lied to you in this conversation. As in any conversation, I adjusted my speech in expectation of your reactions, and to make my points more convincing. I have not - I only once deliberately didn't tell you about options that might benefit you, namely that you could also publicly ally with the Lei Empire or Freedom Democracy. I believe that I am dealing fairly with you."

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-She started before he actually had it in place, he was expecting her to say 'yes', and then he'd say 'now' again, and then he went ahead and spent his magic when she started talking so he can't do it over without looking really silly. But everything past the first sentence is definitely the truth. It even wobbled at 'I have not'. She was volunteering extra information. That is... Probably good enough.

He relaxes noticeably.

"-I believe you. Thank you a lot."

He squeezes Calsa a bit tighter.

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"Thank you."

She leaves. "Tengu, please keep continuous watch over Nico."

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"You okay, kiddo?"

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"Not really but I'm better than before. 'M gonna cry again though."

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"You're very self aware, you know that?" Hug.

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Hug. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm sorry for but I feel sorry."

And now he's crying quietly.

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Pet pet pet.

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"Approaching! Magistrate, catfolk clerk, tengu. Do you need fire?"

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"Yes!" He calls from one of the fields. Larian is between Tanno and the town as a precaution.

And after he's back upstairs and the logistics of clearing the air with a good safety margin are done-

"How can we help you today, Magistrate?"

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"Tanno, Larian. Several things.

First, your employment with me now officially includes teaching Nico about math, nature, and industry. You may use your judgement on how to prioritize that and your work with the plants.

Speaking of which, how is that going? My budget is tight currently, but I'm hoping to be able to assign you a crew in half a year to experiment with making light in different ways, like the light from the hot metal in the mill.

As you teach Nico, I would like you to keep a record of what he studies. Don't interfere, just record, and if he notices and asks you about it, you can tell him that I requested it of you - I promise not to use the information against him.

Finally, what is your assessment of his character?"

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He looks at Larian (currently writing the daily report), who waves at Tanno without looking up. He sighs.

"In order I guess, acknowledged regarding Nico." He makes a complicated face. Torn away from pure science again, eh? But Nico is a good kid and will be good for the work if he stays. The thing he calls 'diagnose' is already fascinating.

"As you know these things are always a long term affair. We're starting to get settled in and I could go into detail on our methodology but as usual for experimental drakefarms it's a slow and luck-dependent process. Mine even more so since we're focusing on unstable strains, hoping for random breakthroughs, less incremental progress on grains that can be planted one percent closer together. Since most of the crops you've managed to grow here are in very different conditions than the chartruse, I've been trying to work with already cold tolerant and low light tolerant plants, though they're not the most optimized strains. I think I might get some more traditional chartruse crops and baby them while trying to adapt them, because Garosmaize that grows down here would produce something like two or three times the food as the fields you have now.

We've produced one possible interesting specimen of gemberries which I've offered to the frogolds to garden, these require high humidity and seem to grow slightly faster. We also learned that Nico's magic produces light that nourishes plants and warms what is shined on, that is in a sense 'real' light unlike whisshoppers, though he can't make enough to be worth farming, I will try to get him to make different colors and confirm observations about catfire at different temperatures... I don't need more budget yet, though I am coming up with ideas that will be expensive- There's experiments by one Ekinosa about keeping plants in rooms of concentrated exhalation that I'd like to take further, but that can wait half a year especially if I'm teaching Nico as well."

Would you like me to try and recall the things he's studied already, as well? As to his character... Hard to summarize."

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"Nico is frequently afraid. He seeks independence and self-esteem. He's curious but cautious. He's sensitive to deception and disapproval. He's sensitive to perceived debts and obligations, and sometimes frustrated by emotional considerations. He thinks of himself as weak, stupid, and vulnerable and feels guilty and ashamed about that, which drives him to work very hard for a child. He obviously has not had a very good childhood thus far, and both misses and dislikes his old home."

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"I think he's an introvert who likes talking but only to a point, and then he'll be completely done in an instant. He's not the smartest kid I've ever talked to but the combination of smart and driven is a little terrifying, if that makes sense? Perceived debts and obligations- Yeah. There's genuine joy at learning and discovery in there, under the rest of it. Doesn't like sitting still. I think he is kinder than he thinks he is, some of the things he glosses as 'fair' are - pretty selfless thoughts."

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"Thank you both.

I don't need your description of what he's already studied, unless there was something striking and Calsa didn't witness it.

To be clear, I have only asked him to hide the full flexibility of his magic for another five cycles, although I suspect he might want to continue longer than that. I trust your discretion and do not in any way object to you learning about him."

So, the bad news is that she's not going to raise a batch of kaleids. But the good news is that he's not spiteful. She took the wrong approach with him, but it's fixable.

He might retreat to a domain of his own, deep in the drydark, and even declare independence from Sota, but he's not going to join the war, or start a new one. She's still keeping an eye out in case he starts researching something dangerous, but her most likely prediction is that he will bring a 'moderate' amount of business to Kef.

And hopefully as he grows in power and collects employees, he will stop being afraid of the responsibility of being a 'big brother'.

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Oh, so she does know. That makes things easier. 

"I am actually fairly concerned about reckless experimenting but I think he'd try things anyway if we try to stop him."

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"Yes, I don't think it's possible to control him in the long term. As long as he follows the laws of Kef, he is welcome here, and I will plan to adapt to whatever the future holds."

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"Control," snorts Larian under her breath.



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They're reusing the metal cage, even though Tomas isn't a werewolf.

He looks tired, and doesn’t struggle as they lift him in, just slumps forward with his forehead pressed against the bars.

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Calsa hurries up. At least she can make it quick.

There’s a flat disk just under the cage, so she doesn’t have to reach in. She wipes her palm all around it, lighting a thin layer of flame.

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She doesn’t want to look or engage or prolong this, but she told Nico she’d do it right. She peers up. “What was that?”

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“Oh fuck you. Smash you all into paste! You think you’re so great. This isn’t fair. This isn’t justice. I hope you all slowly die of blood cancer.”

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It’s not fair. When Siki came to live with them, he wasn’t nice or honest or diligent. He could have ended up a bandit - a real one, not just a kit told to steal, but someone angry at the world, delighting in coming up with plans to hurt people.

In fact, Siki did commit disinuria, using a cursor to sneak sharp rocks into their end of the huddlebed while Merta was out and Calsa was trying to read to him. She almost forgot about that - it was a long time ago, he feels a totally different person, and she was so scared she cleaned it up and didn’t tell Merta for two cycles and then couldn’t think about it. She still doesn’t know what Merta said to him, but he never did it again.

A world is possible where it’s Siki in that cage now. Anyone.

She steps back, stares at Tomas’s forehead in case he looks up, and flares as hard as she can.

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He screams, but only for a second.

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It has been over a month since little Nico disappeared.

At first it was sad, but ordinary. Nico suddenly vanished, and nobody could seem to find him. People were looking for him, they'd find him eventually. He might be dead... But probably not! That kind of thing happened sometimes. And then her dad said that Nico's dad, the bear-man, said he was acting out, just like last time. That he'd be back sooner or later.

He wasn't even worried.

After a few days, when he didn't reappear and people at the sawmill started talking about it less, she started asking people how the search for Nico was going. And the adults are acting suspicious. They didn't want to talk about it. Even her parents seemed to think she was being silly and needed to drop it.

She wanted to scream and cry at them. Her friend Nico is gone! He might be dead, or lost and needing rescuing! Why wasn't anyone trying harder! Why wasn't anyone telling her what happened!

Sure, Nico mostly didn't talk to anyone, but on the weeks she was with the other hunting kids, cooking and cleaning and gathering firewood in between lectures from the rotating cast of parents left behind, he let her excitedly babble about animals and everything else she learned from her alternating weeks helping at the healers' commune.

He never told her to go away, or that she's loud and annoying. And he never complained about doing his fair share of the chores everyone had to do, either.

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(The reason nobody was telling her what happened, of course, was that burning magic is not something one talks about too much to children, or in polite company. It's a private and personal thing, something that your parents tell you about very seriously to Never Ever Do, that you overhear talked about in hushed whispers in the playground and day-care. For little Nico to have vanished in a burst of actinic light is a shameful thing for his parents, for either driving him to that point or failing to teach him better, much gossiped about but not mentioned to the little ones.)

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During the next week at the healers' she asked one of the doctors to help her borrow a book on scrying from the White Temple, and carefully took notes, and practiced with her white points- First finding random pebbles and twigs she threw off blindly, then finding people she knew, practicing at greater distances. Having a clear idea, and having something that is a clear link to them, helped. With a black hair plucked from Vami's shirt, she was able to locate Vami's mom halfway across town, sitting in the clearing an hour's walk away.

She snuck over to Nico's house when both his parents were out working, and looked through some of his old clothes. His room was still full of his stuff. Nothing had changed! And eventually, she found a hair, plus a little wooden toy wheel he always liked. Baubles like that help, too.

But as much as she meditated and pushed her magic to find him, there was no Nico to be found.

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Asking the teachers at Oak Temples to scry for him for her similarly turned up... Nothing. They could find no trace at all, and told her in plain words that maybe the hair isn't really a human hair at all? Maybe this trinket is unconnected to anything? And that they don't appreciate their time being wasted, young lady, so please stop asking them to try again.

Not even a wispy hint of a suggestion, a vague idea, like she gets with a tenuous link or a poor mental image? Nothing?

...Is he dead after all, like people are saying? Well, she takes some hairs from a rabbit in a box-trap, destined for the stew pot, and scries it once per hour after that. Alive. Alive. Alive. Butchered and drying. Stew pot. Stew pot. Empty stew pot. And even after that, the tracers are fainter, but they still point her towards the butchering table, and towards the stew pot, even days after. If Nico were dead she'd have some kind of hint as to what had happened to him, surely. Or someone would. It's not like the adults looked all that hard, but they're better at this than her.

He must be so lost and scared.

When she started questioning her mom about why scrying would turn up nothing, she finally told her in hushed tones. Nico ran away by burning some of his magic. But really, this would have just killed him instead of putting him somewhere else. He's not coming back. Ever. She can't find him with scrying, not even a body, because there is no Nico anymore.

