An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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Permalink Oliver, in fact, feeling hungry.  Or thirsty.  Or tired.

Or like he needs to go to the bathroom.


Oliver feels like he is in almost-optimal condition and does not experience any of those needs!


That's... good news about his future survival, and also, really really viscerally horrifying.

Is Oliver a kind of thing, now, that could cry, if it was in an emotional condition where a human would shed a few tears.


Yes. Yes. Oliver can cry.

There, there, Oliver.

This has been a weird day.



Then while he has energy--though stopping short of 2am, if the issue arises--he will work around his Grandpa's farm, with the energy that he apparently still has.

He did a possibly naughty thing, with those fish tacos, and that crate.  Under threat of starvation, he thought, but still.  Oliver wants to show that he is--not unwilling to play along, play whatever game this is--with whatever put him here, and maybe replaced his body.  A sign of, of not being, recalcitrant.  Incorrigible.  Lest something otherwise take offense, with the amount of power that it apparently has.


Oliver is able to clear a fair bit of land right in front of the farmhouse, using the pickaxe and the scythe and the axe as needed for the rocks, weeds, and branches respectively.

After a while he notices that he does, in fact, feel pretty tired.


Then he'll go to his bed.

Does he feel icky and unshowered and like he needs to jump in the pond first?


Nah. Bed is seeming like a better choice.


He'll go to bed, then, with the intent to stay awake for a few minutes after getting into bed.  Just to check whether, in fact, getting into bed instantly knocks him out, instead.


Oliver stands upright in his bed.



Oliver tries to choose to sleep.


And he sleeps.



It is 6am on Monday, Spring 1 and there is a cheery tune running through the head of anyone who is awake at that hour.

Oliver is anyone.


Is he groggy and half-asleep as usual?


Definitely not! Oliver feels fit and energized and ready to tackle the day!

There is something in the middle of the floor of this room that was not there when he went to sleep.


If he's not groggy as usual, he'll skip the step of being initially disoriented and possibly panicked.

The energy is nice.  He could get used to this sort of sleep experience.

...what's in the middle of the floor; also, is he lying in bed or standing in the middle of it.


He is now standing next to the bed.

The object(s) in the middle of the floor is a stack of 15 parsnip seed packets.


Oliver is paying a lot of introspective attention to his possibly revised mind and is currently sensitive to details such as, is this a stack of packets labeled "PARSNIPS" whose label Oliver read and only then identified as such, or did Oliver just know this was a stack of 15 parsnip packets.  Also, did Oliver know how many there were, or did he have to count them, or does Oliver in fact not know the number is 15 yet?


Hmmm. This setting is not accustomed to this level of scrutiny from those wandering around inside it!

The packets have a picture of a parsnip on them, rather than actual text.

Oliver knows for certain that that is definitely a picture of a parsnip, and not a weirdly white strawberry, or an acorn with green leaves sprouting out of it. Parsnip, for sure.

He also just knew there were 15 packets. He does still remember how to count, and if he were to lay out the packets in a row and say the names of the numbers "one, two, three..." while pointing in succession at each packet, he'd get the same answer, but that step is optional.


Yes, well, over the course of his entire life so far, Oliver has applied this level of scrutiny every single time he's received sudden major mind surgery from an unknown source.  He is, actually, going to count the packets whose number he knows to be 15.

Does Oliver... know how much G he has.


Entirely fair to check! However you want to spend your day!

Oliver has 5000G.


Pretty good news actually!  Part of Oliver is almost as excited as if he'd discovered an infinite money cheat back in actual reality!  Though he does need to check that Emily is not in debt.

It's unfortunate that he can't just hire people to put things in the crate, but, on the whole he's not going to complain.

He'll put the parsnip seed packets in his "backpack" and head out check all three channels of the TV.

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