An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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As Oliver and Emily step out of the saloon, twilight has fallen over the valley and the street lamps have come on.

The pair sets off diagonally across the town square.


Oliver strides forth with vigor!  He will be paying more attention to his surroundings now that he's concluded he's not inside the Earth as he used to know it!  The stars aren't out so he can't check if he's still in the same galaxy, but he'll be looking for anything else that seems Anomalous and also items that he could potentially pick up and sell in order to not starve, or take a little longer to starve, if his current idea doesn't work.  Or for the mayor, or the red-haired girl who first greeted him, or shops with interesting signs.


As they cross the square, Oliver can see Pierre's General Store and a building with a medical-looking cross on top of it off to the right. He does not see things that look particularly pick-up-able.

When they get to the northwest corner of the town square, the path west narrows with a fence on the left and an embankment on the right.


Oliver shall continue to walk in that direction if it matches his memory of the reverse way to Grandpa's farm.

There's questions, here, about Grandpa, that he has no way of answering and will defer to later.


The pair continues to the west! That is indeed the way Oliver came from previously!

As they pass near the bus stop, there is a bright yellow flower that looks rather pick-up-able!


"Any reason I shouldn't pick up that yellow flower, Emily?"


Emily feels a flip-flop in her stomach. Daffodils are so pretty!

"You can definitely pick up that flower! It's a daffodil."


Up he plucks it and examines it, still walking!  "What does it sell for?  Or does it have other uses besides exchanging for money?"


"If it's a regular old daffodil then it'll fetch 30G."

Emily swallows. She's been having so much fun tonight. Oliver talks to her so much!

"Or... you could give it to a villager who really likes daffodils, and then that villager will like you more."


That's an interesting thought.  "I'll save it, then, if it won't rot, at least for the night.  No reason to give it up, if the Fish Taco Master Plan works instead."

"What happens when a villager likes me more?"


"Oh jeepers. Well. Let's see. Once someone likes you a little bit, you can... go into their bedroom?"

Emily blushes harder.

"I mean, to talk!"


"And once they like you more, they open up to you more."


'Go into their bedroom - I mean, to talk!' would seem to already answer a lot of the questions that this remark raises, what with her felt need for clarification.  Could be an illusory misunderstanding by him of something weirder, of course.

"Then I suppose I shall keep this flower, just in case I find someone whose bedroom I'd want to enter.  To talk to her, of course."


"Sounds good!" Emily squeaks.

Are they at the farm yet?


They are! They've moved past the bus stop area and back to the farm, and are now approaching the shipping crate. It is pretty dark at the farm but they can see in a small radius around themselves.


Normal small radius or video game artificial small radius?


What are you talking about. Small radius.


What happens if he raises up his cellphone and casts light into the darkness.


Oliver's attempt to attack the darkness... works? Sort of?

He can see somewhat further around him than before. In every direction.


Physics was boring anyways.

So long as he's got his cellphone out, what time does his cellphone think it is, and also, does it show as getting a signal?


8:45pm, and no.


He figured.

"Emily, we can try variations on this later--but for tonight, I propose that I put nine fish tacos into the crate and you put one fish taco into the crate.  To test if it works on anything in the crate, or only things I put there, or possibly--rather unfortunately, if so--if it works on neither."


Emily stops to think about this.

Dropping the salad so Oliver could pick it up was fun. She had no idea what was going to happen.

And she's still pretty interested in this taco experiment too.

But... she's feeling a little bit like... an accessory, or something?


"I could drop nine tacos so you can pick them up... I guess... yes... but..."

"I guess I want you to know that I really like daffodils a lot. I mean, I guess a lot of people do."



Quick, yet unobtrusive stare by the light of the cellphone.

Is she hot?  Is she hot enough that if this System enforces monogamy he'd be okay with just her as his girlfriend for as long as he's trapped in Pelican Town, if it's even possible to have sex rather than the screen fading to black?

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