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She does not believe it. Burning magic is something done only in dire need for the permanent and irreversible damage it does, but it accomplishes miracles. It doesn't kill unless you're reckless or WANT to kill, and Nico isn't reckless. He was her friend, and she didn't notice how much he wanted to get away. She failed as a friend, and it's at least a little bit her fault... But she thinks Nico is alive. She's sure of it. He has to be alive, because if she is wrong, and he's dead, then...

That can't happen. It's not allowed.

So Nico is alive, and Nico will need her help. And if Nico is alive and lost, that means it's Lenora's job to go rescue him. Because nobody else will.

She'll burn her own magic to go find him, and help him, wherever he ended up. But not right away. She has to get ready.

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Does she leave sooner, and be less prepared, in order to get to Nico and help him more quickly? Or does she wait and prepare more, so that she can help him properly when she does go? If Nico has lasted this long, a month, he can last a while longer...

And she's a little scared. She's probably being really stupid about this, actually. Her parents would DEFINITELY tell her not to do it. It could hurt her. Nico is probably gone. It's not her responsibility to help others. (It really, really is, though. SHE'D want someone to come rescue her, and if you don't treat others like you wish to be treated, what are you even doing?)

She doesn't really know why she's doing it anyway despite all the reasons it's a terrible idea... But she definitely is.  But just how long can he wait? She starts saving her allowance, doing extra chores for more coins, because she'll need to buy a lot of things to be well-prepared. And she goes to the temples again and sits in on lectures about the founding of Gale Rocks, and everything the colonists needed but didn't have, and all the mistakes they made. What will she need, exploring, going to wherever Nico ended up?

What will she need?

She'll need red: She needs to be strong, skilled, hale. She needs tough clothes to endure the elements, food and water to sustain them in the short term, and a weapon. Too much for immediate use pulls away from longer term needs, though...

She'll need blue: She needs to make use of whatever is at hand. Tools. Carving knife, rain tarp, sewing kit, a light stick and some charged Lumen, maybe other tools. Things to make things with. Maybe books about different kinds of craft? But books are heavy and expensive...

She'll need green: Growth and medicine are both essential. A lot of what the doctors say goes over her head, but healing makes sense to her, and she can learn more. And seeds- She needs as many different kinds of plants as she can get, so SOMETHING she brings will grow wherever Nico is. Crops!

She'll need white: Knowledge. This pretty much just means learning as much as she can, and getting books. Nico liked drawing hexagrams, he's good at Black magic, she thinks. And he kept talking about The Shape of Eternity, that book about enchanting... So she'll buy it, plus some others that might be useful.

She'll need black: The future, the long term. Not just food to eat now, but crops to grow later. Not knowledge now, but things that will be useful in the long term... Nothing really sticks out that she hasn't already thought of, but she tries to imagine building a house in every kind of place she's heard of.

In the ocean? On a mountain? In a desert? How would she do it? What kinds of things would make it harder? Water, cold, food... All the same problems as before.

She writes out her plans on paper, carefully hidden in a sort of journal, and makes and re-makes checklists, and saves up her money, and tells the doctors she wants to learn more about real medicine... Days pass, and she still doesn't feel ready. And days are passing for Nico, too, while she dithers. (Unless he's dead after all. Days are passing for him probably. Hopefully.)


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Nico makes a point to visit Lin where she's resting, carefully led there by Calsa and constantly wondering where the Tengu guard he can't see is.



"...Hi, Lin. I'm glad you're alive. I'm sorry I wasn't suspicious enough."

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He can sometimes hear the click of the tengu's talons, although at least twice the body behind him drops back and another body starts following.

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Lin is lounging in a dark warm pool. The aqueduct susserates.

"Hi Nico! It was my job to protect you, not the other way around.

Now that the bubble has slipped, I can explain why Ansaf doesn't rotate, relative to the sun. Most kids don't know it, but that doesn't mean they can't, especially a bright one like you.

So, Ansaf goes around the sun because the sun pulls on it, and it pulls on the sun too but that's not relevant, same as Ansaf pulls on us, and Lacrimos pulls on its moons. It doesn't fall straight into the sun because it happened to start off moving sideways, so it goes around like a wheel, constantly getting pulled towards the sun just enough to keep it from zipping away.

Every bit of stuff in the world pulls on every other bit; Ansaf and the sun aren't special, just really big. The sun doesn't pull on Ansaf as a single object, it pulls on all the rock separately. And one more thing: the pull is stronger when you get closer. Like when you're walking towards a flame in the dark and it gets brighter as you go.

Ansaf is not perfectly round. The bright pole stretches in towards the sun a bit, and the dark pole dangles outward. We haven't measured the poles, of course, but if you go from one edge of the chartreuse to the other and look at what stars are directly 'up', and measure the angle to the sun if it's high enough, it's clear that the curve around the chartreuse is tighter than the curve across it." Lin traces these curves in the air for an exaggerated prolate spheroid.

"A long time ago, Ansaf rotated - we can tell from looking at the rocks, that's a whole other story - and it stretched out like this back then, just the same as it does now. But rocks take time to stretch. When they get to the brightest point, the sun pulls on them the hardest, but they don't get fully stretched out until a little later, when Ansaf has rotated a bit. So there's a big lump of rock a bit 'felward of the bright pole', so to speak, and another lump a bit 'tengward of the dark pole'. The bright lump is pulled back by the sun, and the dark lump is pulled towards the sun, in the direction Ansaf is rotating. But since the sun pulls stronger when you're closer, the force from the bright lump is stronger, and overall the pull goes against the rotation and slows Ansaf down.

And eventually Ansaf slowed down until one part always pointed toward the sun, and that became the drybright."

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He can't actually see what she's doing with her hands, though he tries to imagine it......

"It was spinning and stretching, and the stretching made it slow down? Like a ball with syrup inside it? I had one of those as a toy... I don't think I get it. I'm more interested in eyes today." Pause. "Because I think I can fix them," he adds in a whisper.

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Oh, right, she's an idiot, she forgot that he's blind too.

"I understand. Eyes need to have a clear piece in front, of the right shape so that light from a particular direction goes to a particular location on the back of the eye, which is sensitive to light. For us, the problem is that the clear piece isn't clear or the right shape anymore. Also I can't move my eyeballs to look to different directions.

You're welcome to touch my eyes if you want, you won't make them worse."

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"It's just me, Nico, doctor Shor, and the tengu here."

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"You can use any magic you like on my eyes, unless there's a risk of damaging some other part of my body."

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He guesses the doctor is allowed to know then? "Hello Doctor Shor. I don't want to try that yet. I've been learning about eyes already from Tanno and they're complicated. There's different kinds of flesh in them, and tiny blood vessels, and muscles, and stuff. I still need to use sensing magic on people with good eyes and bad eyes for a while. I used it on myself and on miss Larian and I think it's mostly that my eyelid is stuck to my eye, and the 'cornea' is damaged. It can be really bad to mess it up. I wanted to help with your burns today, that's all."

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Okay. I've been eating and drinking."

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"That's good. Are you okay, though? I thought you were the same age as me. The Magistrate told me a lot of things. I'm kind of mad, but also it makes sense. People never tell kids everything important. It makes me pretty mad. I'm still kind of mad at her. But I'm definitely going to try to heal you anyway since you want that. No more pretending when you don't have to please."

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"I was supposed to be about nineteen*, actually...

I'm fine. I didn't ask you for healing. It would be nice, but I'm fine, there will be taddies for me to teach, and I have plenty to think about. Like why hotter steel glows with a different color than colder steel - why do hot things glow at all.

I'm not going to lie to you anymore, but I don't want my real age getting out. Do you know why people don't tell kids important things?"

* ten in Earth years

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"I meant a kid like me, not exactly the same age. Fire is hot and glows... I know there's more colors we can't see but some animals can, my f-friend Lenora wanted to get four colors eyes from the doctors but was too little... I think you have to do experiments to figure out new things. And I want to heal you anyway. And no, I don't know. Why do you think they don't?"

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"And why does fire glow? Light has energy - it can heat things up - but why do all hot things make light? If it was just fire, we might say that light is a substance released as the fuel is consumed, just like exhalation. But all hot things make light. Catfire makes light and heat, but doesn't consume fuel or vitality and doesn't produce exhalation. Is heat the same substance as light? When light shines on an object frozen by an aasimar, it reflects back and it heats up the object and can even make it glow, but no amount of light will burn the object. What is color: different speeds, different sizes of droplet? Or is light a movement like sound, with different pitches? That would be elegant, but then it should just reflect off a frozen object, and shouldn't be able to travel through the emptiness between us and the stars. Unless there's something there after all, something that stays even if you grab the air?


Nico, do you know how to obtain different colors of light, other than with a prism?"

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"You can burn things to make different colors! Maybe different things vibrate differently, like different strings on a harp? Or maybe they hold different sized droplets... Like you have to heat up water a lot more before it feels hot, compared to steel. So water holds bigger droplets of heat?"

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"That's something we can test!"

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Yay she did a smart cat thing.

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"...Only with magic. I know there's a kind of light that's called, um, below-red I guess, and when things get hotter it shines that before it shines red. And there's after-blue, which the sun makes a lot of and can burn you, and REALLY hot things can make. Does fire make the same amount of light as something that fire made hot? I think it makes a lot more? What other things make light? Do frozen things cool down again if they glow hot? We can drop hot metal and hot rock into a big bowl of water and see how hot it makes the water! I think a lot of the heat would just escape though. And I don't know how to measure how hot something is, just if it's burning or not?"

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Yes she knows about colors that frogolds can't see, and he already said that just 25 seconds ago, and she's grumpy that he knows more about eyes than she does. This should be an opportunity to learn but she doesn't feel like it.

"The same amount of light relative to what? The light comes from the whole flame but only the surface of hot steel.

Some bugs make light without getting hot. Frozen things cool down. I don't know a precise way to measure temperature but you could probably use how stuff expands when hot somehow."

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"At the mill we just look at the color, or touch it."

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Doctor Shor speaks up. From the location and timbre of his voice he's a frogold. "To check the temperature of a person, we put a piece of metal in their mouth for a while, rinse it, and get someone of the same species to put it in their own mouth and say how it feels. But that only works for temperatures right around what their body is supposed to be at."

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"Two high-pitched whistles make a third low buzz. Does light have the same effect? Two sounds of almost the same pitch wobble in volume. Can we make a flickering light that way?"

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"Huh, sounds do that? Since hot things glow maybe we could figure out temperatures from the color..." He sounds doubtful. "I think you need to measure things to do experiments. These things are hard to measure. Sound shakes things, maybe we can measure it with a thin piece of paper that shakes?"

