"Mayday, mayday, this is the Free Trader Initiative. Vessel is making an emergency landing. Our position is-" The captain reads several numbers off of a display, frowning at it the whole time. "We are approaching the southern coast of the largest continent. We have four onboard, one injured. The Initiative is a Frigate-class ship, yellow paint, significant damage from uncontrolled hyperspace travel and kinetic weapons fire. Requesting any information on safe places to land. Free Trader Initiative, over."
Captain Monzor does not like this situation at all, but he has to admit that it is slightly better than the situation he was in before this one. Traveling through hyperspace is dangerous even when you have a skilled pilot and an already charted route, because you might pass through an unstable region that wrecks your ship, or you might end up in some completely unknown star system with no idea how to get back. Traveling through hyperspace when your pilot is too injured to plot a course, and intentionally going off the charts because any known route is a route the enemy could follow you down... is an extremely bad idea because both of those things will definitely happen. However it's not the same kind of bad idea as staying within weapons range of a capital class enemy ship that has refused your surrender.
(Technically the Dreaded War Moon isn't a capital class ship, but the FFCC ship class categorization system doesn't have a ship class even larger than capital. The committee who set the standards for ship size assumed that any polity with the resources to build something like that would also have the sense to not do that.)
Captain Arthur Monzor did not particularly care about what the brilliant minds behind the FFCC ship class categorization system thought about the Dreaded War Moon. He was more concerned with how it was trying very hard to reduce his ship into very small bits of debris. So he consulted his finely tuned fight-or-flight instincts about how to make that not happen, and now he's very far away from it, in another situation that he also doesn't feel that good about.
He still thinks he's made the right decisions, despite the sinking feeling in his stomach. The moon whose surface is rapidly approaching has lights and structures visible from orbit, which means someone is living there. Which means he and his crew can also probably survive there. If they can safely land somewhere. Which would be easier if there was someone on this planet who could answer his distress call and point out a spaceport or anywhere long and flat.
"Mayday, mayday, this is the Free Trader Initiative. Vessel is making an emergency landing-"
"Captain, cut it out! I am trying to concentrate on getting us down."
Goggles does not like this situation at all; she's at the helm when she's supposed to be in engineering. Astralis is supposed to be the one at the helm, but instead he's in the medbay, which means he's hurt, and she's trying not to think about right now. The passenger is still on the ship and he's supposed to be somewhere else because trouble is following him so if he was somewhere else the trouble would be somewhere else too. Captain is in the right place, which is nice of him, but he keeps talking about how it's an emergency and they have no idea where to land and he needs to stop because she's trying not to think about that right now.
"Look, we haven't heard anything on the radio, not even music or commercials. Maybe this is one of those planets where no one's went there in a villion years so they forgot how to use all their tech, or maybe they don't want to talk to you because you keep talking about how bad the situation is and they're trying to stay calm."
Brother Astralis of the Transcendi Navigator Cult usually tries not to pass judgement on the situations he finds himself in. Each moment is a step on the greater path that the universe is taking on its journey to infinity. So instead of dwelling on past decisions and what would be happening if something was different, experience the present. The only way to get to the future is through the now, after all.
But he's not fully conscious or coherent enough to remember that little speech. Right now, if you asked him what he thought of the situation, his response would probably just be "ow".
Bellerophon, meanwhile, is thinking about how much he dislikes the current situation and about what would have happened if he had made different decisions. Like refusing when they asked him to stay in the Foxtrot subsector for one last assignment. Or considering an alternate career path, if he had taken that videocast deal they offered he would be talking about distant worlds and interstellar politics, instead of doing it himself. But no, for some reason he had to swear an oath to The Constellation Republic, The Rights Of All Her Citizens (and all others who dwell in the light of her stars), and also to the abstract ideal of all humanity being deserving of the rights and freedoms laid out in the First Charter.
(The First Charter very explicitly states that 'all humanity' should be read to include humans with cybernetic or biological modifications, regardless of how distant they are from the baseline human form. It is somewhat ambiguous on the topic of Virtual Intelligences, and disappointingly vague on what to do if the Constellation Republic ever finds an alien species.)
Bellerophon flinches as the ship starts to rock. He wishes he wasn't the kind of person who responds to this kind of situation by silently wishing he had never decided to become anyone important. But it turns out that, for him, the skill of staying cool under pressure when in a tense negotiation doesn't translate to staying cool when he's in a ship that's getting shot at or making a very shaky landing. Idly, he tries to remember that reassuring think the pilot said whenever they were in a bad situation. Something about the path of the universe?
Whether starships can have likes and dislikes is a hotly debated topic; go to any spaceport bar and you'll hear the debate. Someone will explain that "starship animism" just shortcut the human mind makes, trying to understanding a complex system using the part of the mind that models other people. Every Spacer will disagree, and spend hours telling stories about a ship that repaid loyalty by coming through in a tense moment, or betrayed a crew that didn't respect her.
The Initiative certainly seems to dislike the current situation, though. The flashing red warnings filling every display and shrieking alarms are obvious indicators of displeasure. Is that turbulence trembling, an entirely understandable reaction from a ship suddenly finding herself in an unfamiliar place without her usual pilot at the helm. Or maybe she's shaking with rage at being pushed this hard right after making a jump without being given any time to rest.
"Steady." He's talking to his ship, he's talking to Goggles, he's talking to himself, he's talking to the universe.
Goggles is doing so well. It's exactly like practicing with Astralis ready to take over if anything happens, except for the part where it's all real and she thought she would get to finish training to fly the ship on her own before he had to fly the ship on her own. This whole event is being very rude, happening now before she's ready.
Switching from using the maneuver jets to steering with the rudder and fins is tricky, but after a little bump it's going... mostly smooth. It's just like racing a glider except worse.
One wing starts rattling, turns out that a glancing hit from an earlier battle slightly loosened something. Which now starts to tear. The ship shudders again and groans.
One look towards the medbay to make sure Astralis is secured, another towards where Bellerophon is sitting to make sure he knows how to brace for impact.
Then he gets into position himself.
SO MANY safety features are activating right now. Even the ones that probably should have failed when the hyperspace jump scrambled a lot of the electronics. Look how still alive everyone is! The Initiative doesn't want the crew to think it's mad at them. It's just really nervous, meeting new celestial bodies is always so-
The Initiative awkwardly introduces itself to the surface of Tarça, with mumbled apologies for the aerodynamic malfunction.
Çet ducks and covers their head. The sound echos off the hills, drowning out the usual murmurings of farm animals and susurration of the grass.
"Gut wumu wunça?" Çet asks themself, straightening. Anything new in the Haşarlands is bad news.
Would they have heard that in the town? Çet isn't sure, so they turn and start running.
It was indeed audible from the main square in Haşurur. Although from here it produced only a muted roar that rattled a few windowpanes, followed by a deep thumping noise that Dartih felt in his chest.
"Yor gyunagya çetgya Zeterse mu," Dartih requests. "Turgya Wozet."
:You got it, bossman!: Zeterse replies, cuffing the trainee on the shoulder and breaking into a light jog. :Come on, Wozet.:
Ten minutes outside of town, they catch Çet headed the other way.
"Ra mu has?" they call, slowing to a stop and bracing their hands on their knees to catch a breath.
Zeterse shrugs. :No, we've got no idea either. You saw whatever it was?:
:If you didn't see anything, why are you even named Watcher?: she jokes, prodding the trainee back into a jog. :Okay, we'll go take a look. If we find anything we need to evacuate, can we drop it at your farm?:
"Purtot tursagy," Çet allows. They catch their breath for a moment more, before following the guardsmen at a more sedate pace.