"He ate people. Like, 'never found the bodies' ate people. Part of setting him up to take the much-overdue fall was dragging up some evidence of that. And like, more prosaically, he was just...
"So my boss's boss, in charge of all this shit, he has a few rules that he enforces harshly, and then he lets the people, like, on the same level of the hierarchy as that guy all run their own little kingdoms so long as they keep to that.
"Except that this little pissant had been around for a long, long while, maybe before my boss even - never really bothered to check - going steadily insane with bloodthirst the whole time - and his little faction, the Scarlet Chorus...
"I'm supposed to judge disputes between factions, in this system, most of the time. How their rules interact with eachother. And my boss backs my word to the hilt, that's one of his few additional rules. But I most often found my grounds for giving the Scarlet Chorus a verbal thrashing, in the underlying laws that my boss's boss declared to be the laws above all others - because near half of Nerat's policies were just directly in conflict with 'em. Fucking...lateral promotion by bloodsport, by which I mean 'if you murder anyone you run their things now'. That just isn't right, and even if you take certain interpretations of my boss's boss's exclusive right to kill you, as derogated downwards - it's commonly held to be the foundation of the chain of command of where I'm from, that, though I'd argue that the portion of command implied by Right of Destruction is not affirmatively having to take orders, so much as providing a consequence for their refusal; I wrote a monograph on the duty to obey adhering more distinctly from Archon's Privilege, actually, as part of the legal assault on Nerat's position - anyway, he was still setting up and openly perpetuating a culture that refused to abide by even the most favorable reading of that law, while purporting to obey the whole damn edifice. Which is fucking idiotic when you know your boss would be just fine with you dead and there's someone who has the authority to say everyone can and should kill you because you've done. So many crimes, I think I could not count them all. Waste, waste, waste as far as the eye can see in heavy-handed methods and management by bloodsport and quiet but practically open sabotage of an ally. And the treason. I'm pretty sure he was planning treason, and not even just a civil war sort of treason.
"That last meeting, when I had the locals and the proper soldiers and myself sitting down at the diplomatic table -
"Half of it was because I thought the locals and the soldiers and my predecessor in that post had gotten off to a really bad start and I wanted to wipe the slate clean. Half of it was because I was pretty sure the both of them would unite behind the rallying cry of 'fuck Nerat'. And he was there, being eminently fuckable, and then we fucked him. ...Excuse me, that came out wrong."
That was totally intentional.
"Really, though. He just marched in, started off by declaring the whole exercise of talking a waste of his precious time otherwise spent making garters out of human guts or whatever he does for 'fun', tried to outdo me on the law - idiot - and resorted to literal actual childish insults when everyone else actually took things seriously and he didn't like it.
"Then indisputable evidence of him eating someone Ashe cared about came to the table, and things promptly went even more sideways than - my expectation that he'd get pissed off enough to try something stupid if I called him on his everything so I could declare him persona non grata - had been assuming they'd go. And now here I am."