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Yeah she's doubtful too. How do you tell when the tiny piece of paper shakes?

"Hmmm..." She pretends to settle in for sleep.

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"Let's give her some rest."

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The tengu shuffles over. "Nico, question from the Magistrate: do you want to stay secret longer than the five cycles you discussed?"

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"...I want to stay secret longer, yeah. Until I learn how to do lots more magic."

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The tanner is released, having apparently committed unlicensed counter-disiniuria, with the fine waived for his heroism.

Quiet Pavel stops by, saying that he's going to the new town, Embal, for a few deci-years, but he'll be back, so "take care of yourself, kid, you have lots of friends, and keep up that Kef spirit!"

Nico does not get invited to draw guides for the turbines in Embal, but the new aqueduct is running soon enough. Doctor Shor complains that the water in the Kef aqueduct is cold. "We knew that would happen eventually, of course. There's no reason for the water from Kef to be heated so far above freezing - that was always a temporary state in preparation for the additional incoming cold water - but we're lucky that Kef was ready to accept the frogold district before it happened, since now we can openly sell fish and reeds to pay for heating our pools."

The missing fire crew catfolk are okay! Apparently they were hiding with the frogolds.

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Nico sulks and hides a lot in the next few days. No more illusion shows, not really talking to his friends or new family either, except for asking everyone who knows about his magic except the Magistrate herself if he can look at their eyes with Diagnose, for an extended duration if they'll let him. Tanno doesn't want to risk it, even with cleverness like carefully extending his foot down and having Larian push his breath upwards.

Eventually, after literally forever (7 days total), his impatience at being blind outweighs his terror at getting it wrong and living out all the horror stories of healing gone badly. After eating a good meal and letting it digest for a bit, holding carefully in mind exactly what a healthy eye looks like - shape, iris, cornea, blood vessels, nerves at the back - and what his eyes look like, and the lye that damaged them, and slowly pushes everything back into the right order and shape.



It's itchy. He focuses on it for long, long minutes, until... There's nothing left to repair. He opens his eyes, then squints them shut again against the brightness. It... Works?

Part of him didn't think it would actually work.

He stares at everyone from the tengu to Calsa and Merta and Siki for a while, blinking and getting used to seeing again. It's only been a few days, but it feels a little weird. Do things look a little bit blurry? Maybe. He can't really tell. And it doesn't really matter because he can see again and doesn't have to stumble around unable to tell what's two inches in front of his nose.

He will hug Calsa a lot.

...And then offer to go try the same thing for Lin. Tomorrow. When he has his green magic back.

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"I appreciate that you want to heal me.

What will I owe you? Don't say nothing, because it's not nothing, even if you can't measure it in metal or money."

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"I know... It's actually a lot. I think you know how to fight people? I think it would be good to learn that, but only from someone who doesn't want to hurt me."

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"Okay, I'll teach you to fight!"

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Then he will confirm again that he can try to fix Lin's eyes, and... Very very carefully tell her body what to do, to get closer to correct.


It's itchy, and takes twenty long minutes.


When he's done, she has some sort of migraine, and everything is a bit too bright and too blurry, but she can see again. Nico is watching with bated breath, worrying if he messed it up.

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"It worked! Thank you, Nico.

Let's just talk for now - I'm still feeling bad. So, you want to defend yourself against people bigger than you, and stronger, and with surprise.

You have two inherent advantages: it's harder for them to reach you if you're low, and they fall harder than you when you knock their knees out. In addition, I can train you to be faster and more prepared. For example, I carry sharp bits I can reach with my hands and throw behind me, and slime that I can put on my skin to slip away. As long as it's only for escaping, it's not disiniuria to use magic to get it. You could, if you want, practice making your skin slippery and dissolving your clothes?

I recommend fighting with a blade. A dagger in each hand, or a sword if you prefer. Will that interfere with your magic? But first, you need to learn to move, on your feet and on the ground; taking a fall and getting up faster than your enemy.

Would you be willing to practice with someone larger? Merta perhaps?

What I have learned is that I need to keep clean water on me, to wash my eyes, and that I should run immediately when startled. The same applies to you. More broadly, you need a fast response: something to throw, or magic to escape.

One more point: if you improve your body, attacking with those improvements could be disiniuria. It is for lieflings. You might be able to argue that a kaleid's body is a personal choice, not a species trait. Meikalani would accept that, I think, but some Magistrates might be looking for an excuse to get you in trouble."

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"I will practice with someone bigger than me. It'll be a good lesson. know you can't learn to fight without getting hurt." He is holding very still as he says this, and it's somehow - quieter - than most things he says. "I just want someone who won't... Be mean, I guess... Who isn't having fun hurting me and that's the only reason they're teaching me... I know how to use my knife for tool things, not for fighting, but you can use swords and also magic. The magic I already know for improving my body is definitely disinuria, it makes you really strong for one second. I wasn't thinking and did fire instead, last time..."

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"A teacher should draw satisfaction from your growth, but for everyone else winning is more fun than teaching... I still recommend Merta.

I don't mean just strength for a second, but also permanent changes, like four-color eyes. My opinion is that giving yourself claws is like carrying a knife, but if most kaleids have claws, it starts to look like a thing that kaleids have that frogolds don't. And I know that you can give a frogold claws just as easily, but unless that happens often - hm, there's a thought: if kaleids modify enough people, that could cast doubt on the whole concept of disiniuria."

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"Hmm! People in Gale Rocks change their bodies all the time! You're supposed to be an adult before doing that. I don't remember if it's not safe or another thing kids aren't supposed to do just because. I was going to get hooves, for running, maybe. My dad was all... Huge and hairy, and my mom was a little bit drake-y. That's why I wasn't surprised about Calsa until I learned about her magic. What about tools? If I make a weapon that anyone can use and then use it, does it matter that only a kaleid could have made it?"

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"Huh, cool.

Weapons are probably okay if they're widely used, and as long as you've had that weapon a little while and didn't just make it for the purpose of attacking a specific person? Unless a Magistrate is out to get you.

Everyone has stone knives, including werewolves, but a liefling poisoning someone with their own leaf is disiniuria even if they didn't target the poison to the victim when they made it. Because people are afraid of being poisoned by lieflings. People aren't afraid of being poisoned by equartiers."

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"Yeah. I don't want to hurt people really. I just want to... Not be someone you can hurt. And the way to do that is to be scary.

You said something about why adults don't tell kids important things last time. Now I know you're an adult, but can you tell me why at least?"

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"Oh right. There's lots of reasons, really, some nicer than others, but the main one is that kids are unpredictable. If you say you don't like your neighbor's singing, a kid might try to murder them - not likely, but it's possible, because kids are still learning what's expected of an adult. They don't know the rules, they don't know how to tell when someone is joking or serious or idly complaining, they don't know when to keep secrets. And even if they're trying to do everything properly, they don't have the skills to lie or figure out someone's loyalty or make a distraction that actually distracts instead of drawing more attention.

I think you're mostly reliable. It's easier when you know the kid, but not for so long that you remember when they were younger and don't notice how they've changed."

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"I think I am careful, and if you're careful you're less unpredictable. But if I'm really scared, I would be unpredictable again. I'm glad you're okay."

Nico will let Lin rest after not very much longer, and get back into the swing of things.



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Tanno's weekly report for the magistrate (delivered directly to Merta) contains the following items:

  • The new berry variant will be marginally useful but is not revolutionary. He has been focusing on teaching Nico. No other new plant varieties this week.
  • Nico expressly gave Tanno permission to report on what magic he learns, 'so she'll know I'm useful'.
  • He has started using magic directly on plants. He can change live plants, but naive attempts to breed new strains do not also alter the seeds, so this is of limited use so far.
  • He has recovered some of his missing 'blue' magic, and demonstrated several uses: Instant cleaning (flinging dirt and grime away), separation of mixed dust and sand into its constituent components, teleporting small objects short distances, rapid dehydration of a plant sample.
  • Other novel displayed non-blue magic: Manipulating stone like a werewolf does (black), chilling things at a touch (red), making his mice more awake and energetic (green) (he is concerned about side effects and is keeping this to mice), the ability to detect the presence and location and rough kind of ongoing magic including my breath (for short periods; white).
  • He is learning about heat transfer and melting/boiling points.
  • He is learning math; Multiplication, division, decimals, graphing.
  • He also continues to learn about plant and animal biology.
  • With Larian he set up and performed an experiment to demonstrate the principles behind the aquifer pumps.
  • He is showing interest in some sort of experiment with high temperature catfire and light (not Tanno's specialty), involving Lin and Calsa, but is willing to be very careful since it might be dangerous.
  • He's practicing hand to hand fighting as vigorously as he was practicing dancing earlier.
  • He's expressed an interest in the steel mill. Perhaps someone there can help with the above experiment since Calsa doesn't seem to be a specialist.
  • He has been showing signs of trauma, much more concerned with how things will go wrong, after the incident. Quieter as well, and occasionally suffers sudden mood drops.
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Detecting magic would make him a great bodyguard, but would not be a good use of him for Kef or the world - or himself actually, he would hate it.

Would he be interested in engaging a liefling to improve his mood? At Kef's expense.

When dehydrating the plant, what happened to the water - did he collect it? Could he pull water from the air?

Sounds like a perfect job for Fuzzer.

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"So I'll lift my cup for you, Nico: yeah, I can give you a tour of the mill and talk about catfire, let you examine my eyes or whatever, but what I really want is to work for you. Whether you stay in Kef or not. You're new and interesting and constantly pulling out more new and interesting things, and you're going to have so many projects someday that you'll need helpers. Say you strengthen parts of a turbine so it can run faster or hotter; I can design and oversee the construction of ten turbines for you, measure how well they work, and design the eleventh to be the best yet. For now, I'll help how I can whenever I'm not working or sleeping and don't need money, but I figure you would want to know my posture here. Meika told me to come over, but I'm not doing this for her."

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(He separated the water, dampening the table next to the leaves. He can also pull water out of the air but complained about it being inefficient. Nico says he's willing to try using alertness magic on someone; This is a thing he knows from his mysterious home to be mostly safe, with the main failure mode being overusing it and stressing the body, or becoming reliant on it.)

