Hungover as fuck, that's how it's going.
Eadmund of Cold Comfort has just woken up. He is sitting in the dirt, and looking at the hateful blasphemy in the sky, and thinking that thought that only blackout drunks and particularly irresponsible Excrucians can have: did I do that?
Okay, Eddin, let's backtrack. Reconstruct. What happened, and why is there now a hateful blasphemy in the sky of this otherwise inoffensive world?
This would be easier if he didn't have a blinding headache. He starts trudging towards a coastal village, on the assumption they'll have potable water somewhere.
He was in the throes of Infection. Never a good start. Things start getting very psychedelic when he's in an Infection state; temptations that he can't even really perceive, things he doesn't know he wants. He's a walking time bomb when it gets that bad.
He... went traveling, through the void. He landed in... a seraglio? It seemed like a seraglio. He talked to a nice girl... a nice boy? A lot of people look like boys when he's in Infection. A nice person, wearing too few clothes, who was very worried for him. Somebody else was saying He wouldn't hurt a child, but the person wasn't convinced, said they'd seen Him do worse.
He doesn't really remember from there, but he suspects he was tempted into drastic action. Probably against whoever He was.
Who explodes when they die, he thinks, hypocritically.
The coastal village approaches. He squares his shoulders and tries to squint less. (It draws attention to where his eyes aren't.)