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Space amaliens (try to) recruit Samaria

With a twinkle, a new star shines in the sky above Samaria as Starship Bridget exits warp nearby. Long range scans unveiled signs of advanced technology, even weapons, in this region of space, prompting the visit. Up close... the region is oddly barren. Except for one planet.

The starship approaches, settling into orbit around the planet.

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There is one other spaceship, not quite geostationary but making a pretty leisurely tour of the space over the larger of the two continents on the planet in question.


The other starship is hailed.


It does not respond to this in any way.



Anyone on the planet want to respond to hails?


Still no!



They'll take a moment to scan the ship for any life signs, and the planet for any radio or television. 


The ship has plant life and unicellular organisms aboard.

Planet has only a tiny, tiny bit of radio; maybe they invented it last week?


This planet has a very confusing amount of development. That ship is actually really sophisticated!

Well, they can use the default low tech first contact protocol for now, and ask about the ship later.

Major population centers/obvious seats of government? 


There are some cities - for a low-density value of "cities". The biggest ones are all on the eastern of the two big rivers that cross the continent roughly north-to-south. There's one at the estuary where the buildings are practically all blue.


Blue city seems most likely to be a seat of government given it's uniqueness...


The handbook says that the standard procedure for low tech first contact is to land your entire ship on the planet, if that's doable, to make more obvious that you are from a high tech civ - speeding up what is typically a month or two process of giving the planet all the useful tech info, advice, and a basic resources boost (as well as marking them for future supply drop offs). 

However, this planet has a giant fairly high tech spaceship nearby, which indicates that they could be important allies (or dangerous enemies). 

Lucien (captain of Starship Bridget) does not like deviating from what the handbook says this early on in a mission. Especially considering that he wrote most of the handbook when he was feeling anxious about having to make lots of decisions as a captain and wanted to have clear pro-cedures written down about what he was gonna do! And then, instead of just being there and relaxing for him, President Sierra read it and promoted him and gave him a job where he had to go out and be away from the main fleet! ... he's actually sort of happy about that since the main fleet is fighting a lot and helping people is nicer and he does feel like he is being more useful in this role but. It's still really stressful.


Anyways, he's going to take a shuttle down to the surface (which is what you do for a high tech civ) along with his chief of security and a science officer.


The blue city has open-air markets and the high proportion of surrounding farmland that suggests they're pretty low tech and some lively low tech ports. It has a pretty clock - mechanical - and tiles in the main square in various blues and the buildings are almost all made of the same blue stone, apparently from that quarry over there if he's looking.

People do not seem to be expecting a shuttle to land and there's some scurrying around and panicking. Everybody on the surface looks like a human, except by the time he lands, someone has scared up an angel, watching him descend from the roof of a building, ready to take off if that looks like it might help at all with anything.


Lucien and co-exit the shuttle. Universal translation (with Cryptophasia helping) is working. He addresses the angel:

"Hello! I'm Captain Lucien of the Starship Bridget of the Amalien Alliance. I'm looking for a representative of this planet."





"I'm the angel Nehemiah," says the angel. "The Archangel Linus rules out of Monteverde."


"Would it be possible for you to show us where that is on a map?"

(He inwardly smiles at successfully pro-nouncing possible without any pauses. It's a hard one for amaliens.)


"...yes, I could."


A data pad with a map of the globe can be provided if the angel doesn't have one handy.


The angel is pretty confused by the picture, since they don't have cameras, but the angel can also fly and knows what Monteverde looks like from the air. It's on pretty much the other end of the landmass.


"Thank you! I hope this is the start of something great!"

Lucien can't really think of anything else to say - Sierra probably would but he's not her, so he sorta awkwardly leaves at this point.

A little less than an hour later the shuttle lands at  Monteverde.


That's not enough time for word to have gotten to Monteverde by more conventional channels.

Monteverde is up a mountain; he can land there, but only by taking up space that is clearly intended for angels to take off and land.


The shuttle circles looking for nicer spots to land nearby the city - it's okay if they need to walk fifteen minutes or something. Other-wise he has the shuttle drop them off at the angel landing spot and leave so as not to get in the way. 


Monteverde isn't really a city, it's more like a cave system dug into the rock, but there's a terraced path people can use to walk up from the villages in the foothills. It'd take more than fifteen minutes though.


Angel landing spot it is!

The shuttle comes to a stop for just enough time for Lucien and his chief of security to hop out, and then takes off to circle the broader area at a high altitude, waiting for them to request pickup later.


This causes an incoming angel to need to flap a bit to get enough altitude to try again, and delays an outgoing angel, who maybe decides not to go out after all, blinking dumbfounded at Lucien and his security chief.


Whoops, his pilot thought that that angel was patrolling(?) the perimeter like some of the other angels looked like they were doing. ... not a good way to make a introduction.

"Uh, sorry for that landing timing."


"I'm Captain Lucien of the Starship Bridge of the Amalien Alliance. I'm looking for a representative of this planet and was directed here by -" glance at data pad "- Nehemi-ah who we met when we first landed."


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