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"...I am very weird, yeah. I like that reason. It makes sense. Also I can pay you some, Meikalani gave me a bunch for getting attacked. If you want to help figure out stuff about heat glow, I would like that. I dunno about what's after that but hot steel is really bright, so what if we could make things that bright for the farms? I definitely want a tour of the mill too if you don't mind."

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"What have you done so far?"

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"I showed him how to soften glass, and he wanted to know why the flame is more orange then, so I told him that it's because the air is hotter so the flame is hotter - right? - but then he asked why the flame has to be hotter, since even a regular flame glows way more than hot glass, and I don't know that. Am I telling it right, kiddo?"

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"Yeah, and also maybe some experiments about what light really is? It's not like temperature and it's not like weight either but it has to be something. I think that since catfire can get hotter sometimes, there might be a way for one catfolk to make way more heat and light. Since hot things glow, and glow much brighter in the kinds of light we can see when they're very hot, like melted iron. What if you could put something as hot as melted iron on all the fire poles? And then use white panels above them, or mirrors, to make more light for crops and stuff."

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"Yes, a glass flame is hotter because the air it starts with is hotter. The light that a flame emits does not have the same relationship to the temperature of the flame as between the light and temperature of hot steel or glass. Assuming that we can accurately measure the temperature of each by placing a rock against each for a while, letting it cool in the same air, and touching it. The rock glows when fully warmed by the steel, with the same color."

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"It's not safe to touch glowing hot steel. But if you get close to it, you can feel that it's a lot hotter than a glass flame."

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"Farms already have white or shiny hoods on the poles... but if you had a concentrated light source like a chunk of steel, you might be able to focus the light more precisely! I don't think that would be useful for farming, but maybe there's another application!"

"What light really is?" His pupils widen to almost circular. "What have you tried?"

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"You don't think catfire could be even brighter? We haven't tried much yet. I tried shining different colors of light on things with my magic to see if one color would make a black rock warmer than another, but if it did, we couldn't tell the difference. I want to try it with color glass. I tried making the tiniest piece of light I could right next to my eyes in a really dark place, and when I did that I couldn't see anything. I don't know if I actually made any light or not when I did that. M- Lin had an idea about two lights that are almost the same color. That maybe something funny would happen, like if you make sounds that are close in pitch. I think light has a thing that's like temperature or pitch but I'm not sure how to tell. Ooh, I wonder if-"

He hesitates a moment before continuing.

"I wonder if I can tell my lights to be different light-pitch based on how far apart they are. Maybe we could get two lights that are almost the same color that way? Or maybe because it's my magic, not regular light, that wouldn't tell us anything. Like... It would act that way because I was imagining it that way, not because light-pitch is real."

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"A glass flame is brighter than normal, and a steel flame is brighter than that. To make a steel flame you need a bunch of cats going full blast and almost all of that is wasted: mild heat that's nice for mill's neighbors and not much else. If you can figure out how to efficiently make a steel flame that would be fantastic.

How did you make the same amounts of light of different colors? Does your magic have an intuitive sense of 'amount of light'? Not that I would trust that it's correct, but it might mean something."

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"None of your other magic is imaginary, is it? And your light makes plants grow! Which would be green if you were faking it somehow, but you're only using white? Is that convincing?"

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"If nothing else, you could spend an entire point on making light of each color... or do you get more efficient with practice?"

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"Let's look at the mill now!"

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"I get more efficient with practice... I don't have a sense for how much light I'm making, just how much white I'm using, but white magic is pretty good at, um, looking at stuff and doing that? Like with the circles. Maybe I could tell it 'make this light exactly as bright as the light that's shining on that square' and it would at least be something. You have to take ore rocks and melt them, right? Catfolk magic must be really great for casting and doing things with hot metal. Do you make stuff, or just blocks of metal?"

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"Mm. We make sheets and wires and bars, and cast things, usually chain. Not blocks; they're not very useful and too heavy for an equartier. If you invent an efficient steel flame, yes, that would be fantastic, we could work it like glass, but all we really do now is melt the steel and slow the cooling enough to pour it."

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The mill looks as it did when Nico first arrived. Turbines, a huge block under a crucible, a table with rollers.

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"The air is heated in the block there. It's like the tube or book in a glassforge, and we call it a 'tube', but it's a lot longer and divided into three stages, where each stage heats its own air before burning it. The air won't rise through it by itself, so we push it with that turbine: through the first coil, in to the first stage of books, out through the first coil again" - he lays one hand on top of the other to show that the inward and outward tubes of the first coil run parallel to each other, in close contact but not joined - "then the same in the second and third stages. That turbine blows cold air through the walls of the crucible so it doesn't melt. That turbine only runs when we clean the melted steel by blowing air through it, or to feed a separate channel in the tube that leads to the rollers. That turbine runs air through a filter and blows on the slab to keep dirt away. Without it, there would be a draft towards the table.

Let's see, what else... the steel flame is inside the crucible, in a hole in the ore or a bubble in the molten metal, but it is very bright if you catch a glimpse! The stone tentacle is for a wolf to pull out the slag."

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"What makes a glass flame a glass flame and not an air flame? Starting with hotter air? Maybe we can make something with a really tiny hole and a bright light on the other side, and do experiments with light that way..."

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"That's the practical difference, yeah, but there must be something more, since a normal flame feels hotter than the air coming out of a jeweler's book, but doesn't make a glass flame." He demonstrates with two loose fists with fire inside his curled fingers; when he presses one on top of the other, the top flame gets longer and thinner, but stays the same color. "If I kept this going for a while, it think it would get a little hotter, if you could measure it precisely, but for a glass flame you need a solid tube or book, something that can store heat, and then heat the air - and whatever else it does that's different from the raw heat of the flame."

"You could focus the light even tighter then... oh, or use the hole as light source the color and brightness of a steel flame, but smaller and steadier than directly making a tiny steel flame."

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"Welcome, brother! What brings you to my shrine? I hope my crews are serving you diligently and knowledgeably."

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Abilanedi smirks. "Indeed they are! Judging by their speed, the first mine in Embal must have already half complete before I arrived!"

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How observant of him.

"Of course, my cheese-pie*."

* A reference to part two of The Ableton Ballad, in which the hero's mother sacrifices everything she has, piece by piece, to smooth his way, responding with this phrase whenever he discovers a plot of hers.

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"I am humbled by your affection."

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"I keep my promises."

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"Mm." He shrugs.

"So what's going on? I've heard you're keeping a new species in Kef. Or two. You won't let me visit, you're exceeding your own standards to keep me complacent in Embal, your werewolves freeze up when I ask. What happened to your 'Kef spirit' of 'free trade'?"

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"Are you here to attend my shrine or complain about the mess?"

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"Does your project benefit Sota?"

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"Mm. You're not going to be able to keep the secret long. My people will be coming through Kef, and staying put just as much as yours. If you're really benefiting Sota, can you possibly object to lifting the barriers between Kef and Embal?"

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The tengu approaches Nico. "Two questions. First, from the Magistrate: Given the current state of rumors in Kef, are you comfortable with allowing travelers to Embal to enter Kef? Second, from me: could you ensure that your alertness magic would only affect a single one of my bodies?"

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(The first few experiments they do don't seem especially promising. He wants to think of ways to do things without kaleid magic as much as possible- So he doesn't end up being the only link in any new inventions, and because information gained from his magic might not be reliable. While Nico thinks the concept of camera obscura is incredibly cool, it's not actually new to Ansaf, they have a decent understanding of optics and even some telescopes. Since prisms split light into its constituent colors, and do it in a particular order. they can get a big prism and split a bright light into all its colors on a long wall. When they do, it turns out that catfire emits bright and mostly even light, and Nico's lights (done naively) emit an extremely even mixture of all the visible colors. He can make them do all sorts of things, too, waves of bright and dim along the wall or a very precise band of a specific single color, but the default is a very even band.

However, when they don't shine catfire directly into the prism but instead put hot steel next to it, it has an odd sort of pattern, with what seem like spots that are distinctly brighter and darker than either side, and so do certain materials when you shine bright light on or through them. It's really hard to make out the pattern, but it does seem to be there! It's fun to shine bright lights through or onto things and look at the results. Leaves, thin yarn or cloth, hands, samples of metal, even thin stone... It's fun, and they can even write down the results if they mark down spots on the big wall! So does that mean that specific color is absorbed by leaves, and the colors right next to it aren't? Leaves don't absorb green, which doesn't make sense at all at first until you realize that something being green means green light is coming from it, and if green light is coming from the leaves it can't be absorbing it. Anyway, this sure seems like color is a thing-that-comes-in-amounts, like temperature!)

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"It will only affect a single body. Awakening is the body only, I remember learning about it in lessons. It is almost exactly like a drug. I don't know about Embal or what is safe. I mean, they're probably suspicious they can't come in right? So do you think it's more dangerous if they're suspicious or if they can come into Kef? I think there might be another Tomas somewhere, though..."

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"Very well, I would be willing to test the 'awakening' magic if you want, although I'm not interested enough to pay you for it.

I am confidant that I can protect you. In any case, I think isolation is necessary to have any hope of keeping yourself secret. Or was that a question for the Magistrate? ...She says isolation is expensive and ultimately damaging to Kef and her goals... people are already suspicious... Embal is more traditional and its Magistrate less reliable but you might prefer not being stuck in only one town."

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"I should be paying you for making sure it's safe in people not just mice, even though it very probably is, and telling me what you feel. Is this body tired right now? I don't want to be stuck in one town forever, and I don't know just how expensive it is to close Kef, especially because it's hard to measure. But it's probably pretty expensive."

And he still feels weird about other people doing complicated expensive things for him, or at least, about him. The Magistrate and Kef are buying Nico feeling safe with a guard and at least 10 money a day and so on.  It's not like he has to pay back everything Meikalani spends about him without him asking, but if he asks for extra stuff that's different. Keeping the whole town closed, longer than just the initial snap panic? Demanding big, complicated stuff happen just for him? ...No, not a great feeling. Being the focus of so much attention is so weird...

"...I want to see the sun again some time. But that is ir-rellevant right now. I can-not reasonably ask that Kef stay closed just because I am uncomfortable. I don't know a good way to say what a good reason to talk to me is. I don't want to be isolated but I also don't want everyone to run at me? I don't even know if they would or not, people in Kef are mostly used to me already and they mostly didn't go crazy when I was pretending I could just do sparkles..."

