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Space amaliens (try to) recruit Samaria
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"Peacefully yes, equitably no? They have a priest like social role, reinforced by the fact that they when they ask god for something the ship can actually answer."


"Huh. Why is it set up like that, do you know?"


"Not sure, a combination of religious principles and desire to avoid war seems to have driven most of their decisions."


"Surely their original religious principles didn't involve worshiping a spaceship?"


"Presumably, I suppose it's possible they weren't religious at a ll and invented it wholecloth for some reason."


"It must have been an interesting history. Did you ask Isabella about... anything... besides whether you could have a gene sample."


"We chatted a bit about the differences between her home planet and another species we encountered but a lot of our conversations ran into awkwardness around how her god was actually a ship. She was pretty clearly un-comfortable when that came up and so I guess I avoided asking too much about her back-ground in general?"


"I can see how that might have damaged your rapport."



"You know what's up with your matching faces? I have a bunch of ideas of how it could have happened but none of them seem particularly likely."


"I have no ideas whatever. What are yours?"


"Uh, in no particular order: gen-uine coincidence, transporter accident, you are her from the future, the Federation is secretly experimenting with cloning and you escaped, the ship  on her planet is making angel copies of people, you're a low level shapeshifter, or she has reality warping powers and wanted someone like her to be around."

"None of these are very convincing if I'm being honest."


"I can see why you said none of them were particularly likely, and of course from my perspective most of them are even less so than from yours."


"Mhm. Most of them do involve something being up with you in particular, since she's already in an unusual circumstance with being an ambassador for her species, and there isn't anything obviously unusual about your background except for this, so it would make more sense for someone to have singled out her as a person to copy or mimic than the other way around."


"You can look up my records if you want."


"Probably will, yeah."

"Uh, do you have any other questions for me?"


"No, but thank you for your time."


Lucien gives Isabella space for the next few days, catching up on what's going on with the war and the logistical issues with supply runs to other places he's contacted previously and such.


First Officer Graft will eventually stop by Isabella's table during lunch to let her know there's an open mic night coming up, it's common for people to show off things that are culturally important to them when they're from newer planets. 

"I'm going to be signing up myself to do a soliloquy."


"Oh! I'd be happy to sing if people would like that."


"Yeah that's just the sort of thing people tend to enjoy for open mic nights. Is singing a big deal in your culture?" Graft asks, remembering Lucien's logs mentioning something about music.

Graft is 8 feet tall, has rather muscular arms, breasts, pointy elbows, and two main horns on his head as well as two smaller ones farther back on his head. His eyes are small for his face and each of his fingers has an extra joint.


"Yes, especially for angels. Though I suppose a prayer might not be... ideal. I'll have to think about what to perform instead."


"Mmm. I doubt people will mind though I can imagine why you would?"


"I suppose I don't actually know much about how people who don't believe Jovah watches over them usually react to hymns saying he does."


"Lots of planets have religions and lots of religions have songs, it's a pretty common choice. So long as the music is nice people won't mind at all I expect."


"Then I guess if I can't think of a better one I'll go with my usual favorite - uh, how long should the piece be?"


"One to ten minutes?"

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