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"She says... It's hard to measure, because it doesn't actually cost much money now, but it deprives the people of Kef of the chance to establish habits of business with the travelers. It also costs goodwill. ...The people of Kef still mostly think you can only do sparkles. If they have suspicions about your and Lin's recovery, or Merta's recovery, they think it's another new species, hiding with the frogolds. I confirm that myself.

This body is not tired but" poof sleepy giant raven "that one is."

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Oh is that why he's fixated on making light.


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"Dealing with people who want to talk to you is a perfect task for an employee! I'd be best at screening ideas for projects and scheduling work for you, but you might also want someone to handle requests for charity and political shenanigans and that fluff... I wonder if the clerk who substituted for Merta is available or if Meika is keeping them? Overkill for ordinary scheduling, but if you need someone you can trust..."

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He reaches for the tired bird body and pokes it! It feels sort of like waking up in the morning, complete with a vague unpleasantness. A bit disconcerting in the moment, but leaving a lasting difference as it passes. And then a feeling of being wide awake and ready to go, sharp and alert.

"There. You are not supposed to actually skip sleep, just use it when you are about to work hard. I am still kind of scared but I don't think that's enough reason to keep people from visiting Kef."

"I don't think I trust many people... And I don't think I want to deal with charity and political things. That sounds so annoying. Mostly I want to learn things and practice things. I'm going to want to make more things much later, once I figure out my magic more. Heavy clothes and maybe a wagon and stuff like that. Oh, does anybody have ideas about how I could find some Lume? I don't know how it's made, but it's definitely a special metal, more common than silver but less common than iron. It's grey and dull before you charge it up with magic, and shiny and blue after that. I don't know why, but it's important for making complicated kaleid-magic items. More complicated ones than the fireplates."

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The awakened bird body shakes itself. "This body is very alert now, but was unusually disoriented for a moment when it woke up. I will report how it develops." It vanishes. "It is still alert after going into storage and emerging in my home territory."

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"I will collect samples of metals that might be Lume! What is your budget and deadline? Do you know any places on Scope that are known for making Lume, and what kind of land they have or what other metals or rocks they have?"

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"I think two hundred for now? I'm not in a hurry. I've heard that Kelos, Remii, Titan Crossing, Sky Lake, Old Faron, and the... The place where there were like ten wars... All have Lume, so it can't be that rare. It might be an alloy. Kelos has lots of white cliffs. Remii is a desert... A drybright except not, its rocks are yellow. Titan Crossing had rocks a lot like the ones here. I don't know about the other two."

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"Hmm. I'm not sure if that narrows it down... I'll make inquiries."

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Spy human man attempted kidnapping of target. Executed before I could question him. Fast thorough healing of unknown source. Plan let target relax contact again later. Target new friend catfolk j-a-k-e f-u-z-z-e-r s-t-i-r-l-i-n-g and tengu. Frogold town revealed in aqueduct.

Catfolk known loyal Kef. Await information tengu. Investigate frogold loyalty. Receive delivery on the 3rd of Calligrapher at point 3 miles towards plover H. Receive instructions.

Request delivery animals with known and unknown human breeding results. Purpose contact target.


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The original question was what happens when you put a catflame in a glass ball filled with air, exhalation, water vapor, buoyancy-of-rock, sewer miasma, or whatever else that Nico could learn to separate. And the answer was that it looks exactly the same.

But the light from each of these catflames is differently spiky when you spread it with a prism!

A strong glass ball can be truly empty, and then a catflame makes no light or heat at all. As you reduce the amount of air, the flame gets bigger and dimmer but its color spikes don't change. So the obvious question is what happens if you put more air in the ball - does the flame get smaller and brighter? A little bit, yes, but Lin can't force air into the ball very hard - even if she seals her lips with her fingers, the soft parts of her nose and throat can't hold much pressure.

And still, the total amount of light and heat produced by the catflame doesn't change.

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Maybe you can use different patterns of spikiness in light to figure out what things are made of. It doesn't seem especially practical, though, since it's hard to get fine detail and a powerful light and large dark room aren't exactly easy to carry around. Maybe you could use this method to tell real gold and silver from fakes and alloys? Or tell if things are contaminated by comparing what they're supposed to look like to how they actually look?

More air in a single space makes catfire a little bit denser, but not brighter... Is it how much air is there that does it? How heavy it is? (It's probably not how heavy it is, if exhalation looks exactly the same.) Tanno says burning things produces exhalation, so what happens if they put a little bit of plant fiber in a jar with catfire at the top, and then seal it and let the catfire burn the fiber? Is there more air in the sealed jar, exhalation combined with regular air, and that makes it brighter? He learns about how air works under pressure from experiments with Larian and then brainstorms ways ways to create high pressure with everyone- A little turbine, a steel one-way valve with a spring and a bellows, a tall water column with a hollow inside that bubbles can float up into, an attempt at an air pump as opposed to a water pump. It'll probably be somewhat expensive to actually try to build (or pay people to try to build) these, and to acquire a thick, tough glass jar to put catfire in and see if much more air makes it much denser, but it's interesting, so it's worth it.

Nico slowly starts coming out of his shell again, though he still mostly keeps to himself. He's still doing something almost all the time, even if 'something' is occasionally exercising a concerning amount and insisting that he's fine. The dancing practice, the weaving practice, reading and writing practice, he spends less and less time on any individual thing. He also remains suspicious and wary of people he doesn't already know at least passingly.

It's been months since he first appeared in Kef, and a few weeks now since he was attacked.

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Or if they had some Lume they could figure out what it's made out of!

It might be the weight of the air, actually - the flames aren't exactly the same size at the same pressure if you measure them carefully. And buoyancy of rock gives a much bigger more diffuse flame than the other kinds.

When the catfire burns the fiber, that actually makes the flame get bigger/dimmer.

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A werewolf they've not met finds Merta and Calsa's house and stands a polite ten feet from the door. "Approaching! Is Mr. Nico available?" He's wearing a red vest, a blue kilt, and a seven-pointed blue hat. "My lord Abilanedi of Embal would like to meet with him, either as a guest of Embal or in a location of his choosing in Kef."

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The high level of fanciness reminds Nico of stories about Baron Maxim. He saw the guy give a speech once, at a festival... He thinks. It's a vague and blurry memory. All that actually adds up to is 'very magistrate-y and leaning into it'.


"Is Embal interesting?" is the question he asks eventually. "If I go there I want to bring- Escort. If we meet here, we can use the rainbow room to talk. Also, what is this about?"

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"Embal is the premier drydark settlement - the deepest one ever, and the only one taking on the challenge of mining ice! The thrill of the frontier meets the rustic comfort of Archer's Tabard, and the most insightful thought-leaders of Sota gather here to stake their claim in the future metropolis!

My lord Abilanedi desires your most fascinating company! Hearing tales of your wondrous dancing with light, he is intrigued by your potential."

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That's a market stall voice. It's kind of funny.

...What else would be kind of funny, is to act a little magistrate-y right now.

"...I owe the beauty of the dancing to my teachers and assistants, but I'm glad to add curiosity to people! I will be happy to speak to Magistrate Abilandeni in the rainbow room. I'll ask Jake Fuzzer to schedule it, okay?"

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"Very well, sir."

(He doesn't know who that is.)

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Fortunately, Fuzzer is well-known in Kef and easy to find; always at home, work, or with Nico.

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And at the appointed time, Magistrate Abilanedi approaches with his entourage, dressed similarly but with thirteen points on his hat instead of seven. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Nico. My condolences that you couldn't safely visit Embal - woe upon the vermin that accosted you. In my pride I brought some delicacies for you so that I might at least be able to treat you with a whisshopper's mockery of the honor you deserve."

His staff bring out plates and warm them:

  • meat (some kind of bug) with mellow herbs
  • spicy rice mush
  • fried pickled vegetable sticks with minty leaves shredded on top
  • flatbread with cheese and coagulated blood
  • sweet grass and raisins
  • large eyeballs in an earthy vegetable sauce

"I am told you have quite a talent with your lights, Mr. Nico. What wonder will you be exhibiting next?"

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(He has made sure at least one of Lin, Calsa, or Mr. Fuzzer stays with him. (He's just not that close with Merta in comparison.) He hasn't bothered to dress up, though he did make sure to clean his cottons (which are steadily getting a bit more faded and worn out) specifically for this.)

(This whole thing feels pretty fake and - awkward? Risky somehow? He decided on a couple rules first:
He might reveal that he can heal since there's already rumors about a mysterious healer (and will probably start doing light special effects when he does heal, from now on, to sell the connection), but definitely not that he can also do yet more other magic.
He won't agree to anything ongoing right away, no matter how much of a good idea it sounds like.
He won't mention that he's from another world.)

"Mr. Abilanedi, this looks really delicious. Thank you. I- It's good to eat new kinds of things!"

He almost said he misses cheese, which would have been a mistake.

"But, I don't really want to be fancy and use a lot of words when few will do. After all, I have a lot to learn and being fancy just to be fancy feels silly. I know I'm special, I want to be special for ideas not just magic. And, I am doing a lot of things. Some of them are secret, and most of them aren't ready. The rainbow room is a good place to show one of them, though!"

He investigates all the food, and goes for the spicy rice mush first, taking a small portion. (He's not sure if whoever is with him for the meeting should have some too, whether it would be polite or not, so he gives them a questioning look.)

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Calsa and Fuzzer take food after Nico and dig in. The tengu stays in the background.

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"Of course, you're a busy kaleid. I like that!

I'll lift my cup, then. I want to introduce you to the artistic elite of Sota. I know you don't want to travel far, but actually that works perfectly, since now I have an excuse to tempt them to Embal! Benefit for both of us, how about that?"

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"I don't want to travel far, for now. That sounds like it could be a good idea. I do like showing off the results of practice, and I think Calsa does too." 

Spicy rice! Cheese! Fried things! He attempts to eat with decorum.

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He succeeds at eating with a similar level of decorum as the other guests. Abilanedi samples every dish with a long spoon and controlled movements, but doesn't eat more than that.

" ...a whisshopper theater, with capybara guards...

...saw the Imperial fire ballet, and even the third-hand memory was astonishing. Of course one doesn't talk about politics, but I hope someday to visit Lei myself, when that's possible again...

...attract our scientific focus to their magic, so that we ignore the non-magically super-human eyes right in front of us, of the tengu! There is a jeweler in Loneroof who has analyzed their shape and made a device out of glass that reveals all nine moons of Lacrimos to every passer-by...

...ever considered the architecture of museums? ...

...have talked long enough and must soothe your strained patience, my friend. What did you, in your talented calculations, choose to demonstrate for this occasion?"

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This magistrate likes to talk even more than he does. He tries to think of it as a lesson on talking to important people, instead of 'boring'. He tries to interject a couple of times but quickly gives up and just enjoys the food.

-Ooh, it's over! He can show off the rainbow!

"Why, the reason I call this place the rainbow room! Jake, are the samples still ready?"

Of course they are. There's a teensy bit of catfire in half a dozen pre prepared jars. He'll ask Jake to make them brighter, one by one, and shuts the extra thick shutters and pulls the cloth covers over them and then asks Jake to shine the jars through the narrow prism.

"Prisms spread light out into a line by color. So it seems clear enough that color comes in something like amounts, like water in a cup. And now we know, as you can see if you look closely, not all air shines the same! This spot right here remains darker than the rest- A color that catfire does not shine in! Or at least, that catfire in ordinary air does not shine in! It's different if you use exhalation-" Swap. "With different materials, the precise colors that fail to shine vary. We could use discoveries like this to measure colors, opening them to scientific inquiry, to find out more about what catfire and light truly are, and even to identify different materials when no other test is practical!"

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"Marvelous! And what do you say light really is? You will inspire such a debate among the intellectuals of Embal.

No better person to investigate light than a kaleid. And yet you are not even using your own light for this project! What colors do you shine?"

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"Uh... Blue used to be my favorite color, and I never liked red much. But I like green better lately, too. We don't know what light is, all we can do is more experiments to try and understand- Experiments do get expensive though."

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"Hah, funny artistic kaleid!"

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At the appointed time, Neffie slips out, keeping to a line through the dark between the courthouse beacon and the star plover H.

She plods along.The instructions just said 3 miles, no location more precise, so that if she gets caught, it's harder to apprehend the agent meeting her.

There's a rustle, and movement, and she sees a person with smooth shiny skin in the gloom. A butter-apple.

"May the stars light your steps, traveler!"

    "And may yours land firmly. I won't ask what brings you here; the drydark keeps many secrets."

Aha! "Hiii!" Hug! "Are you from the jungle? Are there new publications?"

    They flicker away from her, then stiffly allow the hug. "I'm from a bit darkward of the jungle, near Pethera. There's a new Freedom and lots of process papers - there's a list being kept for your return."

"How's the water in Pethera?" She sighs. "I love our country."

    Nod. "The water's holding out." They give her a bag of dice and a game board. "Soaked in hot water, the dice leach a flavorless poison. Use it only if Lei is about to secure a decisive victory. The top of the board slides - feel the pegs here? - and if you push sideways like this and keep sliding, there are insect eggs. One of them makes a wroth, three don't do anything, one isn't viable, and the others are unknown."

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"Thank you for meeting with me, Nico. I didn't want to talk about it in public, but I have an idea that might help humans. So, you can make your sparkles follow rules, right? I assume you could make them, say, go to locations a hundred feet above the water in the rock you're standing on. Could you make them show the shape that something had in the past or will have in the future? ...in particular, could you show the shape that a baby will have while it's still tiny and inside my body and doesn't have any magic yet that could hurt me?"

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"That sounds really complicated and difficult."

Green/white can probably do it. Well, maybe. Seeing how random things are going to grow up? That sounds hard! And complicated! Less like detecting water and more like predicting the weather, which is notoriously white-resistant.


"I think it probably would not work at all."

If it doesn't work, he doesn't have to think about babies and babies killing people.

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Uh oh, what was that hesitation? Did one of the other girls get him already, but he isn't sure and is upset about not being able to tell?

"Ah, well, better try and burn than nought e'er learn.

Anyway, wow, you're moving up in the world, kid! You have a clerk with a heavy brow and everything. Any shows coming up?"

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"No, I've been doing experiments about light."

Isn't Neffie scared?

"I heard that new kinds of babies kill people. I don't want to get it wrong and kill anyone. I'm sorry. I'd be so sad to be scared of my only magic."

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"You mean, you don't want to say that a baby is safe and then it isn't? Or, like, you don't want to encourage experimentation by promising safety and then more women will die overall? That's their choice, not yours.

That saying - better try and burn than nought e'er learn - has the literal meaning too. We revere the catmother as much as they do. Without her, Kef wouldn't exist, Embal wouldn't, Calsa and your clerk... It would be a smaller sadder world without catfolk, and this world is itself a smaller sadder version of what might be when the next species is added.

I want there to be people of all types living with freedom and joy everywhere they can possibly be. With all sorts of useful magic to bring new things like the Kef experiment and the steel it depends on, and shatter the old ways of dons and personal favors from Magistrates. That's what human women are for. That's how we beat the elv- the shrinking chartreuse and the drydark and drybright and the other planets!

Oh, you're a polythaumist? You divide magic into multiple pieces per species? Like that catfolk make fire and tolerate fire, but those pieces could have been separate? And, I don't know, wolfbeasts, and mind-reading without understanding, and equartier strength being the same as boark strength. What does that even mean, 'could' have been separate; that's just what catfolk do, that's how the world works."

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"Uh, sorry. I've bothered you enough, you don't want to hear my rambling.

I'd be happy to hear from you if you need me to sing again, or anything else I can do."

Neffie leaves.

She decides to keep the wroth she's pregnant with, in case Nico wants to look at it later. There's a risk of wasting a chance to touch him for a minute, if she visits him still pregnant. But, patience, patience.

Huh, he's a funny sort of polythaumist if he considers human women to have only one kind of magic. Usually they say that there are at least three: breeding the target, making new species, and making the baby grow like a regular baby with traits from the mother and able to breathe from the placenta. And sometimes they also separate out targeting by touch and triggering off the mother's physiological state.

It sounded like he thought of himself as having multiple kinds of magic? What can he do with his sparkles that's so much more flexible that what a human woman can do? Well actually that's obvious: he can make sparkles with conscious attention and he can also give them rules to follow by themselves. Can he also have the rules without the sparkles? Does he have a mental space like a drider, filled with rules? What can he sense, and without any sparkles to show that he's looking? Can his rules interact with his memories? He's like a wroth and a drider and a solitary elph all put together!

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"Sorry, some ideas don't work. I will keep you in mind and think about everything you said," Is the last thing he says, looking serious and thoughtful.

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Every kitten has tried putting a flame in water. It doesn't look like a flame, just flashes of light and heaving bubbles, but it does do something. Unlike, say, with rock or glass, which can be an anchor for a flame but can't contain a flame.

In an enclosed glass ball filled with water, the light flashes in a spot flat against the anchor - and the ball explodes. The light is still almost exactly the same color as in all the other experiments, and it looks like about the same total amount of light...

If, in the search for a sturdier enclosure, Nico tries one much smaller, the size of an eyeball, and allots a little black to hold it firm, then the light swells to a brilliant white, far brighter than one catfolk's usual output. With less total heat, although the glass is hot enough to melt if not for the black.

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Yay! It's so bright! It's absolutely not viable for anything more than experiments, because the cost to his magic is pretty steep, but it is VERY EXCITING. Are the colors different? Just HOW much brighter is it? All of these things are things they can attempt to measure later.

The real question is, why is it so bright? What's different? Is it because it's in a sealed liquid? Maybe LAVA will glow just as brightly if they do it right.

And he gets a new point around this time too. Science! Magic! Learning!

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Tanno's weekly reports on Nico have been largely unremarkable, and slowly declining in detail. He's studying light still. And algebra. Reading more complicated books, and the basics of writing and literature analysis. The water cycle, and how to estimate things. Mouse and insect biology, and more genetics. Accounting. They've tried filling a room with concentrated exhalation, and as long as it's also very bright, it does make plants grow faster. Slightly. But it's kind of hazardous and impractical, since only kappas can safely go down unless they rig up some complicated tube bringing in fresh air... Anyway.

Not so many new kinds of magic, just practice and development with the kinds he already knows. He's built some kind of clock out of white magic, and has been talked out of various inadvisable flying and wagon related magic experiments.

Also, they've had a breakthrough with one of the plants! A new strain of Golden Sweetgrass Wheat, which has long been bred in the Chartreuse, now grows in the freezing cold of the drydark acceptably well. Slowly, but that's expected. And about half of the seeds are sterile, but that's also expected for complicated genetics reasons. They're confident it can be worked around in time. Five or ten generations, which under drakebreath will be about two, maybe three deci-years. The end result should be a staple wheat crop that grows better than the current ones and is remarkably sweet.



Distinctly not mentioned to the Magistrate: Nico asked several times about just how dangerous pregnancy is. And could obviously tell that Tanno and Larian were being a bit cagy about the subject.

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The unevenness of color is the same as in the flashes of light from a catflame in open water, but overall there's a greater proportion of blue and green. It's such a concentrated intense light that it's hard to look at, but when spilling it across the floor of the rainbow room though a small hole, it dwindles into invisibility at two or three times the distance, with the exact ratio depending on the species of observer.

The biggest increase is in blue, which wasn't present in regular catfire at all. The brightest point now, to Nico's vision, is a green that's about twice as bright. The brightest color from before, red, is slightly brighter now.

Letting a little air into the ball has no discernable effect on the color or brightness, for any of the available kinds of air. Calsa's color powders work fine.

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Tanno's reports are always a joy.

Could they bury the chambers of concentrated exhalation just under the surface so a frogold could reach up for fresh air? (The frogold she asks says sure, but being in a chamber of concentrated exhalation is very unpleasant, like suffocating over their entire body.)

Complicated genetics reasons? She doesn't have memories to explain that part, but whatever, she's not a scientist. Her job as owner of the enterprises of Kef is to choose scientists and prepare for them to get lucky. And her job as Magistrate, as she has set for herself, is to provide a stable environment for other people to own enterprises, other people who may individually lack the flexibility and depth of knowledge of an elph, but who as a group have diverse expertise, and, as a group, can replace a number of elves that would be suspicious to gather in a town the size of Kef. (Not illegal, if they're not in government and her superiors could be convinced that owning a large private enterprise is not a government position, but then the law might change to count that towards the quota anyway, so it's better to avoid that whole path.)

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The tengu reports that the alertness worked fine. Extended storage delayed it wearing off, "so I could keep a body with it in storage if I needed to be sure of having one that's perfectly alert, but I already have plenty of alert bodies. Maybe there's a more useful temporary effect that I could save for the right moment?

It occurred to me to ask: does your magic allow you to recognize me or my individual bodies? Would you like me to dedicate a set of them as your guards, possibly marked by you on some way? Then you could be absolutely sure that it's me and not some other invading tengu. My apologies for not thinking of this sooner; legbeasts can hardly ever recognize tengu."

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He will harmlessly mark the Tengu guard since they're offering- A change to some of their already-grown feathers that he'll be able to feel, not anything more innate.

Nico is getting more and more used to the place. His paranoia gradually dials down, but nowhere near to zero. They keep working on the cat-light- They need a transparent material that can survive heat and pressure without bursting, and doesn't rely on his black charges. Diamond, maybe? Or some other gemstone? He tries various things with red and black, attempting to make gems. It doesn't go anywhere for the first while.

Time passes. He spars with and talks to and eats with and hugs and learns from his newfound community.

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Lenora has done as much preparation as she dares. Every day she gets more worried that Nico... Won't be there to find, when she burns her magic. She's getting more frazzled and distracted, not better prepared. People are noticing. Her ma, and her brothers...

They're gonna miss her. But she has to do this. She has to go help poor Nico, who she couldn't shield from the bullies before.

And she wants an adventure away from Gale Rocks. No joining a wagon caravan. No going on a ship. Just stay with the healers, or the temples, or the forest play camp. You're a kid, and so you don't get to make decisions.

They can't stop her from burning her magic. It's still a terrible idea... But she's going to do it anyway.

They try to stop her from drawing out her animal self. It's too early, they say, too soon. She just does it herself- Working on her eyes, on her muscles, on her skin, on her lungs. All the clever little things that natural selection did for animals, borrowed for herself. It makes her a little sick where she gets it wrong, and things interfere with each other, but she feels what's wrong and fixes it. The effort gives her more green magic, even!

There's a huge screaming fit when they notice, and her parents look really worried and try to get her to tell them what she's thinking. They say they love her a lot. It's going to make it harder to leave. Maybe she'll come back one day.

She has a big backpack full of Stuff. Medicine and seeds in little cloudy glass jars, and food and blankets and spare clothes, and Lume and books and three knives and a bow and some arrows, and a lantern and rope and canteens with water, and a head and body full of Green magic. Eyes of a hawk, gecko sticking pads on her hands and feet, a heat-sense and a deep understanding of her own muscles and bones and organs.

She writes a note. It's... Messy. And contains a lot of apologies. She tries to explain, how she'd feel terrible forever if she didn't do this.

And then-

In the middle of the night, all dressed up and wearing her backpack and holding her biggest knife, which is almost like a sword on her small frame-

White magic: Find Nico. Here are all the traces of him, his home and his parents and his toys and his hair and his friend. Wherever he is, find him, know that place.

Blue magic: A much simpler request. Make me be there.

Deep breath.


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There's a girl in his experiment room! He shouts in shock and shoves her with telekinesis!

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"Nico! I am here to rescue- Oof!"

She doesn't drop her sword knife but only because of the gecko pads.

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"....Lenora???? You-"

It takes a moment to switch languages.

"What are you DOING here?"

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She shakes her head to recover.

"Like I said, I'm here to rescue you!"

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"I don't want or need rescuing!"

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Three tengu bodies slam between the two of them. "Who is this?"

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She jumps into a fighting pose!

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"Stop stop STOP! Lenora, don't hurt them!"


*Italics = Nico's native language.

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...Sword knife goes back in sheath?

"You're really okay, Nico?"

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"I don't need rescuing! I didn't say I was okay. And now you're stuck here too!" Huff.

"She is Lenora. She is a Kaleid, except she followed me for some reason!" Glare!

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"Nope. I'm not stuck here. I'm on an adventure! To find my friend, who probably had a good reason to run away."

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The tengu poofs away until one body remains, watching Lenora curiously.

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"He's gonna tell the magistrate about you."

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"Is the magistrate evil? Do you need help?"

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"No! And no. You burnt magic to get here though?"

She nods.

"There's all sorts of kinds of people here. Not just animal-souls, whole different species. And each one only has, like, one or two kinds of magic. Also the planet doesn't spin and it's night forever, here. They're trying their best but I don't like it here that much."

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"That sounds amazing! What kinds of magic? How did you make that rainbow on the wall? Can I hug you since I'm glad you're okay?"

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"-That's cat fire. The cat people can make fire, that's their magic. We're shining it through a prism and trying to make it brighter. They don't need to spend points on it either."

He doesn't say anything about the hug.

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"Cat fire! What kind of person is this - is he your new dad? Do you need healing? I studied medicine a lot to prepare for my quest. I have a book and some seeds and other tools too!"

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"No. He's a guard, since there's only one Kaleid here right now! And someone tried to kill me. It hurt. A lot. But I got better and they executed him... Two Kaleids here, I guess. Oh, you're really good at green magic, right?"

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"Executed! Oh no... I'm the very best. Everyone else thinks it's so hard, but you just have to... SEE it all at once. I did all my own detail work!"

She shows off and brags about her altered body to Nico, who is honestly kind of fascinated. Her eyes are different, her hands are sticky, her skin is unusually stretchy and tough (and Nico only barely hesitates to touch her), and she's double jointed.

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Nico explains the situation to Jake Fuzzer and the Tengu and drags her into reporting catfire observations with those extremely optimized eyes!!! There is SCIENCE to be done!

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Uh sure okay?? She will stare at little dark lines? (And set her backpack down in a corner if it's not going to be needed right away.)

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They can learn so many cool things together! Maybe Nico will even forget about how he DOESN'T NEED RESCUING with enough Kaleid assistance with his ideas! He spends some time describing how he had to learn to fix eyes, and how it's stupid that attacking with chemicals isn't the same thing as disinuria-

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That's a pretty scary story and a pretty scary law! Nico trying to horrify her with bad things that can happen makes her want to hug him more, not less, so his plan backfires!

Disinuria seems stupid, especially because it seems to exclude weapons. Why is it different from murder? Lots of things about her are unique traits!

Also! He clearly DOES need rescuing or at least guarding since he was BLINDED by someone trying to KIDNAP him!

Would Nico like her to check his eyes and see if he did it wrong? Or have superior eyes like hers? She has all her green for the day!

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Right. Lenora is a Green prodigy. And that singer, Neffie, was thinking about some pretty scary and dangerous things. Maybe Lenora has any idea how to check if it's safe, unlike him? Also, she's a girl so maybe it will be less weird for her to think about.

(Pregnancy kind of freaks him out. He's aware that this is stupid. However, consider: Being the person responsible for a mouse is already very stressful. He absolutely could not stand being the person responsible for a whole BABY, even very indirectly.)

"...There's a species called humans here. The boy humans don't get any magic, and the girl humans can try to make new species, but this kills them sometimes. When the baby is too wrong, I think. Someone asked me if you could use green magic to check if it was going to kill them right away, before the baby is big. I didn't know but maybe you will."

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"Maybe I will. I don't know everything though. And why are you so pale huh? Typical boy, doesn't like talking about babies."

Nico shakes his head in denial. 

"Babies babies babies!"

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"I'm never having a baby. Never ever. No way."

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"Plants have babies and you helped with that! It's just nature. Just green. Selection of the fittest."

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"Plants aren't smart," Nico rejoinders. "Maybe smarter than you though!"

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"Your taunts are all tapped out, Nico."

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"I don't care. I'm just not. I can't- I can't even think about it without wanting to run away. My dad is evil. What if I inherit that??"

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"Yeah, your dad is kind of evil. I don't think 'evil' is a single-gene trait, Nico. It's gotta be epigenetic if anything! Or whatever it's called when you can just, uh, decide to not be evil."

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"It's not that easy. I'm scared all the time. And the magistrate really wants me to like her so I let the humans make more Kaleid but I can't, and she knows that so she's just waiting until I grow up because Dad said I'd better not have a baby when I'm a teenager so probably teenagers want babies but I don't want to want that so she's being super super nice and assigning me a guard and things and being patient but I know she wants Kaleids but I can't just run away, I'd freeze to death and starve, and anyway I can't tell if she's secretly evil!"

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"Nico, slow down! Take deep breaths please! That was way too fast. And like, confusing."

Does he not know about sex? No, she remembers he does, from some of the conversations before he vanished. It's hard not to learn it when you're near farms and get taught about biology.

...Does he not know about puberty? It'd be just like that mean lumberjack to not explain it at all, really...

"...So, the magistrate is being nice. Because she wants Kaleids to work for her? Kaleids like you? So maybe she wants you to work for her even if there's never going to be any babies."

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(Nico.exe is rebooting.)

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She thinks about what he said some more.

"I think you really could use a hug. You- Are you afraid of touching people? Because they might be secretly human? And have a magic baby? Can they do it just from touch?"

Nico shakily nods.

"Oh...Kay. That's different. And magic. But you know I'm me, and not a 'human', right? And I really want to hug you right now. Please?"


Nico crosses his arms, but nods. So Lenora hugs him. And stands there and hugs a bit more. And then releases him and steps back.

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"New kinds of magic are really really valuable. Everyone seems to think so. They- They try to have a few of every kind that works, I think. And - our magic can do anything. Just not very much of anything. Gale Rocks was used to that. We had rules about not burning for revenge and stuff. Everyone knows how you get points and how to exercise them. I think the flexibility is really scary, because you can never know what we'll do next. And maybe I should be the only one ever on this planet. But you followed me. I have no idea why."

"To rescue you."

"That doesn't make sense... Ugh. But that means more people might follow eventually."

"I don't think so. But I can't rule it out, I guess..."

"I thought, even when I figured out what all old people do with green, to keep myself hearty for longer, it'd be- Hundreds of years? But not forever. And I could just be, alone until then, and not wreck everything. 'Cause there's gonna be Kaleid who burn their magic to kill everyone else, if there are any but me. People are mostly evil."

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"No, I'm pretty sure people are mostly good. Most people like helping their friends or their families or their neighbors, or at least someone. Just... Not very good. What you need to do is teach well and make laws about not burning points for destruction. Like- Okay, some of the laws for malice-burning sound really evil if you don't know what they're punishment for. Torture, and erasing your name, and stuff like that? That sounds evil, right? But it keeps people from blowing everything up. We'll never burn points maliciously, because we know it's a... What's the word... Negative feedback loop? I think it'd be okay if there were more Kaleid if you made sure to make those kinds of laws. And Kaleid are really useful. I mean, if there aren't green casters here, don't people sometimes die of bad hearts and things? That's the number one most common thing doctors treat, and number two is cancer."

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"There's only me, and I'm not a doctor."

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"Nico. I just realized something. There's me now. I'm not officially a doctor but I bet I can figure most of the rest out, and learn over time. It's not just you and me we'd have to heal. How many people are in the world? Millions? That's a million people who could use a green doctor to live healthier and longer. Do you know how many people live in Gale Rocks? A few thousand maybe? We could save the lives of everyone we ever met... A thousand times over, in however many years, when there are lots of grandbabies. Oh stars and colors. I- I have to do it. I gotta be a mom."

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"That's why I wasn't thinking about it. I hate it. I hate being - I hate having to- Do the right thing, the thing I hate, because it's what you're supposed to do. It's so important that there be Kaleid babies and I be a big brother to them and teach them. It's more important than anything else I do or invent. It means I don't matter, I just-"

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"I don't like it either but... I'm gonna do it. So you don't have to. It doesn't matter if you do or not anymore. 'Cause I will. Unless you're gonna stop me?"

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He just shakes his head.

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"See? I got to rescue you after all! Just from having babies, instead of monsters."

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He tries to laugh, but it's more like a choke.

Lenora swoops in and fixes everything, huh?



"...We would like to talk to the magistrate," he tells his Tengu guard, feeling oddly floaty.

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The tengu nods... "She welcomes you to her town, miss kaleid Lenora, and offers you the same promises she made to Nico."

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"You are officially welcomed. He's talking to the magistrate too right now."

"Neat magic. And yay?"

"-Maybe in person. Lenora wants to talk about babies."

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If she fetches all the human women it will look suspicious. How about she fetches one of them, the one Nico knows, and hm, is Larian awake? - it's fine if she's not, what matters is that she was invited - and Merta, and of course Fuzzer will come along with the kaleids. Conveniently, Quiet Pavel isn't available.

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Larian is not awake.

Just say it. It's not any harder to say just because all these important(?) people are listening.

"My friend Lenora has come from our home, Gale Rocks. She thinks it would be good for Ansaf if there are more Kaleid."

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She waves!

(She looks pretty distinct from Nico, even ignoring skin color. Her eyes are almost avian. Her child-sized frame is corded with unusual muscle. Something about her posture is different. Her palms are textured.)

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Ah, an adult kaleid, or a child who looks odd enough that it would be a totally understandable mistake to think she's an adult?

"Any employable number of kaleids would be welcome in Kef, and of course all may pass through to other towns."

Lenora can be the one to raise the topic.

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Neffie arrives, slips out to gulp an abortifacient, and... walks back in normally. It's actually nothing to hide.

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"A skilled practitioner of green Kaleid magic can treat most symptoms of senescence. I don't have a full doctor's education but I am considered a green prodigy. I consider it a moral obligation to permit this service to, in time, be available to more people. I'm not gonna have a baby with Nico, since he doesn't want that, but I understand there's magic that can let people have babies with me."

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He translates this with a couple word substitutions. And tries not to have feelings about it.

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"There is. Kef will reward anyone who bears or raises a kaleid here, up to a limit, with a reward for you as well, or any other kaleid target."

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"Are you enough of a doctor to ensure that the attempt will be safe for the mother?" Hopefully yes, to reassure Nico, although Neffie herself will be giving birth far away, unable to benefit from Lenora's treatment, and doesn't care about the risk.

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"How do you want to choose the dams and parents?"

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"If distinct." Human mothers raise their own babies, kitty.

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"I'm not gonna make stuff up but I did all my alterations myself. I had another four years of school left in the usual doctoring track. But all the doctors at home said I am really good. I was trusted by doctors to treat people unsupervised, and I have diagnosed things that fully trained doctors missed before, and I helped birth goats on farms that raised animals. I'm really confident that, especially with regular checkups, I can tell if a baby is going to hurt someone.

-So, the thing is, do you all know how Nico and I got here? Kaleid magic can be really dangerous and it is very taboo to use it in certain ways. I think we treat it as seriously as you treat disinuria. Maybe worse. I think it'll cause problems if baby Kaleid don't know how to generate and exercise their magic, and the common sense and rules that Kaleid use to make sense of it. I think it's probably going to be for the best if I'm around any baby Kaleid, maybe not as a parent but as a teacher."

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He translates the first part and hesitates about the second.

"-There's a way to do magic that Kaleid consider really really bad. Disinuria and war crime kind of bad. It should probably be a law that you can't do that if disinuria does not already cover it. And Lenora says it might be hard for Kaleid to learn to use their magic without her teaching them."

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As bad as disiniuria or breaking a treaty? Something that hurts non-kaleids?

"That is grave. I expect a law can be passed throughout the Alliance and in the Lei Empire." The areas ruled by elves.

"It's easier if there's only one area to secure. Do you know where you want to be? I recommend that you not settle in the chartreuse. I would benefit from your presence in Kef or Embal or a new town nearby, and I hope that the Kef spirit will accommodate your unprecedented needs better than a more traditional town."

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Elves! The first Freedom is the Freedom to live. If Kaleid magic has a way to, like, conjure a mouthful of water at the cost of permanently shrinking the chartreuse, that is obviously a bad idea and so they will not do it!

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Translating translating-

"Why are you asking ME? I don't know what any of these places are like. Didn't you say Kef is a different town than how most are run?"

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"Yeah. I'm not sure I want ANY town... I miss the sun. I want a lot of things and I can't have most of them. And anyway where Kaleid grow up is more important than what I want actually."

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"I don't know how governments work. I'm older than you but I'm still a kid. I just know we want malice burning to be unthinkable. But risking that happening once in a while is probably worth it, for all the ways Kaleid can help."

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"I haven't really been anywhere except Kef... I don't think everyone is lying though."

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"...If I stay around to teach the babies you don't have to."

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"Maybe I will leave later. I want to see places. I just am too little. You're okay with anywhere?"

A sharp nod from Lenora.

"She is okay with anywhere. So probably staying in Kef. The problem is - the same way we got here. Kaleid can 'burn' their magic and do really big things, but lose part of it forever when they do that. It is really terrible to do this to hurt people or do it in a war. You're only allowed to do it to help people or yourself. Because if everyone burned up their magic to hurt each other, everyone would die or the last few tens of people would inherit a world of ash. At home if you break that law they will torture you as punishment and maybe other horrible things too."

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"Kef welcomes you, then.

What if the other side in the war does it first?"

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"I don't know.

Lenora, do you know what happens if a country burns magic in war?"

"Uhh..." Lenora scratches her head, thinking hard. "I think all the old continent countries are in big alliances to attack anyone they can prove did it. And there's rules about what counts, like healing soldiers doesn't count even if they go back to fighting and making roads doesn't count but teleporting soldiers to a battlefield does... And it's just evil. You're- It's a betrayal of the five pillars."

"...It is a strong religious belief that you can't. It's what accidentally created the dragons we think and those kill people all the time. And there were treaties and alliances saying everyone will attack the person who does it first. And defining what is acceptable use of burning magic and not. Like healing soldiers who will probably go fight more is okay, but teleporting soldiers somewhere so they can fight isn't."

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"Okay. We can keep treaties like that."

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"I can be ready to breed in ten minutes, if there's no reason to wait?"

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"I thought you were maybe going to try some insects with unknown results? Lenora can probably help with that too!"

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"What are they saying?"

"We're talking about treaties and plans. That's Neffie who I told you about."

"She looks... Normal. Well, foreign, but normal. It's weird to think about! I guess we don't need to rush? Just don't stall too much."

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"You want more kaleids? Copying a species that's already people always works, and the human gestation period is really long. I can explore drydark insects later, when there is more green kaleid magic to spare."

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"She's giving up on the unknown bugs because Kaleids are more important," Nico says.

Lenora shoots her a grin and a thumbs-up! And holds out her hand.

"Ten minutes," Nico says. And Lenora shrugs and drops her hand.

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"We'll need a screen."

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Merta gathers unnecessary furniture.

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"Tengu, fetch Tamane the geologist and Charka the weaver."

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Keep smiling, of course that's totally fine. She is preventing Democracy from being trampled. Forget about gaining a decisive advantage; that was impossible as soon as Lenora arrived, right? She didn't somehow squander an opportunity?

As soon as she leaves, they'll just breed more kaleids, so being the only mother would only be worth a year and a half headstart.

Does she even want to leave Kef? It might be better to stay and be a subtle influence on Nico. Actually she has to stay to hear the lessons on using kaleid magic! Having a group of kids might even make it easier. She can help with the classes. She should start doing jobs watching children now to help get that position. Maybe she can pitch a children's choir as good for learning discipline. And then actually teach freedom and creativity. Yeah!

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The screen is weird. Maybe it's traditional? Or the magic does have something to do with sex after all, so it's natural to be shy? Whatever. She will go along with it. Neffie seems a little tense. But then again, a baby is a big deal.

"You should teach me this language when we have more time," She says to Nico. "I brought you a book, and seeds, and some Lume, too."

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Neffie goes behind the screen and reaches her hand through the gap.

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"What science are you planning next, Nico?"

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"Lenora brought seeds and books from home! And Lume. It's a kind of metal. You need it for some Kaleid magic and I don't know why. Maybe the book will say."

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Uhhh... Tap?

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Neffie grabs her hand. "It will take a minute."

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"Ooh nice, what kind of seeds?"

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"A sample of Lume! Excellent."

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She has cloudbloom, and tomato, and coffee, and alfalfa, and almonds, and oilweed, and a potato starter, and maize, and peach, and strawberries, and lemongrass, and chilies, and a bunch of others and will chat about them excitably with Nico translating!

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Excited chatting!

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"All done."

As far as anyone can hear or smell, Neffie did nothing at all but it was somehow strenuous.

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"Nico ask if Neffie wants me to check if it will be safe. You're supposed to ask first."

Nico makes a bit of a face but repeats this.

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"...It's fine. It's rare to have issues before a year."

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If she says so. Shrug. 

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"So... What now?"

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That went better than she expected. 


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"Science! There is so much to learn! Lenora, you have GOT to meet Tanno and Larian, and we can plant those seeds, and figure out what Lume is made of and-"